User manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                            IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS                                                                  INTRODUCTION
   muze       THROW BACK                                                                    vinon ang your ow ace atoon Heasgrresase s recutor snsra t otonsecang e otoung
                                                                                            1 rexo as nerruenons eront usno vour nexommones.
                                                                                                                                                                                          ‘Prank oo o uctaing h Muzn Tvan BackBunth Heatptonnton IZIONYou cain yu Nenbores xt moxt
                                                                                                                                                                                          amarsrons an Bssat devee t urea mni on ons hadefo catngPaose re is manifn tlnunng yor
                                                                                                                                                                                          heacitcom in orte t s h xt rmuts
              BLUETOOTH! HEADPHONES                                                         2 bore ie o resororsrea wCuan sns aoy or atey naucon.
                                                                                            3 bore ce ma reassrres on onvetticen
                                                                                            4 Oovetato un orbeen i it youtevstons uit ast noonizon
                                                                                            5 Doret on youewitere torcoute ho fonas c i.
                                                                                            6 Avar srom tttono autces c0s atmntande oevistcrs.
                                                                                            7: Gore snn axronu y avicnnatsan n ca nds n cacary rng oys
                                                                                                                                                                                          PACKAGE CONTENTS
                                                                                            3 Gore se you eaitores io enpanire atore 100 Kor t rec meigh                                  Alucn Thew BckBuetot Heaistons
                                                                                            9 oretatentto mis oi ounntC uit savon oi t o Panstors m in rancvoice                          Areouse cruey Case
                                                                                            10.0oret on srsun on on yoe racpronn is nc on                                                 «hars Mawat in Waranty efomaton
                                                                                            11 Yow nscsros en rtvioconmersa on
                                                                                            19 Ungu i iven uhoret in in o egpoiete o uegetrngnorne
                                                                                            11 0ore ce ew otncs bat mt srorg mtc ts                                                       SPECIFICATIONS
                                                                                                                   aatrery wannine:                                                       swrroonranst Up t3 ret(1otein)
                                                                                                                   "Te eica nonueoa uin a nupaiss mm ontaruytre                           cxmnaneur 08
                                                                                                                    bete cavetrelces Dorststrct o enore t tntey                           sarrerrirettomin inim ontarey
                                                                                                   Acaution         fomte dnice.                                                          cxnsa ue Anpounaiy 2 hss
                                                                                                                   ‘tovetson on m or use is ncomsn ro                                     raw ied Aosnmamy Stiues
                                                                               mm                                  ‘dnvetenahpucinn, reverio mor canematconts
                                                                               hss                                 «Poame wl ordapsn of t atar noguty C o ut
                                                                                                                   iwovsns ibe andor t nndacire o tw nomaton                              ‘nopiaie t 09 t mriwoune esn valb ever snon snn i nater

                                                                                          CHARGING YOUR HEADPHONES                                                                        BLUETOOTH PAIRING


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                                                                                                                          2 it h V90togry aties Mn USHpag im t URA caring t ces
                                                                                                                          inovecturinapotonyarxitwes.       iB ty e re it parstocnnin     1 Pew anthal oouton o poue o yo oatteres     2The 60 e on i atrauy ts uoi o es
                                                                                                                                                            cesiiate use cuepryamcin.                                                  intyarresiommtamparnyrace
                                                                                                                                         ce nie iprsirauy o tous t congite utun te                               TCO
                                                                                                                                         usw y ces
                                                                                                                                         ~Renor n orgescai cce noprassnci.
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                                                                                                                                         «Aaurpestun i n s camety e iietsndona jur
                                                                                                                                          t                                               1. 0t e zen es nenson y on hn m nc 4 DelEDindca hnd unmanttavsont o ndcns
                                                                                          A, mt nteaer ue ue uin n rasrons o             Inerare To mot acomi dactogn o e taiy, ue yaa    Burtt isheedon Caved o uie nR Pntmetenitremanporinnjoaterm
                                                                                          ehorgnyban are o ie the ytorce ogog n congit nggproee athastoen en es norns.

USING YOUR HEADPHONES                                                                      AUXILIARY INPUT MODE                                                                           FCC STATEMENT
                                                                  ummates A                 Yoremasoaeastomacatoy cane                                                                    Changon o« nofcsons t rsrssyacpov ty h paryrssceala ocnstacecoud it unarmatorty to
                                                                  Gorns /                   bamedaitooniem tmighte c=                                                                     epoats besnipnent
                                                                                            Aotuy otonjoareustore.
                                                                                                                                                                                          "Tis dnic cungtonwth Pa16t h FGC Rjes.Opevln s utet ooloing e condton(1) is deven nayret
                                                                                                                                                                                          use harrnerwrarc, ns () is doven muntaccnany ienararnc ncincsdng norermnc ut may caune
1 Pew ant i n pove tm pove on 2 Prow e Pn cton ie i a, mss aniroine: tatsemacorce                                                                                                         "is sennthasteo esc and on t enc wih e mt o a Clos O igta devcn, pursnt Par 15ch FC
                              Pentmpmnizonmama.     o mareavaa nasiyi rewre                                                                                                               PudeTess is e deigra t ride remeratla petcion agirs hardnerercina resdentaliniafon Tha
                                                    Rita hm bwanb nemtten                                                                                                                 exomeanveieuo andcan acat io fuensy en ans e utle and un n accotarce wn t
                                                    nusini                                                                                                                                bnucfon: nayexive hantdinfncn t rado conmincafons Howmvec hn no ovanine ttedrncnvilrt
                                                                                           MAINTENANCE AND CARE                                                                           ecurinaarictarbuntaton
                                                                                           AAdon ui ohoutonnimort h s rte se tt h wcaro t w tirs on uen
                                                                                            L o i i clam ohsstenn Mome n n on uie copos e non m esnc e y                                  1t oieastonen doscaus harminedirsce t ioio eeston w can be deternes ty trng to
                                                                                           mniare                                                                                         eectomantl an on ne uarisancougast ty t cret h eierece t on c mor of e ftoung messuen:
                                                                                            «on eirnes n e on seb se n e y gace
                                                                                            Km t t on ecrwrangcase ue nconncu ty eastonn. Comac n scrrec oi cason                         — Rctestc mocte e ecavag io
                                                                                           cnnity msoane                                                                                  —remse t sepatenbateen h enianan and cever
                                                                                            ‘ronengo mmssnne is ho iensunims eeren c hyuioo mcomn novar o vaur                            — Gomec h oaspnntino anoutetona cifount on ato wich o recabeis
                                                                                           ‘rewe mrse s sns t rastonn snses o o o mss t omssnConit en rrans                                   comenes.
                                                                                           se sns n mantcae s e easton e esw romanes                                                      — Comut e ds o anearercn oV ctican oh.
                                                     8 ow t tee oton i raneribcorng
                                                       Chemnat rewsuiaatera
                                                       sw mitonnconezcan                                                     4&

SAKAR ONE YEAR WARRANTY                                                                    SAKAR ONE YEAR WARRANTY (CONTINUED)
Thisvarsny coms t orgna ccesuctus ce ns se tovutuaie                                       no innmes, inemen poness on wruen,wowone, sur nor uo tom weueo warewmes
Tivarmny comes oocuss bta o Acion peoory UNOER NORXA USAGEoun ies n auwa oemenans          or verowitrouy on rmess ron a mrmouan runsose. omen naw mose eeneesiy nescrunco
Yow mt ui reparn c nc at n tzoars oreo a pvi oonoc                                         wcove seau amor. osmnauron rurmen necums al. wirnwemes artex me serness warnwery
                                                                                           remoo staren Anove no omen exmmess winswiy on curaiy oven my Aiy person, new on evtty
wiatisNotGores o Warmny                                                                    wnnirespec o me rroover s ie anoe on nstmuror. reewrervacevent, on reruvoor
Danagesor mtirctonsatresungtom etas n netrao veransnp and Sanage o natictor tm oher nan    Te onaiw, rurcrase prce — at osmrurons soueoonenon—Are mmesicuusve neveors or mz
rormalinncusng ut inin o rmat naurerto patesunser, mastcatoorncccen                        consuuer. iinoevert m oetmevror,me namwencrurerson sar noe uste ron Aw
                                                                                           wcomti. orect, mreor,srccw. ruvimve or conscaventw orwoss suon As. aut nor uurco
                                                                                           To anmats rontoss or moris, svsweessxmos oata on recorns) xuseo ay mne usewsuse on
To otiMarany SevenandTctiocing normaton:                                                   iwaumro use me rroouct, exeet as stareoneremo omen mmrwnes seamiy. nomirm                                                              muze
                                                                                           stnvone me rorecono. consuners recovey Aoxwsr nemevton swau. nor excreo me
sarranrazo o vaton vasia t w saarcom                                                       rurowse rrice or me rnoover sotoay oermeuron. ns ww swas nor Exteno to awoue
                                                                                           omer mun me onons. cousover o rurcwsto me rrosver Ato is yor mansremote
‘recav narany savceergvan h nane an ctusoanacrorve poiet svcecolem orgracnner
pursuss nun ce afopotia crurnnatnan sric scaz oc o uho n o tm o lt oce
rncutadinokn, evtercng utsc wavn e aogcaiawarantpercta)MST b rmatn n se s can              Sore cstoaitas or protrce o ntatow t urcisen r inscn t nsdaa o consonerturago or mt
tb eauetusaven. Riayou mapoit t ropay patage c e ayctecv oi en w actecopy t                intatons on narante, n intato o excusans may n wut t ya. Th warany ove yousoeataoa ts andyou
pootetpuctass a wite anlauion t h ptem, ind a vad mtatimes h autatrd sevcncrlnyor          mayhav ie rgns batvar tom ite t al o aincn t rovncn. Contt oi troved rmalerto dn t
mpurs. Do dncayabar t oraccioie uin e dtci mc Arypodts reuivd y e subotznd                 ancborvaranty acotos
senvc cate ut ar etcorwad y warary whn mhad inapared
                                                                                                                                                                                           oo ene eameniedidareut
                                                                                                                                                                                           Eooo e escl
                                                                                                                                                                                           Eoo old

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Document Created: 2019-03-28 04:37:48
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 04:37:48

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