User Manual

FCC ID: 2AL2M-TMT-4391-08

Users Manual

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Medical Computer
TMT-4391-08 Series
Startup Manual
TMT-4391-08 Appearance                            Description of Parts

                                                      A: Front Camera
Left: Front View           Right: Rear View           B: Power LED
                                                      C: Light Sensor
For more information on this and other Teguar         D: Speaker
products, please visit our website at:                E: micro-SIM & micro-SD Card Door
                                                      F: Programmable Key (Default                                 Barcode scanner)
                                                      G: Pogo Pin (USB3.0)
For technical support and service, please visit       H: Micro USB Door
our support website at:                               I: Micro HDMI Door
                                                      J: Power Button                         K: Volume Key (Up/Down)
                                                      L: Audio Jack (Headset Combo)
                                                      M: Extension Module
                                                      N: NFC
This manual is for TMT-4391-08 Series                 O: Rear Camera with LED Flash
                                                      P: Battery Cover
                                   3rd Edition
Print in China                    August 2018

                                                              9.    There will be “TEGUAR” logo upside down while
Easy Setup                                                          first boot up. This scenario will be disappear after
                                                                    2nd boot up and won’t influence functions and

Power On Computer

1.   Model: TMT-4391-08 Rating 5 Vdc / 3.0A                   Intended Use
2.   This product is intended to be supplied by a UL          The TMT-4391-08 is intended for integration with
     Listed Power Adapter (Phihong / MM18M-59A) or            hospital system. It is designed for general purpose for
     DC power source, rated 5 Vdc, 3A min. for model          hospital environment.
     TMT-4391-08, and Tma 45 degree C. Please                 For data collection and display for reference.
     contact Teguar for further information and               It should not be used for life-supporting system.

3.   The product is equipped with shipping mode for
     battery protected and power saving, please charge
     the embedded battery of the computer: Connect            EMC Table
     the Micro USB adaptor on the TMT-4391-08
     computer. (“H” on the description of parts.) Please
     charge for at least one hour when you use this           Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration –
     computer for the first time.                             Electromagnetic Emissions

                                                              The model TMT-4391-08 is intended for use in an
4.   Push the Power button (“J” on description of parts.)
                                                              electromagnetic environment as specified below. The
     for 2~3 seconds to start the computer.
                                                              customer or the user of the TMT-4391-08 should assure
                                                              that it is used in such an environment.
5.   The product is equipped with a 8” Capacitive
     Touch Panel. Use finger, capacitive stylus, or nitrile
     gloves to touch the following Active Area to
     operate the computer.                                                                       Electromagnetic
                                                              Emissions Test      Compliance     Environmental
6.   The product is equipped with one LED indicator for
     battery status. The following shows LED status for
     different power states:                                                                     The model
     a) The orange LED blinks when internal battery                                              TMT-4391-08 uses
          capacity is below 10% to warn the user to                                              RF
          charge.                                                                                energy only for its
     b) The Blue LED lights up when internal battery is                                          internal func-
          being charged.                                                                         tion. Therefore, its RF
     c) The Green LED lights up when internal battery         RF emissions                       emissions
          has been fully charged.                                                 Group 1        are very low and are
                                                              CISPR 11                           not likely to
                                                                                                 cause any
7.   While the computer is running, push the power
                                                                                                 interference in nearby
     button for 1 second will disable LCD backlight for
     power saving. Push the power button again will                                              electronic equipment.
     enable the backlight again; press the power button
     for 10 seconds while computer is running, the                                               The model
     system will shut down.                                   RF emissions                       TMT-4391-08 is
                                                                                  Class B        suitable
8.   Environment:                                             CISPR 11
      Operating Temperature: -10°C ~ +50 °C                                                     for use in all
      Operating Humidity : 10% ~ 90%@30°C                                                       establishments,
       non-condensed                                          Harmonic                           including domestic
      Storage/Transportation Temperature:                    emissions                          establishments
       -40°C ~ +80°C (Internal lab test)                                          Class A        and those directly
      Storage/Transportation Humidity :                      IEC 61000-3-2                      connected to
       5% ~ 95%@30°C non-condensed                                                               the public low-voltage
      Humidity consider to 25°C, 48 hrs                                                         power sup-
      Number and type of Means of Protection :               fluctuations/                      ply network that
       MOPP Altitude 3000m                                                                       supplies buildings
      Atmospheric pressure: 700-1013 hPa (for                flicker emissions   Not applicable used for domestic
       operating); 500-1013 hPa (for                                                             purposes.
       Storage/Transportation)                                IEC 61000-3-3
      IP level : IPX0

Recommended Separation Distances Between                                                             Electromagnet
Portable and Mobile RF Communications Equipment                                 IEC 60601            ic
and the TMT-4391-08                                           Immunity          Test      Compliance Environmental
TMT-4391-08 is intended for use in an electromagnetic                           Level        Level          Guidance
environment in which radiated RF disturbances are
controlled. The customer or the user of the model
                                                                                                         Floors should
TMT-4391-08 can help prevent electromagnetic
                                                                                                         be wood, con-
interference by maintaining a minimum distance between
                                                              Electrostatic                              crete or ceramic
portable and mobile RF communications equipment
                                                              dis-             ±8 kV         ±8 kV      tile. If floors
(transmitters) and the model TMT-4391-08 as
                                                                           contact           contact     are covered
recommended below, according to the maximum output
                                                              charge (ESD) ±15 kV                       with synthetic
power of the communications equipment.
                                                                           air               ±15 kV air material, the
                                                              IEC                                        relative
Rated                                                         61000-4-2                                  humidity
Maximum                                                                                                  should be at
Output        Separation Distance According to                                                           least 30%.
Power of      Frequency of Transmitter
Transmitter m                                                                   ±2 kV for ±2 kV for
                                                                                power      power
W                                                             Electrical fast                         Main power
                                                                                                      quality should
              150 kHz to 80 MHz to        800 MHz to          transient/bur supply lines supply lines be
              80 MHz     800 MHz          2,5 GHz             st                                      that of a typical
                                                                                                      commercial or
              d = 1,2   P   d = 1,2   P   d = 2,3   P                       ±1 kV for ±1 kV for hospital
                                                              IEC           input/out-   input/       environment.
0,01          0,12          0,12          0,23                              put lines    output lines

                                                                                ±1 kV       ±1 kV         Main power
0,1           0,38          0,38          0,73                                  line(s) to   line(s) to     quality should
                                                              Surge             line(s)      line(s)        that of a typical
                                                                                ±2 kV       ±2 kV
1             1,2           1,2           2,3                                                               commercial or
                                                              61000-4-5         line(s) to   line(s) to     hospital
10            3,8           3,8           7,3                                   earth        earth

100           12            12            23                                                 <5% UT
                                                                                <5% UT
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not                            (>95% dip    (>95% dip in
listed above, the recommended separation distance d in                          in UT) for
                                                                                0,5 cycle    UT) for 0,5 Main power
meters (m) can be estimated using the equation in the                                                    quality should
table above applicable to the frequency of the transmitter,                                  cycle       be
where P is the maximum output power rating of the                                                        that of a typical
transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter                        40% UT                      commercial or
manufacturer.                                                                                            hospital
                                                              Interruptions (60% dip in 40% UT           environment. If
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation                  and            UT)          (60%           the
distance for the higher frequency range applies.                                                         user of the
                                                                                          dip in UT) for model
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations.      voltage varia- for 5 cycles 5              TMT-4391-08
Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption                                                    requires
and reflection from structures, objects and people.           tions on                                   continued
                                                              power                       cycles         operation
                                                              supply input                               during main
Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration –                     lines          70% UT                      power interrup-
Electromagnetic Immunity                                                                                 tion, it is
                                                                             (30% dip in 70% UT          recommended
TMT-4391-08 is intended for use in the electromagnetic                       UT)          (30%           that
environment specified below. The customer or the user                                                    the model
of the model TMT-4391-08 should assure that it is used        IEC            for 25                      TMT-4391-08
in such an environment.                                       61000-4-11 cycles           dip in UT) for be
                                                                                                         powered from
                                                                                          25 cycles      an uninterrupt-

                                          ible power
                                          supply or a
              <5% UT                      battery.
                                                                                                     d = 1,2   P
              (>95% dip
              in UT)      <5% UT                                                                     d = 1,2 P
                                                                                                     80 MHz to 800
              for 5 sec   (>95% dip in                                                               MHz
                          UT) for 5 sec                       Conducted
                                                                          3 Vrms                     d = 2,3 P
                                          Power                                                      800 MHz to 2,5
                                          frequency           RF        150 kHz to                   GHz
Power                                     magnetic            IEC       80
frequency                                 fields should be    61000-4-6
                                          at levels                     MHz        Vrms              where P is the
(50/60 Hz)                                characteristic of                                          maximum
magnetic      3 A/m       3 A/m           a typical                                                  output
field                                     location in a                                              power rating of
IEC                                       typical commer-                                            the transmitter
61000-4-8                                 cial or hospital                                           in
                                          environment.                    3 V/m        V/m           watts (W)
                                                              Radiated                               according to the
NOTE UT is the A.C. main voltage prior to application of      RF          80 MHz to                  transmit-
the test level.                                                           2,5                        ter
                                                              IEC                                    manufacturer
                                                              61000-4-3                              and d is the rec-
Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration –                                 GHz                        ommended
Electromagnetic Immunity                                                                             separation
                                                                                                     distance in
The model TMT-4391-08 is intended for use in the
electromagnetic environment specified below. The                                                     meters (m).
customer or the user of the model TMT-4391-08 should                                                 Field strengths
assure that it is used in such an environment.                                                       from fixed RF
                                     Electromagnet                                                   mitters, as
             IEC 60601               ic                                                              determined by
Immunity     Test         Compliance Environmental                                                   an elec-
                                                                                                     tromagnetic site
test         Level        Level           Guidance                                                   survey, a should
                                          Portable and                                               less than the
                                          mobile RF                                                  compliance
                                          communi-                                                   level in
                                          equipment                                                  each frequency
                                          should be used                                             range. b
                                          no closer to any                                           Interference
                                          part of the                                                may occur in the
                                          model                                                      vicin-
                                          TMT-4391-08,                                               ity of equipment
                                          including                                                  marked with the
                                          cables, than                                               fol-
                                                                                                     lowing symbol:
                                          separation dis-
                                          calculated from
                                          the equation
                                          applicable to
                                          the frequency
                                          of the

                                          transmitter.        NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency
                                          Recommende          range applies.
                                          d Separation
                                          Dis-                NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations.
                                                              Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
                                          tance               and reflection from structures, objects and people.

                                                              -20°C to 60°C, however they may be depleted more
  Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base       rapidly at the high end of this range. It is recommended
stations for radio (cellular/cordless)                        to store TMT-4391-08 within normal room temperature
telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM          ranges.
and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be
predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the
electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF
transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be
considered. If the measured field strength in the location
in which the TMT-4391-08 is used exceeds the
applicable RF compliance level above, the TMT-4391-08
should be observed to verify normal operation. If
abnormal performance is observed, additional measures         Warnings, Cautions and Notes
may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the
  Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field             Warning!
strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

                                                              A WARNING statement provides important information
                                                              about a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
                                                              avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Battery Caution

Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same type recommended by the            Une déclaration d'AVERTISSEMENT fournit des
manufacturer, discard used batteries according to the         informations importantes sur une situation
manufacturer's instructions.                                  potentiellement dangereuse qui, si elle n'est pas évitée,
                                                              pourrait entraîner la mort ou des blessures graves.
Attention: Danger d'explosion si la batterie est
inexactement remplacée. Remplacez seulement avec la
même chose ou le type recommandé par le fabricant,              Caution!
jettent les batteries utilisées instructions de s selon
fabricant des'.

Mistreat the battery used in this device may present a        A CAUTION statement provides important information
risk of fire or chemical burn.                                about a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
Do not attempt to disassemble the computer or its             avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury to the
accessories.                                                  user or patient or in damage to the equipment or other
Only qualified personal is allowed to replace the battery.    property.
Do not dispose batteries in a fire and check with local
authorities for disposal instructions.
TMT-4391-08 can only be equipped with standard
battery pack with Getac, AIM-BAT-8, 4900mAH Polymer
Lithium Ion Battery. Use of another battery may present
a risk of fire or explosion.                                  Une déclaration de MISE EN GARDE fournit des
                                                              informations importantes sur une situation
Battery Charge Notice                                         potentiellement dangereuse qui, si elle n'est pas évitée,
It is important to consider the environment temperature       peut entraîner des blessures mineures ou modérées
whenever you are charging the Lithium-Ion battery pack.       pour l'utilisateur ou le patient ou endommager
The process is more efficient at normal room                  l'équipement ou d'autres biens.
temperature or slightly cooler. It is essential that you
charge batteries within the stated range of 0°C to 40°C.
Charging batteries outside of the specified range could
damage the batteries and shorten their charging life

Storage and Safety Notice
Although charge Lithium-Ion batteries may be left
unused for several months, their capacity may be              A NOTE provides additional information intended to
depleted due to the buildup of internal resistance. If this   avoid inconveniences.
happens they will require recharging prior to use. Lithium
Ion batteries may be stored at temperatures between

                                                               7. Put this equipment on a reliable surface during
Safety Instructions                                               installation. Dropping it or letting it fall may cause
                                                                  damage. For plug-in equipment, the power outlet
                                                                  socket must be located near the equipment and must
1. Strictly follow these instructions for use; please read
                                                                  be easily accessible.
   these safety instructions carefully.
2. Keep this user manual for later reference; any use of
   the product requires full understanding and strict
                                                                                 Do not leave this equipment in an
   observation of all portions of these instructions.
                                                                  Caution!       uncontrolled environment where the
   Observe all.
                                                                                 Storage temperature is below 0° C or
3. Repair of the device may also only be carried out by
                                                                                 above 45° C. This may damage the
   trained service personnel.
4. Teguar recommends that a service contract be
   obtained with Teguar Service and that all repairs also
   be carried out by them. Otherwise the correct
                                                                                 Ne laissez pas cet équipement dans un
   functioning of the device may be compromised.
                                                                 Attention!      environnement non contrôlé où la
                                                                                 température de stockage est inférieure
                                                                                 à 0 ° C ou supérieure à 45 ° C. Ceci
   Warning!       Because of the danger of electric shock,
                                                                                 pourrait endommager l'équipement.
                  never remove the box of a device while
                  it is in operation or connected to a
                  power outlet.
                                                               8. Grounding reliability can only be achieved when the
                                                                  equipment is connected to an equivalent receptacle
                                                                  marked “Hospital Only” or “Hospital Grade”.
Avertissement! En raison du risque d'électrocution, ne         9. Use a power cord that matches the voltage of the
               retirez jamais la boîte d'un appareil
                                                                  power outlet, which has been approved and complies
               lorsqu'il est en fonctionnement ou
                                                                  with the safety standard of your particular country.
               branché à une prise de courant.
                                                               10. If the integrity of the protective earth conductor is in
                                                                  doubt. Please turn off the power switch.
                                                               11. To disconnect this product from the mains supply
5. If one of the following situations arises, get the
                                                                  disconnects the mains plug from the socket outlet. The
   equipment checked by service personnel:
                                                                  power supply is regarded as part of this equipment.
 The power cord or plug is damaged.
                                                               12. Make sure user not to contact SIP/SOPs and the
 Liquid has penetrated into the equipment.
                                                                  patient at the same time.
 The equipment has been exposed to moisture.
                                                               13. Do not switch on/off the power switch of the battery
 The equipment does not work well, or you cannot get it
                                                                  system during operation.
   to work according to the user manual.
 The equipment has been dropped and damaged.
 The equipment has obvious signs of breakage.
                                                                 Warning!       To avoid risk of electric shock, this
                                                                                equipment must only be connected to a
6. Disconnect this equipment from any AC outlet before
                                                                                supply mains with protective earth.
   cleaning. Use a damp cloth. Do not use liquid or spray
   detergents for cleaning and keep this equipment
   away from humidity.
                                                                                Pour éviter tout risque d'électrocution,
                                                                                cet équipement doit uniquement être
                                                                                raccordé à une alimentation secteur
                  To avoid short-circuits and otherwise
                                                                                avec terre de protection.
                  damaging the device, do not allow
   Caution!       fluids to come in contact with the device.
                  If fluids are accidentally spilled on the      Warning!
                                                                                No modification of this equipment is
                  equipment, remove the affected unit
                  from service as soon as possible and
                  contact service personnel to verify that
                  patient safety is not compromised.
                                                                                Aucune modification de cet équipement
                                                                                n'est autorisée.
                  Pour éviter les courts-circuits et
                  endommager l'appareil, ne laissez pas
                                                               14. The power cord for use on the device shall be no less
                  les liquides entrer en contact avec
                                                                  robust than ordinary tough rubber sheathed flexible
  Attention!      l'appareil. Si des liquides sont
                                                                  cord (IEC 60245-1:2003, Annex A, designation 53) or
                  accidentellement       répandus       sur
                                                                  ordinary polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cord
                  l'équipement, retirez l'unité concernée
                                                                  (IEC 60227-1:1993, Annex A, design. 53. For the
                  du service dès que possible et
                                                                  US/CA the requirements of the NEC and Canadian
                  contactez le personnel de service pour
                                                                  code shall be followed (US and CA national
                  vérifier que la sécurité du patient n'est
                  pas compromise.

                 Battery system, equipotential pin, metal       16. Make sure the user does not allow contact between
                 wiring on equipotential pin, wheels and           SIP/SOPs and the patient at the same time.
  Warning!       brake shall be replaced/send back to
                 maintain by the manufacturer every two         17. When networking with electrical devices, the operator
                 years, risks of function failure, electrical       is responsible for ensuring that the resulting system
                 shock, equipment damage,                           meets the requirements set forth by the following
                 environment pollution and etc. may                 standards:
                 occur if not doing so.
                                                                  – EN 60601-1 (IEC 60601-1)
                                                                    Medical electrical equipment
                 Le système de batterie, la broche                  Part 1: General requirements for safety
                 équipotentielle, le câblage métallique
                 sur la broche équipotentielle, les roues         – EN 60601-1-2 (IEC 60601-1-2)
Avertissement!   et le frein doivent être remplacés /               Medical electrical equipment
                 renvoyés par le fabricant tous les deux            Part 1-2: General requirements for safety
                 ans, les risques de défaillance de                  Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility;
                 fonctionnement, les chocs électriques,              Requirements and tests
                 les dommages matériels, etc. Ce
                 faisant.                                       18. Accessory equipment connected to analog and
                                                                   digital interfaces must be in compliance with the
                                                                   respective nationally harmonized IEC standards (i.e.
15. If your computer clock is unable to keep accurate              IEC 60950 for data processing equipment, IEC 60065
   time or the BIOS configuration resets to default,               for video equipment, IEC 61010-1 for laboratory
   please check the battery.                                       equipment, and IEC 60601-1 for medical equipment.)
                                                                   Furthermore all configurations shall comply with the
                 When the battery has problem of                   system standard IEC 60601-1- 1. Anyone who
                 charging. Please contact a qualified              connects additional equipment to the signal input part
  Caution!       technician or your retailer.                      or signal output part is configuring a medical system,
                 The computer is provided with a                   and is therefore, responsible that the system
                 battery-powered real-time clock circuit.          complies with the requirements of the system
                 There is a danger of explosion if battery         standard IEC 60601-1-1. The unit is for exclusive
                 is incorrectly replaced. Replace only             interconnection with IEC 60601-1 certified equipment
                 with same or equivalent type                      in the patient environment and IEC 60XXX certified
                 recommended by the manufacturer.                  equipment out-side of the patient environment. If in
                 Discard used batteries according to the           doubt, consult the technical services department or
                 manufacturer's instructions.                      your local representative.

                                                                19. Grounding reliability can only be achieved when the
                 Lorsque la batterie a un problème de              equipment is connected to an equivalent receptacle
                 charge.       Veuillez    contacter     un        marked "Hospital Only" or "Hospital Grade".
                 technicien qualifié ou votre revendeur.
 Attention!      L'ordinateur est équipé d'un circuit           20. Use a power cord that matches the voltage of the
                 d'horloge en temps réel alimenté par              power outlet, which has been approved and complies
                 batterie.                                         with the safety standard of your particular country.
                 Il y a un risque d'explosion si la batterie
                 est       incorrectement      remplacée.
                 Remplacez uniquement par le même                               Environmental protection.
                 type      ou     un    type    équivalent                      Follow national requirements to
                 recommandé par le fabricant.                                   dispose of unit.
                 Jetez les piles usagées conformément
                 aux instructions du fabricant.
                                                                21. “WARNING - Do not modify this equipment without
                                                                   authorization of the manufacturer.”
                 When servicing the device, always use
                 replacement parts that meet Teguar             22. “WARNING – To avoid risk of electric shock, this
  Caution!       standards. Teguar Medical cannot                  equipment must only be connected to a supply mains
                 warrant     or    endorse    the    safe          with protective earth.
                 performance of third-party replacement
                 parts for use with our medical device.
                                                                23. “CAUTION: This adapter PHIHONG / MM18M-59A is
                                                                   a forming part of the medical device.”
                 Lors de la maintenance de l'appareil,
                 utilisez toujours des pièces de                24. Remove the power cord to fully turn off the device
 Attention!      rechange conformes aux normes                     when the battery pack is empty.
                 Teguar. Teguar Medical ne peut pas
                 garantir ou endosser les performances          25. Classification:
                 sécuritaires des pièces de rechange              1). Class I
                 tierces à utiliser avec notre dispositif         2). No applied part
                 médical.                                         3). Continuous Operation

Explanation of Graphical                           Specifications
        IEC 60878 and ISO 3864-B.3.6 :
        Warning dangerous voltage.

        ISO 7000-0434 : Caution, consult

        ISO 7000-1641 : Follow operating
        instructions or consult instructions for

        IEC 60417-5009 : STAND-BY.

        IEC 60417-5032 : Alternating Current.

                                                   Cleaning and Disinfecting
        IEC 60417-5031 : Direct Current.
                                                   During normal use of the TMT-4391-08 tablet the device
                                                   may become dirty and should be regularly cleaned.
        ISO 7010-M002 : Follow instructions for
                                                   1. Prepare cleaning water.
                                                   2. Wipe the TMT-4391-08 tablet with a clean cloth that
                                                      has been moistened in the pure water
                                                   3. Wipe thoroughly with a clean cloth.

                                                       Caution!           Attention!

                                                   Do not immerse or rinse the TMT-4391-08 tablet or its
                                                   peripherals. If you accidentally spill liquid on the device,
                                                   disconnect the unit from the power source. Contact your
                                                   IT support department regarding the continued safety of
                                                   the unit before placing it back in operation-Do not spray
                                                   cleaning agent on the chassis.

                                                   Do not use disinfectants that contain phenol.

                                                   Do not autoclave or clean the POC or its peripherals with
                                                   strong aromatic, chlorinated, ketone, ether, or ether
                                                   solvents, sharp tools or abrasives. Never immerse
                                                   electrical connectors in water or other liquids.

                                                   Operating Principle
                                                   The device provides input through touch panel, hard
                                                   keys located at the bottom of it, accessories through
                                                   USB ports or its LAN/WLAN connections. The device
                                                   computes the input data with its processing unit and then
                                                   output the generated data to LCD panel, accessories or
                                                   other devices through its I/O ports or through its
                                                   LAN/WLAN connections. The device is able to store data
                                                   in its storage, and when the device is turned off, still
                                                   maintain the data in the memory units of the storage.

Connecting the Power Cord                                     Permissible impairments:
                                                              – Mild reading vision impairment or vision corrected to
The TMT-4391-08 tablet can be powered by AC in. Be              log MAR 0,2 (6/10 or
sure to always handle the power cords by holding the
plug ends only.                                               20/32)
                                                              – One arm / hand system capable of guiding and
Follow these procedures in order:                               holding device
                                                              – Average degree of aging-related short term memory
1. Connect the female end (Micro USB side) of the power
   adapter to TMT-4391-08 tablet product micro USB
                                                              – impaired by 40 % resulting in 60 % of normal hearing
   connector. (Step 1)
2. Connect the 3 pin male plug of the power cord to an          at 500 Hz to 2 kHz
   electrical outlet. (Step 2)

                                                              Disposing of Old Products
                                                              Within the European Union
                                                                                             EU-wide legislation, as
                                                                                             implemented in each
                                                                                             member state, requires that
                                                                                             waste electrical and
                                                                                             electronic products carrying
                                                                                             the mark shown at left must
                                                                                             be disposed of separately
                                                                                             from normal household
                                                                                             waste. This includes
                                                                  monitors and electrical accessories, such as signal
Intended User Profile                                             cables or power cords. When you need to dis-pose
                                                                  of your display products, please follow the guidance
Age: 18 to 65                                                     of your local authority, or ask the shop where you
Weight: not relevant                                              purchased the product, or if applicable, follow any
Health: not relevant                                              agreements made between you and the provider.
Nationality: Global
Patient state: patient will not be the operator.              The mark on electrical and electronic products only
                                                                applies to the current European Union Member States.
Part of the body or type of tissue applied to or interacted
  with: hands and fingers, expected contact time shall be
  less than 1 min.

Education level: at least 8 years intensive reading
  experience (school)

Minimum – read and understand “westernized Arabic”
  numerals when written in Arial font
– can distinguish: every parts of body as described in
  user manual
– trained and authorized by manufacturer only.

To be considered as trained and authorized, they must
  complete the training course of the manufacturer; see
  document number TMT-4391-08_User Manual_Rev
  3.0 for qualification method, when considered
  necessary by the manufacturer, technician shall be
  called back for retraining and annual training is also
  considered necessary.

Language understanding: English, whenever other
  languages are required, professional translation
  company shall translate and review by the
  manufacturer, see SOP document number:

Experience: Mentally and physical competent, specific
  medical training to understand basic knowledge for

Declaration of Conformity                                  FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
CE Conformity Statement                                    This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation
                                                           exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment
Radio products with the CE alert marking comply with the   for body-worn configuration in direct contact to the
R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) issued by the Commission       phantom.
of the European Community. Compliance with this            This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits
directive implies conformity to the following European     set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
Norms (in brackets are the equivalent international
standards).                                                This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure
• EN 60950-1 (IEC60950-1) - Product Safety                 limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End user
• EN 300 328 Technical requirement for radio equipment     must follow the specific operating instructions for
• ET S301 489 General EMC requirements for radio           satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter
equipment                                                  must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with
Products that contain the radio transmitter are labeled    any other antenna or transmitter.
with CE alert marking and may also carry the CE logo.      The portable device is designed to meet the
                                                           requirements for
FCC Compliance Statement                                   exposure to radio waves established by the Federal
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio       Commission (USA). These requirements set a SAR limit
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in         of 1.6 W/kg
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful        averaged over one gram of tissue. The highest SAR
interference to radio communications. However, there is    value reported under
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a         this standard during product certification for use when
particular installation. If this equipment does cause      properly worn on the body
harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off       IC warning statement
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one of the following measures:             This device complies with Industry Canada’s
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.              license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the
• Increase the separation between the equipment and        following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
receiver.                                                  interference; and (2) This device must accept any
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit        interference, including interference that may cause
different from that to which the receiver is connected.    undesired operation of the device.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.                                       Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie
                                                           Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
To assure continued compliance, any changes or             licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
modifications not expressly approved by the party          suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de
responsible for compliance could void the user's           brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter
authority to operate this equipment. (Example: use only    tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
shielded interface cables when connecting to computer      est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
or peripheral devices).
                                                           This radio transmitter has been approved by Industry
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.        Canada to operate with the
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:      antenna types listed below with the maximum
1)    This device may not cause harmful interference,      permissible gain and required
      and                                                  antenna impedance are strictly prohibited for use with
2)    This device must accept any interference received,   this device.
      including interference that may cause undesired
      operation.                                           Le present emetteur radio a ete approuve par Industrie
                                                           Canada pour fonctionner
15.21                                                      avec les types d'antenne enumeres ci-dessous et ayant
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by     un gain admissible maximal
the party responsible for compliance could void the        et l'impedance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les
authority to operate equipment.                            types d'antenne non inclus
This device and its antenna must not be co-located or      dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est superieur au gain
operating in conjunction with any other antenna or         maximal indique, sont
transmitter.                                               strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'emetteur.
End-users and installers must be provided with antenna
installation instructions and transmitter operating        (i)the device for operation in the band 5150–5250 MHz is
conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.          only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful
For product available in the USA/Canada market, only       interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems; (For
channel 1~11 can be operated. Selection of other           devices installed in vehicles point i. is not required.)
channels is not possible.
                                                           Users should also be advised that high-power radars are
                                                           allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the
                                                           bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that
                                                           these radars could cause interference and/or damage to

LE-LAN devices.                                                  demonstrate non–regulatory strategies and technologies
                                                                 for reducing air pollution."
(i) l'appareil pour fonctionner dans la bande 5150-5250
MHz est réservé à une utilisation en intérieur afin de           In 2005, Congress enacted the Energy Policy Act.
réduire les risques d'interférences nuisibles à la co-canal      Section 131 of the Act amends Section 324 (42 USC
systèmes mobiles par satellite;                                  6294) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, and
                                                                 "established at the Department of Energy and the
Devraient également être informés les utilisateurs que           Environmental Protection Agency a voluntary program to
les radars à haute puissance sont désignés comme                 identify and promote energy–efficient products and
utilisateurs principaux (c.-à-utilisateurs prioritaires) des     buildings in order to reduce energy consumption,
bandes 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz et que ces                 improve energy security, and reduce pollution through
radars pourraient provoquer des interférences et / ou            voluntary labeling of or other forms of communication
endommager les appareils LE-LAN.                                 about products and buildings that meet the highest
                                                                 energy efficiency standards."
IC Radiation Exposure Statement
                                                                 For more information, please visit
This EUT is compliance with SAR for general
                                                                 TMT-4391-08 is to enter display sleep mode after 4
population/uncontrolled exposure limits in IC RSS-102.
                                                                 minutes and computer sleep mode after 10 minutes in
This equipment should be installed and operated with
                                                                 default. To wake it from sleep mode, simply press the
minimum distance 0 cm between the radiator & your
                                                                 power button on the back cover, while under sleep mode
                                                                 it allows the device to save 80% or more energy.
Cet EUT est la conformite avec SAR pour la population
                                                                 Power Management System:
generale / les limites d'exposition incontrolees dans IC
                                                                 Lists of default power management systems
RSS-102. Cet equipement doit etre installe et utilise a
une distance minimale de 0 cm entre le radiateur et votre           Balanced            TMT-4391-08: Idle 4 mins. closes
corps.                                                              (Default)           screen, 10 min. enters sleep mode.
                                                                    High                Never idle and never enters sleep
This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure                performance         mode.
limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End user
must follow the specific operating instructions for
satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter
must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter.
The portable device is designed to meet the
requirements for exposure to radio waves established by
the ISED. These requirements set a SAR limit of 1.6
W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. The highest
SAR value reported under this standard during product
certification for use when properly worn on the body.
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition
aux rayonnements ISED établies pour un environnement
non contrôlé. L’utilisateur final doit suivre les instructions
spécifiques pour satisfaire les normes. Cet émetteur ne
doit pas être co-implanté ou fonctionner en conjonction
avec toute autre antenne ou transmetteur.


An ENERGY STAR qualified computer delivers
substantial savings over a conventional computer.
Desktop, integrated desktop, and notebook (laptop)
computers, workstations, small-scale servers, and thin
clients are all eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR, and
those that do are now more efficient than ever.
It is an honor for Teguar to provide you such products.

ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses
and individuals save money and protect our climate
through superior energy efficiency.
The ENERGY STAR program was established by EPA in
1992, under the authority of the Clean Air Act Section
103(g). Section103(g) of the Clean Air Act directs the
Administrator to "conduct a basic engineering research
and technology program to develop, evaluate, and

Additional Information and
Contact your distributor, sales representative, or Teguar's
customer service center for technical support if you need
additional assistance. Please have the following
information ready before you call:

■ Product name and serial number

■ Description of your peripheral attachments

■ Description of your software (operating system,
version, application software, etc.)

■ A complete description of the problem

■ The exact wording of any error messages

■ This equipment is a source of electromagnetic waves.
Before use please, make sure that there are not EMI
sensitive devices in its surrounding which may
mal-function therefore.

■ Items highlighted in RED can be referenced in
separate report.

Environmental protection
■ Follow national requirements to dispose of unit.

Teguar Corporation
4235 S. Stream Blvd. L-130, Charlotte, NC 28217
TEL: +1 704-960-1761

Visit the Teguar website at if you need
more information.

Document Created: 2018-09-12 15:37:37
Document Modified: 2018-09-12 15:37:37

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