User Manual


Users Manual

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Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

M-2600 UH
        HF RFID Modul
                 M  le Eva
                         aluation Kiit
User Manu
        ual V1.1

                                                              017 RodinBe
                                                                        ell All Rightts Reserved

                                                                                        COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        1     SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                      OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

1. ABOUT M-2600 EV       N BOARD.................................................................................................3

1-1: FRONTT VIEW............................................................................................................................................ 3
1-2: SIDE VIEW ...............................................................................................................................................3

2. READER       URATIONS ................................................................................................................3
        R CONFIGU

2.1 INITIAL USE ...............................................................................................................................................3
2.1.1 STEP 1: POWERIN      NG THE READ         DER .............................................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 STEP 2: CONNECT       TING ANTENNA(S) TO READER              E           ...................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 STEP 3: CONNECT       TING DATA LINE TO READER ......................................................................................... 4
2.1.4 STEP 4: OPERATIN      NG READER VIA DEMO ................................................................................................... 5
2.2 SETTING G RF PARAM     METER ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 SETTING RF OUTPUT POWER                 R .................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 SETTING RF SPEC       CTRUM ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.3 ANTEN NNA CONNEC      CTION DETE        ECTOR ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3 ISO-180 000-6C TAG    G INVENTORY          Y ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 REAL TIME MODE & BUFFER MODE ........................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 USERS DEFINE SESSION E             ID & INVENTORY           YING PARAMETER OF INV                   VENTORIED FLAG .......................... 12                2
2.3.3 FAST SWITCHING ANTENNA TO                O INVENTOR        RY TAGS .................................................................................. 12        2
2.4 ACCESS SING ISO-18     8000-6C TAG          G ............................................................................................................ 12     2
2.4.1 READ TAGS ................................................................................................................................................. 13  3
2.4.2 WRITE E TAGS ............................................................................................................................................... 13 3
2.4.3 LOCK TAGS ................................................................................................................................................. 14  4
2.4.4 KILL TAGS ................................................................................................................................................... 144
2.4.5 TAG SELECTION.......................................................................................................................................... 15      5
2.4.6 ERRO OR DISPLAY MIGHT BE RETURNED ................................................................................................... 15                        5
2.5 ACCESS SING & INVENTORYING IS              SO-18000-6          6B TAG ............................................................................... 16          6
2.5.1 ISO-118000-6B TAG    A INVENTORY .............................................................................................................. 16              6
2.5.2 ACCES SSING TO IS   SO-18000-6B TAG ........................................................................................................ 17                 7
2.6 OTHE    ER SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................... 18            8
2.6.1 OPER RATING TEMP     PERATURE MONITORING .............................................................................................. 18                      8
2.6.2 SET GPIO
           G      LEVEL ...................................................................................................................................... 18     8
2.6.4 SETTING BUZZER STATUS ........................................................................................................................ 19               9
2.6.5 CHAR RGING THE SERIAL COMM               MUNICATION BAUD RATE                    E .......................................................................... 199

        OP YOUR OWN
                O   RFID APPLICAT
                         A        ION .................................................................................... 20

                                                                                                                                      COPYRIGHT ©
                                                                                     2                      SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                                                    OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

                          1. Abo
                               out M-26
                                      600 Eva
                                            aluation Board

                                               1--1: Front Vie

                                                1--2: Side Vie

                                  2. Reader Config
2.1 Initial Use

                                                                                            COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        3         SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                          OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

      2.1.1 Step
            S    1: Poweering the Reader
Plug the po ower cable in, with the indicator lig
                                                ght on and sound
                                                           s     of a short beep, rreader is rea
                                                                                               ady. As
illustrated below:

   2.1.2 Step
         S     2: Conn
                     necting Anttenna(s) to Reader
Connect the
          e antenna(s)) with the an
                                  ntenna port.

    2.1.3 Step
          S    3: Conn
                     necting Datta Line to Reader

        O.1: You can
Method NO          n connect the
                               e reader to your
                                           y    PC via RS-232 serrial port, as iillustrated be

   Next, ple
           ease switch the DIP to the
                                  t position as illustrated below:

        O.2: You can
Method NO          n also conne
                              ect the reade
                                          er to your PC
                                                      C via TCP/IP
                                                                 P, as illustratted below:

                                                                                                COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        4             SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                              OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

    Next, please
          p      switch
                      h the DIP to the position
                                              n as illustrate
                                                            ed below:

DIP Switch:

       N Status, EN
①:EN, ON          N is low leve
②:GPIO1, ON Status, GPIO1 is low level.
③④:TCP//IP, ON Status is TCP/IP
                              P communiccation.
      32, ON Status is RS232
⑦⑧:RS23                    2 communica
     2.1.4 Step
           S    4: Operrating Read  der via Dem
Put the UHF FDemo.exe, reader.dll,, customCo   ontrol.dll intto the same folder, and double-click
UHFDemo.exe to run the software.
1. Open thee software an
                       nd it will sho
                                    ows as below

                                                                                                  COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        5               SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

2. Please se
           elect RS2322 as Connecction if the reader
                                              r      is con
                                                          nnected via RS -232 po   ort, Choose the
correspondiing Serial Port
                      P    and Bau
                                 udrate(default baudrate e is 115200).. As illustrate
                                                                                    ed below:

3. Click Con
           nnect , if it succeeds,
                         s         th
                                    he Operatio
                                              on History will
                                                         w display as below:

           er is connec
If the reade            cted via TC
                                  CP/IP, please
                                              e follow thoose steps:
 Ensure   e that an Ethernet Card has been installed in the
                                                           e PC.
 Ensure   e that PC andd reader in the
                                    t same ne etwork segm ment.

            ettings when
1. Default se          n connected
                                 d via TCP/IP
                                            P as follows:

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                                                        6              SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                               OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

 IP addrresses: 192..168.0.178
 Net ma  ask: 255.255
 Port No o.: 4001
For more TC
          CP/IP config
                     guration deta
                                 ails, please defer to the document supplied:\tcp
                                                                    s           pip configura
                                                                                            ation \

           nnect, if it iss connected successfully, the Opera
2. Click Con                                                ation historry will displa
                                                                                     ay as below:

                      w the reader:
3. Text communication with
           G in Firmw
  Click on Get      ware Version
                               n or in Reader Identifier,, the followin
                                                                      ng screen diisplays:

4. Now the reader has been
                      b    connected to PC successfully
                                           s          y.
2.2Setting RF Parame  eter
After connecting the rea
                       ader with PC          t set some basic RF pa
                                  C, we need to                   arameters: R
                                                                             RF Output Power
                                                                                       P     & RF
Spectrum. Please
          P      selecct RF Setup
                                p as illustrate
                                              ed below:

                                                                                                 COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        7              SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                               OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

   2.2.1 Setting
         S        RF Output
                      O       Powwer
RF Output Power
          P      is the
                      e strength off RF output signal
                                               s      from antenna
                                                           a       porrt whose uniit is dBm.

The output power range  e is 0 - 33dB
                                    Bm. When thhis setting co
                                                            ompletes, it will be save
                                                                                    ed in the rea
automatically even if the
                        e power is cut
                                    c off. Our default
                                               d       outpuut power is 30dBm
                                                                        3        (1W).

    2.2.2 Setting
          S       RF Spectrum
There are tw
           wo methodss to set RF spectrum.

Method 1: Use
           U the defa  ault carrier frequency
                                    f         off the reader.
 Please defer to Fre  equency parrameter tablet in Communication prrotocol for m more informa
                                                                                             ation about
    the carrier frequenccy.
 Freque  ency range thhe reader su upports: 865
                                               5MHz-868MHz(ETSI), 902MHz9       -928
You can sett the reader in System Default
                                    D       Freqquencies, asa illustrate below:

 The sta  art frequencyy and the en
                                   nd frequencyy must not exceed
                                                          e        the scope
                                                                       s      of RF spectrum norm.
 Start fre equency mu  ust be no mo
                                   ore than end
                                              d frequency.
 Set start frequencyy and end fre  equency to the
                                               t same ca  arrier frequency, the reader will work
                                                                                               k under
 When the t parameter setting co  ompletes, RF carrier frequency of reeader will be
                                                                                   e randomly hopping
                                                                                               h       in
    the scoope of limited
                        d range.
 The default RF spe    ectrum normm is FCC (90
                                              02MHz-928M  MHz).

Method 2: Set
           S the RF spectrum
                      s        maanually.
Users can set
          s RF specttrum via thesse three parrameters: Sttart Frequen          ncy Interval, The number
                                                                    ncy, Frequen
of Frequenccy points.

      2.2.3 Antenna
            A        Con
                       nnection De   etector
Antenna Co   onnection Detector
                       D          is for checkingg if the port is
                                                               i connected           enna before the reader
                                                                         d to the ante
work. Otherrwise, users will be notifiied to conne
                                                 ect the antennna. Please open this fu
                                                                                     unction beforre you use itt,
as illustrated
             d bellow:

                                                                                                   COPYRIGHT ©
                                                          8              SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                 OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Sensitivity of
            o Antenna Connection
                         C             D
                                       Detector   is set
                                                     s by users which is the e Return Losss of antenn  na port, the
unit of whichh is dB. Thee larger this value
                                       v      is, the
                                                    e better impeedance matcching require ements betw  ween
antenna and  d port. For normal
                         n       anten nnas, you ca  an set the th
                                                                 hreshold to 3-6dB.
                                                                             3       Senssitivity of Cerramic
Antenna and Handset couldc      be mo ore lower.
 Readerr detects anttenna conne       ection by me  easuring thee Return Losss of RF porrts.
 Readerr stops tag operation
                         o          if Return
                                       R       Losss is above the threshold..
 User ca   an turn it off by setting th
                                       he threshold  d to 0.
If antenna iss not conneccted, Reade  er will stop too operate tags with the following
                                                                             f         screen display  y:

2.3 ISO-180
          000-6C tag inventory
Connect the
          e Reader co
                    orrectly. Tag operation co
                                             ould be startted when RF
                                                                    F Setup is ccompleted.
Tag invento ory means reader
                      r      identtifying multip
                                               ple tags’ EPCC number att the same ttime. This is the core
function of UHF
            U    RFID Reader
                      R       and one of the standards
                                               s          to judge a rea
                                                                       ader’s perforrmance.

     2.3.1 Real
           R    Time Mode
                     M    & Bufffer Mode

The most coommonly ussed mode for tag invento  ory is Real-ttime Mode. Data will be
                                                                                  e uploaded meanwhile
you can find
           d the tags’ EPC
                       E   numberr instantly. RSSI
                                              R      and Parameter of Frequency   y are changeed and
recorded in real time. Due
                       D to its dua
                                  al CPU arch hitecture, performance of
                                                                     o multi-tag identification
                                                                                              n under
Real-time mode
          m    is the best.

The other iss Buffer Mode, the data   a will be cached and uplloaded togetther when yyou need the      em. When
there are tags with sma   all volume, th
                                       he data is upploaded filte
                                                                ered and withh no repeat.. But it will ta
                                                                                                        ake some
time to filterr duplicate data when reeader identiffies a large number
                                                                n       of ta           ore, its identification
                                                                             ags. Therefo
efficiency will
            w be slightlyy lower than real-time mode.
                                                  m       Note: Tags
                                                                T     can’t be operated wwhen you ex    xtract data in
the cache.

Users can choose
          c      the appropriate
                     a           method bassed on actua
                                                      al situation as
                                                                   a illustrated below:

Method NO  O.1: Real-tim
                       me Mode
1. Click Tag                                            nected antenna(s) port. Set the num
           g Inventory (Real Time Mode). Sellect the conn                                 mber of

                                                                                                      COPYRIGHT ©
                                                            9               SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                    OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Repeat Perr Command     d, which is th
                                     he times of repeat
                                                 r       inven
                                                             ntory commaand. For exa
                                                                                   ample, inven  ntory
command willw execute anti-collision
                         a           n algorithm one
                                                 o time wh   hen you set the
                                                                         t value to 1. It will exe
             n algorithm two
                         t   times when
                                    w     you sett the value to
                                                              o 2...
2. Click Inve
            entory, you will find that the EPC number is uploaded imm mediately and
                                                                                  d it is real-tim
                                                                                                 me updating
The reader will keep invventory untill you click Stop
                                                 S    as show
                                                            wn below:

Inventoried Quantity                   Total number of inven
                                                           ntory tags sin
                                                                        nce click on Inventory Tag.

Speed                                  Speed of identification
                                                i            n Tag, unit: piece
                                                                          p     / sec

Total Tag Co
                     on                Total returrn EPC data
                                                            a of tags (Inccluding repeated data)

Command Duration
        D                              Time of ea
                                                ach Inventorry Command
                                                                     d takes, unitt: ms

Total Inventtory Duration
                        n              Total elapssed time sin
                                                             nce click on Inventory T
                                                                                    Tag, unit: ms

ID                                     The serial number of data.

EPC                                    EPC numb
                                              ber of tag.

PC                                     Protocol Control
                                                C       word
                                                           d of tag.

Identification Count                   Times of tag
                                                t identified

RSSI                                   The signal strength when
                                                           w    tag wass identified a
                                                                                    at the last tim

Carrier Freq
           quency                      Carrier Fre
                                                 equency of tag
                                                            t which iss identified a
                                                                                   at the last tim

Method NO  O.2: Buffer Mode
            entory, the screen will display
1. Click Inve                       d       as below:

                                                                                                  COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        10              SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Note: the identified tagss won’t be shown in the Tag list.

           op first, then click Get Buffer. All the
2. Click Sto                                      e data in cac
                                                              che will be uploaded
                                                                          u        as illustrated below:

Functions description under Buffer Mode:
          ear: Read th
Get and Cle          he data form
                                m cache and
                                          d then clear the
                                                       t cache. Itt will be emp
                                                                              pty when yo
                                                                                        ou read the

                                                                                                  COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        11              SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

cache again n.
Query tag Quantity:
             Q      If you just wa
                                 ant to know there
                                             t     are ho
                                                        ow many tag
                                                                  gs in cache w
                                                                              without details, click on
this button.
          er: Clear the
Clear Buffe           e cache and refresh the screen.

          sers define Session ID
    2.3.2Us                    D & Inventorying Param
                                                    meter of Inv
                                                               ventoried Flag

           ast Switchin
     2.3.3Fa          ng Antenna   a to Invento
                                              ory Tags
Under standdard operatio
                       on of tag invventory(Rea
                                              al Time Mode
                                                         e & Buffer Mode),
                                                                    M       the inventory periiod will takess
at least 500
           0-800ms. Onnly when inventory is completed, rea
                                                         ader can resspond to thee other new command.
Sometimes when 500-8  800ms is not accepted, we need to use Fast Sw  witch Antenn na function.

           wo methodss to achieve fast switchin
There are tw                                  ng antenna.

        O.1: Set the value of Repeat Per Co
Method NO                                 ommand to 255
                                                    2 (0xFF), as illustrated below:

Click Inventtory, operatting time of each
                                     e     round will
                                                 w be as sh   hort as possiible; Genera
                                                                                      ally speaking
                                                                                                  g, if there are
only 1 or 2 tags
            t    in RF re
                        egion, it will takes 50mss to finish the
                                                               e inventory before the reader receiv
                                                                                                  ve new
command. TheT time-consuming willl longer with   h the increas sing tags.
Note: For sp
           pecific forma
                       at of comma
                                 and parametter, please defer
                                                        d     to theU
                                                                    UHF RFID R
                                                                             Reader Seria
                                                                                        al Interface
Protocol V33.1.

Method NO  O.2: Use cmd_name_fa               _ant_inventtory command (see UHF RFID Rea
                                    ast_switch_                                              ader Serial
Interface Protocol V3.1).
Difference between
           b        method NO.1 and  a NO.2 is: the process of sendingg switch ante
                                                                                  enna command is
omitted in method
           m      2, so
                      o it is faster and
                                     a more effficient, whic
                                                           ch takes 25m
                                                                      ms to read o
                                                                                 one tag from one
                                e, the following screen displays:
Select Fastt switch Anttenna Mode                       d

2.4 Accessing ISO-180000-6C Tag
          ss Tag, and the screen will display as following:
Click Acces

                                                                                                   COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        12               SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                 OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

    2.4.1 Read
          R     tags
You can typ          meter(zones to be read, Start Address and Data
          pe the param                                            a Length) ass illustrated below:

Note: the un
           nit of Starting Address and
                                   a Data Length is WOR
                                                      RD which is 16 bit double-byte.

Click Readwwhen the pa
                     arameter settting is comp
Picture as below
           b     showss two tags ha
                                  ave been identified succ

    2.4.2 Write
          W      Tags
The area off Write Tag iss the same as
                                    a Read Tag           eed to provide access p
                                             g, but you ne                     password an

                                                                                                COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        13            SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                              OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

information of write data

When the operation don
                     ne successffully, the scre
                                              een will disp
                                                          play as follow

Note: The maximum
          m       len
                    ngth of one--time write iss 32 Word (6
                                                         64 bytes, 512bits).

    2.4.3 Lock Tags

A password is necessary to be provvided for loccking tags. When
                                                           W    the op
                                                                     peration is co
                                                                                  ompleted su
the screen will
           w display as
                     a follows:

Same as Write
        W     Tags, data
                    d    of identified tags will be display
                                                          yed in Tag List.

    2.4.4 Kill
          K Tags

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                                                        14           SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                             OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Password iss necessary which can’tt be 00 00 00
                                              0 00 before Kill Tags. Th
                                                                      herefore, to kill a tag ple
                                                                                                ease change
the content of password d via Write Tag
                                     T Operation first.
When tag iss killed succe
                        essfully, the
                                    e information
                                                n will display
                                                             y as follows:

    2.4.5 Ta
           ag Selectio
No matter how
          h   many taags in RF reggion, we jusst want to ac
                                                          ccess EPC ta
                                                                     ags which are already id
Now, we can use the fu
                     unction of Ta
                                 ag Selection (EPC match   hing).
1. Inventoryy Tags in Buffer Mode to get all tags’ EPC nummber.
2. Get tags in cache.
3. Access taags and chooose the EPC
                                  C NO. which   h is needed , as illustratted below:

After choosing the tag, please clickk Select and
                                               d the screen will display as follows:

          ee that the column
We could se           c       on th
                                  he left for Se
                                               elected Tag has been selected. Nexxt, all the op
                                                                                              perations are
based on th
          he tag with th
                       his EPC NOO.
If you want to cancel the match of EPC,
                                   E    just de
                                              eselect the column
                                                          c      for Selected
                                                                     S          g, as below::

    2.4.6 Error
          E     Display Might Be Returned

                                                                                                   COPYRIGHT ©
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                                                                                                 OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Errors occur if wrong op
                       perations do

◆ Inventorry success, access
                      a      failure:

There are twwo steps to get access to t tags: firstly, tag inven
                                                               ntory; second
                                                                           dly, access ttags. Picture
                                                                                                    e above
shows the innventory is successful,
                          s            but we can’tt access to tags.
Two reasons why:
1. Paramete ers incorrectt: for exampple, zones(paassword/ EP  PC/ TID/ Use            ad do not exist.
                                                                           er) to be rea
2. Tags beyyond the area  a that the RF could cover: distance when accessing to tagss is about 60%-70% of
tag inventorry; in this case, please proceed
                                      p        the tag closer too antenna.

◆ Wrong password:

Reason whyy: wrong passsword is se

◆ No tags to be opera

Reason whyy: Tags beyo
                     ond the area
                                a that the RF
                                            F could cove
For more information abbout the ope
                                  eration histo
                                              ory returned,, please defe
                                                                       er to the doccument: UHF RFID
Reader Serrial Interfac
                      ce Protocol V3.1.

2.5 Accessing & Inven
                    ntorying ISO
                                        B Tag

          SO-18000-6B Tag Inven
   2.5.1 IS                      ntory
Operating IS
                    6B Tag is sim
                                milar to ISO--18000-6C but b it will be easier, since
                                                                                    e Real-time
                                                                                              e is the only
mode for IS
                    B tags invenntory, as illusstrated below

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Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Each time when
          w     the rea
                      ader identifie
                                   es a tag’s UID, the buzz
                                                          zer will sound with a sho ort beep. If th
                                                                                                  he buzzer
          h a long beep, it means the reader start
sounds with                                    s    the anti-collision fun
                                                                         nction and id
                                                                                     dentifies muultiple tags at
the same tim

      2.5.2 Accessing
            A          to
                        o ISO-18000   0-6B Tag
There is onlly one tag avvailable eacch time when
                                                n we get acc
                                                           cess to ISO--18000-6B tag. After sto
inventory, please click the                                e the tag you would like
                        t Tag UID on the left list to choose                      e to do the operation, ass
illustrated below:

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Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Notes for acccess opera  ations:
◆Access operations on     nly for the se
                                       elected tag.
◆It can rea ad multi-bytee data of tag at the same e time, lengtth of the datta is not limitted.
◆Multi-byte  e data could be written. If error occuurs, the readder will stop writing, but data which has been
             n change, thus readerr will return the
written will not                                   t number of bytes which have been written successfully.
◆Only one--byte data of  o tag can be  e locked eacch time.
◆Only one--byte data state of tag iss queriable eache     time.
◆Operation   n to lock tag is permane ent and irreversible.

2.6 Other Settings

    2.6.1 Operating
          O          Te
                      emperature e Monitoring g
Reader will generate he
                      eat under inttensive workk. Users can           e internal temperature via
                                                          n monitor the                      v built-in
          e sensor to avoid
                      a     reader overheatinng (Operating temperatu ure over 65℃ ℃). Temperaature
Monitor illustrated as below:

    2.6.2Se  et GPIO Lev  vel
General-purrpose input//output (GPIO) is a gene   eric pin on an
                                                              a integrated
                                                                         d circuit who
                                                                                     ose functions
                                                                                                 s (including
whether it iss an input orr output pin) can be controlled (prog
                                                              grammed) byy users. This reader proovides two
inputs (GPIO O1 and GPIO2) and two    o outputs (G
                                                 GPIO3 and GPIO4).
The image of o GPIO porrt as below:

 PIN ID      Function              Equivalent Circuit
                                              C               Instructio
  PIN 1      GPIO 1 Input +
                                                              ◆Voltage between PIN 1,2 (PIN 3,4)
                                                                                              3 <=12V
  PIN 2      GPIO 1 Input -                                           polarity
  PIN 3      GPIO 2 Input +                                   ◆LED equuivalent resiistance 470Ω
                                                              ◆Responsse time<= 150uS
  PIN 4      GPIO 2 Input -
  PIN 5      GPIO 4 Ou
                                                              ◆Voltage between PIN 5,6 (PIN 7,8)<=12V
  PIN 6      GPIO 4 Ou
                     utput                                    ◆Non-polarity
  PIN 7      GPIO 3 Ou
                     utput                                    ◆On resisstance110Ω
                                                              ◆Responsse time <= 6
  PIN 8      GPIO 3 Ou

                                                                                                  COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        18              SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Operations as below:

Users can use
          u the seria
                    al port comm
                               mander to re
                                          ead and write
                                                      e GPIO in th
                                                                 heir own app

   2.6.4 Setting
         S       Buzzzer Status
Reader’s wo
          orking status is provided
                                  d to users th
                                              hrough the Buzzer.
                                                         B       Thre
                                                                    ee ways to sset the buzze
1. Quite: turn off the bu uzzer
2. Beep afte er an inven ntory round: set it as beeep each tim me when tag
                                                                         g inventory iss taken.
3. Beep afte er a tag is identified: set
                                       s it as beep
                                                  p each time when reade er identifies a tag. ( It will reduce the
efficiency off multi-tag id
This setting will be store ed even whe  en the powe
                                                  er is cut off.
Operation as
           a below:

Note: Theree is a short beep
                        b    when turn on the reader (reader self-test to
                                                                       t check the
                                                                                 e connection
                                                                                            n to PC),
which is nott controlled by
                         b this settin

    2.6.5 Charging
          C          Th
                      he Serial Co
                                 ommunicatiion Baud Rate
Reader suppports two kinds of baud
                                 d rate: 38400
                                             0 bps and 11
                                                        15200 bps.
You can sett baud rate as
                       a below:

This setting will be store
                         ed even if th
                                     he power is cut
                                                  c off.
◆When con   nnecting thee reader withh TCP/IP port, please chhange the seerial rate of TCP/IP mod dule
correspondiingly. For mo ore details, please checck the TCP/IP interface configuration documentt.
◆Tag inven ntory under Real
                         R    Time Model
                                     M      will produce large
                                                             e amounts of
                                                                        o data, plea ase try to use
                                                                                                  e 115200

                                                                                                    COPYRIGHT ©
                                                         19               SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                  OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

baud rate.

                       3 Develo
                       3.     op yourr own RFID
                                           R    Applicatio
Most readerr functions can
                       c be opera
                                ated through
                                           h the demo. But in practiical applicattions, user might
                                                                                             m     need to
develop the
          eir own applications. Ple
                                  ease defer to
                                              o the document: UHF RF   FID Readerr Serial Interface
Protocol V33.1.The read
                      der follows the
                                   t definitionn both of the
                                                           e RS - 232 and
                                                                      a TCP / IP  P interface.
Demo provides an impo ortant functio
                                   on of record
                                              ding serial tra
                                                            ansmission, so that use
                                                                                  ers can quickkly grasp the
content of communicati
           c           on protocol in practice. Please defeer to the scre
                                                                        eenshot belo   ow and sele
                                                                                                 ect Activate
Serial Port Monitor, all uplink and downlink seerial data will be recorde
                                                                        ed, as illustrrated below:

1. Response  e speed of Demo
                         D      will slow down aftter opening the Activate
                                                                         e Serial Port Monitor. Please turn
off this function when it is not necesssary.
2. Data in violet blue is sent to the reader by PC, and data in red is the
                                                                         e returned in
                                                                                     nformation to
                                                                                                 o PC via
3.Manual In                  d to debug se
          nput Command is used           erial comma
                                                   and which co
                                                              ould calculate the check
          D Reader Serial
                   S      Interfa         ol V3.1, this document in
                                ace Protoco                       ncludes the integral sou
                                                                                         urce codes of

the demo(Based on C # of .Net platform)to help users develop
                                                     d       app
                                                               plications on the reader. Thank you!

                                                                                                 COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        20             SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                               OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

FCC Statem

This device complies withw part 15 of   o the FCC Rules.
                                                      R       Opera ation is subject to the fo
                                                                                             ollowing two conditions:
(1) This devvice may nott cause harm    mful interfere ence, and (2 2) this device
                                                                                 e must acce ept any interrference
received, including interference tha    at may cause   e undesired operation.
Changes orr modifications not expre      essly approvved by the party
                                                                   p      responsible for commpliance could void the
user's authoority to opera  ate the equipment.
NOTE: Thiss equipment has been te       ested and fo  ound to comply with the limits for a C  Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are des          signed to proovide reasonable protec   ction againsst
harmful inteerference in a residentia   al installation
                                                      n. This equippment generrates, uses a   and can radiate radio
frequency energy
            e        and, if not installeed and used  d in accordance with the  e instructions, may caus  se harmful
interferencee to radio communications. Howeve         er, there is no
                                                                    o guarantee e that interference will noot occur in a
particular installation. Iff this equipm
                                       ment does ca   ause harmfu  ul interferencce to radio o
                                                                                             or television reception,
which can beb determine    ed by turning g the equipm ment off and d on, the useer is encoura aged to try to
                                                                                                           o correct the
interferencee by one or more
                           m      of the following
-- Reorient or
             o relocate thet receiving  g antenna.
-- Increase the
             t separation between       n the equipm  ment and rec ceiver.
-- Connect the
             t equipme    ent into an outlet
                                        o      on a circuit differennt from that to which thee receiver is connected.
-- Consult thhe dealer orr an experien   nced radio/T TV technician for help.

The modula ar can be insstalled or integrated in mobile
                                                 m       or fix devices only. This modular cannot be installed
in any porta
           able device, for
                         f example   e, USB dongle like transm mitters is forrbidden. This modular complies with h
FCC RF rad  diation exposure limits set           a uncontrolled environment. This ttransmitter must
                                     s forth for an                                                  m     not be
co-located or
            o operating in conjunction with anyy other anten   nna or transmitter. This modular mu   ust be
installed and
            d operated with
                         w a minim   mum distancce of 20 cm between
                                                               b         thee radiator an
                                                                                        nd user body y.
The device is indoor useu only.
If the FCC id
                        n number is not visible when
                                                 w     the mo odule is instaalled inside a
                                                                                         another devvice, then the
            he device into which the
outside of th                        e module is installed mu ust also display a label rreferring to the enclosedd
module. Thiis exterior la
                        abel can use e wording suuch as the fo ollowing: “Coontains Trannsmitter Mod dule FCC IDD:
2AKQD-M2600 Or Co       ontains FCC C ID: 2AKQD  D-M2600”

when the module is insttalled inside e another deevice, the user manual ofo this device e must conta  ain below
warning statements;
1. This device compliess with Part 15 of the FCC  C Rules. Op peration is suubject to the
                                                                                        e following twwo
(1) This devvice may nott cause harm mful interfere
(2) This devvice must acccept any intterference reeceived, including interfference that may cause undesired
2. Changes or modifica  ations not exxpressly appproved by thee party responsible for ccompliance could void
the user's authority to operate
                        o       the equipment.
                                     e            T device is indoor use
                                                  The                     u only
The devicess must be installed and used in stricct accordanc  ce with the manufacture
                                                                           m            er's instructio
                                                                                                      ons as
described inn the user doocumentatio on that come es with the product

                                                                                                        COPYRIGHT ©
                                                            21                SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                                      OLOGY CO., LTD

Indy R2000 Series
           S      Modulee Evaluation Kit User Mannual

Any compaany of the host device which
                                    w     installl this modu
                                                           ular with lim
                                                                       mit modularr approval sh
perform thee test of raddiated emission and spuurious emisssion accordiing to FCC part 15C 15 5.247
and 15.209 requiremennt, Only if   i the test reesult comply
                                                           y with FCC part 15C 155.247 and 15.209
requiremennt,then thee host can bee sold legally.

The device is equipped with unique
                                 e non-standa
                                            ard antenna
                                                      a connector and the reco
                                                                             ommended specific
antennaby the
          t manufaccture.

                                                                                              COPYRIGHT ©
                                                        22          SHENZHEN RODINBELL TECHNO
                                                                                            OLOGY CO., LTD

Document Created: 2017-07-28 13:58:17
Document Modified: 2017-07-28 13:58:17

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC