Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                 Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.6. Noise Limits
 6.6.1. Test Specification

 Test Requirement:                FCC Part20 Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A); 20.21(e)(8)(i)(H)
 Test Method:                     KDB D03 signal Booster Measurements V04
                                  §20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)(1), The transmitted noise power in
                                  dBm/MHz of consumer boosters at their uplink and
                                  downlink ports shall not exceed −103
                                  §20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)(2)(i), Fixed booster maximum noise
                                  power shall not exceed −102.5 dBm/MHz + 20 log (F),
                                  where Frequency is the uplink mid-band frequency of the
                                  supported spectrum bands in MHz.

 Test Setup:

                                  a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 3.
                                      Begin with the uplink output (donor) port connected to the
                                      spectrum analyzer. When measuring downlink noise, connect
                                      the downlink output (server) port to the spectrum analyzer.
                                  b) Set the spectrum analyzer RBW to 1 MHz with the VBW ≥ 3 .
                                  c) Select the power averaging (rms) detector and trace average
                                      over at least 100 traces.
                                  d) Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the center of
                                      the CMRS band under test with the span ≥ 2 . the CMRS band.
 Test Procedure:
                                  e) Measure the maximum transmitter noise power level.
                                  f) Save the spectrum analyzer plot as necessary for inclusion in the
                                      final test report.
                                  g) Repeat 7.7b) to 7.7f) for all operational uplink and downlink
                                  h) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 4 for
                                      uplink noise power measurement in the presence a downlink
                                      signal. Affirm the coupled path of the RF coupler is connected to
                                      the spectrum analyzer.
                                  i) Configure the signal generator for AWGN operation with a 99%

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                                                                                             Report No.: TCT170321E007
                                              OBW of 4.1 MHz.
                                          j) Set the spectrum analyzer RBW for 1 MHz, VBW ≥ 3 . RBW,
                                              with a power averaging (rms) detector with at least 100 trace
                                          k) Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the center of
                                              the CMRS band under test, with the span ≥ 2           the CMRS
                                              band. This shall include all spectrum blocks in the particular
                                              CMRS band under test (see Appendix A).
                                          l) For uplink noise measurements, set the spectrum analyzer center
                                              frequency for the uplink band under test, and tune the signal
                                              generator to the center of the paired downlink band.
                                          m) Measure the maximum transmitter noise power level while
                                              varying the downlink signal generator output level from −90 dBm
                                              to −20 dBm, as measured at the input port (i.e., downlink signal
                                              level at the booster donor port node of Figure 4), in 1 dB steps
                                              inside the RSSI-dependent region, and in 10 dB steps outside
                                              the RSSI-dependent region. Report the six values closest to the
                                              limit, with at least two points within the RSSI-dependent region of
                                              the limit. See Appendix D for noise limits graphs.
                                          n) Repeat 7.7.1h) through 7.7.1m) for all operational uplink bands.
                                          Variable uplink noise timing
                                          Variable uplink noise timing is to be measured as follows, using the
                                              test setup shown in Figure 4.
                                          a) Set the spectrum analyzer to the uplink frequency to be
                                          b) Set the span to 0 Hz, with a sweep time of 10 seconds.
                                          c) Set the power level of signal generator to the lowest level of the
                                              RSSI-dependent noise [see 7.7.1m)].
                                          d) Select MAX HOLD and increase the power level of signal
                                              generator by 10 dB for mobile boosters, and 20 dB for fixed
                                          e) Confirm that the uplink noise decreases to the specified level
                                              within 1 second for mobile devices, and within 3 seconds for
                                              fixed devices.12
                                          f) Repeat 7.7.2a) to 7.7.2e) for all operational uplink bands.
                                          g) Include plots and summary table in test report.

Test Result:                              PASS

6.6.2. Test Instruments
                         Manufactur                         Serial   Calibration   Calibration
   Equipment                                  Model
                            er                             Number       Date          Due
     Signal                                               MY4707028
                             Agilent         N5182                  Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
    Generator                                                 2
    Spectrum                                              MY4910006
                             Agilent         N9020A                 Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
    Analyzer                                                  0
    Attenuation                                JFW           907763          Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
  RF Combiner             SUNVNDN                          16230009          Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
        international system unit (SI).

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                                                                                  Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.6.3. Test Data

                               Max Noise Power
       Frequency               Measured                 Limit                         Margin
         (MHz)                 dBm/MHz                dBm/MHz                          (dB)
          Uplink                -47.29                   -44.64                        PASS
        Downlink                -46.93                   -44.64                        PASS

                                                     Fix Booster
       RSSI        Measured                                                               Margin
                            RSSI dependent               Limit           TX off
      (dBm)        dBm/MHz                                                                 (dB)
       -74.0         -44.9                --             -44.6             --                -0.3
       -64.0         -44.8                --             -44.6             --                -0.2
       -48.0         -55.1               -55.0              --             --                -0.1
       -47.0         -56.2               -56.0              --             --                -0.2
       -46.0         -57.9               -57.0              --             --                -0.9
       -45.0         -58.6               -58.0              --             --                -0.6
       -40.0         -64.0               -63.0              --             --                 -1
       -30.0         -67.2                                  --             -70

Variable Uplink Noise Timing
                             Frequency Measured                  Limit
                                MHz      Sec                     Sec
                             UL 776-787  0.28                      3

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                                                                            Report No.: TCT170321E007


                                        Uplink Noise

                                       Downlink Noise

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                                                                          Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                  Variable Noise Timing Plot

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                                                                                              Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.7. Uplink Inactivity
 6.7.1. Test Specification

  Test Requirement:                        FCC Part20 Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(I)
  Test Method:                             KDB835210 D03 Signal Booster Measurement V04
                                           20.21(e), When a consumer booster is not serving an
  Limit:                                   active device connection after 5 minutes the uplink
                                           noise power shall not exceed .70 dBm/MHz.

  Test Setup:

                                           a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Set-Up with
                                              the uplink output connected to the spectrum analyzer.
                                           b) Select the RMS power averaging detector.
                                           c) Set the spectrum analyzer RBW for 1 MHz with the VBW ≥ 3X
                                           d) Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the center of
                                              the uplink operational band.
                                           e) Set the span for 0 Hz with a single sweep time for a minimum of
                                              330 seconds.
                                           f) Start to capture a new trace using MAX HOLD.
  Test Procedure:
                                           g) After approximately 15 seconds turn on the EUT power.
                                           h) Once the full spectrum analyzer trace is complete place a
                                              MARKER on the leading edge of the pulse and use the DELTA
                                              MARKER METHOD to measure the time until the uplink was
                                           i) Ensure the noise level for the squelched signal is below the uplink
                                              inactivity noise power limit, as specified by the rules.
                                           j) Capture the plot for inclusion in the test report.
                                           k) Measure noise using procedures in a) to e).
                                           l) Repeat steps c) to k) for all operational uplink bands.
  Test Result:                             PASS

 6.7.2. Test Instruments

                                                  RF Test Room
       Equipment                Manufacturer            Model          Serial Number Calibration Due
  Spectrum Analyzer                  Agilent           N9020A           MY49100060              Aug. 11, 2017
 Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
         international system unit (SI).

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                                                                             Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.7.3. Test Data

                                       Uplink Inactivity
          Frequency                   Measured                            Limit
            (MHz)                       (s)                                (s)
           776-787                     296.6                              300.0


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                                                                                           Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.8. Variable Booster Gain
 6.8.1. Test Specification
                                  FCC Part20 Section 120.21(e)(8)(i)(C)(1)
 Test Requirement:
                                  FCC Part20 Section 120.21(e)(8)(i)(H)
 Test Method:                     KDB835210 D03 Signal booster measurements v04
 Limit:                           -34 dB - RSSI + MSCL.

 Test Setup:

                                  Figure 5 – Variable gain instrumentation test setup
                                  Variable gain:
                                  a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 5 with
                                      the uplink output (donor) port connected to signal generator #1.
                                      Affirm that the coupled path of the RF coupler is connected to the
                                      spectrum analyzer.
                                  b) Configure downlink signal generator #1 for AWGN operation with
                                      a 99% OBW of 4.1 MHz, tuned to the center of the operational
                                  c) Set the power level and frequency of signal generator #2 to a
                                      value that is 5 dB below the AGC level determined from 7.2. The
                                      signal type is AWGN with a 99% OBW of 4.1 MHz.
                                  d) Set RBW = 100 kHz.
                                  e) Set VBW ≥ 300 kHz.
                                  f) Select the CHANNEL POWER measurement mode.
                                  g) Select the power averaging (rms) detector.
                                  h) Affirm that the number of measurement points per sweep ≥ (2 .
                                  i) Sweep time = auto couple or as necessary (but no less than auto
 Test Procedure:                      couple value).
                                  j) Trace average at least 10 traces in power averaging (i.e., rms)
                                  k) Measure the maximum channel power and compute maximum
                                      gain when varying the signal generator #1 output to a level
                                      from .90 dBm to .20 dBm, as measured at the input port (i.e.,
                                      downlink signal level at the booster donor port node of Figure 5),
                                      in 1 dB steps inside the RSSI-dependent region, and 10 dB
                                      steps outside the RSSI-dependent region. Report the six values
                                      closest to the limit, including at least two points from within the
                                      RSSI-dependent region of operation. See gain limit in charts in
                                      Appendix D for uplink gain requirements. Additionally, document
                                      that the EUT provides equivalent uplink and downlink gain, and
                                      when operating in shutoff mode that the uplink and downlink gain
                                      is within the transmit power off mode gain limits.
                                  l) Repeat 7.9.1b) to 7.9.1k) for all operational uplink bands.
                                  Variable uplink gain timing:
                                  Variable uplink gain timing is to be measured as follows, using the
                                      test setup shown in Figure 5.

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                                                                                              Report No.: TCT170321E007
                                           a) Set the spectrum analyzer to the uplink frequency to be
                                           b) Set the span to 0 Hz with a sweep time of 10 seconds.
                                           c) Set the power level of signal generator #1 to the lowest level of
                                               the RSSI-dependent gain [see 7.9.1k)].
                                           d) Select MAX HOLD and increase the power level of signal
                                               generator #1 by 10 dB for mobile boosters, and by 20 dB for
                                               fixed indoor boosters. Signal generator #2 remains same, as
                                               described in 7.9.1c).
                                           e) Confirm that the uplink gain decreases to the specified levels,
                                               within 1 second for mobile devices, and within 3 seconds for
                                               fixed devices.13
                                           f) Repeat 7.9.2a) to 7.9.2e) for all operational uplink bands.
  Test Result:                             PASS

  6.8.2. Test Instruments
                          Manufactur                          Serial           Calibration          Calibration
    Equipment                                  Model
                             er                              Number               Date                 Due
                              Agilent         E4421B GB39340839 Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
      Signal                                               MY4707028
                              Agilent         N5182                  Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
     Generator                                                 2
     Spectrum                                              MY4910006
                              Agilent        N9020A                  Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
     Analyzer                                                  0
     Attenuation                                JFW           907763          Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
   RF Combiner             SUNVNDN                          16230009          Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
 Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
         international system unit (SI).

6.8.3. Test Data

   Mobile station coupling loss (MSCL): the minimum coupling loss (in dB) between the
   wireless device and the input (server) port of the consumer booster. MSCL must be
   calculated or measured for each band of operation and provided in compliance test reports.
   MSCL includes the path loss from the wireless device, and the booster’s server antenna gain
   and cable loss. The wireless device is assumed to be an isotropic (0 dBi) antenna reference.
   Minimum standoff distances from inside wireless devices to the booster’s server antenna
   must be reasonable and specified by the manufacturer in customer provided installation
   L p = 20logf + 20logd – 27.5
                  L P = basic free space path loss,
                  f = Center frequency (MHz),
                    d = 2 meters.
   MSCL for 776-787MHz
   RSSI=Downlink output power – Downlink gain

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                                                                                     Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                                                     Limit                       (dB)
                        Measured      Measured   RSSI                      Fix
  RSSI       Input       Output
 (dBm)      (dBm)        Power          Gain   Dependent                 Booster     TX off
                         (dBm)          (dB)     (dB)                     Limit
  -70.0     -46.00         14.1           60.10            --             64.4          --        -4.3
  -62.0     -46.00         14.1           60.10            --             64.4          --        -4.3
  -49.0     -46.00         4.4            50.4            55.5               --         --        -5.1
  -48.0     -46.00         3.1            49.1            54.5               --         --        -5.4
  -46.0     -46.00         1.5            47.5            52.5               --         --        -5.0
  -45.0     -46.00         0.4            46.4            51.5               --         --        -5.1

Variable Uplink Gain Timing
                         Frequency Measured                      Limit
                            MHz      Sec                         Sec
                         UL 776-787  0.495                         3

                                  Variable Uplink Gain Timing Plot

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                                                                               Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.9. Occupied Bandwidth
 6.9.1. Test Specification

 Test Requirement:               FCC Part2 Section 2.1049
 Test Method:                    KDB835210 D03 Signal booster measurements v04
 Limit:                          N/A

 Test setup:

                                 a) Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 6 to firstly
                                    measure the characteristics of the test signals produced by the
                                    signal generator.
                                 b) Set VBW ≥ 3 . RBW.
                                 c) Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the center
                                    of the operational band. The span will be adjusted for each
                                    modulation type and OBW as necessary for accurately viewing
                                    the signals.
                                 d) Set the signal generator for power level to match the values
                                    obtained from the tests of 7.2.
                                 e) Set the signal generator modulation type for GSM with a PRBS
                                    pattern and allow the trace on the signal generator to stabilize
                                    adjusting the span as necessary.
                                 f) Set the spectrum analyzer RBW for 1% to 5% of the EBW.
 Test Procedure:                 g) Capture the spectrum analyzer trace for inclusion in the test
                                 h) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10g) for CDMA and W-CDMA modulation,
                                    adjusting the span as necessary. AWGN or LTE may be used in
                                    place of W-CDMA, as an option.
                                 i) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10h) for all uplink and downlink operational
                                 j) Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 1, with the uplink
                                    output (donor) port connected to the spectrum analyzer, and the
                                    server port connected to the signal generator.
                                 k) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10i) with this EUT uplink path test setup.
                                 l) Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 1, with the
                                    downlink output (server) port connected to the spectrum
                                    analyzer, and the donor port connected to the signal generator.
                                 m) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10i) with this EUT downlink path test setup.
 Test results:                   PASS

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                                                                                             Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.9.2. Test Instruments
                         Manufactur                         Serial   Calibration   Calibration
   Equipment                                 Model
                            er                             Number       Date          Due
     Signal                                               MY4707028
                             Agilent         N5182                  Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
    Generator                                                 2
    Spectrum                                              MY4910006
                             Agilent        N9020A                  Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
    Analyzer                                                  0
  RF Combiner             SUNVNDN                          16230009          Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
        international system unit (SI).

6.9.3. Test Data
                                                   Frequency              Input OBW              Output OBW
        Link                Signal Type
                                                      [MHz]                   [MHz]                  [MHz]
                                GSM                    781.5                 0.2448                  0.2448
       Uplink                  CDMA                    781.5                 1.242                    1.243
                               AWGN                    781.5                 4.192                    4.116
                                GSM                    751.5                 0.2446                  0.2444
      Downlink                 CDMA                    751.5                 1.241                    1.243
                               AWGN                    751.5                 4.215                    4.237

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                                                                            Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                          GSM UL



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                                                                         Report No.: TCT170321E007
                                        GSM Downlink



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                                                                            Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                          CDMA UL



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                                                                         Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                       CDMA Downlink



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                                                                            Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                          AWGN UL



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                                                                         Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                       AWGN Downlink



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                                                                                 Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.10. Oscillation Detection and Mitigation
 6.10.1. Test Specification

  Test Requirement:               FCC Part20 Section 20.21(e)(8)(iii)(A)
  Test Method:                    KDB835210 D03 Signal booster measurements v04

  Limit:                          Reference to test data bellow

  Test setup:

                                  Oscillation restart tests
                                  a) Connect the normal-operating mode EUT to the test equipment
                                   as shown in Figure 7 beginning with the spectrum analyzer on the
                                   uplink output (donor) port. Confirm that the RF coupled path is
                                   connected to the spectrum analyzer.
                                   NOTE–The band-pass filter shall provide sufficient out-of-band
                                   rejection to prevent oscillations from occurring in bands not under
                                  b) Spectrum analyzer settings:
                                   1) Center frequency at the center of the band under test
  Test Procedure:                  2) Span equal or slightly exceeding the width of the band under
                                   3) Continuous sweep, max-hold
                                   4) RBW≥1 MHz, VBW > 3xRBW
                                  c) Decrease the variable attenuator until the spectrum analyzer
                                     displays a signal within the band under test. Using a marker,
                                     identify the approximate center frequency of this signal on the
                                     max-hold display, increase the attenuation by 10 dB, then reset
                                     the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power).
                                  d) Repeat 7.11.2c) twice to ensure that the center of the signal

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                                                                                Report No.: TCT170321E007
                                   created by the booster remains within 250 kHz of the spectrum
                                   analyzer display center frequency. If the frequency of the signal
                                   is unstable, confirm that the spectrum analyzer display is
                                   centered between the frequency extremes observed. If the signal
                                   is wider than 1 MHz, ensure that the spectrum analyzer display is
                                   centered on the signal by increasing the RBW. Reset the EUT
                                   (e.g., cycle ac/dc power) after each oscillation event, if
                                   necessary. Set the spectrum analyzer sweep trigger level to just
                                   below the peak amplitude of the displayed EUT oscillation signal.
                                e) Set the spectrum analyzer to zero-span, with a sweep time of 5
                                   seconds, and single-sweep with max-hold. The spectrum
                                   analyzer sweep trigger level in this and the subsequent steps
                                   shall be the level identified in 7.11.2d).
                                f) Decrease the variable attenuator until the spectrum analyzer
                                   sweep is triggered, increase the attenuation by 10 dB, then reset
                                   the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power).
                                g) Reset the zero-span trigger of the spectrum analyzer, then
                                   repeat 7.11.2f) twice to ensure that the spectrum analyzer is
                                   reliably triggered, resetting the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power)
                                   after each oscillation event if necessary.
                                h) Reset the zero-span sweep trigger of the spectrum analyzer, and
                                   reset the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power).
                                i) Force the EUT into oscillation by reducing the attenuation.
                                j) Use the marker function of the spectrum analyzer to measure the
                                   time from the onset of oscillation until the EUT turns off, by
                                   setting Marker 1 on the leading edge of the oscillation signal and
                                   Marker 2 on the trailing edge. The spectrum analyzer sweep time
                                   may be adjusted to improve the time resolution of these cursors.
                                k) Capture the spectrum analyzer zero-span trace for inclusion in
                                   the test report. Report the power level associated with the
                                   oscillation separately if it can’t be displayed on the trace.
                                l) Repeat 7.11.2b) to 7.11.2k) for all operational uplink and
                                   downlink bands.
                                m) Set the spectrum analyzer zero-span sweep time for longer than
                                   60 seconds, then measure the restart time for each operational
                                   uplink and downlink band.
                                n) Replace the normal-operating mode EUT with the EUT that
                                   supports an anti-oscillation test mode.
                                o) Set the spectrum analyzer zero-span time for a minimum of 120
                                   seconds, and a single sweep.
                                p) Manually trigger the spectrum analyzer zero-span sweep, and
                                   manually force the booster into oscillation as described in
                                q) When the sweep is complete, place cursors between the first two
                                   oscillation detections, and save the plot for inclusion in the test
                                   report. The time between restarts must match the manufacturer’s
                                   timing for the test mode, and there shall be no more than 5
                                r) Repeat 7.11.2m) to 7.11.2q) for all operational uplink and
                                   downlink bands.
                                Test procedure for measuring oscillation mitigation or
                                a) Connect the normal-operating mode EUT to the test equipment
                                   as shown in Figure 8.
                                b) Set the spectrum analyzer center frequency to the center of
                                   band under test, and use the following settings:
                                1) RBW=30 kHz, VBW ≥ 3 × RBW,
                                2) power averaging (rms) detector,
                                3) trace averages ≥ 100,
                                4) span ≥ 120% of operational band under test

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                                                                                 Report No.: TCT170321E007
                                5) number of sweep points ≥ 2 × Span/RBW.
                                c) Configure the signal generator for AWGN operation with a 99%
                                   OBW of 4.1 MHz, tuned to the frequency of 2.5 MHz above the
                                   lower edge or below the upper edge of the operating band under
                                   test. Adjust the RF output level of the signal generator such that
                                   the measured power level of the AWGN signal at the output port
                                   of the booster is 30 dB less than the maximum power of the
                                   booster for the band under test. Affirm that the input signal is not
                                   obstructing the measurement of the strongest oscillation peak in
                                   the band, and is not included within the span in the
                                1) Boosters with operating spectrum passbands of 10 MHz or less
                                   may use a CW signal source at the band edge rather than
                                2) For device passbands greater than 10 MHz, standard CMRS
                                   signal sources (i.e., CDMA, W-CDMA, LTE) may be used instead
                                   of AWGN at the band edge.
                                d) Set the variable attenuator to a high attenuation setting such that
                                   the booster will operate at maximum gain when powered on.
                                   Reset the the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power). Allow the EUT to
                                   complete its boot-up process, to reach full operational gain, and
                                   to stabilize its operation.
                                e) Set the variable attenuator such that the insertion loss for the
                                   center of the band under test (isolation) between the booster
                                   donor port and server port is 5 dB greater than the maximum
                                   gain, as recorded in the maximum gain test procedure (see 7.3),
                                   for the band under test.
                                f) Verify the EUT shuts down, i.e., to mitigate the oscillations. If the
                                   booster does not shut down, measure and verify the peak
                                   oscillation level as follows.
                                1) Allow the spectrum analyzer trace to stabilize.
                                2) Place the marker at the highest oscillation level occurring within
                                   the span, and record its output level and frequency.
                                3) Set the spectrum analyzer center frequency to the frequency
                                   with the highest oscillation signal level, and reduce the span such
                                   that the upper and lower adjacent oscillation peaks are within the
                                4) Use the Minimum Search Marker function to find the lowest
                                   output level that is within the span, and within the operational
                                   band under test, and record its output level and frequency.
                                5) Affirm that the peak oscillation level measured in 7.11.3f2), does
                                   not exceed by 12.0 dB the minimal output level measured in
                                   7.11.3f)4). Record the measurement results of 7.11.3f2) and
                                   7.11.3f4) in tabular format for inclusion in the test report.
                                6) The procedure of 7.11.3f1) to 7.11.3.f5) allows the spectrum
                                   analyzer trace to stabilize, and verification of shutdown or
                                   oscillation level measurement must occur within 300 seconds.14
                                g) Decrease the variable attenuator in 1 dB steps, and repeat step
                                   7.11.3f) for each 1 dB step. Continue testing to the level when
                                   the insertion loss for the center of band under test (isolation)
                                   between the booster donor port and server port is 5 dB lower
                                   than the maximum gain (see 7.3).
                                h) Repeat 7.11.3a) to 7.11.3g) for all operational uplink and
                                   downlink bands.
Test results:                   PASS

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                                                                                             Report No.: TCT170321E007

6.10.2.        Test Instruments
                         Manufactur                                           Calibration          Calibration
   Equipment                                     Model             S/N
                            er                                                   Date                 Due
     Spectrum                                                    MY491
                             Agilent            N9020A                 Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
     Analyzer                                                    00060
    Attenuation                                  JFW             907763 Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
  RF Combiner             SUNVNDN             SUD-CS0800                Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
     AN03468              Band Pass             4CS10-
                            Filter            781.5/E12.2-         N/A       Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
     AN03469              Band Pass             4CS10-
                            Filter            751.5/E12-O/         N/A       Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
     AN02475              1 dB step              8494B
                                                                   N/A       Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
     AN03429             10dB step      8496B
                                                                   N/A       Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
    ANC00082             RF Coupler 722-10-1.500V                  N/A       Aug. 15, 2016 Aug. 11, 2017
Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
        international system unit (SI).

6.10.3.        Test Data
 Test results of detection time

                              Detection Time                      Limit
           Link                                                                                    Result
                                    (s)                            (s)
          Uplink                  0.270                           0.300                            PASS
        Downlink                     0.320                        1.000                            PASS

Test results of restarting time

                              Restarting Time                    Limit
           Link                                                                                    Result
                                    (s)                           (s)
          Uplink                   110                           ≥60.0                             PASS
        Downlink                      110                        ≥60.0                             PASS

Test results of restarting count

           Link                                                   Limit                            Result
          Uplink                     3                             ≤5                              PASS
        Downlink                          3                        ≤5                              PASS

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                                                                          Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                 Test Plots of detection time



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                                                                           Report No.: TCT170321E007

                                 Test Plots of restarting time



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                                                                                      Report No.: TCT170321E007

Test results of Mitigation or Shutdown

 Oscillation Mitigation - Uplink
     Band      776-787MHz

  Test Signal WCDMA

                                     Lowest Output
   Variable       Oscillations                                            Time to       Mitigatio
                                      Power Level                                                 Result
  Attenuator                                            Margin   Limit   Mitigate         n Time
   Setting        Freq.      Level   Freq.    Level                      Oscillatio       Limit
      dB           MHz        dBm     MHz     dBm         dB     dB          sec          sec
      +5         780.62      -52.6   779.38   -66.9      14.3    <12         102         < 300      Pass
      +4         780.62      -70.2   779.38   -73.2      3.0     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +3         780.62      -70.1   779.38   -72.5      2.4     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +2         780.62      -69.8   779.38   -73.3      3.5     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +1         780.62      -69.5   779.38   -72.2      2.7     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +0         780.62      -69.2   779.38   -74.2      5.0     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -1        780.62      -70.7   779.38   -73.5      2.8     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -2        780.62      -72.2   779.38   -73.7      1.5     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -3        780.62      -71.5   779.38   -74.6      3.1     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -4        780.62      -72.3   779.38   -73.9      1.6     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -5        780.62      -72.1   779.38   -75.4      3.3     <12         NA          < 300      Pass

 Oscillation Mitigation - Downlink
     Band      746-757MHz

  Test Signal WCDMA

                                     Lowest Output
   Variable       Oscillations                                            Time to       Mitigatio
                                      Power Level                                                 Result
  Attenuator                                            Margin   Limit   Mitigate         n Time
   Setting        Freq.      Level   Freq.    Level                      Oscillatio       Limit
      dB           MHz        dBm     MHz     dBm         dB     dB          sec          sec
      +5         750.18      -52.6   751.43   -66.4      13.8    <12         128         < 300      Pass
      +4         750.18      -70.7   751.43   -73.2      2.5     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +3         750.18      -70.1   751.43   -72.5      2.4     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +2         750.18      -69.6   751.43   -74.8      5.2     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +1         750.18      -70.5   751.43   -73.2      2.7     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
      +0         750.18      -69.2   751.43   -72.8      3.6     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -1        750.18      -70.4   751.43   -73.5      3.1     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -2        750.18      -71.5   751.43   -74.9      3.4     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -3        750.18      -72.5   751.43   -73.6      1.1     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -4        750.18      -71.7   751.43   -74.5      2.8     <12         NA          < 300      Pass
       -5        750.18      -73.1   751.43   -75.8      2.7     <12         NA          < 300      Pass

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                                                                              Report No.: TCT170321E007

7.        Radiation Spurious Emission
 7.1.1. Test Specification

     Test Requirement:               FCC Part2 Section 2.1053
     Test Method:                    KDB835210 D03 Signal booster measurements v04
     Limit:                          -13dBm

     Test setup:

                                     a) Place the EUT on an OATS or semi-anechoic
                                        chamber turntable 3 m from the receiving antenna.15
                                     b) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in
                                        Figure 10 beginning with the uplink output (donor)
                                     c) Set the signal generator to produce a CW signal with
                                        the frequency set to the center of the operational
                                        band under test, and the power level set at PIN as
                                        determined from measurement results per 7.2.
                                     d) Measure the radiated spurious emissions from the
     Test Procedure:
                                        EUT from the lowest to the highest frequencies as
                                        specified in § 2.1057. Maximize the radiated
                                        emissions by using the procedures described in ANSI
                                     e) Capture the peak emissions plots using a peak
                                        detector with Max-Hold for inclusion in the test report.
                                        Tabular data is acceptable in lieu of spectrum
                                        analyzer plots.
                                     f) Repeat 7.12c) through 7.12e) for all uplink and
                                        downlink operational bands.

     Test results:

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                                                                                             Report No.: TCT170321E007

7.1.2. Test Instruments
                                             Radiated Emission
        Name                 Model No.           Manufacturer             Date of Cal.              Due Date
  Test Receiver                 ESVD                   R&S              Aug. 12, 2016           Aug. 11, 2017
                                FSEM                   R&S              Aug. 12, 2016           Aug. 11, 2017
   Pre-amplifier               8447D                    H.P.            Aug. 12, 2016           Aug. 11, 2017
                            VULB9163                Mess-               Aug. 14, 2016           Aug. 13, 2017
  Coaxial Cable                  N/A                   TCT              Aug. 13, 2016           Aug. 12, 2017
  Coaxial Cable                  N/A                   TCT              Aug. 13, 2016           Aug. 12, 2017
  Coaxial Cable                  N/A                   TCT              Aug. 13, 2016           Aug. 12, 2017
  Coaxial Cable                  N/A                   TCT              Aug. 13, 2016           Aug. 12, 2017
  Loop antenna              ZN30900A                 ZHINAN             Aug. 14, 2016           Aug. 13, 2017
Signal Generator              N5182A                  Agilent           Aug. 13, 2016           Aug. 12, 2017
Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
        international system unit (SI).

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                                                                                           Report No.: TCT170321E007

  7.1.1. Test data
       Frequency [MHz]         polarity [H/V]        Level [dBm]         Limit [dBm]            Margin [dB]


            60.58                     V               -46.02                                       33.02
            138.81                    V               -42.28                                       29.28

            58.49                     H               -50.36                 -13.00                37.36
            137.84                    H               -43.65                                       30.65
               --                     --                 --                                           --

            67.31                     V               -42.43                                       29.43

            143.87                    V               -38.34                                       25.34
            60.74                     H               -43.71                 -13.00                30.71
            138.23                    H               -40.92                                       27.92
               --                     --                 --                                           --
   Note: Test Frequency range is up to 10GHz, and the test data below 30MHz and above 1000MHz is too lower than the
limit, so not show in this report.

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT170321E007
                   Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup
                           Product: Cell phone signal booster
                                    Model: PLX-V70
                                  Radiated Emission

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT170321E007

                         Appendix B: Photographs of EUT
                        Product: Cell phone signal booster
                                Model: PLX-GV70
                                 External Photos

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT170321E007

                        Product: Cell phone signal booster
                             Model No.: PLX- GV70
                                 Internal Photos

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT170321E007

                            *****END OF REPORT*****

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Document Created: 2017-05-10 16:32:53
Document Modified: 2017-05-10 16:32:53

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