User Manual

FCC ID: 2AM67-WNC-5084

Users Manual

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Winson bluetooth barcode scanner user manual

                                               Version V1.0

FCC&IC STATEMENT    :                                                                                                                                                        3
一、Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
二、Using method .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
三、Setting method ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
四、Function introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
    4.1 Wire communication interface ................................................................................................................................... 5
        4.1.1Wire output method options ............................................................................................................................... 5
        4.1.2Wire output method automatic transfer switch ............................................................................................. 5
    4.2 Keyboard language selection ...................................................................................................................................... 6
    4.3 Sleeping time selection ................................................................................................................................................ 7
    4.4 Character prefix and suffix .......................................................................................................................................... 8
        4.4.1 Prefix setting ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
        4.4.2 Suffix setting ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
    4.5 Operation mode ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
    4.6 Check parameter............................................................................................................................................................ 9
    4.7 Character (Chinese) output code switch ................................................................................................................ 10
    4.8 Restore default setting ............................................................................................................................................... 10
    4.9 Firmware upgrade ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
    4.10 Customize data edition/communication protocol/function setting ............................................................. 11
五、System Working status indication .............................................................................................................................. 12
六、 Trouble removal ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
七、Appendix - character list............................................................................................................................................... 14


This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

RF warning statement:
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable
exposure condition without restriction.

- English: "
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation
is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device."

- French:"
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) l'appareil nedoit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si
le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement."

  Bluetooth barcode scanner uses Bluetooth 4.0 project design,matching with different decoding engines, it
    can meet the using requirements in different scenes.
  This guide mainly provides bluetooth barcode scanner’s various functions set commands and methods,
    Users can refer to this document to set up different functions. “*”logo means those functions are default

              二、Using method
      The first time you get the bluetooth scanner, please follow the following three steps to use.
     1. Turn on the scanner, means press the power button, red light flash.
     2. Turn on mobile phone’s bluetooth, search for new bluetooth device. Different devices/ mobile phones
       you use, the first name of our bluetooth scanner shown on your devices are different, as “ Keyboard”,
       “Accessory”, “General Bluetooth HID barcode scanner” etc, so when your device searches for those
       name’s bluetooth device, please connect. After connection, your device will show “ WinsonScanner”,
       scanner red light off, green light normally on, and comes with successful connection sound.

三、Setting method
  Winson bluetooth scanner can switch different functions by scanning function barcodes to meet different
  There are two methods for setting:
   One: Common setting method: Scan “@SET” barcode, then scan relevant function barcode, finally scan
          “ @END” barcode.
   Two: Quick setting method: scan relevant function barcode directly, as set up inventory model: Scan “ @.WN-
          T-F2000/” barcode directly, then scan “ @.WN-X-XXXXX/”.

四、Function introduction
  4.1 Wire communication interface
     4.1.1Wire output method options
     Two options: ① USB-HID keyboard output ② USB virtual com port output
 Function         Command           Barcode                                  Remark


 *USB output      WN-W-L1000                                                 USB-HID output

                                                                             USB-VCP output
 USB virtual                                                                 Notice:Before using USB virtual com
 com port         WN-W-L1001                                                 port please install USB transfer
 output                                                                      serial port driver first


     4.1.2Wire output method automatic transfer switch
  The default is the open state, after opened, insert USB cable, it will shift to be wire output automatically.
  According to the request, client can close that automatic shift function
 Function                   Command           Barcode                        Remark


 *Turn on “USB wire                                                          USB port only charging function

                                                                             After closed, USB cable is just for
 Turn off “USB wire
                            WN-T-L0001                                       charging, data need to transfered
                                                                             by wireless transmission.


4.2 Keyboard language selection

      According to user computer language to choose corresponding keyboard language. If corresponding
      keyboard language don’t match computer language, the output character will appear scrambled.
       Function          Command               Barcode                      Remark


         *USA       WN-W-B1000                                             American

       FRENCH       WN-W-B1001                                              France

       GEMRAN       WN-W-B1002                                             Germany

        TUKISH      WN-W-B1003                                              Turkey

       BELGIUM      WN-W-B1004                                          French (Belgium)

        BRAZIL      WN-W-B1005                                 Brazil

        CRZCH       WN-W-B1006                                 Czech Republic

       SPANISH      WN-W-B1007                                     Spanish (Latin America)


4.3 Sleeping time selection

      Function          Command   Barcode               Remark


    *20 seconds    WN-T-G0001


     3 minutes     WN-T-G0009

                                                       No Sleeping time
                                                (Under wire output situation,
                                               recommend to use No Sleeping
    No Sleeping                                  time; Under wireless output
       time                                 situation, Not Recommend to use
                                                     No Sleeping time)


   4.4 Character prefix and suffix

      4.4.1 Prefix setting

According to the request, scanner can be added the length 10Byte prefix and suffix. For example, Sets the prefix
character “#Ab9” to barcode “1234567” , then output barcode content is “#Ab91234567”.

    1. Scan “Enter setting” barcode
    2. Scan “User-defined prefix + barcode” barcode
    3. Scan “#”, “A”, “B”, “9” Barcode one by one.
    4. Scan “Save&Exit”
          Function           Command                  Barcode                       Remark


          prefix        WN-T-I0002


      4.4.2 Suffix setting

      For example, Sets the suffix    character “%B” to barcode “1234567” , then output       barcode content is

    1. Scan “Enter setting” barcode
    2. Scan “User-defined suffix + barcode” barcode
    3. Scan “%”, “B” barcode one by one.
    4. Scan “Save&Exit”
    Notice: System default: Common End symbol 0x0D(Enter),0x0A(line feed),0x09(Tab)

                               Command                Barcode                             Remark


       Disable suffix        WN-T-I1000                                       No suffix

                                                                               The suffix character can
       *User-defined                                                            belongs to anyone of
       suffix barcode                                                          ASCii list, user can set
                                                                               according to the request


   4.5 Operation mode
1.The above 5 barcodes are quick commands, successful scanning means successful setting
2. The following three functions “Upload data”, “Data amount”, “Delete data” in inventory mode are not available
when the scanner is under setting situation. After scanned “ Exit &Save” barcode, that three functions will be back
to be available.
3. Storage(Suitable for all winson wireless barcode scanner)
Inventory mode: The storage is 49,000 pcs 30Byte barcodes, 104,500 pcs 13Byte barcodes
Cache mode: The storage is 14,200 pcs 13Byte barcodes, 30,300 pcs 13Byte barcodes

   Function          Quick command                   Barcode                              Remark
   mode/Real        @.WN-T-F0000/                                          Scan and transfer, failure alarm
   time mode
                                                                           Scan the barcode, not upload
                                                                           immediately, store in memory
                                                                           automatically, all data will upload
   Inventory                                                               after scan “Upload data”barcode,
   mode                                                                    and it will clear all data after scan
                                                                           “Clear data”, or check the data
                                                                           amount after scan “Data amount”

   Upload data      @.WN-T-F2001/                                                 Upload barcode data

   Data amount      @.WN-T-F2002/
                                                                              Upload barcode data amount

   Delete data      @.WN-T-F2003/
                                                                                Delete all Inventory data

   4.6 Check parameter

      Function                    Command            Barcode                     Remark


                                                                                 1.Firmware version
      Output            system
                                  WN-W-C1000                                     2.battery capacity


4.7 Character (Chinese) output code switch

     Chinese character output is mainly for China Mainland user to develop suitable for Chinese output’s function.

           Function            Command                                  Barcode

    No Chinese output      @.WN-W-F3000/

       GBK output          @.WN-W-F3001/

        UTF output         @.WN-W-F3002/

4.8 Restore default setting

      Function            Command                 Barcode                             Remark


 Restore default       WN-W-
                                                                        Bluetooth will not interrupt
 setting               H0000


4.9 Firmware upgrade

Function           Command          Barcode                          Remark


                                                                     Connect scanner to PC by USB cable,
TX Firmware                                                          scan upgrade barcode, then restart the
upgrade                                                              scanner to check whether it finishes
                                                                     upgrade or not


   4.10 Customize data edition/communication protocol/function setting
    1、This function is for users with special requirements to customize data edition function. Users without a
custom character editing function please ignore this feature.
User customize character request:�If barcode is more than 17Bytes, then only left the last 17Bytes; if barcode is
more than or equal with 17Bytes, all character will keep;�Remove the suffix return

五、System Working status indication
Serial number         Status indicators          Sounds indicators               LED light indicators
Boot to detect
1                     Wireless module detect     Three short       beeps(high    Red light flash three times
                      abnormality                frequency)
2                     External     storage       Two Long        beeps   (high   Red light flash two times
                      module abnormality         frequency)
3                     Normally turn on            None                           Red light Continuous flashing
                      means in bluetooth
                      pairing status
Pairing status hint
4                     Wireless pairing failure   None                            Red light continuous flashing
                                                                                 until power off
5                     Wireless        pairing    Two short beeps(high/mid        Green light normally on
                      success                    frequency)
Setting status hint
6                     Enter setting              One long beep and two short     Green light flash one time
                                                 beeps ( high / mid / low
7                     Exit & Save                One long beep and two short     Green light flash one time
                                                 beeps ( high / mid / low
8                     Setting command state      One long    beep and one        Green light normally on
                                                 short beep ( high / low
9                     Effective command          One long beep and two short     Green light flash one time
                                                 beeps ( high / mid / low
10                    on-effective command       One long beep                   Green light off, red light
                                                                                 on,sound stop, indicator returns
                                                                                 to its previous state

Inventory     mode
11                    Inventory mode data        One short           beep(high   Green light flash one time
                      upload success             frequency)
12                    Inventory mode data        Three short     beeps(middle    Red light flash three times
                      upload failure             frequency)
13                    Inventory mode data        Two     long      beeps(high    Red light flash two times
                      Overflow                   frequency)

mode hint
14                    Data upload success   One short        beep(high    Green light flash once
15                    Data upload failure   Three short   beeps(middle    Red light flash three times
Battery    capacity
16                    Charging status        None                         Blue light on
17                    Charging completed     None                         Blue light off,green light on
18                    Sleeping power off     None                         Light off
19                    Low battery hint       None                         Red light on (does not affect the
                                                                          green light status)
Quick     command
20                    Quick command         One long beep and two short   Green light flash once
                                            beeps ( high / mid / low

六、 Trouble removal

七、Appendix - character list

           Control character   Hex

              ^@(NULL)         00

              ^A(SOH)          01

               ^B(STX)         02

               ^C(ETX)         03

               ^D(EOT)         04

               ^E(ENQ)         05

               ^F(ACK)         06

               ^G(BEL)         07

               ^H(BS)          08

              ^I(HTab)         09

                ^J(LF)         0A

              ^K(VTab)         0B

                ^L(FF)         0C

               ^M(CR)          0D

               ^N(SO)          0E

                ^O(SI)         0F

               ^P(DLE)         10

^Q(DC1)     11

^R(DC2)     12

^S(DC3)     13

^T(DC4)     14

^U(NAK)     15

^V(SYN)     16

^W(ETB)     17

^X(CAN)     18

^Y(EM)      19

^Z(SUB)     1A

^[(ESC)     1B

^\(FS)      1C

^](GS)      1D

^^(RS)      1E

^_(US)      1F

  SPC       20

Character   Hex

    !       21

    "       22

#   23

$   24

%   25

&   26

'   27

(   28

)   29

*   2A

+   2B

,   2C

-   2D

.   2E

/   2F

0   30

1   31

2   32

3   33

4   34

5   35

6   36

7   37

8   38

9   39

:   3A

;   3B

<   3C

=   3D

>   3E

?   3F

@   40

A   41

B   42

C   43

D   44

E   45

F   46

G   47

H   48

I   49

J   4A

K   4B

L   4C

M   4D

N   4E

O   4F

P   50

Q   51

R   52

S   53

T   54

U   55

V   56

W   57

X   58

Y   59

Z   5A

[   5B

\   5C

]   5D

^   5E

_   5F

`   60

a   61

b   62

c   63

d   64

e   65

f   66

g   67

h   68

i   69

j   6A

k   6B

l   6C

m   6D

n   6E

o   6F

p   70

q   71

r   72

       s          73

       t          74

      u           75

      v           76

      w           77

      x           78

      Y           79

       z          7A

       {          7B

      |           7C

       }          7D

      ~           7E

     DEL          7F

Function button   Hex

      F1          80

      F2          81

      F3          82

      F4          83

      F5          84

          F6            85

          F7            86

          F8            87

          F9            88

         F10            89

         F11            8A

         F12            8B

      Backspace         8C

         Tab            8D

   Return(ENTER)        8E

Enter(Numeric Keypad)   8F

         Esc            90

     Arrow Down         91

       Arrow up         92

      Arrow right       93

      Arrow left        94

        Insert          95

        Home            96

         End            97

       Page up          98

Page down     99

Left Shift    9A

 Left Ctrl    9B

 Left Alt     9C

 Left GUI     9D

Right Shift   9E

Right Ctrl    9F

Right Alt     A0

Right GUI     A1

Caps Lock     A2

Document Created: 2017-07-04 11:36:19
Document Modified: 2017-07-04 11:36:19

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