SAR Scan Plots


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  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 1#: GSM 850_Head Left Cheek_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.079; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x41x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.588 W/kg

Zoom Scan (6x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 7.706 V/m; Power Drift = -0.11 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.666 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.480 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.339 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.604 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.604 W/kg = -2.19 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 1#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 2#: GSM 850_Head Left Tilt_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.079; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x41x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.304 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 9.396 V/m; Power Drift = 0.06 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.320 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.241 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.176 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.291 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.291 W/kg = -5.36 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 2#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 3#: GSM 850_Head Right Cheek_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.079; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x41x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.617 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 5.584 V/m; Power Drift = -0.18 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.703 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.492 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.343 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.634 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.634 W/kg = -1.98 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 3#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 4#: GSM 850_Head Right Tilt_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.877 S/m; εr = 42.079; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.04, 10.04, 10.04); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x41x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.306 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 6.736 V/m; Power Drift = 0.17 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.326 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.246 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.181 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.299 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.299 W/kg = -5.24 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 4#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 5#: GSM 850_Body Worn Back_Low

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 824.2 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 824.2 MHz; σ = 0.947 S/m; εr = 57.286; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.64 W/kg

Zoom Scan (6x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 34.28 V/m; Power Drift = -0.19 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.73 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.18 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.621 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.13 W/kg

              0 dB = 2.13 W/kg = 3.28 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 5#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 6#: GSM 850_Body Worn Back_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.954 S/m; εr = 57.22; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.32 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 26.73 V/m; Power Drift = 0.08 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.50 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.07 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.747 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.35 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.35 W/kg = 1.30 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 6#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 7#: GSM 850_Body Worn Back_High

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 848.8 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 848.8 MHz; σ = 0.963 S/m; εr = 56.855; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.54 W/kg

Zoom Scan (8x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 33.13 V/m; Power Drift = -0.04 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.50 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.06 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.737 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.34 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.34 W/kg = 1.27 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 7#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 8#: GSM 850_Body Worn Back with headset_Low

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 824.2 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 824.2 MHz; σ = 0.947 S/m; εr = 57.286; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.59 W/kg

Zoom Scan (9x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 29.71 V/m; Power Drift = 0.04 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.45 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.09 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.742 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.33 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.33 W/kg = 1.24 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 8#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 9#: GSM 850_Body Back_Low

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-4 slots; Frequency: 824.2 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:2
Medium parameters used: f = 824.2 MHz; σ = 0.947 S/m; εr = 57.286; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.88 W/kg

Zoom Scan (8x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 35.51 V/m; Power Drift = 0.06 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.87 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.23 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.846 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.57 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.57 W/kg = 1.96 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                       Plot 9#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 10#: GSM 850_Body Back_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-4 slots; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:2
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.954 S/m; εr = 57.22; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.53 W/kg

Zoom Scan (8x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 31.07 V/m; Power Drift = -0.13 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.53 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.933 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.639 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.21 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.21 W/kg = 0.83 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 10#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 11#: GSM 850_Body Back_High

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-4 slots; Frequency: 848.8 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:2
Medium parameters used: f = 848.8 MHz; σ = 0.963 S/m; εr = 56.855; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.18 W/kg

Zoom Scan (8x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 27.81 V/m; Power Drift = 0.13 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.17 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.796 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.549 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.02 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.02 W/kg = 0.09 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 11#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 12#: GSM 850_Body Bottom_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-4 slots; Frequency: 836.6 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:2
Medium parameters used: f = 836.6 MHz; σ = 0.954 S/m; εr = 57.22; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(10.11, 10.11, 10.11); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (41x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.233 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 9.427 V/m; Power Drift = -0.15 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.340 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.158 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.083 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.268 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.268 W/kg = -5.72 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 12#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 13#: PCS 1900_Head Left Cheek_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.34 S/m; εr = 40.444; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.09 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 10.19 V/m; Power Drift = -0.12 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.18 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.740 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.464 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.999 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.999 W/kg = -0.00 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 13#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 14#: PCS 1900_Head Left Tilt_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.34 S/m; εr = 40.444; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x41x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.437 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 14.18 V/m; Power Drift = -0.15 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.496 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.310 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.187 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.426 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.426 W/kg = -3.71 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 14#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 15#: PCS 1900_Head Right Cheek_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.34 S/m; εr = 40.444; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.861 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 7.372 V/m; Power Drift = 0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.950 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.587 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.368 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.818 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.818 W/kg = -0.87 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 15#

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 16#: PCS 1900_Head Right Tilt_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.34 S/m; εr = 40.444; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8.24, 8.24, 8.24); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: SAM 1; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP:1412
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x41x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.452 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 11.44 V/m; Power Drift = 0.00 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.505 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.315 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.189 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.428 W/kg

              0 dB = 0.428 W/kg = -3.69 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 16#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 17#: PCS 1900_Body Worn Back_Low

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1850.2 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1850.2 MHz; σ = 1.461 S/m; εr = 54.59; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.91 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 12.39 V/m; Power Drift = 0.12 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.11 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.05 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.539 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.72 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.72 W/kg = 2.36 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 17#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 18#: PCS 1900_Body Worn Back_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.49 S/m; εr = 54.149; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.17 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 10.58 V/m; Power Drift = 0.11 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.43 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.24 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.624 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.93 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.93 W/kg = 2.86 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 18#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 19#: PCS 1900_Body Worn Back_High

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1909.8 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1909.8 MHz; σ = 1.519 S/m; εr = 54.08; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.08 W/kg

Zoom Scan (6x6x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 12.90 V/m; Power Drift = -0.15 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.50 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.27 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.654 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.91 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.91 W/kg = 2.81 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 19#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 20#: PCS 1900_Body Worn Back with headset_High

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GSM; Frequency: 1909.8 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:8
Medium parameters used: f = 1909.8 MHz; σ = 1.519 S/m; εr = 54.08; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (61x101x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.91 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 11.05 V/m; Power Drift = -0.09 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.15 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.14 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.611 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.18 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.18 W/kg = 0.72 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 20#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 21#: PCS 1900_Body Back_Low

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-2 slot; Frequency: 1850.2 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:4
Medium parameters used: f = 1850.2 MHz; σ = 1.461 S/m; εr = 54.59; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.01 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 13.05 V/m; Power Drift = 0.11 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.21 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.11 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.575 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.77 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.77 W/kg = 2.48 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 21#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 22#: PCS 1900_Body Back_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-2 slot; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:4
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.49 S/m; εr = 54.149; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 3.10 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 14.66 V/m; Power Drift = -0.11 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.67 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.32 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.677 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.11 W/kg

              0 dB = 2.11 W/kg = 3.24 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 22#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 23#: PCS 1900_Body Back_High

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-2 slot; Frequency: 1909.8 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:4
Medium parameters used: f = 1909.8 MHz; σ = 1.519 S/m; εr = 54.08; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (91x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.40 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 11.05 V/m; Power Drift = 0.14 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.89 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.44 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.725 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.32 W/kg

              0 dB = 2.32 W/kg = 3.65 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 23#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 24#: PCS 1900_Body Bottom_Low

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-2 slot; Frequency: 1850.2 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:4
Medium parameters used: f = 1850.2 MHz; σ = 1.461 S/m; εr = 54.59; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (41x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.76 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 26.75 V/m; Power Drift = -0.05 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.12 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.1 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.561 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.69 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.69 W/kg = 2.28 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 24#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 25#: PCS 1900_Body Bottom_Middle

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-2 slot; Frequency: 1880 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:4
Medium parameters used: f = 1880 MHz; σ = 1.49 S/m; εr = 54.149; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (41x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.04 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 28.55 V/m; Power Drift = -0.08 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.47 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.27 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.643 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.95 W/kg

              0 dB = 1.95 W/kg = 2.90 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                     Plot 25#

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ180131002-20

Test Plot 26#: PCS 1900_Body Bottom_High

DUT: mobile phone; Type: ENERGY E11; Serial: 18013100221

Communication System: Generic GPRS-2 slot; Frequency: 1909.8 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:4
Medium parameters used: f = 1909.8 MHz; σ = 1.519 S/m; εr = 54.08; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Left Section

DASY5 Configuration:

       Probe: EX3DV4 - SN7431; ConvF(8, 8, 8); Calibrated: 2017/9/30;
       Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn772; Calibrated: 2017/10/9
       Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1130
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8);

Area Scan (41x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.17 W/kg

Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 29.27 V/m; Power Drift = -0.19 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.63 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.36 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.684 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.05 W/kg

              0 dB = 2.05 W/kg = 3.12 dBW/kg

SAR Plots                                                                                      Plot 26#

Document Created: 2018-04-20 10:23:50
Document Modified: 2018-04-20 10:23:50

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