User Manual


Users Manual

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Shenzhen RodinBell Technology Co., Ltd.
D—100 UHF RFID Desktop Reader
User Manual via

1. D-10X View .................................................................................................................................. 3

1-1: Front View ................................................................................................................................ 3
1-2: Back View ................................................................................................................................. 3
1-3: Plan View .................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Reader Configurations ............................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Initial Use ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Step 1: Connect The Reader to PC via USB or Serial Port....................................................... 4
2.1.2 Step 4: Operating Reader via Demo ........................................................................................ 5
2.2 Setting RF Parameter ............................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Setting RF Output Power ......................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Setting RF Spectrum ................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 ISO-18000-6C tag inventory...................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Real Time Mode & Buffer Mode ............................................................................................... 7
2.4 Accessing ISO-18000-6C Tag ................................................................................................. 10
2.4.1 Read tags .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.4.2 Write Tags .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.4.3 Lock Tags............................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.4 Kill Tags ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.5 Tag Selection ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.4.6 Error Display Might Be Returned ............................................................................................ 13

3. Develop your own RFID Application ........................................................................................ 15

4. Installing Driver ......................................................................................................................... 16


1. D—10X View

 1—1; Front View

 1—2: Back View

  13: Plan View

                                2. Reader Configurations
2.1 Initial Use

    2.1.1 Step 1: Connect The Reader to PC via USB or Serial Port
Method NO.1: You can connect the reader to your PC via USB Cable, as illustrated below:



         Next, please switch the DIP to the position as illustrated below:

Method NO.2: You can also connect the reader to PC via RS—232 serial port, as illustrated below:

         Next, please switch the DIP to the position as illustrated below:

           When the indicator light on and sound of a short beep, reader is ready.
           Note: Driver will be installed automatically when reader is connected to PC for the first time. But
           some computers may fail. In this case, please install driver manually. (please see: Installing
           Driver at page 21).

    2.1.2 Step 4: Operating Reader via Demo
Put the files that named UHFDemo.exe, reader.dll, customControl.dll into a same folder, and
double—click UHFDemo.exe to run the software.

1. Open the software and it will shows as below:
                        © Uitf RFID Reader Demo 1362                                                                                                —!   C El
                                     > |18000—60 Tag Teat[290 10000—68 Tag Tent [Seriah. Fort Monitor
                                     # Int Sewm

                            OverationHetary:. W Auto Cloan                                                                          Aetivate Serial Port Monitor

2. Please select RS232 as Connection if the reader is connected via RS —232 port, or select USB as
Connection if the reader is connected via USB. Choose the corresponding Serial Port and
Baudrate(default baudrate is 115200). As illustrated below:
                                                                               @) RS252                      TCP/IP


                                                     Serial Port:              ‘COMl                    "              Connect

                                                          Beudrate:            (115200                  x]            Di sconnect

3. Click Connect , if it succeeds, the Operation History will display as below:
       Operation History:     W Auto Clear                                                                                                        Activate Serial Port Honitor
      2014—08—02 14:48:59 Reader connected COMSA115200

4. Text communication with the reader:
    Click on Get in Firmware Version or in Reader Identifier, the following screen displays:
             @ UHF RFID Reader Demo v3.62                                                                                                                                                        [——] & e
              Reader Setup |18000—6C Tag Test        1S0 18000—68 Tag Test   |Serial Port Honitor

               Basic Setup |RF Setup
                                                                                                          Fizmare Version
                                       rezse                          Tce/re                                                         s.9                                     @
                 ns—ase                                                                                   Internal Terperature
                     Serial Ports (@OM6 _____7]                                       Connect                                                                                  [          Get      ]
                       Baudrate:   (15200                  ~]                [Pisconneet |                Read/Mcite GPTO
                                                                                                            Read GPTO
                    Set Baudeate: |                         ~]                   (      Set       ]                         grtor:    Kich           Lo

                                                                                                                            crtog:    Kigh           Low                            [     Rexd         _]
                                       e fes. o           in                          Connect                                                                                           ooo
                                                                                                            rite oPto
                                               ao01                                  Disconnect                                                                                      h
                                                                                                                            crtos:    Kieh           Lo                             [ mrixe cer0s |
                 RS—185 Addrecs 200
                                                                                 e                                          crtog:    Kigh           Lo                             [ mrire cer04
                                                an                           [   Set ]                                                                                               h2

                 Reader Identifier(12 Bytes)                                                              Buzzer Behaviex
                      EP BB BB BP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP P                                Get                             Quiet
                                                                                                                        Beep after an inventory round
                                                                                                                        Beep after a tas is identified. (for test only)        |_          Set     ]

                                                     Reset Reader                                     ‘                                                                             [    Refresh

              Operation History: W Auto Clear                                                                                                                             Activate Serial Port Honitor
             2014—08—02 15:06:42 Reader connected COMSA115200
             2014—08—02 15:06:45 Get Lixmare version
             2014—08—02 15:08:46 Get reader identifier

Now the reader has been connected to PC successfully.

2.2Setting RF Parameter
After connecting the reader with PC, we need to set some basic RF parameters: RF Output Power & RF
Spectrum. Please select RF Setup as illustrated below:

                   @# UHF RFID Reader Demo v3.62
                    Reader Setup                      |18000—6C Tag Test|IS0 18000—6B Tag Test                                                  |Serial Port Monitor

                      Basic Setu

      2.2.1 Setting RF Output Power
RF Output Power is the strength of RF output signal from antenna port whose unit is dBm.
             RF Output Power

                                                         26                  dEn                                 !             Get               ’              |                       Set                 |

The output power range is 0 — 26dBm. When this setting completes, it will be saved in the reader
automatically even if the power is cut off. The default output power is 26dBm.

      2.2.2 Setting RF Spectrum
Set the RF spectrum manually.
®     Please defer to Frequency parameter tablet in Communication protocol for more information about

       the carrier frequency.
®      Frequency range the reader supports: 865MHz—868MHz(ETSI), 902MHz —928MHz(FCC).
You can set the reader in RF Spectrum Setup—>User Define, as illustrate below:
RF Spectrun Setup
                    System Defoult Frequencies

                              ree           Ets            CHL     Freq Renge: |               *]aame    —     =) me

    User Define

Users can set RF spectrum via these three parameters: Start Frequency, Frequency Interval, The number
of Frequency points.

2.3 ISO0—18000—6C tag inventory
Connect the Reader correctly. Tag operation could be started when RF Setup is completed.
Tag inventory means reader identifying multiple tags‘EPC number at the same time. This is the core
function of UHF RFID Reader and one of the standards to judge a reader‘s performance.

       2.3.1 Real Time Mode & Buffer Mode

The most commonly used mode for tag inventory isReal—time Mode. Data will be uploaded meanwhile
you can get the tags‘EPC number instantly. RSSI and Parameter of Frequency are changed and
recorded in real time. Due to its dual CPU architecture, performance of multi—tag identification under
Real—time mode is the best.

The other is Buffer Mode, the data will be cached and uploaded together when you need them. Under
this mode, the data are without repeat data and can keep in small volume, because the data will be
filtered before being uploaded. But it will take some time to filter duplicate data when reader identifies a
large number of tags. Therefore, its identification efficiency will be slightly lower than real—time mode. Note:
Tags can‘t be operated when you extract data in the cache.

Users can choose the appropriate method based on actual situation as illustrated below:
          @ UHF RFID%                                                                                                                    [——] & e
           Reader Setup      900—50 Tos Test2490 18000—6B Tag Test      |Serial Port Honitor

                  Inventory (Real Tine Io         Inventory (Buffer Hode4   Tag Inventory(Fast Swith Anterna Hode) Access Tag

          nd 1                                                                                      User Define Session         so   +   A   —

Method NO.1: Real—time Mode
1. Click Tag Inventory (Real Time Mode). Select the connected antenna(s) port. Set the number of
Repeat Per Command, which is the times of repeat inventory command. For example, inventory
command will execute anti—collision algorithm one time when you set the value to 1. It will execute
anti—collision algorithm two times when you set the value to 2...
2. Click Inventory, you will find that the EPC number is uploaded immediately and it is real—time updating.
The reader will keep inventory until you click stop as shown below:

        & UHF RFID Reader Demo v3.62                                                                                                                                               [—=—] & (eie
        Reader Setup) 18000—60 Tas Test |180 18000—68 Tag Test.|Serfal Port Monitor
         Tag Inventory (Real T                 Inventory®utfer Hode) |Tag Inventory(Fast Srith Anterns Hode) |Access Tas

                                                      epeat Per Comnonds     1                 User Define Session                          so       —                        &        —
          Antenna Selection
                                                               9 Aner                 Anta                  Ants                    Ante
         Tag Date
                            Inventoried Quanti ty:                                                 Speed: (Tas/Sec) :
                                                                                                                        194                Total Tag Conmuntcation:
                                                                                                                          17                                          C
                                                                                                                        t                                             A
                                                                                                   Connand duration(a8):
                                                                                                                   C                       Total. Inventory Duration(a8):
                                                                                                                    -' -'                                         tAy
                                                                                                                    w iW                                          t uLt
          Tas List: 1                                                                   in Rest:       ~S6dBn                  Yex Rest:     ~s2de                            [_    Refresh
          m                                      sro                                    PC      Identification ...       RSSL Carier In...
          1                                   11 22 as «n                              10 oo             1              ~ssam    922. 300

         Operation History: ) Auto Clear                                                                                                                         Activate Serial Port Honttor
        2014—08—07   14:51:13   Real time node Inventory
        2014—08—07   14:51:13   Successfully set vorking    anterna, current vorking anterna : Ant 1
        2014—08—07   14:51:13   Real time node Inventory
        2014—08—07   14:51:13   Successfully set vorking    anterna, current vorking anterna : Ant 1
        2014—08—07   14:51:13   Real time node Inventory
        2014—08—07   14:51:14   Successfully set vorking    anterna, current vorking anterna : Ant 1                                                                                            3
        2014—08—07   14:51:14   Real time node Inventory
        2014—08—07   14:51:14   Successfully set vorking    anterna, current vorking anterna : Ant 1                                                                                            §

       Inventoried Quantity                                          Total number of inventory tags since click on Inventory.

                     Speed                                           Speed of identification Tag, unit: piece / see
    Total Tag Communication                                          Total return EPC data of tags (Including repeated data)

       Command Duration                                              Time of each inventory command takes, unit: ms

     Total Inventory Duration                                        Total elapsed time since click on Inventory , unit: ms.

                         ID                                          The serial number of data.

                        EPC                                          EPC number of tag.

                        PC                                           Protocol Control word of tag.

       Identification Count                                          Times of tag identified.

                      RSSI                                           The signal strength when tag was identified at the last time.

        Carrier Frequency                                            Carrier frequency of tag which is identified at the last time.

Method NO.2: Buffer Mode
1. Click Inventory, the screen will display as below(single tag & multi—tag inventory):

       Reader Setup) 18000—60 Tas Test |150 18000—68 Tag Test |Serial Port Honktor!
        Tag Inventory(Real Tire Mode)| Tag Inventory(Butfer Hode) (Tag Inventory(Rast Swith Anterna Node) |Access Tas\
       m                                                                                                                                            Get Butter          Get and Clear Butfer
                                         epeat Per Command:    1             Antt      CC anta        CC ants        (C) Aneé

        Tas Data
                            Inventoried Quanti ty:                                                Speed(Tag/Sec) :
                                                                                                                         17                 Total Tag Conmuntcation:
                                                                            C                                       wi
                                                                                                  Connand Duration(aS) :
                                                                                                                      CV                    Total. Inventory Duration(a8):

                                                                                                                       21 21                                       a 14
         Tas List:
        m            ro         cr                                 sro                                Ant To     RSST           Identification...

        Operation History:                                                                                                                                        J Activate Serfal Port Honitor
       2014—08—07    14:59:20   Buffer mode Inventory
       2014—08—07    14:58:20   Successfully set working   anterna, curzent working antenna : Ant 1
       2014—08—07    14:59:20   Buffer mode Inventory
       2014—08—07    14:58:20   Successfully set working   anterna, curzent working antenna : Ant 1
       2014—08—07    14:59:20   Buffer mode Inventory

       2014—08—07    14:58:20   Successfully set working   anterna, curzent working antenna : Ant 1
       2014—08—07    14:59:20   Buffer mode Inventory
       2014—08—07    14:58:20   Successfully set working   anterna, curzent working antenna : Ant 1

Note: the identified tags won‘t be shown in the Tag list.

2. Click Stop first, then click Get Buffer. All the data in cache will be uploaded as illustrated below:

       Reader Setup) 18000—60 Tas Test |150 18000—68 Tag Test |Serial Port Honktor!
        Tag Inventory(Real Tine Mode)| Tag Inventory(Butfer Hode) (Tag Inventory(Rast Swith Anterna Node) |Access Tas\

             Inventory                 Repeat Per Command:     1             Antt      C ant2         ) ants         C ane
                                                                                                                                                                        Get and Clear Butfer

        Tas Data
                            Inventoried Quanti ty:                                                Speed(Tag/Sec) :
                                                                                                                           ."               Total Tas Connuntcation:
                                                                                                                           L                                        0
                                                                                                                           t                                          L0
                                                                                                  Connand Duration(a8) :
                                                                                                                      ."                    Total. Inventory Duration(@8):
                                                                                                                           L                                     a TT
                                                                                                                           .t                                    t ut _tL

        m            ro     cr                                    sro                                 Ant To     RSST           Identification...
        1           10 oo   ss se                              i1 22 os n                                1      ~s9amn                 155

        Operation History:                                                                                                                                        J Activate Serfal Port Honitor
       2014—08—07    14:59:38   Buffer node Inventory
       2014—08—07    14:58:38   Successfully set working anterna, curzent working antenna : Ant 1
       2014—08—07    14:59:38   Buffer node Inventory
       2014—08—07    14:88:3¢   Successfully set vorking antemna, current worling anterna : Ant 1
       2014—08—07    14:59:34   Buffer node Inventory
       2014—08—07    14:58:3¢   Successfully set working anterna, curzent working antenna : Ant 1
       2014—08—07    14:59:34   Buffer node Inventory
       2014—08—07    14:58:18   Reader butfer

Functions description under Buffer Mode:
Get and Clear: Read the data form cache and then clear the cache. It will be empty when you read the
cache again.
Query tag Quantity: If you just want to know how many tags are there in cache without details, click on
this button.
Clear Buffer: Clear the cache and refresh the screen.

2.4 Accessing ISO—18000—6C Tag
Click Access Tag, and the screen will display as following:
      @ UHF RFID Reader Demo v3.62                                                                                                                                                  [—] & i)
       Reader Setup)    18000—6C Tas Test    |1G0 18000—68 Tas Test   |Serial Port Honitor

       Tag Inventory(Real Tine Mode) |Tag InventoryBuffer Hode) |Tag Inventory(Rast Srith Antenna Mo@
        Tag Access
         Tag Selection
              Selected Tas:                                                                   Tag List: |                                                            t]     [       sereet    _]
        Read/rite Tas
               Passvord           erc       m          vser     Access Passvord(IBD:                        Start Add(worn) :                  Length (¥oRD):               [       Reaa_]

            Data to be Urttten(iEID:                                                                                                                                        [       trite_]
        Lock To
               Access Password           K111 Passvord            sro                  m             user
                                                                                                                                Access Password(HBID:                       [       Lesk_]
                      Open                  Lok                  Pernanent Open                 Pernanent Lock
        K111 To
                                                                KIL1. Passvord(H2X):                                                                                        [       in        _]

        t       re—      cre                     sro                                   Data                      Data... Ant TD Operated...

       Operation History:        ) Auto Clear                                                                                                                     Activate Serial Port Honttor

     2.4.1 Read tags
You can set the parameter(zones to be read, Start Address and Data Length) as illustrated below:
       Read/¥rite Tas
              Passvord         @/EFC        Ti         use     Access Passvord(HED :                        Start Add(vorp) :     00            Length(¥ORD): 2                 (     Read         |

         Data: to be ¥ritten(iD:                                                                                                                                                [     arite        _

Note: the unit of Starting Address and Data Length is WORD which is 16 bit double—byte.
Click Read when the parameter setting is completed.
Picture as below shows that one tag has been identified successfully.


    2.4.2 Write Tags
The area of Write Tag is the same as Read Tag, but you need to provide access password and
information of data to be written.
      Read/¥rite Tas
            Passvord        @ ro          tm       user     Access Password(EX):    00 00 00 00        Start Ada(rorD): 02            Length(WorD) : 4                    Read

        Data to be Weitten(WED:         11 22 59 44 55 66 77 68

When the operation done successfully, the screen will display as follows:
        m      re        cre                   sro                                 Data                    Data...   Ant TD Operated...
        1     so oo      at as    oo oo oo oo oo oo oo o 00 ...                                                         1        1

        Operation History:       [V) Auto Clear                                                                                                          Activate Serial Port Honttor
       ort—08—07 15:21:18 Write tas

Note: The maximum length of one—time write is 32 Word (64 bytes, 512bits).

    2.4.3 Lock Tags
       Lock Tas

            Access Password              K111 Passvord        se               Ti                 @ user
                                                                                                                       Access Password(iEX»: 00 00 00 00                  Lock
                  Open                  O[Losk                Pernanent Open                Pernanent Lock

A password is necessary to be provided for locking tags. When the operation is completed successfully,
the screen will display as follows:


            n      PC      cro                  sro                                     Data   Data...   Ant TD Operated...
            1     s4 oo   o4 1B    30 os as B2 DD Do or 40 00 ...                                           1        2

            Operation History:    W Auto Clear                                                                                Activate Serial Port Honitor
           2014—08—03 15:32:16 Lock tas

Same as Write Tags, data of identified tags will be displayed in Tag List.

      2.4.4 Kill Tags
K111 Tas
                                                    K111 Passvord(HED):   aa bo ce dd                                               in

Password is necessary which can not be 00 00 00 00 before Kill Tags. Therefore, to kill a tag please need
change the content of password via Write Tag Operation first.

When tag is killed successfully, the information will display as follows:
            t      ro     cre                   sro                                     Data   Data...   Ant TD Operated...
            i     ao oo   «o ae    11 22 as «s So oo 77 as o0 ...                                           1        1

            Operation History:    ) Auto Clear                                                                                Activate Serial Port Honttor
           ors—08—07 15:30:25 K111 tae

      2.4.5 Tag Selection
No matter how many tags in RF region, we just want to access EPC tags which are already identified.
Now, we can use the function of Tag Selection(EPC matching).
1. Tag inventory in Buffer Mode to get all tags‘EPC number.
2. Get tags in cache.
3. Access tags and choose the EPC NO. which is needed, as illustrated below:


      @ UHF RFID Reader Demo v3.62                                                                                                                                              [—] & i)
      Reader Setup)   18000—6C Tas Test   |1G0 18000—68 Tas Test   Serial Port Monttor

       Tas Inventory(Real Tine Mode) |Tag Inventory(Buffer Hode) Tas Inventory(Fast Svith Anterna Mode) Access Tes
        Tag Access
         Tag Selection
            Selected Tas:                                                                Tas List: |                                                     x]           [         Serect
                                                                                                       E2 to so oo se os oo To 25 60 14 20               E
        Read/rite Tas                                                                                  E2 oo so oo so os on T5 25 7o 10 89
                                                                                                       E2 oo so oo so os o2 18 25 5o 11 rT
              Passvord        er          TID   @ USER       Access Password(HED): 00 00 00 00         Es
                                                                                                       E2 co
                                                                                                          0o so
                                                                                                             so o
                                                                                                                oo o
                                                                                                                   so 0s
                                                                                                                      os or
                                                                                                                         or 9y
                                                                                                                            92 25
                                                                                                                               25 70
                                                                                                                                  5o 10
                                                                                                                                     12 C
                                                                                                                                        5P                            [         Read
                                                                                                       E2 0o so oo so os o2 08 25 50 12 18
                                                                                                       E2 0o so oo so os or 1 25 90 12 B1
          Data to be Written(WEID :. aa bb ce dd                                                       E2   0o    so   oo so os or «2 25 40 15 26                     [._    trite
                                                                                                       E2   0o    so   oo so os or af 25 40 12 C2                           CSAE
        Lock Tas                                                                                       E2   0o    so   o                  o i1 25
              Access Password         K111 Passvord            sre               Ti
                                                                                                       E2    oo   so   co                 o of cs
                                                                                                 © 05E €2 oo so oo so os or to 25 5o 12 B5

After choosing the tag, please click Select and the screen will display as follows:
      @ UHF RFID Reader Demo v3.62                                                                                                                                              [—] & Gein)
      Reader Setup)   18000—60 Tas Test   |1GO 18000—68 Tas Test   Serial Port Monttor

       Tas Inventory(Real Tine Mode) |Tag Inventory(Buffer Hode) Tas Inventory(Fast Svith Anterna Mode) Access Tes
        Tag Access
         Tag Selection
           ¥) Selected Tas: E2 00 so 0o so o5 or so 25 To 10 C                       Tas List: | E2 00 so 0o so os o1 o as o 10 C1                       —])      C             Select    >

We could see that the column on the left for Selected Tag has been selected. Next, all the operations are
based on the tag with this EPC NO.

If you want to cancel the match of EPC, just deselect the column for Selected Tag, as below:
      Tas Selection
          Sclecied Tes                                                                   Tag List:]                                                          t]             [    sereet   _

    2.4.6 Error Display Might Be Returned
Errors occur if wrong operations done:
4 Inventory success, access failure:
          Operation History: [Z) Auto Clear                                                                                                         Antivate Serist Foet Konitsr
        [2014—04—10 14:37:41 Read tag failed, due to Ta Inventoried but access failed

There are two steps to get access to tags: firstly, tag inventory; secondly, access tags. Picture above
shows the inventory is successful, failed to access to tags.
Two reasons why:
1. Parameters incorrect: for example, zones{(password/ EPC/ TID/ User) to be read do not exist.
2. Tags beyond the area that the RF could cover: distance of accessing to tags is about 60%—70% of tag
  inventory; in this case, please put the tag closer to the antenna.

% Wrong password:
       Operation History:    [ Auto Clear                                                                                                             Activate Serial Port Honitor
      2014—04—10 17:21:40 Write tag failed, due to Access failed or imong password

Reason why: wrong password is set.


© No tags to be operated:
      Operation History:   W Auto Clear                                           Activate Serial Port Honitor
     2014—08—10 17:32:52 Lock tag failed, due to There is nc tag to be operated

Reason why: Tags beyond the area that the RF could cover.
For more information about the operation history returned, please defer to the document: UHF RFID
Reader Serial Interface Protocol V3.1.


                                      3. Develop your own RFID Application
Most functions of the reader can be operated through the demo. But in practical applications, user might
need to develop their own applications. Please defer to the document: UHF RFID Reader Serial
Interface Protocol V3.1.The reader follows the definition both of the RS — 232 and TCP / IP interface.
Demo provides an important function of recording serial transmission, so that users can quickly grasp the
content of communication protocol in practice. Please defer to the screenshot below and select Activate
Serial Port Monitor, all uplink and downlink serial data will be recorded, as illustrated below:
         & UHF RFID Reader Demo v3.62                                                                                                                                  [——] & e
         Reader Setup    18000=6C Tag Test   190 18000—6B Tag Test [Serial Port Honi tor|

         Bord=06=21 14z47:42.    Ao 08 o1 To EC
         Bord=06=21 14z47:45.    Ao 08 o1 To EC
         Bord=0621 14z47:d5      A08 01 72 PA
         Bord=0621 14z4r:d5      Ao o5 o1 2 o6 oo Do
         Bord=0621 14z4r:d5      Ao 08 o1 7B E1
         Bord=06~21 14z4rzd5     Ao 05 o1 TB 01 27 B7
         Bord=06=21 1ez4ms2.     Ao o4 o1 Té 18 CT
         Bord=06=21 14z4m:s2.    Ao o4 o1 Te 10 Ds
         Bord=06=21 14:4m:ss.    Ao 08 o1 77 Es
         Bord=06=21 1ez4m:ss.    Ao o4 o1 77 18 Co
         Bord=06=21 14:4m:ss     Ao o5 o1 63 ro
         Bord=06=21 14z4m:ss     Ao o4 o1 63 03 r
         2or4—06—21              Ao 03 o1 To E3
         rorg—06—21              Ao 06 o1 To o1 of 5B 9D
         2or4—06—21     sdf:be   Ao 0 ol T4 00 E7
         Bord=06~21 1ez4mse.     Ao o4 o1 74 10 D7
         Bord=06=21 14z4mse.     ao o# or Bo o1 D1
         Bord=06=21 14:47:se.    Ao 13 o1 go Bo 3o oo oo oo oo oo oo 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o BC §8 CF Ao 13 o 8o Bo 5o oo 5o o8 33 B2 Do Do o 4o oo oo 00 00 50 9f
         Bord=06=21 14z47:se.    Ao o8 or Bo Bo o8 oo 11 22 28 Ba Ao 13 o1 89 Bo 5o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo 0o 00 CB 28 ED Ao 13 or 8a Bo 5o oo 50 08 35 B2
         Bord=06=21 14z4m:se.    Do Da or 4o 0o oo 0o o4 2D 9E Ao 13 o1 Bo Bo 5o oo 5o o8 33 B2 Do Do o 4o oo oo 00 00 2f Ao
         rorg—06—21     g        Ao 13 o1 8o @8 30 oo 30 o8 33 B2 DD Do o1 4o oo oo 0o 02 31 C
         rorg—06—21              Ao 13 o1 8o 38 30 oo 30 o8 33 B2 DD Do o1 do oo oo 0o 0o 26 21 Ao 13 o1 o 38 o oo E2 oo 3o oo so o5 o2 27 26 so 11 D1 31 TA
         rorg—06—21     1df:be   Ad 13 o 89 58 5o oo 5o o8 33 B2 Do Do o 40 0o 0o 0o 00 2c 18 Ao 13 o1 89 38 30 oo 30 o8 33 B2 DD Do o1 40 0o 00 00 00 33 14
         Bord=06=21 14z4mse.     Ao 13 or Bo B8 3o oo 3o o8 s Bz Dp Da o1 4o oo oo 0o 0o 32 C Ao 13 ol 89 88 5o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo 0o CB 27 19 Ao 13 o1 go @8 o 0o
         o o8 53 B2 DD
         Bord=06=21 14:47:se     Do o1 4o 0o 0o 0o 0o 32 CS Ao 13 o1 Bo B8 5o oo 5o o8 53 B2 Do Do or 4o oo oo 0o o4 50 C3 Ao 13 or 8o 88 5o oo 5o o8 53 B2 Do he o1 4o oo 0o 00 02
         n c
         ord=06=21 14z4m:se.     Ao 13 or go B8 so oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo 0o oo 0o 0o BC S s
         ord=06=21 1ez4mse.      Ao 13 or o 5e so oo 3o o8 s Bz Do Da o1 4o oo 0o 00 00 20 FB
         Bord=06=21 14z4mse.     Ao 13 or o 5e 3o oo E2 0o 3o oo 3o 05 02 2r 25 5o 11 Di 51 SE Ao o% o 89 oo oo S oo 0o 00 13 7C

          Input Comend:                                                                                              Check Sum:                    [       Send__] [      Clesr     _]

          Operation History: W Auto Clear                                                                                                              Y Activate Serial Port Honitor
         2014—06—21 14:47:45 Get Fizmave version                                                                                                                                         *
         2014—06—21   14:47:4 Get internal. temperature
         2014—06—21   14:47:52 Set RF output porer
         2014—06—21   14:47:58 Get RF output porer
         2014—06—21   14:47:55 Get anterna connection detector sensitivity threshold
         2014—06—21   14:47:56 Get RF spectrun
         2014—06—21   14:47:50 Successfully set working anterna, current rorking antenna : Ant 1
         2014—06—21   14:47:59 Real time mode inventory                                                                                                                                  C

1. Response speed of Demo will slow down after opening the Activate Serial Port Monitor. Please turn
off this function when it is not needed.
2. Data in violet blue color is sent to the reader by PC, and data in red color is the returned information
from reader to PC.
3. Manual Input Command is used to debug serial command, which could calculate the checksum
4. UHF RFID Reader Serial Interface Protocol V3.1, this document includes the integral source codes of
the demo (Based on C # of .Net platform) to help users develop applications on the reader. Thank you!


                                         4. Installing Driver
1. Open the D—100 Driver folder.
2. Double click on CDM20828_Setup.exe, the following screen displays:

           i« ! FTDI CDM drivers

                                                   FTDL CDM drivers
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3. Click on Extract:

           i« ! FTDI CDM drivers
              Extracting ies
                  Freetstractor is extacing the concrese es n ths rcwe.

                 Phease nnhle h es n ths rcve areextaced.

                 Exboctng dnetaase ..

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After installation is complete, we could connect reader to PC successfully.


FCC Statement

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator
and your body.


Document Created: 2017-08-31 14:40:50
Document Modified: 2017-08-31 14:40:50

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC