WiFi Module Test Report

FCC ID: 2AKLI-080715

Test Report

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                                           FCC Test Report (Conducted Test)

                       Report No.: RF151228C18B

                            FCC ID: VPYLB1DX

                       Test Model: 1DX

                   Series Model: 1FX

                 Received Date: Dec. 28, 2015

                         Test Date: Jan. 07 ~ Jun. 07, 2016

                     Issued Date: Jun. 13, 2016

                         Applicant: Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

                          Address: 10-1, Higashikotari 1-chome, Nagaokakyo-shi, Kyoto 617-8555, Japan

                        Issued By: Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch

                    Lab Address: No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan

                  Test Location: No. 19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Dist., Taoyuan City
                                 33383, TAIWAN (R.O.C.)

This report is for your exclusive use. Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is permitted
only with our prior written permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The results set forth in this
report are not indicative or representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or any similar or identical product
unless specifically and expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof based upon the information that you
provided to us. You have 60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error or omission caused by our negligence, provided,
however, that such notice shall be in writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time
shall constitute your unqualified acceptance of the completeness of this report, the tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific
mention, the uncertainty of measurement has been explicitly taken into account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification.
The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by TAF or any government agencies.

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Reference No. 160527C13

                                                                   Table of Contents
Release Control Record .................................................................................................................................. 4
1         Certificate of Conformity...................................................................................................................... 5
2         Summary of Test Results ..................................................................................................................... 6
    2.1      Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................... 6
    2.2      Modification Record ............................................................................................................................ 6
3         General Information .............................................................................................................................. 7
    3.1      General Description of EUT ................................................................................................................ 7
    3.2      Description of Test Modes ................................................................................................................... 8
    3.2.1    Test Mode Applicability and Tested Channel Detail............................................................................. 9
    3.3      Duty Cycle of Test Signal .................................................................................................................. 10
    3.4      Description of Support Units .............................................................................................................. 11
    3.4.1    Configuration of System under Test ................................................................................................... 11
    3.5      General Description of Applied Standards ......................................................................................... 11
4         Test Types and Results ...................................................................................................................... 12
    4.1      Conducted Emission Measurement .................................................................................................. 12
    4.1.1    Limits of Conducted Emission Measurement .................................................................................... 12
    4.1.2    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 12
    4.1.3    Test Procedures................................................................................................................................. 13
    4.1.4    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 13
    4.1.5    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 13
    4.1.6    EUT Operating Conditions................................................................................................................. 13
    4.1.7    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 14
    4.2      6dB Bandwidth Measurement ........................................................................................................... 16
    4.2.1    Limits of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement ............................................................................................. 16
    4.2.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 16
    4.2.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 16
    4.2.4    Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 17
    4.2.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 17
    4.2.6    EUT Operating Conditions................................................................................................................. 17
    4.2.7    Test Result ......................................................................................................................................... 18
    4.3      Conducted Output Power Measurement........................................................................................... 20
    4.3.1    Limits of Conducted Output Power Measurement ............................................................................ 20
    4.3.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 20
    4.3.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 20
    4.3.4    Test Procedures................................................................................................................................. 20
    4.3.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 20
    4.3.6    EUT Operating Conditions................................................................................................................. 20
    4.3.7    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 21
    4.4      Power Spectral Density Measurement .............................................................................................. 23
    4.4.1    Limits of Power Spectral Density Measurement ............................................................................... 23
    4.4.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 23
    4.4.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 23
    4.4.4    Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 23
    4.4.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 23
    4.4.6    EUT Operating Condition .................................................................................................................. 23
    4.4.7    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 24
    4.5      Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement .............................................................................. 26
    4.5.1    Limits of Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement ............................................................... 26
    4.5.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 26
    4.5.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 26
    4.5.4    Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 26
    4.5.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 26
    4.5.6    EUT Operating Condition .................................................................................................................. 26

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Reference No. 160527C13

    4.5.7 Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 27
5         Pictures of Test Arrangements .......................................................................................................... 30
Appendix – Information on the Testing Laboratories ................................................................................ 31

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Reference No. 160527C13

                                          Release Control Record

Issue No.             Description                                         Date Issued
RF151228C18B          Original release.                                   Jun. 13, 2016

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Reference No. 160527C13

1    Certificate of Conformity

            Product: Communication Module

              Brand: MURATA

        Test Model: 1DX

      Series Model: 1FX

    Sample Status: Engineering sample

          Applicant: Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

          Test Date: Jan. 07 ~ Jun. 07, 2016

         Standards: 47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247)
                           ANSI C63.10:2013

The above equipment has been tested by Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd.,
Taoyuan Branch, and found compliance with the requirement of the above standards. The test record, data
evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT) configurations represented herein are true and accurate accounts
of the measurements of the sample’s EMC characteristics under the conditions specified in this report.

      Prepared by :                                               , Date:       Jun. 13, 2016
                                 Polly Chien / Specialist

     Approved by :                                                , Date:       Jun. 13, 2016
                                Ken Liu / Senior Manager

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Reference No. 160527C13

2      Summary of Test Results

                               47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247)

                               Test Item                   Result                     Remarks
                                                                      Meet the requirement of limit.
       15.207      AC Power Conducted Emission              Pass      Minimum passing margin is -35.55dB
                                                                      at 0.50547MHz.
       15.205 /
                   Radiated Emissions and Band Edge
       15.209 /                                             Pass      Refer to Note
      15.247(d)    Antenna Port Emission                    Pass      Meet the requirement of limit.
    15.247(a)(2)   6dB bandwidth                            Pass      Meet the requirement of limit.
      15.247(b)    Conducted power                          Pass      Meet the requirement of limit.
      15.247(e)    Power Spectral Density                   Pass      Meet the requirement of limit.
       15.203      Antenna Requirement                      Pass      No antenna connector is used.
Note: For radiated emissions test was recorded in Report No.: RF151228C18B-3.

2.1      Measurement Uncertainty
Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on
the EUT as specified in CISPR 16-4-2:

                                                                                      Expended Uncertainty
                    Measurement                                 Frequency
                                                                                           (k=2) (±)
         Conducted Emissions at mains ports                150kHz ~ 30MHz                   2.44 dB

2.2      Modification Record
There were no modifications required for compliance.

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3     General Information
3.1    General Description of EUT

 Product                    Communication Module
 Brand                      MURATA
 Test Model                 1DX
 Series Model               1FX
 Model Difference           Refer to Note
 Status of EUT              Engineering sample
 Power Supply Rating        3.6Vdc VBAT and 3.3Vdc VDDIO
                            CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK for DSSS
 Modulation Type
                            64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK for OFDM
 Modulation Technology      DSSS, OFDM
                            802.11b: 11.0/ 5.5/ 2.0/ 1.0Mbps
 Transfer Rate              802.11g: 54.0/ 48.0/ 36.0/ 24.0/ 18.0/ 12.0/ 9.0/ 6.0Mbps
                            802.11n: up to 65Mbps
 Operating Frequency        2412 ~ 2462MHz
 Number of Channel          11 for 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (HT20)
 Output Power               173.780mW
 Antenna Type               Monopole antenna with 1.4dBi gain
 Antenna Connector          NA
 Accessory Device           NA
 Data Cable Supplied        NA
1. This report is issued as a supplementary report of BV ADT report no. RF151228C18.
2. This report is prepared for FCC class II permissive change. The differences compared with original report
   is declaring the antenna gain from average value 0.6dBi to peak value 1.4dBi and the antenna design is
   identical. And adding one series model name which removing BT function. Therefore, conducted emission
   was re-tested and original data kept unchanged.
3. The following models are provided to this EUT. (New model is marked in boldface)
         Brand                   Model                                  Description
                                  1DX         Main test model
                                  1FX         1FX is identical to 1DX except without BT function
4. The EUT provides 1 completed transmitter and 1 receiver.
                 Modulation Mode                                           TX Function
                     802.11b                                                  1TX
                     802.11g                                                  1TX
                 802.11n (HT20)                                               1TX
5. The above EUT information is declared by manufacturer and for more detailed features description,
   please refer to the manufacturer's specifications or user's manual.

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3.2   Description of Test Modes

11 channels are provided for 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n (HT20):
         Channel                  Frequency                     Channel        Frequency
             1                    2412MHz                         7            2442MHz
             2                    2417MHz                         8            2447MHz
             3                    2422MHz                         9            2452MHz
             4                    2427MHz                         10           2457MHz
             5                    2432MHz                         11           2462MHz
             6                    2437MHz

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3.2.1           Test Mode Applicability and Tested Channel Detail

    EUT                                   APPLICABLE TO
 CONFIGURE                                                                                     DESCRIPTION
   MODE                            PLC                     APCM

            -                       √                         √                -
Where            PLC: Power Line Conducted Emission        APCM: Antenna Port Conducted Measurement

NOTE: The EUT had been pre-tested on the positioned of each 3 axis. The worst case was found when positioned on X-plane.

Power Line Conducted Emission Test:

        Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible combinations
        between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity
        Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.
                                         AVAILABLE        TESTED           MODULATION        MODULATION         DATA RATE
 CONFIGURE                MODE
                                         CHANNEL          CHANNEL          TECHNOLOGY            TYPE                 (Mbps)
        -                802.11g           1 to 11            1               OFDM               BPSK                  6.0

Antenna Port Conducted Measurement:

        This item includes all test value of each mode, but only includes spectrum plot of worst value of each
        Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible combinations
        between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity
        Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.
                                         AVAILABLE        TESTED           MODULATION        MODULATION         DATA RATE
 CONFIGURE                MODE
                                         CHANNEL          CHANNEL          TECHNOLOGY            TYPE                 (Mbps)
        -                802.11b           1 to 11         1, 6, 11           DSSS              DBPSK                  1.0

        -                802.11g           1 to 11         1, 6, 11           OFDM               BPSK                  6.0

        -             802.11n (HT20)       1 to 11         1, 6, 11           OFDM               BPSK                  6.5

Test Condition:

            PLC                     28deg. C, 68%RH                     120Vac, 60Hz                       Alan Wu
        APCM                        25deg. C, 60%RH                     120Vac, 60Hz                       Leo Tsai

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3.3   Duty Cycle of Test Signal
802.11b: Duty cycle of test signal is 100 %
Duty cycle of test signal is ≥ 98 %
802.11g: Duty cycle = 1.424/1.446 = 0.985
802.11n (HT20): Duty cycle = 1.331/1.357 = 0.981

802.11b                                            802.11g

802.11n (HT20)

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3.4      Description of Support Units

The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary accessories or support units.
The following support units or accessories were used to form a representative test configuration during the

 ID           Product            Brand           Model No.             Serial No.              FCC ID                  Remarks
 A.        Power Supply        Topward             6603D                   700637                   NA         -
 B.          Jig board         MURATA           P2ML4452-1                      1~                  NA         Provided by manufacturer
1.    All power cords of the above support units are non-shielded (1.8m).
2.    Item A was placed under the test table.

 ID           Descriptions               Qty.       Length (m)                       Cores (Qty.)                  Remarks
 1.     DC power cable                    4              1                  -             0         Provided by manufacturer
 2.     DC power cable                    4             1.8                 -             0         -

3.4.1      Configuration of System under Test

                                                  Power supply (A)


                                                    Jig board (B)


                                                (Power from power supply)

             *Test table

3.5      General Description of Applied Standards

 The EUT is a RF Product. According to the specifications of the manufacturer, it must comply with the
 requirements of the following standards:

 FCC Part 15, Subpart C (15.247)
 KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r05
 ANSI C63.10-2013

 All test items have been performed and recorded as per the above standards.

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4       Test Types and Results
4.1     Conducted Emission Measurement
4.1.1     Limits of Conducted Emission Measurement

                                                              Conducted Limit (dBuV)
        Frequency (MHz)
                                                 Quasi-peak                               Average
            0.15 - 0.5                             66 - 56                                 56 - 46
            0.50 - 5.0                               56                                       46
            5.0 - 30.0                               60                                       50
    Note: 1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
          2. The limit decreases in line with the logarithm of the frequency in the range of 0.15 to 0.50MHz.

4.1.2     Test Instruments

Tested date: Jun. 07, 2016
                                                                               Date of               Due Date of
    Description & Manufacturer         Model No.            Serial No.
                                                                              Calibration            Calibration
Test Receiver
                                    ESCI                     100424         Oct. 12, 2015           Oct. 11, 2016
RF signal cable (with 10dB PAD)
                                    5D-FB               Cable-cond2-01      Dec. 26, 2015          Dec. 25, 2016
ROHDE & SCHWARZ                    ESH2-Z5                   100100         Jan. 11, 2016           Jan. 10, 2017
ROHDE & SCHWARZ                    ESH3-Z5                   100312          Jul. 21, 2015          Jul. 20, 2016
Software                        BV ADT_Cond_
                                                                NA                NA                      NA
ADT                                V7.3.7.3

Note: 1. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable
         to NML/ROC and NIST/USA.
      2. The test was performed in HwaYa Shielded Room 2.
      3. The VCCI Site Registration No. is C-2047.

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4.1.3    Test Procedures
  a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meters from the conducting wall of the shielded room with EUT being
     connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN). Other support
     units were connected to the power mains through another LISN. The two LISNs provide 50 ohm/ 50uH
     of coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.
  b. Both lines of the power mains connected to the EUT were checked for maximum conducted
  c.    The frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz was searched. Emission levels under (Limit - 20dB) was
        not recorded.

 NOTE: The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver is 9kHz for quasi-peak detection (QP)
       and average detection (AV) at frequency 0.15MHz-30MHz.

4.1.4    Deviation from Test Standard

 No deviation.

4.1.5    Test Setup

                                 Vertical Ground
                                 Reference Plane                                Test Receiver



                                                                   Horizontal Ground
                                                                   Reference Plane

                       Note: 1.Support units were connected to second LISN.

 For the actual test configuration, please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

4.1.6    EUT Operating Conditions

Set the EUT under transmission condition continuously at specific channel frequency.

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4.1.7   Test Results

                                                                                    Quasi-Peak (QP) /
Phase                          Line (L)                       Detector Function
                                                                                    Average (AV)

                        Corr.       Reading Value       Emission Level           Limit              Margin
 No                    Factor           [dB (uV)]          [dB (uV)]          [dB (uV)]              (dB)
          [MHz]         (dB)         Q.P.      AV.       Q.P.     AV.       Q.P.       AV.      Q.P.        AV.
  1      0.18516       10.15         8.40     -1.66     18.55     8.49     64.25     54.25     -45.70     -45.76
  2      0.23984       10.17         9.44     -1.50     19.61     8.67     62.10     52.10     -42.50     -43.44
  3      0.29844       10.17        10.74     -1.74     20.91     8.43     60.29     50.29     -39.37     -41.85
  4      0.44688       10.19         8.60     -0.28     18.79     9.91     56.93     46.93     -38.14     -37.02
  5      0.49766       10.19         9.10     -0.90     19.29     9.29     56.04     46.04     -36.74     -36.74
  6      1.88281       10.27        -1.52     -3.32     8.75      6.95     56.00     46.00     -47.25     -39.05

               1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi-peak and average individually.
               2. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
               3. Margin value = Emission level - Limit value
               4. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
               5. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value.

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                                                                                    Quasi-Peak (QP) /
Phase                          Neutral (N)                    Detector Function
                                                                                    Average (AV)

                        Corr.       Reading Value       Emission Level           Limit              Margin
 No                    Factor           [dB (uV)]          [dB (uV)]          [dB (uV)]              (dB)
          [MHz]         (dB)         Q.P.      AV.       Q.P.     AV.       Q.P.       AV.      Q.P.        AV.
  1      0.17734       10.15         5.86     -2.28     16.01     7.87     64.61     54.61     -48.60     -46.74
  2      0.29453       10.17         7.40     -2.40     17.57     7.77     60.40     50.40     -42.82     -42.62
  3      0.34141       10.18         6.94     -1.72     17.12     8.46     59.17     49.17     -42.05     -40.71
  4      0.50547       10.19         5.98      0.26     16.17    10.45     56.00     46.00     -39.83     -35.55
  5      3.08984       10.35        -2.50     -3.90     7.85      6.45     56.00     46.00     -48.15     -39.55
  6      4.41406       10.40        -0.60     -3.76     9.80      6.64     56.00     46.00     -46.20     -39.36

               1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi-peak and average individually.
               2. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
               3. Margin value = Emission level - Limit value
               4. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
               5. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value.

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4.2     6dB Bandwidth Measurement
4.2.1    Limits of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement

 The minimum of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement is 0.5 MHz.

4.2.2    Test Setup

                                    Attenuator           ANALYZER

4.2.3    Test Instruments

Tested date: Jan. 07, 2016
        Description &                                                      Date of               Due Date of
                                Model No.                 Serial No.
        Manufacturer                                                      Calibration            Calibration
Spectrum Analyzer
                                 FSP40                     100269        Mar. 30, 2015          Mar. 29, 2016
High Speed Peak Power
                                ML2495A                   0824011        Jul. 09, 2015          Jul. 08, 2016
Power Sensor                    MA2411B                   0738171        Jul. 09, 2015          Jul. 08, 2016
NOTE: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable
      to NML/ROC and NIST/USA.

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Reference No. 160527C13

4.2.4   Test Procedure

a.   Set resolution bandwidth (RBW) = 100kHz
b.   Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 x RBW, Detector = Peak.
c.   Trace mode = max hold.
d.   Sweep = auto couple.
e.   Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated with the
     two amplitude points (upper and lower) that are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum level
     measured in the fundamental emission

4.2.5   Deviation from Test Standard

 No deviation.

4.2.6   EUT Operating Conditions

 The software provided by client to enable the EUT under transmission condition continuously at lowest,
 middle and highest channel frequencies individually.

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4.2.7    Test Result


                                             6dB Bandwidth      Minimum Limit
        Channel            Frequency (MHz)                                               Pass / Fail
                                                 (MHz)              (MHz)

          1                     2412                9.07             0.5                    Pass
          6                     2437                9.08             0.5                    Pass
          11                    2462                9.05             0.5                    Pass


                                             6dB Bandwidth      Minimum Limit
        Channel            Frequency (MHz)                                               Pass / Fail
                                                 (MHz)              (MHz)

          1                     2412               15.16             0.5                    Pass
          6                     2437               15.16             0.5                    Pass
          11                    2462               15.17             0.5                    Pass

802.11n (HT20)

                                             6dB Bandwidth      Minimum Limit
        Channel            Frequency (MHz)                                               Pass / Fail
                                                 (MHz)              (MHz)

          1                     2412               15.19             0.5                    Pass
          6                     2437               15.18             0.5                    Pass
          11                    2462               15.16             0.5                    Pass

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                                     Spectrum Plot of Worst Value
                           802.11b                                  802.11g

                    802.11n (HT20)

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4.3     Conducted Output Power Measurement
4.3.1    Limits of Conducted Output Power Measurement

 For systems using digital modulation in the 2400–2483.5 MHz bands: 1 Watt (30dBm)

4.3.2    Test Setup

           EUT                             Power Sensor                Power Meter

4.3.3    Test Instruments

 Refer to section 4.2.3 to get information of above instrument.

4.3.4    Test Procedures

 A peak / average power sensor was used on the output port of the EUT. A power meter was used to read the
 response of the peak / average power sensor. Record the power level.

4.3.5    Deviation from Test Standard

 No deviation.

4.3.6    EUT Operating Conditions

 Same as Item 4.2.6.

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4.3.7       Test Results

 Channel         Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (mW) Peak Power (dBm)     Limit (dBm)          Pass/Fail
        1              2412          86.696                   19.38       30                  Pass
        6              2437          85.704                   19.33       30                  Pass
     11                2462          84.140                   19.25       30                  Pass

 Channel         Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (mW) Peak Power (dBm)     Limit (dBm)          Pass/Fail
        1              2412          173.780                  22.40       30                  Pass
        6              2437          149.624                  21.75       30                  Pass
     11                2462          152.055                  21.82       30                  Pass

802.11n (HT20)
 Channel         Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (mW) Peak Power (dBm)     Limit (dBm)          Pass/Fail
        1              2412          115.345                  20.62       30                  Pass
        6              2437          171.396                  22.34       30                  Pass
     11                2462          133.045                  21.24       30                  Pass

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                                             Average Power   Average Power
   Channel            Frequency (MHz)
                                                 (mW)            (dBm)
       1                   2412                   52.119         17.17
       6                   2437                   51.642         17.13
       11                  2462                   50.466         17.03

                                             Average Power   Average Power
   Channel            Frequency (MHz)
                                                 (mW)            (dBm)
       1                   2412                   21.627         13.35
       6                   2437                   20.370         13.09
       11                  2462                   20.045         13.02

802.11n (HT20)
                                             Average Power   Average Power
   Channel            Frequency (MHz)
                                                 (mW)            (dBm)
       1                   2412                   16.596         12.20
       6                   2437                   16.788         12.25
       11                  2462                   17.100         12.33

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4.4     Power Spectral Density Measurement
4.4.1    Limits of Power Spectral Density Measurement

The Maximum of Power Spectral Density Measurement is 8dBm.

4.4.2    Test Setup

                 EUT                                              SPECTRUM
                                        10dB ATTENUATION          ANALYZER

4.4.3    Test Instruments

Refer to section 4.2.3 to get information of above instrument.

4.4.4    Test Procedure

a.    Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
b.    Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
c.    Set the RBW to: 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz.
d.    Set the VBW ≥ 3 × RBW.
e.    Detector = peak.
f.    Sweep time = auto couple.
g.    Trace mode = max hold.
h.    Allow trace to fully stabilize.
i.    Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.

4.4.5    Deviation from Test Standard

No deviation.

4.4.6    EUT Operating Condition

Same as Item 4.2.6

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4.4.7     Test Results

                            Freq.        PSD            Limit            Pass
                           (MHz)        (dBm)          (dBm)             /Fail
          1                2412         -3.26            8               Pass
          6                2437         -4.63            8               Pass
          11               2462         -2.87            8               Pass

                            Freq.        PSD            Limit            Pass
                           (MHz)        (dBm)          (dBm)             /Fail
          1                2412         -11.30           8               Pass
          6                2437         -11.58           8               Pass
          11               2462         -12.94           8               Pass

802.11n (HT20)
                            Freq.        PSD            Limit            Pass
                           (MHz)        (dBm)          (dBm)             /Fail
          1                2412         -12.70           8               Pass
          6                2437         -11.86           8               Pass
          11               2462         -12.56           8               Pass

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                                     Spectrum Plot of Worst Value
                           802.11b                                  802.11g

                    802.11n (HT20)

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4.5     Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement
4.5.1    Limits of Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement

Below 20dB of the highest emission level of operating band (in 100kHz Resolution Bandwidth).
4.5.2    Test Setup

                                         Attenuator          ANALYZER

4.5.3    Test Instruments

Refer to section 4.2.3 to get information of above instrument.

4.5.4    Test Procedure

a.    Set the RBW = 100 kHz.
b.    Set the VBW ≥ 300 kHz.
c.    Detector = peak.
d.    Sweep time = auto couple.
e.    Trace mode = max hold.
f.    Allow trace to fully stabilize.
g.    Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum power level in any 100 kHz band segment
      within the fundamental EBW.

a.    Set RBW = 100 kHz.
b.    Set VBW ≥ 300 kHz.
c.    Detector = peak.
d.    Sweep = auto couple.
e.    Trace Mode = max hold.
f.    Allow trace to fully stabilize.
g.    Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.

4.5.5    Deviation from Test Standard

No deviation.

4.5.6    EUT Operating Condition

Same as Item 4.2.6

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4.5.7 Test Results
                                          CH 1

                                          CH 6

                                         CH 11

                   CH 1 Band edge                      CH 11 Band edge

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                                          CH 1

                                          CH 6

                                         CH 11

                   CH 1 Band edge                      CH 11 Band edge

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802.11n (HT20)
                                          CH 1

                                          CH 6

                                         CH 11

                   CH 1 Band edge                      CH 11 Band edge

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5    Pictures of Test Arrangements

 Please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

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Appendix – Information on the Testing Laboratories

We, Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch, were founded in 1988 to
provide our best service in EMC, Radio, Telecom and Safety consultation. Our laboratories are accredited and
approved according to ISO/IEC 17025.

If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us at the following:

Linko EMC/RF Lab                                      Hsin Chu EMC/RF/Telecom Lab
Tel: 886-2-26052180                                   Tel: 886-3-6668565
Fax: 886-2-26051924                                   Fax: 886-3-6668323

Hwa Ya EMC/RF/Safety Lab
Tel: 886-3-3183232
Fax: 886-3-3270892

Email: service.adt@tw.bureauveritas.com
Web Site: www.bureauveritas-adt.com

The address and road map of all our labs can be found in our web site also.

--- END ---

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Document Created: 2016-06-23 13:23:48
Document Modified: 2016-06-23 13:23:48

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