User Manual


Users Manual

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OEM User Manual
  Version 1.0

                                                                                                                 PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

Table of Contents

1 Version Tracking ................................................................................................... 4
2 OEM Notice ............................................................................................................... 5
3 Product Overview .................................................................................................. 5
4 External Interfaces ................................................................................................ 6
   4.1      Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 6
   4.2      Pinout ............................................................................................................................................ 6
   4.3      USB-C............................................................................................................................................. 7

5 LED’s........................................................................................................................... 7
   5.1      Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 7
   5.2      ORANGE LED ................................................................................................................................. 8
   5.3      GREEN LED .................................................................................................................................... 8
   5.4      BLUE LED ....................................................................................................................................... 8

6 Power Supply .......................................................................................................... 8
7 Testing Environment............................................................................................ 9
8 Software Tools ........................................................................................................ 9
9 Initial setup ............................................................................................................. 9
10 Control Interface.................................................................................................. 10
11 Cellular Information ........................................................................................... 10
   11.1     Query normal .............................................................................................................................. 10
   11.2     Query no SIM .............................................................................................................................. 11

12 GPS Information ................................................................................................... 11
13 Input/Outputs....................................................................................................... 12
   13.1     Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 12
   13.2     Digital inputs ............................................................................................................................... 12
   13.3     Open-drain outputs..................................................................................................................... 12
   13.4     Connecting a load ....................................................................................................................... 13

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                                                                                                         PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

13.5   1-Wire™ interface ....................................................................................................................... 14
13.6   Serial interface ............................................................................................................................ 14

                                                           Pacific Track, LLC                                                                        3

                                             PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

1 Version Tracking

Version   Date         Change
0.1       11/19/2017   Initial Version
0.2       9/17/2018    Updated
0.3       9/18/2018    Comments from CC
1.0       1/28/2019    Published

                        Pacific Track, LLC                          4

                                                                                   PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

2 OEM Notice
This user manual is provided to OEM and Resellers of Pacific Track’s products. It is not intended to be
used by end users.

OEM and Resellers should include the following notices in a prominent location in the instruction
manual or pamphlet supplied to the user or, alternatively, shall be placed on the container in which the
device is marketed:

        Product Marketing Name: Telematics Device

        FCC ID: 2ALBDPT40
        IC :     23259-PT40

        This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits and Canada radiation RF exposure limits
        set forth in CFR 47 Sections 2.1091 and ISED RSS-102 for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment
        should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and the
        body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or

        Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements de la FCC et aux limites
        d'exposition aux rayonnements RF du Canada énoncées dans les sections 2.1091 du CFR 47 et ISED RSS-
        102 pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec une distance
        minimale de 20 cm entre le radiateur et votre corps. Cet émetteur ne doit pas être colocalisé ou
        fonctionner en conjonction avec une autre antenne ou émetteur.

        This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
        (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
        received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

        This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following
        two conditions:
        (1) This device may not cause interference; and
        (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation
        of the device.”

        Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts
        de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
        (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
        (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est
        susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

3 Product Overview
The PT40 is a cellular device that can be used for both simple and complex telematics application. In
simple application the PT40 can be powered with a basic power-only connection. In more complex

                                                 Pacific Track, LLC                                                 5

                                                                          PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

application, the PT40 cab be connected to digital inputs and outputs, temperature sensors, iButton™
and additional devices over a serial connection.

The PT40 can also be connected to vehicle bus to augment the telematics data with information
collected directly from the vehicle. The PT40 supports J1939, J1708/1587 and OBD-II (CAN only).

Thanks to the integrated Bluetooth Low Energy interface, the PT40 can also communicate with an
external device such as a smartphone or tablet.

Finally, the PT40 can be programmed to run complex applications schemes based on locally generated
events and states.

4 External Interfaces
4.1 Overview
The PT40 uses a single external interface. The interface is a 20-pin connector Molex Micro-Fit 3.0™ P/N

The mating connector is the Molex 04302-52000.

Pacific Track has approved the substitution of the Molex connector with other brands that have met a
series of tests conducted internally.

4.2 Pinout

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                                                                          PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

The pinout of the connector is specified is the following table:

 PIN                 FUNCTION                   DETAILS / RANGE
 1                   POWER_OUT                  +3V switched power
 2                   UART RX                    Accessories UART Receive
 3                   BATTERY                    Internal Battery (do not use)
 4                   OUTPUT 2                   Open Drain Output
 5                   1-WIRE                     1-Wire™ Interface
 6                   INPUT 4                    3 to 32V
 7                   INPUT 2                    3 to 32V
 8                   J1708+                     J1708 Interface
 9                   CAN HIGH                   J1939 or OBD-II
 10                  POWER IN                   6 to 32V
 11                  GND                        Ground for accessories
 12                  UART TX                    Accessories UART Transmit
 13                  VDC                        DC/DC converter Output (do not use)
 14                  OUTPUT 1                   Open Drain Output
 15                  GND                        Ground for 1-Wire
 16                  INPUT 3                    3 to 32V
 17                  INPUT 1                    3 to 32V
 18                  J1708-                     J1708 Interface
 19                  CAN LOW                    J1939 or OBD-II
 20                  POWER GND                  0V

The device should be powered from pins 10 and 20.

4.3 USB-C
For debugging purpose, the PT40 also includes a USB-C connector. The USB-C connector can be used to
connect USB 2.0 equipment (PC, laptop or smartphone) to the PT40.

Note that the PT40 cannot be powered from the USB-C connector nor can the connector provide power
to a connected accessory.

5 LED’s
5.1 Overview
The PT40 includes three LEDs (ORANGE, GREEN and BLUE).

Note: This document describes the current default behavior of the LEDs. This behavior can be changed
by the user.

                                             Pacific Track, LLC                                        7

                                                                         PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

The following table summarizes the functionality of the ORANGE LED;

 LED State          Meaning
 Off                GPS power management engaged. GPS is turned
                    off, GPS backup clock in ON.
 Blinking           GPS is in acquisition mode
 On                 GPS signal is locked

Note: In production mode, the GPS chipset will go into power management mode (GPS OFF, RTC ON) to
save power.

One short blink every 10 second

The following table summarizes the functionality of the BLUE LED;

 LED State          Meaning
 Off                The cellular subsystem is off
 One blink / 10s    The cellular subsystem is not searching
 Fast blink         The cellular network has rejected the device
 Slow Blink         The cellular subsystem is searching
 On                 The cellular subsystem found a network

Note: The GPS may go into power management mode for example when the PT40 detects that the
vehicle is not moving.

6 Power Supply
The PT40 is powered with a circuit that has been tested to meet the requirements of ISO 16750-2.

The circuit provides the following benefit:

    1) Protected against reversed polarity
    2) Protected against over current with a resettable fuse
    3) Filtered against noise present on the power line

                                              Pacific Track, LLC                                    8

                                                                           PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

    4) Protected against the overvoltage/overshoot present in the automotive and industrial
       environments with a Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) which has a peak power dissipation of

7 Testing Environment
To test the PT40, the following shall be provided:

        A reliable power supply (at least one amp at 12V)
        A SIM card for the targeted operator
        A PC or laptop
        A USB cable to connect a PC or laptop to the PT40 such as this one:

8 Software Tools
It is recommended to use a terminal emulation program called Tera Term. The latest version is 4.100
and it can be found at:

Do not use other branches of the Tera Term projects such as 2.x or 3.x

9 Initial setup

    1. Insert the SIM card in the PT40
    2. Power the device
    3. Connect the USB connector to the PC/Laptop and to the device
    4. On a recent operating system (Windows 10), you will be prompted to install a device named
       “STM32 Virtual ComPort” and the driver will be automatically installed
    5. Start Tera Term

                                             Pacific Track, LLC                                       9

                                                                           PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

    6. Click on File  New Connection  Serial and select the port that was just installed
    7. Click OK
    8. Click on Setup  Serial Port and select the following options:
             Speed: 115200
             Data: 8 bit
             Parity: none
             Stop bits: 1 bit
             Flow control: none
    9. Click OK
    10. It might be convenient to store those settings by going to:

        Setup  Save setup and click Save

10 Control Interface
At that point the user should be able to enter commands to control and query the device. Note that
there is no echo unless the command character (‘!’) is first entered. To test the interface, type the
following commands:

!H<cr>          (<cr> is the carriage return character which is sent when the Enter key is pressed)

11 Cellular Information
11.1 Query normal

The Cellular interface can be queried with the following command:


Here below is an example answer to this query:

 Model:             SARA-R410M-02B
 Revision:          L0.
 IMEI:              352753090114156
 CAT-M:             B2 B4 B5 B12
 Status:            OK
 ICCID:             89011703278144196279
 IMSI:              310170814419627
 Registered:        Yes

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                                                                              PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

 Roaming:              No
 RSSI:                 26
 Network:              310410
 LAC:                  FFFE
 CID:                  08720B0F

The following line:

CAT-M:                B2 B4 B5 B12

Shows which LTE bands that have been enabled on that specific module. The following bands should be

 Operator         Country       Bands
 AT&T             US            2, 4, 5 and 12
 Verizon          US            4 and 13
 Orange           FR            3 and 20

11.2 Query no SIM

If the SIM card is not present or not detected, the following is displayed:

 Model:                SARA-R410M-02B
 Revision:             L0.
 IMEI:                 352753090114156
 Status:               No SIM
 Registered:           No

12 GPS Information
The GPS subsystem can be queried with the following command:


Here below is an example answer to this query:

Mode:   Power ON
Lock:   1

                                                 Pacific Track, LLC                              11

                                                                           PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

Sat U:     11
Sat V:     14
Time:      09/17/2018 22:12:51
Lat:       48.858343
Lon:       2.294705
Spd:       0.0
Hea:       257
Alt:       23
DOP:       0.8
Age:       1 s
RTC:       09/17/2018 22:12:50
Lock:      35
Relock:    35

13 Input/Outputs
13.1 Overview
The PT40 includes the following interfaces:

       4 Digital inputs
       2 Open-drain outputs
       A 1-Wire™ interface
       A serial UART

For debugging purpose, these interfaces can be controlled locally. In actual deployments, these
interfaces can be controlled remotely over an IP connection or SMS messages

13.2 Digital inputs
The inputs can be verified with the following command:


The result is as shown below:

4 3 2 1
0 1 1 0

In that case, inputs 2 and 3 are high (more than 3V on the input) and inputs 1 and 4 are low.

13.3 Open-drain outputs
The outputs can be controlled with the following command:

                                              Pacific Track, LLC                                  12

                                                                        PT40 OEM USER MANUAL


<OUTPUT> is 1 or 2
<LEVEL> is 0 or 1                (1 activates the open-drain which grounds the

Example 1: activate output #2:


Example 2: deactivate output #1:


13.4 Connecting a load
The load can be connected to any of the two PT40 outputs using the following schematic:

Please note the following:

                                           Pacific Track, LLC                              13

                                                                            PT40 OEM USER MANUAL

       The POWER applied to the load does not need to be the same as the one powering the PT40
       When using separate power sources, the two grounds (PT40 and load) must be connected
       The diode shown above must be present if the load is not purely resistive. If a non-resistive load
        such as a relay is switched without the diode, the PT40 output will be immediately destroyed.
       The maximum voltage for the load is 60V (note that this is different from the maximum voltage
        supported by the PT40 itself)
       The maximum current is 3 Amps.

13.5 1-Wire™ interface
The PT40 supports iButton™ and temperature sensors.

13.6 Serial interface
Please contact Pacific Track to discuss the supported devices.

                                            Pacific Track, LLC                                          14

Document Created: 2019-02-20 12:49:59
Document Modified: 2019-02-20 12:49:59

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