RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                           FCC ID: 2AL3B-ESP-M
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
According to FCC 1. 1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency(RF) Radiation as specified in

Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

MPE Calculation Method

             30 * P * G                                                   E2
E (V/m) =                                  Power Density: Pd (W/m²) =
                 d                                                        377
E = Electric field (V/m)
P = Average RF output power (W)
G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
The formula can be changed to

       30 * P * G
Pd =
       377 * D 2
From the E UT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance, d=0.2m, as well as the
gain of the us ed ant enna, the RF power density can be obtained.

Measurement Result

Operation Frequency: WIFI 802.11b/g/n HT20: 2412-2462MHz,
                      Power density limited: 1mW/ cm
Antenna Type: PCB Antenna
WIFI antenna gain: 1.0dBi;
mW=10^(dBm/ 10)
antenna gain Numeric=10^(dBi/10)= 10^(1/10)=1.26
                            conducted   Tune-up                                    Evaluation result
                                                          Max          Antenna                         density
     Channel                  power      power                                         at 20cm
      Freq.    modulation                          tune-up power                       Power
      (MHz)                  (dBm)      (dBm)
                                                  (dBm)         (mW)   Numeric     density(mW/cm2 (mW/cm2)

        2412                  12.7      12.0±1     13       19.95262    1.12           0.00445           1
        2437    802.11b       12.8      12.0±1     13       19.95262    1.12           0.00445           1
        2462                  13.5      13.0±1     14       25.11886    1.12           0.00560           1
        2412                   12       12.0±1     13       19.95262    1.12           0.00445           1
        2437    802.11g       12.1      12.0±1     13       19.95262    1.12           0.00445           1
        2462                  12.3      12.0±1     13       19.95262    1.12           0.00445           1
        2412                  11.8      11.0±1     12       15.84893    1.12           0.00353           1
        2437                  11.9      11.0±1     12       15.84893    1.12           0.00353           1
        2462                   12       11.0±1     12       15.84893    1.12           0.00353           1

For the max res ult : 0.00560≤ 1.0 for Max Power Density, No SAR is required.

Signature:                                                                       Date: 2017-06-03

NAME AND TITLE (Pleas e print or type): Jason Chen/Manager
COMP ANY (Please print or type): Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd./ 1/F, Building E,
Fenda Science Park, Sanwei Community, Xixiang Street Bao’an District, Shenzhen 518126 P.R.

Document Created: 2017-06-03 15:57:01
Document Modified: 2017-06-03 15:57:01

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