SAR Scan Plots


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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 1#: GSM 850_Head Left Cheek_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.067; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.960 W/kg

Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 21.24 V/m; Power Drift = -0.09 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.13 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.697 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.477 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.889 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.889 W/kg = -0.51 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 1#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 2#: GSM 850_Head Left Tilt_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.067; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.655 W/kg

Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 20.30 V/m; Power Drift = -0.04 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.854 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.365 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.256 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.590 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.590 W/kg = -2.29 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 2#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 3#: GSM 850_Head Right Cheek_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.067; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.654 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 20.65 V/m; Power Drift = -0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.707 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.535 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.390 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.651 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.651 W/kg = -1.86 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 3#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 4#: GSM 850_Head Right Tilt_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.067; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.369 W/kg

Zoom Scan (7x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 19.75 V/m; Power Drift = -0.11 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.395 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.296 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.217 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.358 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.358 W/kg = -4.46 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 4#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 5#: GSM 850_Body Worn Back_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.957 S/m; εr = 56.425; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.783 W/kg

Zoom Scan (6x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 19.14 V/m; Power Drift = -0.13 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.887 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.577 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.347 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.649 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.649 W/kg = -1.88 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 5#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                          Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 6#: GSM 850_Body Back_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GPRS-3 slots; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:2.66
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.957 S/m; εr = 56.425; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.823 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 23.28 V/m; Power Drift = -0.13 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.926 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.643 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.441 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.820 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.820 W/kg = -0.86 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 6#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 7#: GSM 1900_Head Left Cheek_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.368 S/m; εr = 40.638; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.379 W/kg

Zoom Scan (6x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 13.15 V/m; Power Drift = -0.01 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.501 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.264 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.154 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.396 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.396 W/kg = -4.02 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 7#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 8#: GSM 1900_Head Left Tilt_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.368 S/m; εr = 40.638; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.382 W/kg

Zoom Scan (6x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 16.09 V/m; Power Drift = -0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.425 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.244 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.149 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.351 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.351 W/kg = -4.55 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 8#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 9#: GSM 1900_Head Right Cheek_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.368 S/m; εr = 40.638; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.288 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 12.00 V/m; Power Drift = -0.19 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.337 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.203 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.123 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.288 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.288 W/kg = -5.41 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                        Plot 9#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 10#: GSM 1900_Head Right Tilt_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.368 S/m; εr = 40.638; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Twin SAM; Type: Twin SAM V5.0; Serial: 1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.341 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 14.05 V/m; Power Drift = -0.08 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.382 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.219 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.132 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.318 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.318 W/kg = -4.98 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 10#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 11#: GSM 1900_Body Worn Back_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.486 S/m; εr = 54.496; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.298 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 6.801 V/m; Power Drift = 0.17 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.360 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.200 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.120 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.292 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.292 W/kg = -5.35 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 11#

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                          Report No.: RSZ180402004-20

Test Plot 12#: GSM 1900_Body Back_Middle

DUT: Mobile phone; Type: PM20; Serial: 18040200421

Communication System: Generic GPRS-3 slots; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:2.66
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.486 S/m; εr = 54.496; ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772;Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (101x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.498 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 8.180 V/m; Power Drift = 0.10 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.540 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.310 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.200 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.439 W/kg

             0 dB = 0.439 W/kg = -3.58 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 12#

Document Created: 2018-05-04 20:44:11
Document Modified: 2018-05-04 20:44:11

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