User manual


Users Manual

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nRF52832/nRF52810 Wireless Module                                                                       Website:

                      nRF52832 Wireless Module

                                          E73 Series

                   This manual may be modified based on product upgrade, please refer to the latest version.
              All rights to interpret and modify this manual belong to Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

   nRFS2832/nRFS2810 Wireless Module                                                                                 User Manual of E73 Series Modules

                    Version              Date                                     Description                                Issued by

                     1.00            2017/12706                                   Initial version                              huaa

         Brief Introduction

                                                                         28. 7+0.1 mm

                                          17.5%0.1 mm

                                                           E73 2G4VOMS1IE              EBYTE

                                                                   ; ) c€
                                                           Made in China
                                                           SN: 18011100001
                                                           Manufacturer: EBYTE
                                                           FCC ID: 2ALPH—E73

                                                                         FIG. 1     E73

       E73 series are wireless Bluetooth modules designed by Chengdu Ebyte which feature small size, low power consumption, built in
   PCB antenna . E73 series adopt the originally imported RFIC nRFS2832of NORDIC, supporting BLE 5.0. The chip has
   high—performance ARM CORTEX—M4F kernel and other peripheral resources, such as UART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DMA, PWM etc. The module led
   out all the IO port of nRF52832 for multilateral development. For more details about nRF52832, please refer to the datasheet of NORDIC.

       Compared with Bluetooth 4.2, Bluetooth 5 has the following advantages:                  Four data rates are now available 2Mbps, 1Mbps, 500kbps
   and 125kbps. The 2Mbps clearly offers higher throughput possibilities. The broadcasting capacity is increased (x8). Broadcasting extension
   makes the data length increase to 251 bytes which enables more effective data transmission in beacon applications.

       E73 series are hardware platform without firmware, so users need to conduct a secondary development. This series have maximized
   the RF characteristics of chip. The built—in 32.768K real—time clock crystal oscillator can benefit the users in programming.

     Model                      Frequency               Transmitting power             Distance(PCB                  Packing                  Antenna
E73—2G4MOAS—52032                24GHz                         4dBm                           100m                     SMD                     PCB

       NOTE:TPEX antenne port dont connect to all circuit and permanently disable function in device with FCC

   Copyright ©2012—2017, Chengalu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

nRF52832/nRF52810 Wireless Module                                                                                                                                                        User Manual of E73 Series Modules

1.      Technical Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.1 E73-2G4M04S-52832 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
  Parameters Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.      Mechanical Characteristics...................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1 E73-2G4M04S-52832/ E73-2G4M04S-52810 ................................................................................................................................................ 5
     2.1.1 Dimension ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
     2.1.2 Pin Definition........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

3.      Development and Application .............................................................................................................................................. 7

4.      Production Guidance ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
  4.1 Reflow Soldering Temperature ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
  4.2 Reflow Soldering Curve ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

5.      FAQ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  5.1 Communication range is too short .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  5.2 Module is easy to damage ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.      Important Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

7.      About Us.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Copyright ©2012–2017, Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                        3/9

nRF52832/nRF52810 Wireless Module                                                                                 User Manual of E73 Series Modules

1. Technical Parameters

                                                                                                      Operating          Operating             Storage
        Model                             IC                          Size           Net weight
                                                                                                     temperature         humidity          temperature

 E73-2G4M04S-52832                    nRF52832                    PCB               17.5 * 28.7 mm     1.8±0.1g          -40 ~ 85℃          10% ~ 90%

1.1 E73-2G4M04S-52832
       Parameter                            Min                              Typ                         Max                            Unit

    Transmitting current                       78                            83                           91                               mA

     Receiving current                      14.7                             18.5                        20.0                              mA

      Turn-off current                         0.4                           0.5                          0.6                              μA

    Transmitting power                         19                            20                           21                           dBm

    Receiving sensitivity                  -119                              -121                        -123                          dBm

      Voltage supply                        425                              433                         525                           MHz

    Communication level                        1.8                           3.3                          3.6                              V

Parameters Notes
      When designing current supply circuit, 30% margin is recommended to be remained so as to ensure long-term stable operation of
       the whole module.
      The current at the instant of transmitting may be high, but the total energy consumed may be lower due to very short transmitting
      When using external antenna, the impedance matching degree at different frequency points between antenna and module may
       affect the transmitting current at different levels.
      The current consumed when the RF chip is only working at receiving mode is called as receiving current. The tested receiving
       current may be higher for some RF chips with communication protocol or when the developers have loaded their own protocol to
       the whole module.
      The current at pure receiving mode is at mA level. To achieve µA level receiving current, the users need to manage it through
       firmware development.
      The receiving sensitivity is tested at the speed rate of 1kbps.
      The turn-off current is always lower than the current consumed when the power supply source of the whole module is at no-load
      Each LRC component has ±0.1% error, and the error will accumulate since multiple LRC components are used in the whole RF
       circuit, and the transmitting current will be different at different modules.
      The power consumption can be lowered by lowering the transmitting power, but the efficiency of the internal PA will be decreased
       by lowering transmitting power due to various reasons.

Copyright ©2012–2017, Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                  4/9

nRFS2832/nRFS2810 Wireless Module                                                                      User Manual of E73 Series Modules

2. Mechanical Characteristics

2.1 E73—2G4M04S—52832

2.1.1 Dimension


                   3 x 3 2 2 ® 9 is 17

2.1.2 Pin Definition
          No.     Pin item             Pin direction                                          Application
           0        GND                     Input               Ground electrode, connect to reference ground of power

           1        GND                     Input               Ground electrode, connect to reference ground of power

           2        GND                     Input               Ground electrode, connect to reference ground of power

           3        DEC2                Input/Output            MCV 60

          4         DEC3                Input/Output            MCV 60

           5        P25                 Input/Output            MCV 60

           6        P0.26               Input/Output            MCV 60

          7         PO.27               Input/Output            MCV 60

           a        roze                Input/Output            Mcu 620
           9        P0.29               Input/Output            MCV 60

          10        P0.30               Input/Output            MCV 60

Copynant ©2012—2017. Cnengdu Ebyte Eectrome Technology Co Ltd                                                            570

nRF52832/nRF52810 Wireless Module                                                                           User Manual of E73 Series Modules

     11              P0.31                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     12              DEC4                  Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     13               DCC                  Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     14              DEC1                  Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     15               GND                  Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     16               VCC                      Input                  Power supply 1.8 ~ 3.6V DC(Note: The voltage higher 3.6V is forbidden)

     17              P0.02                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     18              P0.03                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     19              P0.04                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     20              P0.05                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     21              P0.06                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     22              P0.07                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     23              P0.08                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     24              P0.09                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     25              P0.10                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     26              P0.11                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     27              P0.12                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     28              P0.13                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     29              P0.14                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     30              P0.15                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     31              P0.16                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     32              P0.17                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     33              P0.18                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     34              P0.19                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     35              P0.20                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     36              P0.21              Input/Output/RST              MCU GPIO

     37             SWDCLK                     Input                  MCU GPIO

     38             SWDIO                  Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     39              P0.22                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     40              P0.23                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     41              P0.24                 Input/Output               MCU GPIO

     42               GND                      Input                  Ground electrode, connect to power reference ground

     43               GND                      Input                  Ground electrode, connect to power reference ground

                                      For more details, please refer to《nRF52832Datasheet》in NORDIC.

Copyright ©2012–2017, Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           6/9

nirsema/mit2310 iess Modkle                                                                    User Manual ofE73 Series Modutes

3. Development and Application

    No.              Tem                                                     Notes
                                     1. The modiule is embedded with ARM MEW, For program downloacing, please use the J—LINC
                                     downloader, any other seria port arJTAG, 15. ICPare unavailable to download
                                     2. There are tw ways to dovinlaad the program The protoco!staccof NORDIC isnot
                                     progemnmed yet,so users need to use the offal nRfgo stucto of NORDLC to program the
                                     proteal stak frs,then program the hex ofapplation code. Cr, t program the protoco! stac
                                     of NORDIC frst and download va the At orKEL
                                     Website oftoo! downoad
                                     hitpsffrrimnordieserncomfeng/ProductsBigetooth—lowenergy/nRF S283/anguagefeng—G
     1        Burm Firmware          s

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     2        Tesing Board           Testing boord is not avalable,

4. Production Guidance

4.1 Reflow Soldering Temperature
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Toh ©201r—2017 Crengd Eoys Becrons Techoly Co. us                                                                T7s

nRF52832/nRF52810 Wireless Module                                                                                        User Manual of E73 Series Modules

4.2 Reflow Soldering Curve

                     Tp                                                                                     tp—>|        l(_
                                                                                                                                       Critical Zone
                                                                                                                     ;                 T. to Tp
Temperature —>




                           ——————————— t 25°C to Peak—’|

                                                                    Time             —)}>

5. FAQ

5.1 Communication range is too short
                 The communication distance will be affected when obstacle exists.
                 Data lose rate will be affected by temperature, humidity and co—channel interference.
                 The ground will absorb and reflect wireless radio wave, so the performance will be poor when testing near ground.
                 Sea water has great ability in absorbing wireless radio wave, so performance will be poor when testing near the sea.
                 The signal will be affected when the antenna is near metal object or put in a metal case.
                 Power register was set incorrectly, air data rate is set as too high (the higher the air data rate, the shorter the distance).
                 When the power supply at room temperature is lower than the recommended low voltage, the lower the voltage is, the lower the
                 transmitting power is.
®                Due to antenna quality or poor matching between antenna and module.

5.2 Module is easy to damage
®                Please check the power supply and ensure it is within the recommended range. Voltage higher than the peak will lead to a
                 permanent damage to the module.
                 Please check the stability of power supply and ensure the voltage not to fluctuate too much.
                 Please make sure anti—static measures are taken when installing and using, high frequency devices have electrostatic susceptibility.
                 Please ensure the humidity is within limited range for some parts are sensitive to humidity.
                 Please avoid using modules under too high or too low temperature.

Copyright ©2012—2017, Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                        8/9

nRFS2832/nRF52810 Wireless Module                                                                     User Manual of E73 Series Modules

6. Important Notes

®    All rights to interpret and modify this manual belong to Ebyte.
®     This manual will be updated based on the upgrade of firmware and hardware, please refer to the latest version.
®     Please refer to our website for new product information.

7. About Us

Technical support:

Documents and RF Setting download link:

      EBYTE Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Tel : +86—28—61399028
Fax : 028—64146160

Web :
Address : Innovation Center D347, 4# XI—XIN Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Copyright ©2012—2017, Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd                                                      979

 FCC Statement
 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
 (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
 received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
 Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
 the user's authority to operate the equipment.

 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
 This modular complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
 This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
 If the FCC identification number is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the
 outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed
 module. This exterior label can use wording such as the following: “Contains Transmitter Module FCC
 ID: 2ALPH-E73 Or Contains FCC ID: 2ALPH-E73 ”
 When the module is installed inside another device, the user manual of the host must contain below
 warning statements;
 1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
 (1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
 (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
 2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
 user's authority to operate the equipment.
 The devices must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions as
 described in the user documentation that comes with the product.
IPEX antenna port dont connect to all circuit and permanent disable function in device with FCC ID:2ALPH-E73

Document Created: 2018-02-27 16:12:03
Document Modified: 2018-02-27 16:12:03

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC