RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                      1F., Block A of Tongsheng Technology Building, Huahui Road, Dalang Street, Longhua District,
                                      Shenzhen, China
                                      Telephone:       +86-755-26648640
                                      Fax:             +86-755-26648637                    Report Template Version: V03
                                      Website:         www.cqa-cert.com                    Report Template Revision Date: Mar.1st, 2017

                  RF Exposure Evaluation Report
Report No.:                           CQASZ20190300144E-02

Applicant:                            Global Shopping Network Pty. Ltd.

Address of Applicant:                 Suite 204, 2 Grosvenor Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia.
Manufacturer:                         Global Shopping Network Pty. Ltd.
Address of Manufacturer:              Suite 204, 2 Grosvenor Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia.
Factory:                              Shenzhen Qitian Taiyi Technology Co., Ltd
Address of Factory:                   C Dong 509, ShlwaiTaoyuan Chuangyiyuan, Pingshan Yi Lu, Nanshan Qu,
                                      Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
Equipment Under Test (EUT):
Product:                 Wireless charger
Model No.:               Moon-Leather, Moon-Fabric
Test Model No.:          Moon-Fabric
Brand Name:              Moon
FCC ID:                  2ALHA-MOON
Standards:               47 CFR Part 1.1307
                                      47 CFR Part 1.1310
                                      KDB 680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Base App v03

Date of Test:                         2019-03-12 to 2019-03-22
Date of Issue:                        2019-03-22
 Test Result :                        PASS*

Tested By:
                                                     (Daisy Qin)

Reviewed By:
                                                     (Aaron Ma )

Approved By:
                                                       ( Jack Ai)

* In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

The test report is effective only with both signature and specialized stamp, The result(s) shown in this report refer only to the sample(s)

tested. Without written approval of CQA, this report can’t be reproduced except in full.

                                    Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                       Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

1   Version
                            Revision History Of Report

          Report No.          Version        Description            Issue Date
     CQASZ20190300144E-02     Rev.01         Initial report         2019-03-22

                             Page:2 of 12

                                                                           Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                                                           Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

2         Contents
1       VERSION ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

2       CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 3

3       GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 4
    3.1     CLIENT INFORMATION.................................................................................................................................. 4
    3.2     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................................. 4
    3.3     TEST ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................................... 5
    3.4     DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS ............................................................................................................... 5
    3.5     TEST LOCATION .......................................................................................................................................... 6
    3.6     TEST FACILITY ............................................................................................................................................ 6
    3.7     EQUIPMENT LIST ......................................................................................................................................... 6
4       RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION .................................................................................................................... 7
    4.1 RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT ................................................................................................ 7
       4.1.1 Limits ................................................................................................................................................ 7
       4.1.2 Test Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 7
       4.1.3 Test Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 8
       4.1.4 Test Results ..................................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX A: PHOTOGRAPHS OF TEST SETUP ........................................................................................... 12

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                                                  Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                       Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

3        General Information
3.1 Client Information
        Applicant:                    Global Shopping Network Pty. Ltd.
        Address of Applicant:         Suite 204, 2 Grosvenor Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia.
        Manufacturer:                 Global Shopping Network Pty. Ltd.
        Address of Manufacturer:      Suite 204, 2 Grosvenor Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia.
        Factory:                      Shenzhen Qitian Taiyi Technology Co., Ltd
        Address of Factory:           C Dong 509, ShlwaiTaoyuan Chuangyiyuan, Pingshan Yi Lu, Nanshan
                                      Qu, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

3.2 General Description of EUT
        Product Name:                 Wireless charger
        Model No.:                    Moon-Leather, Moon-Fabric
        Test Model No.:               Moon-Fabric
        Brand Name:                   Moon
        Hardware Version:             EN16U
        Software Version:             HButler.V
        Equipment Category            Non-ISM frequency
        Operation Frequency range     110-205KHz
        Modulation Type:              Induction
        Antenna Type:                 Induction coil
        Antenna Gain:                 0dBi
        EUT Power Supply:             DC 5V/DC 9V
1. All model: Moon-Leather, Moon-Fabric
Only the model Moon-Fabric was tested, since the electrical circuit design, layout, components used and
internal wiring were identical for the above models, with difference being color of appearance and model name.

2. In section 15.31(m), regards to the operating frequency range less 1 MHz.

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

3.3 Test Environment
    Operating Environment:
    Temperature:                25.0 °C
    Humidity:                   53 % RH
    Atmospheric Pressure:       1010mbar
    Test Mode:
    Mode a:                                     Wireless charging Mode at 9V (Full load)
    Mode b:                                     Wireless charging Mode at 9V (half load)
    Mode c:                                     Wireless charging Mode at 9V (Null load)
    Mode d:                                     Wireless charging Mode at 5V (Full load)
    Mode e:                                     Wireless charging Mode at 5V (half load)
    Mode f:                                     Wireless charging Mode at 5V (Null load)

3.4 Description of Support Units
     The EUT has been tested with associated equipment below.

   Description        Manufacturer             Model No.            Remark          FCC certification
     Adaptor            Samsung              EP-TA50CBC         Provide by client     Verification
      Adaptor           HUAWEI              HW-050450C00        Provide by client     Verification
                                                                Provide by client           -
  electronic Load           -                       -

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                                              Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                   Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

3.5 Test Location
     Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd,
     1F., Block A of Tongsheng Technology Building, Huahui Road, Dalang Street, Longhua District,
     Shenzhen, China

3.6 Test Facility
    • A2LA (Certificate No. 4742.01)
    Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory is accredited by the
     American Association for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA). Certificate No. 4742.01.
    • FCC Registration No.: 522263
    Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory has been registered and
    fully described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance
    letter from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration No.:522263

3.7 Equipment List

                                                                Instrument   Calibration   Calibration
  Test Equipment     Manufacturer           Model No.               No.        Date        Due Date
  Broadband Field     Safety Test
                                            NBM-520              SB9873      2018/10/18    2019/10/17
       Meter           Solutions
   Magnetic field
                         HIOKI                3470              SB9058/04    2018/12/14    2019/12/13

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                                                  Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                        Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

4       RF Exposure Evaluation

4.1    RF Exposure Compliance Requirement
4.1.1 Limits
        According to FCC Part1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
        environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in part1.1307(b)

Note 1: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density
Note 2: For the applicable limit, see FCC 1.1310, 680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v03
Note 3: Emissions between 100 kHz to 300 kHz should be assessed versus the limits at 300 kHz in Table 1 of
Section 1.1310: 614 V/m and 1.63 A/m. A KDB inquiry is required to determine the applicable exposure limits
below 100 kHz.
Note 4: The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top surface
from all simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the MPE limit .

4.1.2 Test Procedure
For devices designed for typical desktop applications, such a wireless charging pads, RF exposure evaluation
should be conducted assuming a user separation distance of 20 cm(Top) and 15cm(Edge). E and H field
strength measurements or numerical modeling may be used to demonstrate compliance. Measurements
should be made from all sides and the top of the primary/client pair, with the 20 cm(Top) and 15cm(Edge)
measured from the center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device.

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                                                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                        Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

4.1.3 Test Setup

Note: Position A: Front of EUT; Position B: Left of EUT; Position C: back of EUT; Position D: Right of EUT;
Position E: Top of EUT(20 cm measure distance);

4.1.4 Test Results

The EUT does comply with item 5 KDB680106 D01 v03.

(1) Power transfer frequency is less than 1 MHz.

(2) Output power from each primary coil is less than or equal to 15 watts.

(3) The transfer system includes only single primary and secondary coils. This includes charging systems that
may have multiple primary coils and clients that are able to detect and allow coupling only between individual
pairs of coils.

(4) Client device is placed directly in contact with the transmitter.

(5) Mobile exposure conditions only (portable exposure conditions are not covered by this exclusion).

(6) The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top surface from all
simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the MPE limit.

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                                                  Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                   Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

Test condition: Mode a
E-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe             Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B        Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                         (V/m)
                       (V/m)        (V/m)             (V/m)        (V/m)        (V/m)

110kHz                 0.85         0.70              0.26         0.56         1.23          614

H-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe             Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B        Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                         (A/m)
                       (A/m)        (A/m)             (A/m)        (A/m)        (A/m)

110kHz                 0.17         0.31              0.25         0.27         0.31          1.63

Test condition: Mode b
E-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe             Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B        Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                         (V/m)
                       (V/m)        (V/m)             (V/m)        (V/m)        (V/m)

110kHz                 1.07         0.28              0.48         0.65         0.76          614

H-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe             Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B        Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                         (A/m)
                       (A/m)        (A/m)             (A/m)        (A/m)        (A/m)

110kHz                 0.13         0.17              0.10         0.18         0.11          1.63

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                 Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

Test condition: Mode c
E-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (V/m)
                       (V/m)        (V/m)           (V/m)        (V/m)        (V/m)

110kHz                 0.87         0.64            0.13         0.68         0.57          614

H-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (A/m)
                       (A/m)        (A/m)           (A/m)        (A/m)        (A/m)

110kHz                 0.14         0.12            0.16         0.1 5        0.07          1.63

Test condition: Mode d
E-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (V/m)
                       (V/m)        (V/m)           (V/m)        (V/m)        (V/m)

110kHz                 1.07         1.28            0.48         0.91         0.76          614

H-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (A/m)
                       (A/m)        (A/m)           (A/m)        (A/m)        (A/m)

110kHz                 0.13         0.17            0.10         0.18         0.11          1.63

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                 Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02

Test condition: Mode e
E-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (V/m)
                       (V/m)        (V/m)           (V/m)        (V/m)        (V/m)

110kHz                 0.11         0.41            0.68         0.32         0.91          614

H-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (A/m)
                       (A/m)        (A/m)           (A/m)        (A/m)        (A/m)

110kHz                 0.09         0.12            0.06         0.10         0.05          1.63

Test condition: Mode f
E-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (V/m)
                       (V/m)        (V/m)           (V/m)        (V/m)        (V/m)

110kHz                 0.35         0.12            0.13         0.29         0.90          614

H-field strength test result:

Frequency              Probe        Probe           Probe        Probe        Probe         Limit
                       Position A   Position B      Position C   Position D   Position E
Range                                                                                       (A/m)
                       (A/m)        (A/m)           (A/m)        (A/m)        (A/m)

110kHz                 0.11         0.07            0.08         0.11         0.05          1.63

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                          Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                          Report No.: CQASZ20190300144E-02


                  ----END OF REPORT----

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Document Created: 2019-03-28 11:45:18
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 11:45:18

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