Test Report


Test Report

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                                    MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd            Report No.:1809WSU015-U1
                                    Phone: +86-512-66308358                     Report Version:        V01
                                    Fax:   +86-512-66308368                     Issue Date:     12-28-2018

                         MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                    FCC PART 15.231(a)

FCC ID:                       2ALBS-1SG65


Application Type:             Certification

Product:                      Remote Keyless Entry

Model No.:                    1SG65

FCC Classification: FCC Part 15 Security/Remote Control Transmitter (DSC)

FCC Rule Part(s):             Part 15.231(a)

Test Procedure(s): ANSI C63.10-2013

Test Date:                    September 30 ~ December 28, 2018

Reviewed By:
                                  ( Kevin Guo )
Approved By:
                                   ( Robin Wu )

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as
indicated in the measurement report and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified
in ANSI C63.10-2013. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of MRT Technology (Suzhou)
Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2ALBS-1SG65                                                                       Page Number: 1 of 26

                                                        Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

                                Revision History

   Report No.         Version      Description      Issue Date          Note

1809WSU015-U1         Rev. 01      Initial report   12-28-2018          Valid

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                                                                                                         Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Description                                                                                                                             Page
1.   INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 6

     1.1.      Scope ........................................................................................................................... 6
     1.2.      MRT Test Location ....................................................................................................... 6

2.   PRODUCT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 7

     2.1.      Equipment Description.................................................................................................. 7
     2.2.      Test Standards ............................................................................................................. 7
     2.3.      Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 7
     2.4.      EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications ..................................................................... 7
     2.5.      Labeling Requirements ................................................................................................. 7
     2.6.      Test Mode .................................................................................................................... 8

3.   ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 9

4.   TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATE ............................................................................ 10

5.   MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY .......................................................................................... 11

6.   TEST RESULT ...................................................................................................................... 12

     6.1.      Summary .................................................................................................................... 12
     6.2.      Radiated Emissions .................................................................................................... 13
     6.2.1.       Test Limit ................................................................................................................ 13
     6.2.2.       Test Procedure Used .............................................................................................. 13
     6.2.3.       Test Setup............................................................................................................... 14
     6.2.4.       Test Results ............................................................................................................ 15
     6.3.      20dB Bandwidth ......................................................................................................... 19
     6.3.1.       Test Limit ................................................................................................................ 19
     6.3.2.       Test Procedure Used .............................................................................................. 19
     6.3.3.       Test Setting ............................................................................................................. 19
     6.3.4.       Test Setup............................................................................................................... 19
     6.3.5.       Test Result .............................................................................................................. 20
     6.4.      Release Time.............................................................................................................. 21
     6.4.1.       Test Limit ................................................................................................................ 21
     6.4.2.       Test Procedure Used .............................................................................................. 21
     6.4.3.       Test Procedure........................................................................................................ 21
     6.4.4.       Test Setup............................................................................................................... 21
     6.4.5.       Test Result .............................................................................................................. 22
     6.5.      Duty Cycle .................................................................................................................. 23

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     6.5.1.        Test Limit ................................................................................................................ 23
     6.5.2.        Test Procedure........................................................................................................ 23
     6.5.3.        Test Setup............................................................................................................... 23
     6.5.4.        Test Result .............................................................................................................. 24

7.    CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................... 25

Appendix A – Test Setup Photograph......................................................................................... 26

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                                                                     Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

§2.1033 General Information
Applicant:                WHETRON ELECTRONICS(SUZHOU) CO.,LTD
Manufacturer:             WHETRON ELECTRONICS(SUZHOU) CO.,LTD
Test Site:                MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Test Site Address:        D8 Building, No.2 Tian’edang Rd., Wuzhong Economic Development
                          Zone, Suzhou, China
FCC Registration No.:     893164
Test Device Serial No.:   N/A               Production   Pre-Production     Engineering

Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at MRT Laboratory located in Tian’edang Rd., Suzhou, China.
 MRT facility is a FCC registered (MRT Reg. No. 893164) test facility with the site description
  report on file and has met all the requirements specified in ANSI C63.4-2014.
 MRT facility is an IC registered (MRT Reg. No. 11384A-1) test laboratory with the site
  description on file at Industry Canada.
 MRT facility is a VCCI registered (R-20025, G-20034,
  C-20020, T-20020) test laboratory with the site
  description on file at VCCI Council.
 MRT Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by the American
  Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) under
  the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
  Program (A2LA Cert. No. 3628.01) in EMC,
  Telecommunications, Radio and SAR testing.

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                                                                          Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

1.1. Scope
Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EMC) of radio frequency devices
including intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and
regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and the Industry Canada Certification and
Engineering Bureau.

1.2. MRT Test Location
The map below shows the location of the MRT LABORATORY, its proximity to the Taihu Lake.
These measurement tests were conducted at the MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Facility
located at D8 Building, No.2 Tian’edang Rd., Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou,
China. The measurement facility compliant with the test site requirements specified in ANSI

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                                                                         Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

2.1. Equipment Description
Product Name:                    Remote Keyless Entry
Model No.:                       1SG65
Frequency Range:                 433.92 MHz
Type of modulation:              ASK
Antenna Type:                    PCB Antenna
Device Category:                 Portable Device

2.2. Test Standards
The following report is prepared on behalf of the device in accordance with FCC Part 15, Subpart C,
and section 15.231, 15.203, 15.205 and 15.209 of the Federal Communication Commission rules.
The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, and section 15.231, 15.203,
15.205 and 15.209 of the Federal Communication Commission rules.
Maintenance of compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of the
product, which results in lowering the emission/immunity, should be checked to ensure compliance
has been maintained.

2.3. Test Configuration
The Remote Keyless Entry was tested per the guidance of ANSI C63.10-2013. ANSI C63.10-2013
was used to reference the appropriate EUT setup for radiated spurious emissions testing and AC
line conducted testing.

2.4. EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
No EMI suppression device(s) were added and/or no modifications were made during testing.

2.5. Labeling Requirements
Per 2.1074 & 15.19; Docket 95-19
The label shall be permanently affixed at a conspicuous location on the device; instruction manual or
pamphlet supplied to the user and be readily visible to the purchaser at the time of purchase.
However, when the device is so small wherein placement of the label with specified statement is not
practical, only the FCC ID must be displayed on the device per Section 15.19(a)(5). Please see
attachment for FCC ID label and label location.

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2.6. Test Mode
All testing shall be performed under maximum output power condition, and to measure its highest
possible emissions level, more detailed description as follows:
Test Mode
Mode 1         Transmitting with modulation continuously (Note 1)
Mode 2         Transmitting with modulation normally
Note 1: The EUT was operated at continuous transmitting mode that was for the purpose of the
Note 2: Release Time and Duty Cycle use test mode 2, Radiated Emission and 20dB Bandwidth use
test mode 1.

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                                                                         Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Excerpt from §15.203 of the FCC Rules/Regulations:
“An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached
antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered
sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section.”

    The antenna of the device is permanently attached.
    There are no provisions for connection to an external antenna.

The device unit complies with the requirement of §15.203.

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                                                                               Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Radiated Disturbance – AC2

Instrument                   Manufacturer Type No.          Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
MXE EMI Receiver             Agilent             N9038A     MRTSUE06125       1 year        2019/08/14
Loop Antenna                 Schwarzbeck FMZB 1519          MRTSUE06025       1 year        2018/11/20
Bilog Period Antenna         Schwarzbeck VULB 9162          MRTSUE06022       1 year        2018/10/20
Horn Antenna                 Schwarzbeck BBHA9120D          MRTSUE06171       1 year        2018/11/09
Broadband Coaxial Preamplifier
                             Schwarzbeck BBV 9718           MRTSUE06176       1 year        2018/11/16
Temperature/Humidity Meter Yuhuaze               HTC-2      MRTSUE06178       1 year        2019/08/14
Anechoic Chamber             RIKEN               Chamber-AC2 MRTSUE06213      1 year        2019/05/02

20dB Bandwidth – AC2
Instrument                   Manufacturer Type No.          Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cal. Due Date
MXE EMI Receiver             Agilent             N9038A     MRTSUE06125       1 year        2019/08/14
Bilog Period Antenna         Schwarzbeck VULB 9162          MRTSUE06022       1 year        2018/10/20
Temperature/Humidity Meter Yuhuaze               HTC-2      MRTSUE06178       1 year        2019/08/14
Anechoic Chamber             RIKEN               Chamber-AC2 MRTSUE06213      1 year        2019/05/02

Release Time – AC2
Instrument                   Manufacturer Type No.          Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cal. Due Date
MXE EMI Receiver             Agilent             N9038A     MRTSUE06125       1 year        2019/08/14
Bilog Period Antenna         Schwarzbeck VULB 9162          MRTSUE06022       1 year        2019/10/20
Temperature/Humidity Meter Yuhuaze               HTC-2      MRTSUE06178       1 year        2019/08/14
Anechoic Chamber             RIKEN               Chamber-AC2 MRTSUE06213      1 year        2019/05/02

Duty Cycle – AC2
Instrument                   Manufacturer Type No.          Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cal. Due Date
MXE EMI Receiver             Agilent             N9038A     MRTSUE06125       1 year        2019/08/14
Bilog Period Antenna         Schwarzbeck VULB 9162          MRTSUE06022       1 year        2018/10/20
Temperature/Humidity Meter Yuhuaze               HTC-2      MRTSUE06178       1 year        2019/08/14
Anechoic Chamber             RIKEN               Chamber-AC2 MRTSUE06213      1 year        2019/05/02

Software                               Version                     Function
e3                                     V8.3.5                      EMI Test Software

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                                                                        Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Where relevant, the following test uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the
EUT as specified in CISPR 16-4-2. This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed
at approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k = 2.
Radiated Emission Measurement – AC2
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):
     9kHz ~ 1GHz: 4.18dB
     1GHz ~ 18GHz: 4.76dB
Release Time Measurement – AC2
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):

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                                                                       Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

6.1. Summary
FCC ID:                 2ALBS-1SG65

  FCC Part                                                 Test
                  Test Description        Test Limit                  Test Result    Reference
  Section(s)                                             Condition
               Radiated Emissions       Refer to 6.2.1                   Pass        Section 6.2

15.231(c)      20dB Bandwidth           Refer to 6.3.1                   Pass        Section 6.3
15.231(a)(1)   Release Time             Refer to 6.4.1                   Pass        Section 6.4

15.231(b)      Duty Cycle               Refer to 6.5.1                   Pass        Section 6.5

Note: The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning. Only the worst case is
shown in the report.

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6.2. Radiated Emissions

6.2.1.Test Limit
According to §15.231(b), the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated under
this section shall not exceed the following:
 Fundamental Frequency         Field Strength of Fundamental     Field Strength of Spurious Emissions
          (MHz)                      (microvolts/meter)                    (microvolts/meter)
      40.66 - 40.70                            2250                                 225
         70 - 130                              1250                                 125
                                       1                                      1
        130 - 174                          1250 to 3750                           125 to 375
        174 - 260                              3750                                 375
                                      1                                      1
        260 - 470                         3750 to 12500                          375 to 1250
        Above 470                            12500                                  1250
The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions in the above table are based on the
fundamental frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emissions shall be attenuated to the
average (or, alternatively, CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the general limits shown
in §15.209, whichever limit permits a higher field strength.

The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an
average detector. The provisions in §15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply. Spurious Radiated
Emissions measurements start below or at the lowest crystal frequency.

Compliance with the provisions of §15.205 shall be demonstrated using the measurement
instrumentation specified in that section.

6.2.2.Test Procedure Used
ANSI C63.10-2013 - Section 6.3 & 6.4 & 6.5 & 6.6 and Section 7.5

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6.2.3.Test Setup

9kHz ~ 30MHz Test Setup:

30MHz ~ 1GHz Test Setup:

1GHz ~ 6GHz Test Setup:

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                                                                                   Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

6.2.4.Test Results
Site: AC2                                                Time: 2018/10/08 - 19:21
Limit: FCC 15.231(b)                                     Engineer: Jone Zhang
Probe: VULB9162_0.03-8GHz                                Polarity: Horizontal
EUT: Remote Keyless Entry                                Power: By Battery
Test Mode: Transmit at channel 433.92MHz

No    Frequency        Reading     Factor      Duty Cycle      Measure          Limit         Over       Type
      (MHz)            Level       (dB)        Factor          Level            (dBuV/m)      Limit
                       (dBuV)                  (dB)            (dBuV/m)                       (dB)
 1    434.005          68.214      17.508      N/A             85.722           100.825       -15.103    PK
      434.005          68.214      17.508      -16.480         69.242           80.825        -11.583    AV
 2    867.840          1.396       23.969      N/A             25.365           80.825        -55.460    PK
      867.840          1.396       23.969      -16.480         8.885            60.825        -51.940    AV
Note 1: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 9 kHz to the tenth harmonics. There is the ambient noise
within frequency range 9 kHz ~ 30 MHz, the permissible value is not show in the report.
Note 2: The fundamental frequency is 433.92MHz, so the fundamental and spurious emissions radiated limit
base on the operating frequency 433.92MHz.
Note 3: Peak Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB).
AV Measure Level = Peak Measure Level + Duty Cycle Factor.
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m).

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                                                                                 Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Site: AC2                                                Time: 2018/09/30 - 21:37
Limit: FCC 15.231(b)                                     Engineer: Jone Zhang
Probe: VULB9162_0.03-8GHz                                Polarity: Vertical
EUT: Remote Keyless Entry                                Power: By Battery
Test Mode: Transmit at channel 433.92MHz

No    Frequency        Reading     Factor      Duty Cycle       Measure       Limit         Over        Type
      (MHz)            Level       (dB)        Factor           Level         (dBuV/m)      Limit
                       (dBuV)                  (dB)             (dBuV/m)                    (dB)
 1    434.005          68.499      17.508      N/A              86.007        100.825       -14.818     PK
      434.005          68.499      17.508      -16.480          69.527        80.825        -11.298     AV
 2    867.840          1.738       23.969      N/A              25.707        80.825        -55.118     PK
      867.840          1.738       23.969      -16.480          9.227         60.825        -51.598     AV
Note 1: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 9 kHz to the tenth harmonics. There is the ambient noise
within frequency range 9 kHz ~ 30 MHz, the permissible value is not show in the report.
Note 2: The fundamental frequency is 433.92MHz, so the fundamental and spurious emissions radiated limit
base on the operating frequency 433.92MHz.
Note 3: Peak Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB).
AV Measure Level = Peak Measure Level + Duty Cycle Factor.
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m).

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                                                                                   Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Site: AC2                                                Time: 2018/09/30 - 18:00
Limit: FCC 15.231(b)                                     Engineer: Jone Zhang
Probe: BBHA9120D_1-18GHz                                 Polarity: Horizontal
EUT: Remote Keyless Entry                                Power: By Battery
Test Mode: Transmit at channel 433.92MHz

No    Frequency        Reading     Factor      Duty Cycle      Measure          Limit         Over       Type
      (MHz)            Level       (dB)        Factor          Level            (dBuV/m)      Limit
                       (dBuV)                  (dB)            (dBuV/m)                       (dB)
 1    2602.500         42.210      -0.397      N/A             41.813           80.825        -39.012    PK
      2602.500         42.210      -0.397      -16.480         25.333           60.825        -35.492    AV
 2    3472.500         47.963      1.539       N/A             49.502           80.825        -31.323    PK
      3472.500         47.963      1.539       -16.480         33.022           60.825        -27.803    AV
 3    3905.000         41.834      3.135       N/A             44.969           80.825        -35.856    PK
      3905.000         41.834      3.135       -16.480         28.489           60.825        -32.336    AV
Note 1: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 9 kHz to the tenth harmonics. There is the ambient noise
within frequency range 9 kHz ~ 30 MHz, the permissible value is not show in the report.
Note 2: The fundamental frequency is 433.92MHz, so the fundamental and spurious emissions radiated limit
base on the operating frequency 433.92MHz.
Note 3: Peak Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB).
AV Measure Level = Peak Measure Level + Duty Cycle Factor.
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) – Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).

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                                                                                 Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Site: AC2                                                Time: 2018/09/30 - 18:10
Limit: FCC 15.231(b)                                     Engineer: Jone Zhang
Probe: BBHA9120D_1-18GHz                                 Polarity: Vertical
EUT: Remote Keyless Entry                                Power: By Battery
Test Mode: Transmit at channel 433.92MHz

No    Frequency        Reading     Factor      Duty Cycle       Measure       Limit         Over        Type
      (MHz)            Level       (dB)        Factor           Level         (dBuV/m)      Limit
                       (dBuV)                  (dB)             (dBuV/m)                    (dB)
 1    3030.000         39.690      0.843       N/A              40.533        80.825        -40.292     PK
      3030.000         39.690      0.843       -16.480          24.053        60.825        -36.772     AV
 2    3472.500         42.294      1.539       N/A              43.833        80.825        -36.992     PK
      3472.500         42.294      1.539       -16.480          27.353        60.825        -33.472     AV
 3    3905.000         39.895      3.135       N/A              43.030        80.825        -37.795     PK
      3905.000         39.895      3.135       -16.480          26.550        60.825        -34.275     AV
Note 1: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 9 kHz to the tenth harmonics. There is the ambient noise
within frequency range 9 kHz ~ 30 MHz, the permissible value is not show in the report.
Note 2: The fundamental frequency is 433.92MHz, so the fundamental and spurious emissions radiated limit
base on the operating frequency 433.92MHz.
Note 3: Peak Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB).
AV Measure Level = Peak Measure Level + Duty Cycle Factor.
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) – Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).

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6.3. 20dB Bandwidth

6.3.1.Test Limit
The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices
operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission
shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency.
Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

6.3.2.Test Procedure Used
ANSI C63.10-2013 - Section 6.9.2

6.3.3.Test Setting
With the EUT’s antenna attached, the EUT’s 20dB Bandwidth power was received by the test
antenna, which was connected to the spectrum analyzer with the START, and STOP frequencies set
to the EUT’s operation band.

6.3.4.Test Setup

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6.3.5.Test Result

Product             Remote Keyless Entry             Temperature            23°C
Test Engineer       Jone Zhang                       Relative Humidity      54%
Test Site           AC2                              Test Date              2018/09/30
Test Item           Occupied Bandwidth

 Test Frequency       20dB Bandwidth     99% Bandwidth             Limit
      (MHz)               (KHz)              (KHz)                 (KHz)

     433.92               106.8             126.24               ≤ 1084.8                Pass
Limit = Fundamental Frequency * 0.25% = 433.92MHz * 0.25% = 1084.8 kHz

                                   20dB Bandwidth Test Plot

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6.4. Release Time

6.4.1.Test Limit
FCC 15.231(a), (1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically
deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.

6.4.2.Test Procedure Used
ANSI C63.10-2013 – Section 7.4

6.4.3.Test Procedure
With the EUT’s antenna attached, the EUT’s output signal was received by the test antenna, which
was connected to the spectrum analyzer. Set the center frequency to 433.92MHz, than set the
spectrum analyzer to Zero Span for the release time reading. During the testing, the switch was
released then the EUT automatically deactivated.

6.4.4.Test Setup

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6.4.5.Test Result

Product                Remote Keyless Entry              Temperature             23°C
Test Engineer          Jone Zhang                        Relative Humidity       54%
Test Site              AC2                               Test Date               2018/09/30
Test Item              Release Time

                Item                     Measured Value                Limit                  Result

            Release Time                       0.270 s                 ≤5s                    Pass
Measure Value = Release(on time) = 270.0ms

                                              Release Time

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6.5. Duty Cycle

6.5.1.Test Limit
According to FCC Part 15.231(b) and 15.35(e), for pulse operation transmitter, the averaging pulsed
emissions are calculated by peak value of measured emission plus duty cycle factor.

6.5.2.Test Procedure
With the EUT’s antenna attached, the EUT’s output signal was received by the test antenna, which
was connected to the spectrum analyzer. Set the center frequency to 433.92MHz, than set the
spectrum analyzer to Zero Span for the release time reading. During the testing, the switch was
released then the EUT automatically deactivated.

6.5.3.Test Setup

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6.5.4. Test Result

 Product             Remote Keyless Entry              Temperature            23°C
 Test Engineer       Jone Zhang                        Relative Humidity      54%
 Test Site           AC2                               Test Date              2018/09/30
 Test Item           Duty Cycle

  Test Frequency      Total Time (Ton)   The duration of one       Duty Cycle        Duty Cycle Factor
       (MHz)               (ms)               cycle(ms)               (%)                   (dB)
      433.92               15.00                 100                 15.00                 -16.48
Note: Duty Cycle Factor = 20*Log(Duty Cycle).

Total Time (Ton)(ms)= 15.00(ms)
                                            Width of Pulse

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The data collected relate only the item(s) tested and show that the device is in compliance with FCC

Part 15.231(a) of the FCC Rules.

                                             The End

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                                     Report No.: 1809WSU015-U1

Appendix A – Test Setup Photograph
Refer to “1809WSU015-UT” file.

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Document Created: 2019-09-28 18:00:31
Document Modified: 2019-09-28 18:00:31

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