Test report P2


Test Report

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 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          65 of 81

 9.4. Test result

          PASS (See below detailed test result.)

                                      Delta Peak to band emission         >Limit
             Frequency Band                                                                       Result
                                                 (dBc)                     (dBc)
                                                    1Mbps Non-hopping

                  2400                            57.36                      20                    Pass

                 2483.5                           56.64                      20                    Pass

                                                    2Mbps Non-hopping

                  2400                            53.56                      20                    Pass

                 2483.5                           56.55                      20                    Pass

                                                    3Mbps Non-hopping

                  2400                            53.11                      20                    Pass

                 2483.5                           56.53                      20                    Pass

                                      Delta Peak to band emission         >Limit
             Frequency Band                                                                       Result
                                                 (dBc)                     (dBc)
                                                       1Mbps hopping

                  2400                            48.81                      20                    Pass

                 2483.5                           52.07                      20                    Pass

                                                       2Mbps hopping

                  2400                            52.61                      20                    Pass

                 2483.5                           63.05                      20                    Pass

                                                       3Mbps hopping

                  2400                            55.26                      20                    Pass

                 2483.5                           61.72                      20                    Pass

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          66 of 81


DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          67 of 81


DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          68 of 81


DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          69 of 81



DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          70 of 81



DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          71 of 81



DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          72 of 81

Conducted Emission
                                                      GFSK 2402MHz

                                                      GFSK 2441MHz

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          73 of 81

                                                      GFSK 2480MHz

                                                    π/4DQPSK 2402MHz

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          74 of 81

                                                    π/4DQPSK 2441MHz

                                                    π/4DQPSK 2480MHz

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          75 of 81

                                                   8DPSK 2402MHz

                                                   8DPSK 2441MHz

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          76 of 81

                                                   8DPSK 2480MHz

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                            77 of 81

   10.1 Test equipment
   Item    Kind of Equipment              Manufacturer               Type No.              Serial No.          Calibrated
     1         Pulse Limiter           MTS-systemtechnik           MTS-IMP-136        261115-010-0024          12/17/2018

     2      EMI Test Receiver                  R&S                      ESCI                101308             12/17/2018

     3              LISN                        AFJ                     LS16             16011103219           12/17/2018

     4              LISN                  Schwarzbeck               NSLK 8127              8127-432            12/17/2018
               Measurement                                           EZ-EMC
    5                                         Farad                                           N/A                    N/A
                Software                                          (Ver.ATT-03A)
     6    MeasurementSoftware                  Farad                                          N/A                    N/A

   10.2 Block diagram of test setup

   10.3 Power Line Conducted Emission Limits(Class B)

                                                          Quasi-Peak Level                      Average Level
                                                              dB(V)                               dB(V)
          150kHz        ~      500kHz                          66 ~ 56*                             56 ~ 46*
          500kHz        ~      5MHz                               56                                   46
           5MHz         ~      30MHz                              60                                   50

   Note 1: * Decreasing linearly with logarithm of frequency.
   Note 2: The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          78 of 81

   10.4 Test Procedure
   The EUT and Support equipment, if needed, were put placed on a non-metallic table, 80cm above the
   ground plane.

   Configuration EUT to simulate typical usage as described in clause 2.4 and test equipment as described in
   clause 10.2 of this report.

   All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical actual usage as per ANSI C63.4.

   All support equipment power received from a second LISN.

   Emissions were measured on each current carrying line of the EUT using an EMI Test Receiver connected
   to the LISN powering the EUT.

   The Receiver scanned from 150 kHz to 30MHz for emissions in each of the test modes.

   During the above scans, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation.

   The test mode(s) described in clause 2.4 were scanned during the preliminary test.

   After the preliminary scan, we found the test mode producing the highest emission level.

   The EUT configuration and worse cable configuration of the above highest emission levels were recorded
   for reference of the final test.

   EUT and support equipment were set up on the test bench as per the configuration with highest emission
   level in the preliminary test.

   A scan was taken on both power lines, Neutral and Line, recording at least the six highest emissions.

   Emission frequency and amplitude were recorded into a computer in which correction factors were used to
   calculate the emission level and compare reading to the applicable limit.

   The test data of the worst-case condition(s) was recorded.

   The bandwidth of test receiver is set at 9 KHz.

   10.5 Test Result
   PASS. (See below detailed test result)

   Note1: All emissions not reported below are too low against the prescribed limits.

   Note2: “-----” means peak detection; “-----” mans average detection

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          79 of 81

     EUT:                   Crazybaby NANO 1S                    Model No.:                  H183
     Temperature:           23℃                                  Relative Humidity:          52%
                                                                 Test Power:                 AC 120V/60Hz
     Probe:                 N                                    Test Result:                Pass
     Test Time:             2018-10-29                           Test By:
     Standard:              (CE)FCC PART 15 class B_QP
     Test Mode:             Charging mode

      No.      Frequency        Reading        Correct           Result         Limit         Margin          Remark
                 (MHz)          (dBuV)        Factor(dB)        (dBuV)         (dBuV)          (dB)
       1         0.1527          36.69           11.45           48.14          65.85         -17.71             QP
       2         0.1527          20.37           11.45           31.82          55.85         -24.03            AVG
       3         0.1929          32.47           11.17           43.64          63.91         -20.27             QP
       4         0.1929          17.94           11.17           29.11          53.91         -24.80            AVG
       5         0.5872          22.56           10.15           32.71          56.00         -23.29             QP
       6         0.5872          18.17           10.15           28.32          46.00         -17.68            AVG
       7         1.9260          17.30           10.11           27.41          56.00         -28.59             QP
       8         1.9260          12.31           10.11           22.42          46.00         -23.58            AVG
       9         4.0379          19.87           10.14           30.01          56.00         -25.99             QP
      10         4.0379          13.56           10.14           23.70          46.00         -22.30            AVG
      11        15.4071          30.51           10.17           40.68          60.00         -19.32             QP
      12        15.4071          17.14           10.17           27.31          50.00         -22.69            AVG

 The test result is calculated as the following:
    (1) Result = Reading + Correct Factor
    (2) Correct Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or Current Probe) Factor + Cable Loss +Attenuator
    (3) Margin = Result - Limit

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          80 of 81

     EUT:                   Crazybaby NANO 1S                    Model No.:                  H183
     Temperature:           23℃                                  Relative Humidity:          52%
                                                                 Test Power:                 AC 120V/60Hz
     Probe:                 L1                                   Test Result:                Pass
     Test Time:             2018-10-29                           Test By:
     Standard:              (CE)FCC PART 15 class B_QP
     Test Mode:             Charging mode

      No.      Frequency        Reading        Correct           Result         Limit         Margin           Remark
                 (MHz)          (dBuV)        Factor(dB)        (dBuV)         (dBuV)          (dB)
         1         0.1503         38.98           11.47           50.45          65.98          -15.53                QP
         2         0.1503         24.86           11.47           36.33          55.98          -19.65               AVG
         3         0.1694         37.38           11.34           48.72          64.98          -16.26                QP
         4         0.1694         22.81           11.34           34.15          54.98          -20.83               AVG
         5         0.2777         24.42           10.59           35.01          60.88          -25.87                QP
         6         0.2777          9.00           10.59           19.59          50.88          -31.29               AVG
         7         0.5930         19.64           10.15           29.79          56.00          -26.21                QP
         8         0.5930         14.00           10.15           24.15          46.00          -21.85               AVG
         9         3.3940         18.34           10.14           28.48          56.00          -27.52                QP
        10         3.3940          3.22           10.14           13.36          46.00          -32.64               AVG
        11        15.4132         30.83           10.17           41.00          60.00          -19.00                QP
        12        15.4132         17.76           10.17           27.93          50.00          -22.07               AVG

 The test result is calculated as the following:
    (1) Result = Reading + Correct Factor
    (2) Correct Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or Current Probe) Factor + Cable Loss +Attenuator
        Margin = Result - Limit

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

 Report No.: 18EFAS10001 51                          81 of 81

11 Antenna Requirements

    11.1 Limit
 For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to
 ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. And
 according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247 (b), if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6dBi
 are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds

  The EUT antenna is integral antenna. It comply with the standard requirement.

                                                    END OF REPORT

DongGuan ShuoXin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zone A, 1F, No. 6, XinGang Road YuanGang Street, XinAn District, ChangAn Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong, China
Phone: 86-769-3902 6866; Fax: 86-769-8509 8777 E-mail:att@attps.cn                                        Rev. 1.0

Document Created: 2018-11-16 14:52:10
Document Modified: 2018-11-16 14:52:10

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