RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                            FCC ID:2AM5VBT875                  Report No.: LCS170724050AE

                                                        FCC RF Exposure
          Exposure category: General population/uncontrolled environment
          EUT Type: Production Unit
          Device Type: Portable Device
          Refer Standard: KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
          FCC Part 2 §2.1093
          Evaluation method
          According to KDB447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06 Section 4.3.1 Standalone SAR test
          e lusio o side atio s:“ U less spe ifi all e ui ed the pu lished RF e posure KDB procedures,
          standalone 1-g head or body and 10-g extremity SAR evaluation for general population exposure conditions,
          by measurement or numerical simulation, is not required when the corresponding SAR Test Exclusion
          Threshold condition, listed below, is satisfied. These test exclusion conditions are based on source-based
          time-averaged maximum conducted output power of the RF channel requiring evaluation, adjusted for
          tune-up tolerance, and the minimum test separation distance required for the exposure conditions.22 The
          minimum test separation distance is determined by the smallest distance from the antenna and radiating
          structures or outer surface of the device, according to the host form factor, exposure conditions and
          platform requirements, to any part of the body or extremity of a user or bystander (see 5) of section 4.1).
          To qualify for SAR test exclusion, the test separation distances applied must be fully explained and justified
          by the operating configurations and exposure conditions of the transmitter and applicable host platform
          requirements, typically in the SAR measurement or SAR analysis report, according to the required published
          RF exposure KDB procedures. When no other RF exposure testing or reporting is required, a statement of
          justification and compliance must be included in the equipment approval, in lieu of the SAR report, to
          qualify for the SAR test exclusion. When required, the device specific conditions described in the other
          published RF exposure KDB procedures must be satisfied before applying these SAR test exclusion
          provisions; for example, handheld PTT two-way radios, handsets, laptops & ta lets et . “
          [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tole a e, W / i . test sepa atio dista e,               ] · [√f GHz ]
          ≤ . fo -g SAR a d ≤ 7.5 fo        -g extremity SAR, where:
          • f GHz is the RF ha         el t a s it f e ue        i GHz
          • Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
          • The esult is ou ded to o e de i al pla e fo o pa iso
          • . and 7.5 are referred to as the numeric thresholds in the step 2 below
           The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test sepa atio dista e is ≤ 50 mm and for
           transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum test separation distance is <
           5 mm, a distance of 5 mm according to 5) in section 4.1 is applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd..
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SHENZHEN LCS COMPLIANCE TESTING LABORATORY LTD.                               FCC ID:2AM5VBT875                Report No.: LCS170724050AE
          Conducted Power Results
                                                                                                   Peak Conducted Output Power
                       Mode                   Channel                     Frequency (MHz)
                                                 00                             2402                            3.03
                        GFSK                     39                             2441                            2.95
                                                 78                             2480                            3.23
                                                 00                             2402                            1.90
                   π/4-DQPSK                     39                             2441                            1.90
                                                 78                             2480                            2.01
                                                 00                             2402                            2.07
                       8-DPSK                    39                             2441                            2.02
                                                 78                             2480                            2.02
Manufacturing tolerance
                                                                     GFSK (Peak)
                         Channel                      Channel 00                    Channel 39                  Channel 78
                       Target (dBm)                       3.0                           3.0                         3.0
                      Tolerance ±(dB)                     1.0                           1.0                         1.0
                                                                π/4-DQPSK (Peak)
                         Channel                      Channel 00                    Channel 39                  Channel 78
                       Target (dBm)                       2.0                           2.0                         2.0
                      Tolerance ±(dB)                     1.0                           1.0                         1.0
                                                                   8-DQPSK (Peak)
                         Channel                      Channel 00                    Channel 39                  Channel 78
                       Target (dBm)                       2.0                           2.0                         2.0
                      Tolerance ±(dB)                     1.0                           1.0                         1.0

 Evaluation Results
                                                 Antenna                 RF output power
                                                                                                    SAR Test Exclusion       SAR Test
             Band/Mode             f (GHz)       Distance          (including tune-up tolerance)
                                                                                                        Threshold            Exclusion
                                                   (mm)                dBm             mW
                                   2.402              5                4.0             2.512            0.779<3.0              Yes
                 GFSK              2.441              5                4.0             2.512            0.785<3.0              Yes
                                   2.480              5                4.0             2.512            0.791<3.0              Yes
                                   2.402              5                3.0             1.995            0.618<3.0              Yes
             π/4-DQPSK             2.441              5                3.0             1.995            0.623<3.0              Yes
                                   2.480              5                3.0             1.995            0.628<3.0              Yes
                                   2.402              5                3.0             1.995            0.618<3.0              Yes
               8-DPSK              2.441              5                3.0             1.995            0.623<3.0              Yes
                                   2.480              5                3.0             1.995            0.628<3.0              Yes
            The measurement results comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1093 for the uncontrolled RF Exposure and
            SAR Exclusion Threshold per KDB 447498 v06.

                                   .......................END OF REPORT.........................
       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd..
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Document Created: 2017-10-21 09:00:22
Document Modified: 2017-10-21 09:00:22

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