RF Exposure report

FCC ID: 2AL64-RE667

RF Exposure Info

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                              Shenzhen Toby Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                         Report No.: TB-MPE163818
                                                                         Page:       1 of 3

                           RF Exposure Evaluation
                                 FCC ID: 2AL64-RE667
  1. Client Information
 Applicant            : Shenzhen qiuyu Electronic Co.,Ltd
                          3F, E Building, Hongzhuyongqi Industrial Park, Lezhujiao village,
 Address              :
                          xixiang town, Bao'an District ,Shenzhen, China
 Manufacturer         : Shenzhen qiuyu Electronic Co.,Ltd
                          3F, E Building, Hongzhuyongqi Industrial Park, Lezhujiao village,
 Address              :
                          xixiang town, Bao'an District ,Shenzhen, China

  2. General Description of EUT
  EUT Name            : Tablet PC
  Models No.          : RE667, QM706
  Model                 All models are in the same PCB layout interior structure and
  Different             electrical circuits, The only difference is model.
                                                  802.11b/g/n(HT20): 2412MHz~2462MHz
                        Operation Frequency:
                                                  802.11n(HT40): 2422MHz~2452MHz
                                                  802.11b: 9.26dBm
  Product                                         802.11g: 8.49dBm
                      : RF Output Power:
  Description                                     802.11n (HT20):8.39dBm
                                                  802.11n (HT40):7.20dBm
                        Antenna Gain:             1.79dBi FPC Antenna
                        DC 3.7V by 2500mAh Li-ion Battery.
  Power Supply        :
                        DC 5V by AC/DC Adapter.
  Software              rk312x-userdebug 6.0.1 MXC89K user.hc.20190122.100315
  Version               test-keys
                     : RAK74E-MB-V1.1
  Connecting         :
                       Please refer to the User's Manual
  I/O Port(S)
Note: More test information about the EUT please refer the RF Test Report.


           1A/F., Bldg.6, Yusheng Industrial Zone, The National Road No.107 Xixiang Section 467, Xixiang,
                                      Bao’an, Shenzhen, China
                                  Tel: +86 75526509301       Fax: +86 75526509195

                                                               Report No.: TB-MPE163818
                                                               Page:       2 of 3

                        SAR Test Exclusion Calculations

1. FCC: According to KDB 447498 D01 Mobile and Portable Devices RF Exposure
   Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies v06.
   (1) Clause 4.3: General SAR test reduction and exclusion guidance
       Sub clause 4.31: Standalone SAR test exclusion considerations
       1) The 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6GHz at test
           separation distance≤5 mm are determined by:
           [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test
           separation, mm)]*[√f(GHz) ] ≤3.0 for 1-g SAR
           [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test
           separation, mm)]*[√f(GHz) ] ≤7.5.0 for 10-g SAR


                                                                                 Report No.: TB-MPE163818
                                                                                 Page:       3 of 3

  2. Calculation:

Test separation: 5mm
                                            WiFi Mode(802.11b)
                Conducted   Turn-up Power      Max power of        Max power of tune
Frequency                                                                              Calculation     Threshold
                  Power       Tolerance      tune up tolerance       up tolerance
  (GHz)                                                                                  Value           Value
                  (dBm)          (dB)              (dbm)                (mw)
  2.412           9.10         9±0.5                9.5                 8.913            2.768            3.0
  2.437           9.25         9±0.5                9.5                 8.913            2.783            3.0
  2.462           9.26         9±0.5                9.5                 8.913            2.797            3.0
                                            WiFi Mode(802.11g)
                Conducted   Turn-up Power      Max power of        Max power of tune
Frequency                                                                              Calculation     Threshold
                  Power       Tolerance      tune up tolerance       up tolerance
  (GHz)                                                                                  Value           Value
                  (dBm)          (dB)              (dbm)                (mw)
  2.412           8.39          8±1                 9                   7.943            2.467            3.0
  2.437           8.49          8±1                 9                   7.943            2.480            3.0
  2.462           8.32          8±1                 9                   7.943            2.493            3.0
                                        WiFi Mode(802.11n(HT20))
                Conducted   Turn-up Power      Max power of        Max power of tune
Frequency                                                                              Calculation     Threshold
                  Power       Tolerance      tune up tolerance       up tolerance
  (GHz)                                                                                  Value           Value
                  (dBm)          (dB)              (dbm)                (mw)
  2.412           7.64          8±1                 9                   7.943            2.467            3.0
  2.437           8.39          8±1                 9                   7.943            2.480            3.0
  2.462           8.39          8±1                 9                   7.943            2.493            3.0
                                        WiFi Mode(802.11n(HT40))
                Conducted   Turn-up Power      Max power of        Max power of tune
Frequency                                                                              Calculation     Threshold
                  Power       Tolerance      tune up tolerance       up tolerance
  (GHz)                                                                                  Value           Value
                  (dBm)          (dB)              (dbm)                (mw)
  2.422           7.09          7±1                 8                   6.310            1.964            3.0
  2.437           7.20          7±1                 8                   6.310            1.970            3.0
  2.452           7.05          7±1                 8                   6.310            1.976            3.0

  The worst RF Exposure Evaluation is calculated as 2.797 / cm2 < limit 3.0, So
  standalone SAR measurements are not required.

                                       -----END OF REPORT-----


Document Created: 2019-02-27 11:21:25
Document Modified: 2019-02-27 11:21:25

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