RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                              Shenzhen Zhongjian Nanfang Testing Co., Ltd.
                                Prediction of MPE at a given distance
1. Limits
 The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the environment impact of human exposure to
 radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b)
  Frequency range        Electric field strength     Magnetic field strength      Power density       Averaging time
        (MHz)                     (V/m)                       (A/m)                 (mW/cm )            (minutes)

                                  (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposures

       0.3–3.0                     614                        1.63                    *(100)                   6
       3.0–30                     1842/f                      4.89/f                 *(900/f )                 6

       30–300                     61.4                        0.163                    1.0                     6

      300–1500                                                                        f/300                    6

    1500–100,000                                                                        5                      6

                             (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

       0.3–1.34                    614                        1.63                    *(100)               30
       1.34–30                    824/f                       2.19/f                 *(180/f )             30

       30–300                     27.5                        0.073                    0.2                 30

      300–1500                                                                        f/1500               30

    1500–100,000                                                                       1.0                 30

2. Test Procedure
 Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

              S = power density
              P = power input to the antenna
              G = numeric gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
              R = distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna

  CCIS                   Shenzhen Zhongjian Nanfang Testing Co., Ltd.

3. _Result
                                                                                    Limits for
               Maximum   Maximum                                                     General
                                    Antenna       Antenna     ,                            .
   Frequency    Output    Output      Gain          Gain     Distance    Result    Population/
    (MHz)       power     power          .              .     (cm)      (mW/cmz)   Uncontrolled
                                     (dBi)       (numeric)
                (dBm})     (mW)                                                     Exposure
                                             907 MHz
   907 MHz      20.85     121.62       2           1.58       20.00     0.03835       0.604

  Note: Just the worst case mode was shown in report.

4. Conclusion
  The device is exempt from the RF exposure evaluation.

Document Created: 2018-04-23 17:38:04
Document Modified: 2018-04-23 17:38:04

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