

Test Report

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                                  FCC PART 15C
                                  TEST REPORT

                                      Client name: Wiko SAS

                                 Product name: Smart Phone

                                       Model name: U307AS


                                      FCC ID: 2AM86U307AS

                                     Hardware Version: V1.0

                           Software Version: U307ASV01.08.10

                                     Issued Date: 2019-10-24

The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report. This report shall not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of CTTL.
The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST,
or any agency of the U.S.Government.
Test Laboratory:
CTTL-Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT
No. 52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China 100191.
Tel:+86(0)10-62304633-2512, Fax:+86(0)10-62304633-2504
Email: cttl_terminals@caict.ac.cn, website: www.caict.ac.cn

                                                                         ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                         No. I19Z61642-IOT01

Report Number                   Revision   Description   Issue Date
I19Z61642-IOT01                 Rev.0      1st edition   2019-10-24

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                                                                                                                           No. I19Z61642-IOT01

1.      TEST LABORATORY ......................................................................................................................... 5

     1.1.      INTRODUCTION & ACCREDITATION ................................................................................................. 5
     1.2.      TESTING LOCATION ......................................................................................................................... 5
     1.3.      TESTING ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................. 6
     1.4.      PROJECT DATA ................................................................................................................................. 6
     1.5.      SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................... 6

2.      CLIENT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 7

     2.1.      APPLICANT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 7
     2.2.      MANUFACTURER INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 7

3.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (AE) ............................. 8

     3.1.      ABOUT EUT .................................................................................................................................... 8
     3.2.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF EUT ................................................................................................ 8
     3.3.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE ................................................................................................... 8
     3.4.      GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 9
     3.5.      INTERPRETATION OF THE TEST ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................ 9

4.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................. 9

     4.1.      DOCUMENTS SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT ............................................................................................ 9
     4.2.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TESTING ........................................................................................... 9

5.      TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 10

     5.1.      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 10
     5.2.      STATEMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 10
     5.3.      TEST CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 10

6.      TEST FACILITIES UTILIZED .........................................................................................................11

7.      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................ 12

     7.1.      MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER........................................................................................................... 12
     7.2.      PEAK POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY ................................................................................................. 12
     7.3.      DTS 6-DB SIGNAL BANDWIDTH .................................................................................................... 12
     7.4.      BAND EDGES COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................................... 12
     7.5.      TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION .............................................................................................. 12
     7.6.      AC POWER-LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION ...................................................................................... 12

ANNEX A: DETAILED TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................ 13

A.1. MEASUREMENT METHOD............................................................................................................ 13

A.2. MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER........................................................................................................ 14

     A.2.1. PEAK OUTPUT POWER-CONDUCTED ............................................................................................... 14
     A.2.2. AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER-CONDUCTED ......................................................................................... 15
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                                                                                                      No. I19Z61642-IOT01

A.3. PEAK POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY ........................................................................................... 17

A.4. DTS 6-DB SIGNAL BANDWIDTH .................................................................................................. 23

A.5. BAND EDGES COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................................ 29

A.6. TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION ....................................................................................... 33

   A.6.1 TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION – CONDUCTED ........................................................................ 33
   A.6.2 TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION - RADIATED ............................................................................. 73

A.7. AC POWER-LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION .............................................................................. 84

ANNEX B: ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE..................................................................................... 88

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                                                                        No. I19Z61642-IOT01

1. Test Laboratory
1.1. Introduction & Accreditation
Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT is an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited test laboratory
code 600118-0, and is also an FCC accredited test laboratory (CN5017), and ISED accredited test
laboratory (CN0066). The detail accreditation scope can be found on NVLAP website.

1.2. Testing Location
Location 1:CTTL(Huayuan North Road)
  Address:               No. 52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing,
                         P. R. China100191

Location 2:CTTL(Shouxiang)
  Address:               No. 51 Shouxiang Science Building, Xueyuan Road,
                         Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China100191

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                                              No. I19Z61642-IOT01

1.3. Testing Environment
  Normal Temperature:

  Relative Humidity:             20-75%

1.4. Project data
  Testing Start Date:            2019-08-30
  Testing End Date:              2019-10-24

1.5. Signature

                   Xie Xiuzhen
          (Prepared this test report)

                    Zheng Wei
         (Reviewed this test report)

                    Hu Xiaoyu
         (Approved this test report)

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                                                                            No. I19Z61642-IOT01

2. Client Information
2.1. Applicant Information
  Company Name:                Wiko SAS
  Address:                     1, rue Capitaine Dessemond 13007 - Marseille - France.
  City:                        /
  Postal Code:                 /
  Country:                     France
  Telephone:                   0033610144948
  Fax:                         33488089520

2.2. Manufacturer Information
  Company Name:                Shenzhen Tinno Mobile Technology Corp.
                               4/F, H-3 Building,OCT Eastern lndustrial Park. NO.1 XiangShan East
                               Road, Nan Shan District,Shenzhen, P.R.China
  City:                        Shenzhen
  Postal Code:                 /
  Country:                     China
  Telephone:                   0755-86095550
  Fax:                         Shenzhen Tinno Mobile Technology Corp.

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                                                                               No. I19Z61642-IOT01

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)
3.1. About EUT
  Description                              Smart Phone
  Model name                               U307AS
  FCC ID                                   2AM86U307AS
  With WLAN Function                       Yes
  Frequency Range                          ISM 2400MHz~2483.5MHz
  Type of Modulation                       DSSS/CCK/OFDM
  Number of Channels                       11
  Antenna                                  Integral Antenna
  MAX Conducted Power                      26.41dBm
  Power Supply                             3.85V

3.2. Internal Identification of EUT

  EUT ID*      SN or IMEI                     HW Version          SW Version
  EUT2         864337040005903                  V1.0              U307ASV01.08.10
  EUT4         864337040011794                  V1.0              U307ASV01.08.10

*EUT ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.3. Internal Identification of AE

  AE ID*         Description                                          SN
  AE1            Battery                                              /
  AE2            Charger                                              /
  AE3            USB Cable                                            /
  Model                                LT25H426271W
  Manufacturer                         Ningbo Veken Battery Co., Ltd
  Capacitance                          2500mAh
  Nominal voltage                      3.85V
  Model                                TN-050100U6
  Manufacturer                         Guangdong Beicom Electronics Co.,Ltd
  Length of cable                      /
  Model                                P103-ASH130-000
  Manufacturer                         SUNTOPS(SHENZHEN)ELECTRONICS CO., LTD
  Length of cable                      /
*AE ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

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                                                                            No. I19Z61642-IOT01

3.4. General Description
The Equipment under Test (EUT) is a model of Smart Phone with integrated antenna and inbuilt
It has Bluetooth (EDR) function.
It consists of normal options: travel charger, USB cable.
Manual and specifications of the EUT were provided to fulfil the test.
Samples undergoing test were selected by the client.

3.5. Interpretation of the Test Environment
For the test methods, the test environment uncertainty figures correspond to an expansion factor
Measurement Uncertainty
Parameter                          Uncertainty
temperature                        0.48°C
humidity                           2%
DC voltages                        0.003V

4. Reference Documents
4.1. Documents supplied by applicant
EUT feature information is supplied by the applicant or manufacturer, which is the basis of testing.

4.2. Reference Documents for testing
The following documents listed in this section are referred for testing.
 Reference           Title                                                            Version
                     FCC CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart C:
                     15.205 Restricted bands of operation;
 FCC Part15          15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements;           2018
                     15.247 Operation within the bands 902-928MHz,
                     2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz.
                    American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance
 ANSI C63.10                                                                          2013
                    Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

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                                                                               No. I19Z61642-IOT01

 5. Test Results
 5.1. Summary of Test Results
                                                      Sub-clause of
SUMMARY OF MEASUREMENT RESULTS                                              Sub-clause of IC    Verdict
Maximum Peak Output Power                         15.247 (b)                           /          P
Peak Power Spectral Density                       15.247 (e)                           /          P
Occupied 6dB Bandwidth                            15.247 (a)                           /          P
Band Edges Compliance                             15.247 (d)                           /          P
Transmitter Spurious Emission - Conducted         15.247 (d)                           /          P
Transmitter Spurious Emission - Radiated          15.247, 15.205, 15.209               /          P
AC Powerline Conducted Emission                   15.107, 15.207                       /          P
 Please refer to ANNEX A for detail.
 Terms used in Verdict column
 P                      Pass, The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
 NP                     Not Perform, The test was not performed by CTTL
 NA                     Not Applicable, The test was not applicable
 F                      Fail, The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the
 5.2. Statements
 The test cases as listed in section 5.1 of this report for the EUT specified in section 3 was
 performed by CTTL and according to the standards or reference documents listed in section 4.2
 The EUT met all requirements of the standards or reference documents, and only the WLAN
 function was tested in this report.

 5.3. Test Conditions
      T nom                  Normal Temperature
      T min                  Low Temperature
      T max                  High Temperature
      V nom                  Normal Voltage
 For this report, if the test cases listed above are tested under normal temperature and normal
 voltage, and also under norm humidity, the specific condition is shown as follows:
     Temperature                      T nom                        26℃
     Voltage                          V nom                        3.85V(By battery)
     Humidity                         H nom                        20-75%

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                                                                         No. I19Z61642-IOT01

6. Test Facilities Utilized
      Conducted test system
                                               Serial                  Calibration   Calibration
No.    Equipment              Model                     Manufacturer
                                              Number                     Period       Due date
                                                           Rohde &
 1        Signal              FSQ40           200089                     1 year      2020-05-15
                                                           Rohde &
 2         LISN              ENV216           101200                     1 year      2020-03-14
          Test                                             Rohde &
 3                             ESCI           100344                     1 year      2020-02-14
        Receiver                                           Schwarz
 4                     NQ(3.2*5.5*2.7)M        P1154      hankering         /             /

      Radiated emission test system
                                            Serial                     Calibration   Calibratio
No.     Equipment             Model                     Manufacturer
                                           Number                        Period      n Due date
                                                          Rohde &
 1     Test Receiver         ESU26          100235                       1 year      2020-03-01
 2     BiLog Antenna       VULB9163        9163-1222    Schwarzbeck      1 year      2020-03-14
        Dual-Ridge                                                       1 year
 3      Waveguide              3116          2663       ETS-Lindgren                 2020-05-31
       Horn Antenna
 4      EMI Antenna            3117        00139065     ETS-Lindgren     1 year      2020-11-15

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                                                       No. I19Z61642-IOT01

7. Measurement Uncertainty

7.1. Maximum Output Power
Measurement Uncertainty: 0.387dB,k=1.96

7.2. Peak Power Spectral Density
Measurement Uncertainty: 0.705dB,k=1.96

7.3. DTS 6-dB Signal Bandwidth
Measurement Uncertainty: 60.80Hz,k=1.96

7.4. Band Edges Compliance
Measurement Uncertainty : 0.62dB,k=1.96

7.5. Transmitter Spurious Emission
Conducted       (k=1.96)
                Frequency Range            Uncertainty(dB)
               30MHz ≤ f ≤ 2GHz                 1.22
               2GHz ≤ f ≤3.6GHz                 1.22
               3.6GHz ≤ f ≤8GHz                 1.22
              8GHz ≤ f ≤12.75GHz                1.51
             12.75GHz ≤ f ≤26GHz                1.51
               26GHz ≤ f ≤40GHz                 1.59

Radiated (k=2)
                Frequency Range            Uncertainty(dB)
                  9kHz-30MHz                      /
               30MHz ≤ f ≤ 1GHz                 5.40
                1GHz ≤ f ≤18GHz                 4.32
               18GHz ≤ f ≤40GHz                 5.26

7.6. AC Power-line Conducted Emission
Measurement Uncertainty : 3.08dB,k=2

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                                                                       No. I19Z61642-IOT01

ANNEX A: Detailed Test Results
A.1. Measurement Method
A.1.1. Conducted Measurements
Connect the EUT to the test system as Fig.A.1.1.1 shows.
Set the EUT to the required work mode.
Set the EUT to the required channel.
Set the Vector Signal Analyzer and start measurement.
Record the values. Vector Signal Analyzer

                                                                  Vector   Signal
              EUT                          Attenuator             Analyzer

                                     Shielding room

                    Fig.A.1.1.1: Test Setup Diagram for Conducted Measurements

A.1.2. Radiated Emission Measurements
In the case of radiated emission, the used settings are as follows,
Sweep frequency from 30 MHz to 1GHz, RBW = 100 kHz, VBW = 300 kHz;
Sweep frequency from 1 GHz to 26GHz, RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz;

                         Antenna                        Antenna
                                                                     Vector Signal
                  EUT                                                Analyzer (Test

                                     Anechoic Chamber

                   Fig.A.1.2.1: Test Setup Diagram for Radiated Measurements

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                                                                         No. I19Z61642-IOT01

A.2. Maximum Output Power
Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-2013-clause
a) Set the RBW = 1 MHz.
b) Set the VBW = 3 MHz.
c) Set the span ≥ [1.5 × DTS bandwidth].
d) Detector = peak.
e) Sweep time = auto couple.
f) Trace mode = max hold.
g) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
h) Use the instrument’s band/channel power measurement function with the band limits set equal
to the DTS bandwidth edges (for some instruments, this may require a manual override to select
the peak detector).

Measurement Limit:
                   Standard                                Limit (dBm)
          FCC CRF Part 15.247(b)                               < 30


A.2.1. Peak Output Power-conducted

Measurement Results:

802.11b/g mode
                                                     Test Result (dBm)
                 Data Rate
  Mode                                     2412MHz        2437MHz                2462 MHz
                                             (Ch1)          (Ch6)                 (Ch11)
                      1                     20.95              /                      /
                      2                     20.79              /                      /
                     5.5                    22.36              /                      /
                      11                    23.76           24.05                  24.13
                      6                     26.01              /                      /
                      9                     26.12           26.41                  26.19
                      12                    24.96              /                      /
                      18                    24.39              /                      /
                      24                    25.50              /                      /
                      36                    25.30              /                      /
                      48                    24.06              /                      /
                      54                    24.31              /                      /

The data rate11Mbps and 9Mbps are selected as worse condition, and the following cases are
performed with this condition.

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                                                                                No. I19Z61642-IOT01

802.11n-HT20 mode
                                                             Test Result (dBm)
                 Data Rate
  Mode                                     2412MHz               2437MHz                 2462 MHz
                                             (Ch1)                 (Ch6)                  (Ch11)
                   MCS0                     26.11                   26.41                 26.22
                   MCS1                     26.04                       /                     /
                   MCS2                     26.04                       /                     /
 802.11n           MCS3                     24.90                       /                     /
 (20MHz)           MCS4                     25.09                       /                     /
                   MCS5                     24.35                       /                     /
                   MCS6                     23.81                       /                     /
                   MCS7                     23.47                       /                     /

The data rate MCS0 is selected as worse condition, and the following cases are performed with
this condition.

Conclusion: Pass

A.2.2. Average Output Power-conducted

Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-2013-clause
The procedure for this method is as follows:
a) Set span = 1.5OBW.
b) Set RBW = 1MHz.
c) Set VBW = 3MHz
d) Number of points in sweep = 625
e) Sweep time = auto.
f) Detector = RMS.
g) If transmit duty cycle < 98%, use a sweep trigger with the level set to enable triggering only on
full power pulses. The transmitter shall operate at the maximum power control level for the entire
duration of every sweep. If the EUT transmits continuously (i.e., with no OFFintervals) or at duty
cycle ≥98%, and if each transmission is entirely at the maximum power control level, then the
trigger shall be set to “free run.”
h) Trace average 100 traces in power averaging (rms) mode.
i) Compute power by integrating the spectrum across the OBW of the signal using the instrument’s
band power measurement function, with band limits set equal to the OBW band edges. If the
instrument does not have a band power function, sum the spectrum levels (in power units) at
intervals equal to the RBW extending across the entire OBW of the spectrum.
802.11b/g mode
                                                    Test Result (dBm)
                         2412MHz (Ch1)              2437MHz (Ch6)           2462 MHz (Ch11)
      802.11b                  18.50                    18.94                    19.00
      802.11g                  19.07                    19.15                    19.00

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                                                                   No. I19Z61642-IOT01

802.11n-HT20 mode
                                           Test Result (dBm)
                         2412MHz (Ch1)     2437MHz (Ch6)       2462 MHz (Ch11)
802.11n (20MHz)                18.77           19.02                18.95

Conclusion: Pass

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A.3. Peak Power Spectral Density
Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-2013-clause 11.10.2
a) Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
b) Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
c) Set the RBW to RBW = 3 kHz.
d) Set the VBW = 10 kHz.
e) Detector = peak.
f) Sweep time = auto couple.
g) Trace mode = max hold.
h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.

Measurement Limit:
                   Standard                                    Limit
          FCC CRF Part 15.247(e)                           < 8 dBm/3 kHz

Measurement Results:

802.11b/g mode
                                            Power Spectral Density
       Mode                  Channel                                       Conclusion
                                                ( dBm/3 kHz )
                                  1        Fig.A.3.1      -4.96                 P
     802.11b                      6        Fig.A.3.2      -4.98                 P
                                 11        Fig.A.3.3      -4.70                 P
                                  1        Fig.A.3.4      -9.22                 P
     802.11g                      6        Fig.A.3.5      -9.13                 P
                                 11        Fig.A.3.6      -8.97                 P

802.11n-HT20 mode
                                           Power Spectral Density
       Mode                  Channel                                       Conclusion
                                               ( dBm/3 kHz )
                                 1         Fig.A.3.7      -8.99                 P
                                 6         Fig.A.3.8      -8.94                 P
                                 11        Fig.A.3.9      -8.85                 P

 Conclusion: Pass

Test graphs as below:

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                                                                              No. I19Z61642-IOT01

                      Fig.A.3.1       Power Spectral Density(802.11b,Ch1)

                     Fig.A.3.2       Power Spectral Density (802.11b, Ch 6)

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                    Fig.A.3.3       Power Spectral Density (802.11b, Ch 11)

                     Fig.A.3.4       Power Spectral Density (802.11g, Ch 1)

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                     Fig.A.3.5       Power Spectral Density (802.11g, Ch 6)

                    Fig.A.3.6       Power Spectral Density (802.11g, Ch 11)

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                  Fig.A.3.7      Power Spectral Density (802.11n-HT20, Ch 1)

                  Fig.A.3.8      Power Spectral Density (802.11n-HT20, Ch 6)

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                 Fig.A.3.9       Power Spectral Density (802.11n-HT20, Ch 11)

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A.4. DTS 6-dB Signal Bandwidth
Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-2013 section 11.8.1.
a) Set RBW = 100 kHz.
b) Set the video bandwidth (VBW) = 300 kHz.
c) Detector = Peak.
d) Trace mode = max hold.
e) Sweep = auto couple.
f) Allow the trace to stabilize.
g) Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated
   with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6
   dB relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

Measurement Limit:
              Standard                                   Limit (kHz)
   FCC 47 CFR Part 15.247 (a)                               ≥ 500


Measurement Result:

802.11b/g mode
                                           Occupied 6dB Bandwidth
       Mode                  Channel                                      conclusion
                                                    ( kHz)
                                 1           Fig.A.4.1     8850.00              P
     802.11b                     6         Fig.A.4.2       8900.00              P
                                 11        Fig.A.4.3       8850.00              P
                                 1         Fig.A.4.4      16350.00              P
     802.11g                     6         Fig.A.4.5      16350.00              P
                                 11        Fig.A.4.6      16400.00              P

802.11n-HT20 mode
                                           Occupied 6dB Bandwidth
       Mode                  Channel                                      conclusion
                                                    ( kHz)
                                 1         Fig.A.4.7      17650.00              P
                                 6         Fig.A.4.8      17600.00              P
                                 11        Fig.A.4.9      17600.00              P

 Conclusion: Pass

Test graphs as below:

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                                                                            No. I19Z61642-IOT01

                          Fig.A.4.1        Occupied 6dB Bandwidth(802.11b,Ch 1)

                         Fig.A.4.2     Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11b, Ch 6)

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                        Fig.A.4.3      Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11b, Ch 11)

                         Fig.A.4.4         Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11g, Ch 1)

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                         Fig.A.4.5         Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11g, Ch 6)

                        Fig.A.4.6      Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11g, Ch 11)

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                                                                        No. I19Z61642-IOT01

                     Fig.A.4.7    Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11n-20MHz, Ch 1)

                      Fig.A.4.8    Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11n-HT20, Ch 6)

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                    Fig.A.4.9      Occupied 6dB Bandwidth (802.11n-HT20, Ch 11)

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A.5. Band Edges Compliance
Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-2013-clause 6.10.4
Connect the spectrum analyzer to the EUT using an appropriate RF cable connected to the EUT
output. Configure the spectrum analyzer settings as described below.
 a) Set Span = 100MHz
 b) Sweep Time: coupled
 c) Set the RBW= 100 kHz
 c) Set the VBW= 300 kHz
 d) Detector: Peak
 e) Trace: Max hold

Measurement Limit:
              Standard                               Limit (dBc)
   FCC 47 CFR Part 15.247 (d)                            > 20


Measurement Result:

802.11b/g mode
      Mode                    Channel        Test Results          Conclusion
                                  1          Fig.A.5.1                  P
                                  11         Fig.A.5.2                  P
                                  1          Fig.A.5.3                  P
                                  11         Fig.A.5.4                  P

802.11n-HT20 mode
      Mode                    Channel        Test Results          Conclusion
     802.11n                      1          Fig.A.5.5                  P
     (HT20)                       11         Fig.A.5.6                  P

Conclusion: Pass
Test graphs as below:

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                                                                          No. I19Z61642-IOT01

                                  Fig.A.5.1 Band Edges (802.11b, Ch 1)

                                  Fig.A.5.2 Band Edges (802.11b, Ch 11)

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                                                                          No. I19Z61642-IOT01

                                  Fig.A.5.3 Band Edges (802.11g, Ch 1)

                                  Fig.A.5.4 Band Edges (802.11g, Ch 11)

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Document Created: 2019-10-30 15:50:32
Document Modified: 2019-10-30 15:50:32

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