Users Manual


Users Manual

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DOIT.AM®Doctors of Intelligence & Technology Co., LTD
        ESP-F1                        ESP-F1WiFi Module
Ver V1.1 Mar., 18, 2017              Num.: DM0012CN

Features                                                  Peripheral for Module
                                                                   2*UART;
   SOC characteristics
                                                                   1*En;
       Built-in Tensilica L106 ultra-low power
                                                                   1*ADC
        consumption 32-bit cpu, the main frequency
        can be 80MHz and 160MHz, also support                      1*wakeup pin
                                                                   1*HSPI
       Built-in TCP/IP protocol stack;
                                                                   1*I2C
       Built-in 1 channel 10-bit high precision ADC;
                                                                   1*I2S
       The outside interfaces have HSPI, UART,
                                                                   4M byte Flash
        I2C, I2S, IR Remote Control, PWM, GPIO;
                                                                   MAX 11* GPIOs;
       The deep-sleep current is about 10uA, and the
        cut-off current is smaller than 5uA;                  Working temperature: -40℃-85℃
       Can be wake-up within 2 ms, and connect to         Module size: 16mm*24mm;
        transmit data package;
       the consume power is smaller than 1.0mW
        (DTIM3) when at standby status;
                                                          ● Serial Transparent transmission;
   Wi-Fi characteristics                                 ● WiFi prober;
                                                          ● Smart power plug/Smart LED light;
       Support 802.11 b/g/n/e/i
                                                          ● Mesh networks;
       Support three modes: Station, SoftAP, and
        SoftAP+STA;                                       ● Sensor networks;
       SupportWi-Fi Direct(P2P);                         ● Wearable electronics;
       Support hardware acceleration for CCMP            ● Securit ID label;
        (CBC-MAC, computation mode), TKIP (MIC,
                                                          ● Wireless location recognition;
        RC4), WAPI(SMS4), WEP(RC4), CRC;
                                                          ● Wireless location system beacon;
       P2P find, P2P GO mode/GC mode and P2P
        power management;                                 ● Industrial wireless control.
       WPA/PA2 PSK and WPS;                              Module Type
       Support 802.11 i    security: pre-certification       Name              Antenna Type
        and TSN;
                                                              ESP-F1            IPEX antenna
       Support 802.11n (2.4 GHz);
       802.1h/RFC1042 frame encapsulation;               Antenna Information
       Support seamless roam;                            Type of antenna: Dipole Antenna
                                                          Gain of the antenna (Max.): 2 dBi
       Support AT remote updation and cloud OTA
                                                          Frequency range: 2400-2500MHz.
       Support SmartConfig function for Android
        and iOS device SmartConfig.

              Doctors of Intelligence & Technology Co., LTD ( Copyright@2014-2017


Achieve Update

Date                       Version             Update
Mar, 21, 2017              V1.0                Ver 1.0

                Doctors of Intelligence & Technology Co. Ltd ( Copyright@2014-2017



Figures........................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
2. Interface Definition................................................................................................... 3
3. Shape and Size.......................................................................................................... 5
4. Electronical Characteristics...................................................................................... 6
5. Power Consumption.................................................................................................6
6. Wi-Fi RF Characteristics.......................................................................................... 7
7. The Recommended Sold Temperature Curve......................................................... 8
8. Schematics for ESP-F1............................................................................................. 8
9. Minimum System......................................................................................................9
10. Peripheral Line Suggestion...................................................................................11
Appendix..................................................................................................................... 12

                   Doctors of Intelligence & Technology Co. Ltd ( Copyright@2014-2017


  Fig. 1.1 Module Structure........................................................................................................................................................1

  Fig. 2.1 ESP-F1 Definition for Pins........................................................................................................................................ 3

  Fig. 3.1 Shape for ESP-F1.......................................................................................................................................................5
  Fig. 3.2 Size for ESP-F1..........................................................................................................................................................5

  Fig. 7.1 Temperature Curve when Sold.................................................................................................................................. 8

  Fig. 9. 1 Minimum System......................................................................................................................................................9

  Table 1.1 Parameters for ESP-F1............................................................................................................................................ 2

  Table 2.1 Pin Modes................................................................................................................................................................3
  Table 2.2 Function Definition of Module Pins........................................................................................................................4

  Table 3.1 Size for ESP-F1.......................................................................................................................................................5

  Table 4.1 Electronics...............................................................................................................................................................6

  Table 5.1 Power Consumption............................................................................................................................................... 6

  Table 6.1 Wi-Fi RF Characteristics.........................................................................................................................................7

                      Doctors of Intelligence & Technology Co. Ltd ( Copyright@2014-2017

DOIT.AM®                           ESP-F1 User Manual

1. Introduction
  The WiFi module ESP-F1 is manufactured by using a high-performance chip ESP8266EX. This small
chip is encapsulated an enhanced Tensilica’sL106 diamond series 32-bit kennel CPU with a SRAM.
Thus, ESP8266 has the complete function Wi-Fi function; it not only can be applied independently, but
can be used as a slaver working with other host CPU. When ESP8266 is applied as a slaver, it can start
from the onboard Flash. The built-in high-speed buffer is not only benefit to improve the system
performance, but optimize the store system. In addition, ESP8266 can be used as Wi-Fi adapter by
SPI/SDIO or I2C/UART interface, when it is applied to other MCU design.
     The ESP-F1 module supports the standard IEEE802.11 b/g/n/e/i protocol and the complete TCP/IP
protocol stack. User can use it to add the WiFi function for the installed devices, and also can be viewed
as a independent network controller. Anyway, ESP-F module provides many probabilities with the best

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DOIT.AM®                            ESP-F1 User Manual

Parameters for ESP-F are listed as follows.
                                     Table 1.1 Parameters for ESP-F1
            Types           Items                    Parameters
                            Frequency scope          2.4G~2.5G(2400M~2483.5M)
                                                     802.11b: +20 dBm
                            Transmit power           802.11g: +17 dBm
                                                     802.11n: +14 dBm
                                                     802.11b: -91 dbm (11Mbps)
                            Receiving sensitivity    802.11g: -75 dbm(54Mbps)
                                                     802.11n: -72 dbm(MCS7)
                            Antenna                  PCB onboard antenna
                            CPU                      Tensilica L106 32 bit MCU
                                                     UART/SDIO/SPI/I2C/I2S/IR control
                            Working voltage          2.5V ~ 3.6V
            Hardware        Working current          Average current: 80 mA
                            Working temperature      -40°C ~85°C
                            Environment              -40°C ~ 85°C
                            Size                     16mm x 24mm x 3mm
                            Wi-Fi mode               Station/SoftAP/SoftAP+Station
                            Security mode            WPA/WPA2
                            Encryption type          WEP/TKIP/AES
            Software        Update firmware          UART Download/OTA (by internet)
                            Software develop         Non-RTOS/RTOS/Arduino IDE etc.
                            Network protocol         IPv4, TCP/UDP/HTTP/FTP/MQTT
                            User configuration       AT+ command/cloud sever/ Android/iOS APP

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2. Interface Definition
    Interface definition of ESP-F can be shown in the following.

                                  Fig. 2.1 ESP-F1 Definition for Pins

   Working mode and definition of pins:
                                       Table 2.1 Pin Modes
       Mode                        GPIO15                 GPIO0                  GPIO2
        UART download                low                                          high
        FlashBoot mode               low                                          high

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DOIT.AM®                 ESP-F1 User Manual

                   Table 2.2 Function Definition of Module Pins
  Num   Pin       Type                                   Function

   1    RST         I     Reset the signal outside (enable with low), Reset module

   2    ADC         I     A/D pin. Input voltage 0~1V, value: 0~1024

                          Enable, high level: chip work normally; low level: chip closes with
   3    EN          I
                          small current.

   4    IO16       I/O    deep sleep/wakeup

   5    IO14       I/O    GPIO14; HSPI_CLK

   6    IO12       I/O    GPIO12;HSPI_MISO

   7    IO13       I/O    GPIO13;HSPI_MOSI;UART0_CTS

   8    VCC         P     Module working voltage: 3.3V

   9    CS0        I/O    GPIO11; SD_CMD; SPI_CS0

   10   MISO       I/O    GPIO7; SD_D0, SPI_MSIO

   11   IO9        I/O    GPIO9; SD_D2 PIHD; HSPIHD

   12   IO10       I/O    GPIO10; SD_D3;SPIWP; HSPIWP1

   13   MOSI       I/O    GPIO8; SD_D1;SPI_MOSI1

   14   SCLK       I/O    GPIO6; SD_CLK; SPI_CLK

   15   GND         P     GND

   16   IO15       I/O    GPIO15; MTDO;HSPICS;UART0_RTS

   17   IO2        I/O    GPIO2; UART1_TXD

   18   IO0        I/O    GPIO0;SPI_CS2

   19   IO4        I/O    GPIO4

   20   IO5        I/O    GPIO5

   21   RXD        I/O    GPIO3; used to build in Flash as UART Rx

   22   TXD        I/O    GPIO1; used to build in Flash as UART Tx

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3. Shape and Size
     Shape and size for this module can be shown as follows. Its size is 16mm*24mm*3mm, and the
Flash is 4M bytes (32Mbits).

                                       Fig. 3.1 Shape for ESP-F

                                              (b) Side View
                                        Fig. 3.2 Size for ESP-F1

                                       Table 3.1Size for ESP-F1
 Length             Width                Height               PAD                  Distance between Pins

 16mm               17mm                 3mm                  0.9*1.7mm            2mm

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4. Electronical Characteristics
                                              Table 4.1 Electronics
   Parameters                 Condition       Min                Classical           Max             Unite
   Store Temperature          -               -40                Normal              125             ℃
   Sold Temperature                           -                  -                   260             ℃
   Working Voltage            -               2.5                3.3                 3.6             V
          VIL/VIH             -               -0.3/0.75VIO       -                   0.25VIO/3.6
   I/O    VOL/VOH             -               N/0.8VIO           -                   0.1VIO/N
          IMAX                -               -                  -                   12              mA
   Electrostatic    release
                              TAMB=25℃        -                  -                   2               KV
   quantity (Human model)
   Electrostatic    release
                              TAMB=25℃        -                  -                   0.5             KV
   quantity (Human model)

5. Power Consumption
                                          Table 5.1 Power Consumption
          Parameters                                         Min             Classical     Max     Unite
          Tx802.11b, CCK 11Mbps, POUT=+17dBm                 -               170           -       mA
          Tx802.11g, OFDM 54 Mbps, POUT =+15dBm              -               140           -       mA
          Tx802.11n,MCS7,POUT =+13dBm                        -               120           -       mA
          Rx 802.11b,1024 Bytes, -80dBm                      -               50            -       mA

          Rx 802.11g,1024 Bytes, -70dBm                      -               56            -       mA

          Rx 802.11n,1024 Bytes, -65dBm                      -               56            -       mA
          Modem-sleep①                                       -               15            -       mA
          Light-sleep②                                       -               0.9           -       mA
          Deep-sleep③                                        -               20            -       μA
          close                                              -               0.5           -       μA

  ①: Modem-Sleep mode can be used for the case that CPU is always working, e.g., PWM or I2S etc. If
WiFi is connected and no data is to transmitted, in this case, WiFi modem can be closed to save power
energy. For example, if at DTIM3 status, keep asleep at 300ms, Then, the module can wake up to receive
the Beacon package within 3ms and the current being 15mA.
  ②: Light-Sleep mode can used for the case that CUP can stop the application temporally, e.g., Wi-Fi
Switch . If Wi-Fi is connected and there is no data packet to transmitted, by the 802.11 standard (e.g., U-

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APSD), module can close Wi-Fi Modem and stop CPU to save power. For example, at DTIM3, keep up
sleeping at 300ms, it would receive the Beacon package from AP after each 3ms, then the whole average
current is about 0.9mA.
  ③ Deep-Sleep mode is applied to the case that Wi-Fi is not necessary to connect all the time, just send
a data packet after a long time (e.g., transmit one temperate data each 100s) . it just need 0.3s-1s to
connect AP after each 300s, and the whole average current is much smaller 1mA.

6. Wi-Fi RF Characteristics
    The data in the following Table is gotten when voltage is 3.3V and1.1V in the indoor temperature
                                     Table 6.1 Wi-Fi RF Characteristics
         Parameters                                        Min       Classical   Max       Unite
         Input frequencey                                  2412      -           2484      MHz
         Input impedance                                   -         50          -         Ω
         Input reflection                                  -         -           -10       dB
         At 72.2Mbps, output power consumption for PA      15.5      16.5        17.5      dBm

         At 11b mode, output power consumption for PA      19.5      20.5        21.5      dBm

         Sensibility                                       -         -           -         -
         DSSS, 1Mbps                                       -         -98         -         dBm
         CCK11, Mbps                                       -         -91         -         dBm
         6Mbps(1/2 BPSK)                                   -         -93         -         dBm
         54Mbps(3/4 64-QAM)                                -         -75         -         dBm
         HT20, MCS7(65 Mbps, 72.2 Mbps)                    -         -72         -         dBm
         Adjacent Inhibition
         OFDM, 6Mbps                                       -         37          -         dB
         OFDM, 54Mbps                                      -         21          -         dB
         HT20, MCS0                                        -         37          -         dB
         HT20, MCS7                                        -         20          -         dB

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DOIT.AM®                ESP-F1 User Manual

7. The Recommended Sold Temperature Curve

                      Fig. 7.1 Temperature Curve when Sold

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DOITonm                             ESP—FL User Manual

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                                     Fig. 8.1 Schematics for ESP—F1

9. Minimum System

   This module can work just at 3.3V working voltage.

   (1) the working voltage for module is DC 3.3V;
   (2) the max current from TO of this module is 12mA;
   (3) RST Pin is enabled when it is low level; and EN pin is enabled when it is high level;
   (4) WiFi module is at update mode: GPIOO is low level, then module reset to power; Wi—Fi module
is at working mode: GPIOO is at high level, and then reset to power;

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   (5) Wi-Fi module is connected to RXD of the other MCU, and TXD is connected to RXD of the
other MCU.

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10. Peripheral Line Suggestion
     Wi-Fi module is already integrated into high-speed GPIO and Peripheral interface, which may be
generated the switch noise. If there is a high request for the power consumption and EMI characteristics,
it is suggested to connect a serial 10~100 ohm resistance, which can suppress overshoot when switching
power supply, and can smooth signal. At the same time, it also can, to a certain extent, prevent
electrostatic discharge (ESD).

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Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

  The information in this article, including the URL for reference, if there is any change, without prior

   Documents are provided by the current version without any guarantee responsibility, including
merchantability, suitable for any particular purpose or non-infringement guarantees, and any guarantees
presented by any proposal, specification, or sample mentioned elsewhere. This document has no any
responsibility, including the use of the information within this document produced by the infringement of
any patent rights. This document in this, by estoppel or otherwise, grant any intellectual property
licensing, whether express or implied license.

 The Wi-Fi alliance marks shall be owned by the Wi-Fi alliance.

 All the mentioned brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks presented in this document are
the property of their respective owners, and hereby declare.

                                           Because of the product update or other reasons, this
                                        manual may change. Doctors of Intelligence &
                                        Technology Co., LTD Keeps the right to change the
                                        contents of this manual in the absence of any notice or
                                        reminders. This manual is used only as a guide,
                                        Doctors of Intelligence & Technology Co., LTD would
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                        Doctors of Intelligence & Technology (DOIT)( Copyright@2014-2017 Page 13

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition
that this device does not cause harmful interference (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement.


This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions:
  1) The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antenna and users,
  2) This device and its antenna(s) must not be co‐located with any other transmitters except in
     accordance with FCC multi‐transmitter product procedures. Referring to the
     multi‐transmitter policy, multiple‐transmitter(s) and module(s) can be operated
     simultaneously without C2PC.
3) For all products market in US, OEM has to limit the operation channels in CH1 to CH11 for 2.4G
band by supplied firmware programming tool. OEM shall not supply any tool or info to the end‐
user regarding to Regulatory Domain change.
USERS MANUAL OF THE END PRODUCT: In the users manual of the end product, the end user
has to be informed to keep at least 20cm separation with the antenna while this end product is
installed and operated.
The end user has to be informed that the FCC radio‐frequency exposure guidelines for an
uncontrolled environment can be satisfied. The end user has to also be informed that any
changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's
authority to operate this equipment. If the size of the end product is smaller than 8x10cm, then
additional FCC part 15.19 statement is required to be available in the users manual: This device
complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
LABEL OF THE END PRODUCT: The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the
following " Contains FCCID: 2AL3B‐ESPF1". If the size of the end product is larger than 8x10cm,
then the following FCC part 15.19 statement has to also be available on the label: This device
complies with Part 15of FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and
  (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
      undesired operation.
 -OEM integratoris responsible for ensuring that the end-user has no manual
  instructions to remove or install module.
 -That module is limited to installation in mobile or fixed applications,
  according to Part 2.1091(b)
 -Separate approval is required for all other operating configurations,
  including portable configurations with respect to Part 2.1093 and different
  antenna configurations

Document Created: 2019-04-09 20:23:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 20:23:05

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