Letter of Agency

FCC ID: 2AL9B-BH-0570

Cover Letter(s)

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               snevenensnevorat recrnoroor co, Lmtrep
  Rook 7osstocksxuvray cexrury susivess CemTRe, FuMive RoAD,FUTAN
                       DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, China


Fedenit Communications Commission
445 12° SSW
Washinaton, DC 2055¢
Subject:          Limited Agency Agrcement
                  sHevenen smevouat echnot.oor co..LmtreD
                  ree to: 2atop—2tt—0570
‘To Whom . May Coneere:
We, SHENZHEN SHENGLAT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LIMTTED hereby authocized Ttencl Testing
Servieesto ct as oue Agentfothe purpose of prepucina application for PCC TD auntber 2408—
811—0570) underall splieable pars of the PCC rles and regulitions
"The effecive dateofthis limied speney apreementis (20/7—07—07}. The Linited Ageocy
Agreement expiresuntll furthenotie, oless sooner terminated or extendad by welten notice to
Terentck Testing Services and the Foderal Communieations Commision
"This is to advisethat we ae in full complisnce with the Anti—Deug Abuse Act. The applicatis
ot sibject to a denial offederal benefis pursusatt Seetion 5301 of the Anti—Drug Actof 1988,
21 U.S.C. 862, nd no parey to the applietionis subject to a denialof federal beefits pucsusnt to
T you have any questions ocomments, lease do not hestute to contset me.
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Document Created: 2017-08-11 03:22:04
Document Modified: 2017-08-11 03:22:04

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