Confidentiality Request


Cover Letter(s)

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              sHenzhen sHevatal TEcHnor.cay c0.L.MiteD
       Room 702,8.00% 8XINTAN CevTury sUsINESS CENTRE, FuMNG
                 ROAD,FUTIAN DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, China

Nov. 30, 2017
Federal Communication Commission
Authorization and Evaluation Diision

FoID: 2ALoB—VEsootaBt
Re: Confidentiality Request
Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission‘s Rules, the applicant hereby
recuests conidental treaiment of nformation applied this appliation as outined below
1: Blook Dagam
2: Schematics
9: Operatonal Desergrion

The above materals cortain trade seerets and propristary iformation not customanly
released to the publc. The public disclosure of these matirs might be harmful to the
aprlieant and provide unjustffed benefis to ts compattors
"The Apglieant understands that pursuantto Rules 0.457, iselosure ofthis Appliation and
all accompanying documentation will not be made before the date of the Grank for tis

sHenzhen sHenaLalTEcHNo.oay Co.,MITED
Contast person: LE GUO
Tite: General manager

Document Created: 2017-11-30 09:56:58
Document Modified: 2017-11-30 09:56:58

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