Cal Part 1

FCC ID: 2AK6W-WT-3003

RF Exposure Info

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     TUV Rheinland of North America
5015 Brandin Court, Fremont, CA 94538
Tel: (925) 249-9123, Fax: (925) 249-9124

Appendix C: Calibration Certificates

Table of Contents
1    PROBE EX3DV4 – SN: 7350 ............................................................................................................. 2

2    2450 MHZ DIPOLE .......................................................................................................................... 41

Report Number: 31951457.001

                     f     Laboratory of                                                                               g. Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
               Schmid & Partner                                                                                        g Service suisse d‘étalonnage
                 Engineering AG                                                                                          Servizio svizzero di taratura
               Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                        *,/,Q\\“\?                          S        Swiss Calibration Service

               Aceredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                                     Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
               The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
               Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration cortificates

                Calibration procedure(s)

                Calibration date:

                This calbration certficate documents the traceabilty to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (S1).
                The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probabilty are given on the following pages and are part of the certficate.
                All callorations have been conducted in the closed laboratory faciity: envronment temperature (22 2 3)°C and humidity < 70%.

                Calibration Equipment used (MBTE critcal for caltation)

                Primary Standards                    10                                Gal Date (Gerticate No)                      Scheduled Calbration
                Power meter NRP                      sh: roarre                        O4—Apr—18 (No. 217—02672002673)              Aprt®
                Power sensor NRP—291                 sn: roape                         O4—Aor—18 (No. 217—02672)                    Aprt®
                Power sensor NRP—291                 sn: 1osas                         O4—Aor—18 (No. 217—02673)                    Apr—t0
                Reference 20 B Attenuator            SN: SS277 (20x)                   O4—Aor—18 (No. 217—02682)                    Apr—t0
                Reference Probe ES3DV2               sn: so1s                          30—Dec—17 (No. ES3—3013_Dect?)               Dec—18
                oaga                                 Snseo                             21—Dec—17 (No. DAE4—660_Dect7)               Dec—18

                Secondary Standards                  10                                Check Date (in house)                        Scheduled Check
                Power meter E44198                   snceerzossre                      06—Apr—16 (in house check Jun—18)            in house check: Jun—20
                Power sensor E4412A                  Sn: Myateosos7                    06—Apr—16 (in house check Jun—18)            in house check: Jun—20
                Power sensor E4412A                  sh: oo0110210                     06—Apr—16 (in house check Jun—18)            in house check: Jun—20
                Re           Hp ssesc                sn: ussea2uo1700                  04—Aug—99 (in house check Jun—18)            in house check: Jun—20
                Network Analyzor E8358A              sn userosoa77                     31—Mar—14 (inhouse check Oct—18)             in house checkOct—19
                                                       Name                                   Function                               Signature
                Calibrated by:                        Leif         c                                                            §        :

                Approved by:

                                                                                                                                     Issued: December 15, 2018
                "This caltbration certficate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the        y.

               Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dect8                                        Page 1 of 39

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             Calibration Laboratory of                                    \\\“\‘                        g   Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
             Schmid & Partner                                            ifi\g/gl IEI_                   C   Service suisse d‘étalonnage
                Engineering AG                                            t ns                              Servizio svizzero di taratura
             Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                  2"”?—_}\\\\\“\               S   Swiss Calibration Service

              Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                        Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
              The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
              Multilateral Agreementfor the recognition of calibration certificates

             TSL                           tissue simulating liquid
             NORMx,y,z                     sensitivity in free space
             ConvF                         sensitivity in TSL / NORMx.y,z
             DCP                           diode compression point
             CF                            crest factor (1/duty_cycle) of the RF signal
             A, B, C, D                    modulation dependentlinearization parameters
             Polarization q                i rotation around probe axis
             Polarization $                8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at measurement center),
                                           .e., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
             Connector Angle               information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system

             Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                  a)   IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged Specific
                       Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
                       Techniques", June 2013
                  b)   1EC 62209—1, ", "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) from hand—
                       held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz)", July 2016
                  c)   IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
                       used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)", March 2010
                  d)   KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
              Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                       NORMx,y,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = 0 (f < 900 MHz in TEM—cell; f > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide).
                       NORMx,y,z are only intermediate values, i.e., the uncertainties of NORMx,y,z does not affect the E*—field
                       uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
                       NORM(M)x,y,z = NORMx,y,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This linearization is
                       implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency response is included
                       in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
                       DCPx,y,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
                       signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
                       PAR: PAR is the Peak to Average Ratio that is not calibrated but determined based on the signal
                       Axy,z; Bxy,z; Cx.y,z; Dx,y,z; VRx,y,z: A, B, C, D are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on
                       the data of power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
                       media. VR is the maximum calibration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
                       ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or Temperature Transfer
                       Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical field distributions based on power
                       measurements for f > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
                       boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
                       used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
                       to NORMx,y,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
                       ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100
                       Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy): in a field of low gradients realized using a flat phantom
                       exposed by a patch antenna.
                       Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center from the probe tip
                       (on probe axis). No tolerance required.
                       Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMx (no
                       uncertainty required).

              Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                                 Page 2 of 39

  nSpunL Nuniot. o ow +

 EX3DV4 — SN:7350
                                                                                December 14, 2018

                       Probe EX3DV4


                                  Manufactured:             October 13, 2014
                                  Calibrated:               December 14, 2018

                                 Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                    (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                    Page 3 of 39

 EX3DV4— SN:7350
                                                                                                                            December 14, 2018

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7350
 Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                  Sensor X                         Sensor Y                    Sensor Z              Unc (k=2)
  Norm (uV/(V/m)?)*                                 0.55                            0.56                          0.45               £10.1 %
  DCP (mV)"                                         100.7                           89.9                          105.8

 Modulation Calibration Parameters
  uip     Communication System Name                                          A            B            c            b       VR          Uncfl
                                                                            dB         dByuV                       dB       mV          (k=2)
  0             Cw                                                     x    0.0          0.0          1.0         0.00     1562        #35%
                                                                       y    0.0         0.0           1.0                  175.3
                                                                       2    0.0         0.0           1.0                  159.5
 Note: For details on UID parameters see Appendix.

 Sensor Model Parameters
                     C1            C2              a              T1           T2             T3             T4            T6            T6
                     fF            fF            v"              ms.V~*     ms.V~             ms             v~            v2
       xX         45.12          $55.3          35.43            10.83       0.000          5.089           0.862         0.307        1.006
       Y          42.19          324.9          37.46            7.110       0.156          5.089           0.082         0.489        1.008
       2          33.97          252.0          35.40            6.365       0.000          5.059           1.980         0.000        1.009

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probability of approximately 95%.

* The uncertainties of Norm X,Y,Z do not affect the E*—field uncertaint y inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6).
  Numerical linearization parameter: uncertainty not required.
© Uncertainty is determined usin g the max. deviation from linear response applying rectangular distribution and is expressed for the square
field value.                                                                                                                                 of the

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                                      Page 4 of 39

Sorr s aaremmaie sguarne a rvrbrzime wer s w rviene
To: (wevy e rs w reoy n aame qeey e ce en >

              EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                                                         December 14, 2018

               DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7350

              Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                                     Relative          Conductivity                                                               Depth °           Unc
                    f(MHz)°        Permittivity"          (S/m)"          ConvFX         ConvFY|       ConvFZ        Aipha®|       _(mm)           (k=2)

                       750              41.9                0.89            10.32          10.32         10.32         0.56         0.80        *12.0 %

                       835              41.5                0.90             9.93          9.93          9.93          0.56         0.82        £12.0 %

                       900              41.5                0.97             9.74          9.74          9.74          0.49         0.85        + 12.0 %

                      1450              40.5                1.20             8.68          8.68          8.68          0.37         0.80        £12.0 %

                      1750              40.1                1.37             8.63          8.63           8.63         0.40         0.80        £12.0 %

                      1900              40.0                140              8.24          8.24           8.24         0.31         0.84        *12.0 %
                      2100              39.8                149              8.32          8.32           8.32         0.35         0.84        £12.0 %

                      2300              39.5                1.67             7.88          7.88           7.88         0.31         0.85        *12.0 %

                      2450              39.2                1.80             7.53          7.99          T.93          0.42         0.80        £12.0 %

                      2600              39.0                1.96             736           1.35           7.35         0.46         0.84        * 12.0 %
                      3300              38.2                2.71             7.26          7.26           7.26         0.20         1.20        £13.1 %

                      3500              37.9                2.91             7.22          7.22           7.22         0.25         1.20        *13.1 %

                      3700              37.7                3.12             7.03          7.03           7.03         0.30         1.235       £*13.1 %
                      3900              37.5                3.32             6.84          6.84          6.84          0.21         1.70        £13.1 %

                      4600              36.7                4.04             6.75          6.75          6.75          0.25         1.70        *13.1 %

                      5200              36.0                4.66             5.38          5.38           5.38         0.40         1.80        +13.1 %

                      5300              35.9                4.76             5.17          $A7.          5.17          0.40         1.80        +13.1 %

                      5500              35.6                4.96             4.80          4.80          4.80          0.40         1.80        *13.1 %

                      5600              35.5                5.07             4.61          4.61          4.61          0.40         1.80        £13.1 %

                      5800              35.3                5.27             4.79          4.79          4.79          0.40         1.80        *13.1 %

              © Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
              uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
              below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
              validity can be extended to + 110 MHz.
              " At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and ) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
              measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and 0)is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
              the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
              ® Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
               always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probetip
               diameter from the boundary.

               Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                                   Page 5 of 39

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A uis (vavq e re w rerep n een qy en e e

              EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                                                         December 14, 2018

              DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7350

              Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                             c        Relative _       Conductivity                                                           c   Depth °          Unc
                   f (MHz)         Permittivity            (S/m)             ConvFX     ConvFY         ConvFZ        Alpha         (mm)            (k=2)

                      750               55.5                0.96              10.31       10.31          10.31         0.49         0.85        +12.0 %

                      835               55.2                0.97              10.07       10.07          10.07         0.49         0.80        £*12.0 %

                      900               55.0                1.05              9.94         9.94          9.94          0.51         0.80        £12.0 %

                     1450               54.0                1.30              8.74         8.74          8.74          0.32         0.80        £12.0 %

                     1750               53.4                1.49              8.38         8.38          8.38          0.35         0.90        £12.0 %

                     1900               53.3                152               8.05         8.05          8.05          0.35         0.92        £12.0 %

                     2100               53.2                1.62              8.23         8.23          8.23          0.26         1.10        £12.0 %

                     2300               52.9                1.81              7.80         7.80          7.80          0.45         0.81        £12.0 %

                     2450               52.7                1.95              7.69         7.69          7.69          0.37         0.87        £12.0 %

                     2600               52.5                2.16              7.49         7.49          7.49          0.33         0.89        +12.0 %

                     3300               51.6                3.08              715          7.15          7A5           0.25         1.30        *13.1%

                     3500               §1.3                331               6.98         6.98          6.98          0.22         1.25        *13.1%

                     3700               51.0                $.56              6.97         6.97          6.97          0.25         1.25        #131%

                     3900               51.2                3.78              6.82         6.82          6.82          0.20         1.80        £13.1 %

                     4600               49.8                4.60              6.62         6.62          6.62          0.20         1.80        £13.1 %

                     5200               49.0                5.30              4.73         4.73          4.73          0.50         1.90        £13.1 %

                     5300               48.9                5.42              4.58         4.58          4.58          0.50         1.90        £13.1 %

                     5500               48.6                5.65              4.26         4.26          4.26          0.50         1.90        *13.1 %

                     5600               48.5                5.77              4.09         4.09          4.09          0.50         1.90        +13.1%

                     5800               48.2                6.00              4.20         4.20          4.20          0.50         1.90        *13.1%

              & Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
              uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
              below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
              validity can be extended to + 110 MHz.
              " At frequencies below 3 GHz, thevalidity of tissue parameters (e and 0) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
              measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and 0) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
              the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters
              © Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants thatthe remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
              always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probe tip
              diameter from the boundary.

              Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                                     Page 6 of 39

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 EX3DV4— SN:7350
                                                                                                                                                    December 14, 2018

                                                                  Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                                           (TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
           Frequency response (normalized)

                                             0.5   1   _1    _|    i   1      1    1   f   1   1    1     fodtcfcct   t    _3    LOLOL    OS    j     ;
                                                                                                          T                               T           T

                                                                                                        1500              2000           2500       3000


                                                                                                        f [MHz]
                                                                             ted                                                   _
                                                            Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: * 6.3% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX8—7350_Dec18                                                                     Page 7 of 39

 EX3DV4— SN:7350
                                                                                               December 14, 2018

                                    Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                          f=600 MHz,TEM                                       £=1800 MHz,R22

                    *       a     #~ e              e                   e       s   *     *          e
                    Tot    X            Y           Z2                  Tot     X         Y          2
       Error [dB]

                                                                                          2500 MHz

                                 Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: £ 0.5% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                           Page 8 of 39

 EX3DV4— SN:7350
                                                                                                                           December 14, 2018

                                              Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                         (TEM cell , feyai= 1900 MHz)


                    & 10 Wetmahde M
                    i                               hi


                    &       10°


                                      103        102          107         10              10‘          10             10
                                                                     SAR [mW/cm3]
                                                not compensated                               compensated

                         m             .
                         &5 %L

                                 l2             &                         i         ;             4s       _3
                                      103        102         1071             10°       101          102        103
                                                                    SAR [mW/cm3]
                                                         *                                     Ce]
                                                not compensated                         compensated

                                            Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                                      Page 9 of 39

EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                                                                                                   December 14, 2018

                                               Conversion Factor Assessment
                           f= 835 MHz,WGLS R9 (H_convF)                                                         f= 1900 MHz.WGLS R22 (H_convF)
           40                                                                                               E

               s                                                                                       x6

           30—         %                                                                               25 » *

                       %                                                                                    3
       3 *                                                                                         a m|         >

       &                                                                                           $        |
           |                                   *                                                       104
           10                                             *                                                 |

                                                                       i                               s                                                                   * ~»~.
                   0             10        1       . 20        s           30            a                  o       5        10         1    . ;""_4"1     is      30       35   «o
                                +                  z {imm}             +                                                    +                 {mm]                tm
                              analecal                               measured                                             anahtica                              measured

                                           Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                                           Error (¢6, 8), f = 900 MHz


                                      —1.0         —0.8       —0.6         —0.4   —0.2       0.0        02          0.4           0.6       08           1.0
                                          Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                                                     Page 10 of 39

  EX3DV4— SN:7350
                                                                December 14, 2018

  DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7350

 Other Probe Parameters
   Sensor Arrangement
    Connector Angle (°)                     h                            131.2
  ‘ Mechanical Surface Detection Mode
 OpticalSurfaceDetectionMode _                              C          disabled
                                                                       337 mm
  Probe Body Diameter
                                                                        10 mm |
  Tip Length
                                                                         9 mm
  Tip Diameter
                                                                        2.5 mm
  Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point
                                                                          1 mm
  Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point
                                                                         1 mm
  Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point
                                                                         1 mm
  Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface
                                                                        1.4 mm

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18              Page 11 of 39

EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                             December 14, 2018

Appendix: Modulation Calibration Parameters
 uiD       Communication System Name                      A          B       C       D       VR      Max:
                                                         aB        dBypv             aB     mV       Une!
 0         Cw                                      X    0.00        0.00     1.00   0.00    156.2   £3.5 %
                                                   Y    0.00        0.00     1.00           175.3
                                                   2    0.00        0.00     1.00           159.5
 10010—     SAR Validation (Square, 100ms, 10ms)   xX   220        66.84    10.16   10.00    20.0   +9.0 %
                                                   £     1.65      6349     844             20.0
                                                   Z     1.52      62.80    7.75            20.0
 10011      UMTS—FDD (WCDMA)                       X     1.21      70.82    17.28   0.00    150.0   £9.6 %
                                                   ¥    0.84       64.71    13.16           150.0
                                                   2    1.42       75.02    19.12           150.0
 10012—     IEEE 802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS, 1     X    118        64.72    16.13   0.41    150.0   £9.6 %
 CAB        Mbps)
                                                   s     1.05      62.55    14.21           150.0
                                                   2     1.16      65.38    16.59           150.0
 10013—     IEEE 802.11g WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS—       X    4.85       66.90    17.33   146     150.0   £9.6 %
 CAB        OFDM, 6 Mops)
                                                   s     4.73      66.42    16.94           150.0
                                                   &     4.67      67.14    17.37           150.0
 10021—     GSM—FDD (TDMA, GMSK)                   X    100.00     114.12   26.06   9.39    50.0    +9.6 %
                                                   Y    100.00     110.74   25.17           50.0
                                                   2    100.00     107 44   2345            50.0
 10023      GPRS—FDD (TDMA, GMSK, TN 0)            X    100.00     113.27   26.32   9.57    50.0    +9.0 %
                                                   Y    100.00     110.05   24.92           50.0
                                                   2    100.00     106.59   23.12           50.0
 10024—     GPRS—FDD (TDMA, GMSK, TN 0—1)          X    100.00     118.81   27.76   6.56    60.0    £9.6 %
                                                   %    100.00     112.15   24.61           60.0
                                                   2    100.00     110.90   23.81           60.0
 10025—     EDGE—FDD (TDMA, 8PSK, TN 0)            X     9.89      104.70   44.34   12.57   50.0    +9.6 %
                                                   ¥    3.86       69.98    26.77           50.0
                                                   Z    4.97       79.83    32.39           50.0
 10026—     EDGE—FDD (TDMA, 8PSK, TN 0—1)          X    10.32      100.14   37.35   9.56    60.0    £9.6 %
                                                   x     6.26      85.71    31.18           60.0
                                                   Z     6.39      88.14    32.63           60.0
 10027—     GPRS—FDD (TDMA, GMSK, TN 0—1—2)        X    100.00     125.86   30.02   4.80    80.0    £9.6 %
                                                   ¥    100.00     114.04   24.56           80.0
                                                   2    100.00     119.67   26.67           80.0
 10028—     GPRS—FDD (TDMA, GMSK, TNO—1—2:3)       X    100.00     135.85   33.44   3.55    100.0   +9.0 %
 DAC                                                                      M
                                                   %    100.00     115.17 | 24.27           100.0
                                                   £    100.00     140.08   34.14           100.0
 10029—     EDGE—FDD (TDMA, 8PSK, TN 0—1—2)        X     5.51      83.33    29.36   7.80    80.0     £9.6 %
                                                   x     4.14      75.91    25.72           80.0
                                                   Z     4.04      76.74    26.48           80.0
 10030—     IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth (GFSK, DH1)    xX   100.00     119.20   27 48   5.30    70.0     £9.6 %
                                                   Y    100.00     110.26   23.28           70.0
                                                   2    100.00     110.28   23.03           70.0
 10031—     IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth (GFSK, DH3)    X    100.00     149.14   36.96    1.88   100.0    £9.6 %
|__                                                L    100.00     94.68    14.75           100.0
                                                   2    100.00     184.80   48.80           100.0

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dect8                     Page 12 of 39

                   EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                                     December 14, 2018
                     10032         IEEE802.15.1 Bluetooth (GFSK, DHs)      X    100.00     i8669      4993      117    1000    +96%
                                                                           Y     |oi4      6000        369             100.0
                                                                           Z    9999       130.00     13811            100.0
                     10033         IEEE802.15.1Bluetooth (PUA—DGPSK,       X    100.00     135.86     37.38     530    700     196%
                     CAA           DH1)
                                                                           y     1860      10540      2675             Too
                                                                           Z    100.00     129.25     |_33.68          To.0
                     10034—        IEEE 802.15.1 Bluelooth (PV4—DGPSK,     X     1729      10557      27.79     188    1000    296%
                     CAA           DH3)
                                                                           Y     204       7ase       1621             100.0
                                                                           Z    100.00     12348      2063             100.0
                     10035—        IEEE802.15.1 Bluetooth (PNA—DGPSK,      X     5.42      8879       2255      117    1000    196 %
                     CAA           DH5)
                                                                           Y     134       sa55       1372             100.0
                                                                           Z    2690       10648      2525             100.0
                     10036—        IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetootn(G—DPSK, DH1)    X    100.00     13649      3767      530     700    +96%
                                                                           y    4180       me4z       3221             Too
                                                                           Z    100.00     130.02     34.02            70.0
                     10037—        IEEE802.15.1 Bluetooth (8—DPSK, DH3)    X     1323      10181      26.76     188    100.0   £9.6%
                                                                           y    188        7236       is80             1000
                                                                           z    iss        i2288      2048             100.0
                     10038—        IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth (8—DPSK, DHS)   X    541        Bodr       2293      117    1000    296%
                                                                           Y      134      6562       13%              1000
                                                                           2     3205      i0001      2631             100.0
                     10039—        GDMA2000 (1xRTT, RG1)                   x     295       Toar       1853      000    1500    £96%
                                                                           Y     i0        6576       111              150.0
                                                                           z     665       8836       1964             150.0
                     10042         1§—5471§—136FDD(TDMAFDM, PV4—           X    100.00     i1138      24.74     778    500     +96%
                     cas           DQPSK, Halfrate)
                                                                           Y    10000      10654      2248             500
                                                                           Zz   100.00     104.31_|   2130             50.0
                     10044—        1S—91/EINTIA—553 FDD (FDMA, FM)         x     o00       10710      054       0.00   150.0   £96%
                                                                           Y     |_o05     12035      882              1500
                                                                           z     001|      126.04     |_548            150.0
                     10048—        DECT (TDOD, TDMATFDM, GFSK, Full        x    10000      10844      2550      1380   250     £96%
                     CAA           Slot, 24)
                                                                           Y    100.00     10578      2466             250
                                                                           Z2   2536       8754       19.07            25.0
                     10049—        DECT(TDD, TDMAFDM, GFSK, Double         X    130.00     138.81     31.02     1079   400     £96%
                     CAA           Slot, 12)
                                                                           Y    10659      10869      2454             400
                                                                           z    irree      i1037      23.86            40.0
                     10056—        UMTS—TDD (TD—SCDMA, 1.28 Mcps)          x    10000      12791      3488      903    500     £96%
                                                                           Y    10000      12420      3306             50.0
                                                                           z_   100.00     121.05     31.20            50.0
                     10058—        EDGE—FDD(TDMA, BPSK, TNO—12—3)          X     419       77.04      2571      655    1000    £96%
                                                                           y     338       Tig2       2302             100.0
                                                                           z     330       7262       23.73            100.0
                     10059—        IEEE 802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS, 2      x     122       be00       1692      061    1100    196%
                     cas           Mbps)
                                                                           Y     105       6332       1472             1100
                                                                           z     118       6656       1731             110.0
                     10060—        IEEEBOZ1ibWiFiz4 GHz(DSSS. 55           x    100.00     150.32     40.79     130    1100    £96%
                     cas           Mbps)
                                                                           y     s3        Basd       2a5s             1100
                                                                           z    100.00     15546      4249             110.0

                   Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                          Page 13 of 39

ravgpeve t n vrnrimevene w e vevr n rve n n vv

             EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                              December 14, 2018

              10061—       IEEE 802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS, 11    X     4.14       90.83   27.32   2.04   110.0    £9.6 %
              CAB          Mbps)
                                                                  ¥     1.81       74.98   20.46          110.0
                                                                  2     3.30       88.77   26.75          110.0
              10062—       IEEE 802.11a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 6     X     4.66       66.92   16.74   0.49   100.0    * 9.6 %
              CAC          Mbps)
                                                                  ¥     4.52       66.36   16.30          100.0
                                                                  2     4.49       67.18   16.82          100.0
              10063—       IEEE 802.1 1a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 9    X     4.68       67.01   16.85   0.72   100.0    + 9.6 %
              Cac          Mbps)
                                                                  ¥     4.54       66.45   16.40          100.0
                                                                  Z     4.50       67.27   16.92          100.0
              10064—       IEEE 802.1 1/ WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 12     xX    4.96       67.26   17.07   0.86   100.0    £96%
              CaC          Mbps)
                                                                  ¥     4.81       66.72   16.65          100.0
                                                                  2     4.73       6744    17.09          100.0
              10065—       IEEE 802.1 1a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 18   X     4.82       67.15   17.18   1.21   100.0    £9.6 %
              Ccac         Mbps)
                                                                  ¥     4.68       66.60   16.76          100.0
                                                                  2     4.60       67.28   17.18          100.0
              10066—       IEEE 802.1 1/ WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 24     X     4.83       67.17   17.36   146    100.0    £9.6 %
              CAC          Mops)
                                                                  x     4.69       66.62   16.93          100.0
                                                                  2     4.60       67.25   17.33          100.0.
              10067—       IEEE 802.11a/n WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 36    x     5.12       67.33   17.80   2.04   100.0    +9.6 %
              Cac          Mbps)
                                                                  Y     4.98       66.86   17.43          100.0
                                                                  £     4.88       67.48   17.78          100.0
                  10068—   IEEE 802.11a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 48    X     5.15       67.33   18.02   2.59   100.0    £9.6 %
                  CAC      Mops)
                                                                  Y     5.01       66.83   17.63          100.0
                                                                  £     4.89       67.35   17.93          100.0
                  10069—   IEEE 802.11a/ WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 54     X     5.23       67.33   18.21   2.67   100.0    +9.6 %
                  CAC      Mbps)
                                                                  Y      5.09      66.86   17.84          100.0.
                                                                  £      4.95      67.36   18.11          100.0
                  10071—   IEEE 802.119 WiFi 2.4 GHz              X      4.94      66.97   17.63   1.99   100.0    £9.6 %
                  CAB      (DSSS/OFDM, 9 Mbps)
                                                                  ¥      4.82      66.50   17.26          100.0
                                                                  2      4.175     67.17   17.65          100.0
                  10072—   IEEE 802.119 WiFi 2.4 GHz              X      4.91      67.29   17.87   2.30   100.0    £9.6 %
                  CAB      (DSSS/OFDM, 12 Mbps)
                                                                  Y      4.78      66.77   17.47          100.0
                                                                  2      4.70      67.41   17.85          100.0
                  10073—   IEEE 802.11g WiFi 2.4 GHz              X      4.95      67.42   18.20   2.83   100.0    £9.6 %
                  CAB      (DSSS/OFDM, 18 Mbps)
                                                                  Y      4.83      66.91   17.80          100.0
                                                                  £      4.75      67.57   18.19          100.0
                  10074—   IEEE 802.1 19 WiFi 2.4 GHz             X      4.92      67.28   18.35   3.30   100.0    + 9.6 %
                  CAB      (DSSS/OFDM, 24 Mbps)
                                                                  Y      4.81      66.79   17.95          100.0
                                                                  2      4.74      67.48   18.33          100.0
                  10075—   IEEE 802.11g WiFi 2.4 GHz              X      4.94      67.35   18.66   3.82    90.0    +9.6 %
                  [et      (DSSS/OFDM, 36 Mbps)
                                                                  Y      4.82      66.84   18.25           90.0
                                                                  <      4.75      67.44   18.56           90.0
                  10076—   IEEE 802.1 19 WiFi 2.4 GHz             X      4.95      67.10   18.76   415     90.0    £9.6 %
                  CAB      (DSSS/OFDM, 48 Mbps)
                                                                  Y      4.84      66.64   18.38           90.0
                                                                  Z      4.77      67.26   18.71           90.0
                  10077—   IEEE 802.119 WiFi 2.4 GHz              X      4.97      67.16   18.86   4.30    90.0    £9.6 %
                  [eC      (DSSS/OFDM, 54 Mbps)
                                                                  Y      4.87      66.71   18.48           90.0
                                                                  &      4.80      67.35   18.82           90.0

              Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                       Page 14 of 39

scepen ns n ces

                EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                           December 14, 2018

                 10081—      CDMA2000 (1xRTT, RC3)                X     1.08      70.13    14.57   0.00   150.0    +9.6 %
                                                                  ¥     0.57      62.09    9.09           150.0
                                                                  4     1.07      70.71    13.14          150.0
                 10082—      1S—54 / 1S—136 FDD (TDMA/FDM, PI4—   X     3.00      66.17    6.10    4.77    80.0    +9.6 %
                 CAB         DGQPSK, Fullrate)
                                                                  ¥     0.57      60.00     3.29          80.0
                                                                  2     0.61      60.00     2.86          80.0
                 10090—      GPRS—FDD (TDMA, GMSK, TN 0—4)        X    100.00     118.83   27.79   6.56   60.0     £9.6 %
                                                                  Y    100.00     112.27   24.68          60.0
                                                                  2    100.00     110.95   23.85          60.0
                 10097—      UMTS—FDD (HSDPA)                     X     1.97      69.49    16.73   0.00   150.0    +9.6 %
                                                                  Y     1.62      66.08    14.34          150.0
                                                                  2     2.20      72.57    17.83          150.0
                 10098—      UMTS—FDD (HSUPA, Subtest 2)          X     1.93      69.49    16.72   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
                                                                  ¥      1.59     66.01    14.30          150.0.
                                                                  2     215       72.57    17.85          150.0
                 10099—      EDGE—FDD (TDMA, 8PSK, TN 0—4)        X     10.46     100.47   37.46   9.56    60.0    + 9.6 %
                                                                  Y     6.31      85.88    31.25          60.0
                                                                  2     6.45      88.36    32.71          60.0
                 10100—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 20        X     3.31      71.69    17.50   0.00   150.0    +9.6 %
                 CAE         MHz, QPSK)
                                                                  Y     2.81      68.64    15.71          150.0
                                                                  Z     3.29      72.55    18.07          150.0
                 10101—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 20        x     3.29      68.11    16.36   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
                 CAE         MHz, 16—QAM)
                                                                  L     3.04      66.61    15.33          150.0
                                                                  Z     3.19      68.46    16.62          150.0
                 10102—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 20        X     3.39      68.03    16.42   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
                 CAE         MHz, 64—QAM)
                                                                  Y     3.15      66.64    15.46          150.0
                                                                  £     3.29      68.41    16.68          150.0
                 10103       LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 20        X     6.56      78.07    21.95   3.98   65.0     +9.6 %
                 CaG         MHz, QPSK)
                                                                  ¥     5.15      73.76    20.02          65.0
                                                                  2     5.61      76.55    2141           65.0
                 10104—      LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 20        X     5.99      74.23    21.11   3.98   65.0     +9.6 %
                 CAG         MHz, 16—QAM)
                                                                  C     5.23      71.66    19.82          65.0
                                                                  2     5.22      72.67    20.40          65.0
                 10105—      LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 20        X     5.81      73.42    21.06   3.98   65.0     +9.6 %
                 CAG         MHz, 64—QAM)
                                                                  Y     4.89      70.08    19.38          65.0
                                                                  2     4.98      71.45    20.11          65.0
                 10108—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 10        X     2.88      70.93    17.35   0.00   150.0    +9.6 %
                 CaG         MHz, QPSK)
                                                                  Y     243       67.93    15.51          150.0
                                                                  4     2.85      72.10    18.03          150.0
                 10108—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 10        X     2.95      68.08    16.32   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
                 CaG.        MHz, 16—QAM)
                                                                  ¥     2.68      66.39    15.12          150.0
                                                                  2     2.86      68.76    16.64          150.0
                 10110—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 5 MHz,    X     2.35      70.24    17.07   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
                 CAG         QPSK)
                                                                  ¥     1.94      66.96    14.93          150.0
                                                                  2     2.35      71.97    17.83          150.0
                 10111—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 5 MHz,    X     2.71      69.29    16.77   0.00   150.0    + 9.6 %
                 CAG         16—OAM)
                                                                  ¥     2.36      66.97    15.13          150.0
                                                                  £     2.76      71.17    17.40          150.0

                Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                    Page 15 of 39

erngevice evunnmesene w rwun n rwne rvv

EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                                     December 14, 2018

 10112      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 10                      3.07     68.03        16.34   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %

 cas        MHz, 64—QAM)
                                                               281      6647     1522               150.0

                                                               298      68.76_|_16.68               150.0
 10113—     LTE—FDD (GG—FDMA, 100% RB, 5 MHz,                  285      6937     1685        0.00   150.0    296%
 cas        64—0AM)
                                                               251      6720         1532           150.0

                                                               290      T23          1747           150.0
 10114—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Greenfield, 13.5                  512      6740         662     000    1500     296%
 cac        Mbps, BPSK)
                                                               499      6684         1622           150.0

                                                               4.95     _|_67.50     16.73          150.0
 10115      IEEE 802.1 in (HT Greenfield, 81 Mops,             5.39     6746         i66s    0.00   1500     296 %
 cac        16—QAM)
                                                               525      6603         1628           150.0

                                                               518      _|_6751_|    1673           150.0
 10116      IEEE 802.1in (HT Greenfield, 135 Mops,             5.21     erse         663     000    1500     196%
 cac        64—0AM)
                                                               s08      _|_67.02_|   1624           150.0

                                                               5.03     _|_67.68     16.74          150.0
 10117—     122E 802.1in (HT Mixed, 13.5 Mbps,                 5o8      er2s         656     0.00   1500     £96%
 cac        BPSK)
                                                               4.96     66.71        16.18          150.0

                                                               4.94     67.42        16.71          150.0
 10118—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 81 Mbps, 16—               5.46     67.66        16.76   .00    150.0    29.6 %
 [eler      QAM)
                                                               5.33     67.15        16.40          150.0

                                                               5.26     67.72        16.84          150.0
 10119—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 135 Mbps, 64—              5.19     67.53        16.62   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 CAC        QAM)
                                                               5.06     66.99        16.24          150.0

                                                                .       67.69        16.76          150.0

 10140      LTEFDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 15                       3.42     68.04        16.34   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 cae        MHz, 16—GAM)
                                                               3.18     66.65        15.37          150.0

                                                               3.31     68.44        16.60          150.0
 10141—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 15                      3.54     68.11        16.49   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 CAE        MHz, 64—QAM)
                                                               331      6681         15.58          150.0

                                                               344      68.58        16.77      __| 1500
 10142—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 3 MHz,                  216      Toés         1688    0.00   150.0    £9.6%
 CAE        aPSk)
                                                               1.68     66.57        14.21          150.0

                                                               2.26     73.20        17.64          150.0.
 10143—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 3 MHz,                  2.64     70.56        16.64   0.00   150.0    +9.6 %
 CAE        16—QAM)
                                                               2.13     67.05        14.29          150.0

                                                               2.82     73.05        17.06          150.0
 10144—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 3 MHz,                  2.32     67.69        14.77   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 CAE        64—QAM)
                                                               1.94     65.01        12.77          150.0

                                                               2.12     67.87        14.10          150.0
 10145—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 1.4                     1.31     66.60        12.45   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 CAF        MHz, OPSK)
                                                               0.86     61.62        8.68           150.0

                                                               0.76     61.97        8.27           150.0
 10146—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 1.4                     1.84     66.09        11.29   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 CAF        MHz,_16—QAM)
                                                               1.33     62.47        8.85           150.0

                                                               1.04     61.32         7.05          150.0
 10147—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 1.4                     2.24     68.36        12.48   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 CAF        MHz, 64—QAM)
                                                               1.43     63.21        9.36           150.0

                                                               1.12     61.89        7.45           150.0

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                          Page 16 of 39

EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                           December 14, 2018

     10149—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 20 MHz,    xX     2.96     68.15   16.37   0.00   150.0   £96%
     Cae      16—QAM)
                                                   Y      2.69     66.45   15.17          150.0
                                                   &      2.87     68.84   16.70          150.0
     10150—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 20 MHz,    X      3.08     68.09   16.39   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CAE      64—QAM)
                                                   Y      2.62     66.52   15.26          150.0
                                                   &      2.99     68.84   16.73          150.0
     10151    LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 20 MHz,    X      7.04     81.28   23.37   3.98   65.0    £9.6 %
     CaG      QPSK)
                                                   x      541      76.55   21.29          65.0
                                                   &      6.10     80.27   23.00          65.0
     10152    LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 20 MHz,    X      5.57     7448    20.96   3.98   65.0    £9.6 %
     CcaG     16—QAM)
                                                   Y     4.76      71.59   19.46          65.0
                                                   2     4.80      72.93   20.10          65.0
     10153    LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 20 MHz,    X     5.92      75.37   21.70   3.98   65.0    +9.6 %
     CaG      64—0AM)
                                                   Y     5.09      72.58   20.28          65.0
                                                   2     5.18      74.12   21.00          65.0
     10154—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 10 MHz,    X     241       70.70   17.34   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CaG      aPSk)
                                                   Y     1.97      67.29   15.14          150.0
                                                   3     243       72.55   18.15          150.0
     10155    LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 10 MHz,    X     2.71      69.32   16.79   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CaG      16—QAM)
                                                   Y     2.37      67.00   15.15          150.0
                                                   2     2.77      71.23   1744           150.0
     10156—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 5 MHz,     X     2.04      71.10   16.81   0.00   1500    £96%
     CaG      QPSk)
|—                                                 Y      149      66.20   13.64          150.0
                                                   Z     2.19      73.92   17.42          150.0
     10157—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 5 MHz,     s     220       68.64   14.96   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CaG      16—QAM)
                                                   Y     1.73      65.05   1241           150.0
                                                   2     2.00      68.06   14.00          150.0
     10158—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 10 MHz,    X     2.86      69.44   16.90   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CaG      64—QAM)
                                                   Y     2.52      67.27   15.37          150.0
                                                   2     2.92      71.35   17.54          150.0
     10159—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 5 MHz,     X     2.33      69.14   15.25   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CaG      64—QAM)
                                                   Y     1.81      65.36   12.63          150.0
                                                   £     2.12      69.17   14.28          150.0
     10160—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 15 MHz,    X     284       69.74   16.99   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CAE      aPS)
                                                   Y     251       67.51   15.49          150.0
                                                   2     2.63      71.01   17.62          150.0
     10161—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 15 MHz,    X     2.97      68.07   16.33   0.00   150.0   £96%
     CAE      16—GAM)
                                                   Y     2.71      66.44   15.14          150.0
                                                   £     2.89      68.93   16.66          150.0
     10162—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 15 MHz,    X     3.08      68.22   16.44   0.00   1500    £96%
     CAE      64—QAM)
                                                   Y     2.62      66.64   15.29          150.0
                                                   £     3.01      69.16   16.80          150.0
     10166—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 1.4 MHz,   X     3.55      70.05   19.48   3.01   150.0   £9.6%
     CAF      aPSk)
                                                   Y     3.32      68.75   18.72          150.0
                                                   2     3.45      71.61   20.61          150.0
     10167—   LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 1.4 MHz,   X     4.43      7347    20.13   3.01   1500    £96%
     CaAF     16—QAM)
                                                   Y     3.93      71.18   18.97          150.0
                                                   £     4.73      7742    22.13          150.0

Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dec18                     Page 17 of 39

EX3DV4— SN:7350                                                                                 December 14, 2018

 10166—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 14 MHz,       X     4.98       Teoo      2156       301   1500    £96%
 CAF        64—0AM)
                                                    y     |_a38      Tssr      2041             150.0
                                                    2     sa7        8219      24.47            150.0
 10169—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,         x     29         6945      i92        301   1500    ©96%
 cae        arsk)
                                                    y     zeo        erse      1810             150.0
                                                    2     287        Tose      2045             150.0
 10170—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,         X     415        Teas      2205       301   1500    296%
 cae        16—0AM)
                                                    y     344        7226      2010             1500
                                                    z     520        84.08     _|_25.60         150.0
 10171—     LTE—FDD (GC—FOMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,         x     335        Tiga      1913       301   1500    £96%
 AAE        64—QAM)
                                                    y     z88        ss60      1744             1500
                                                    z     |_365      7502      2118             150.0
 10172—     LTE—TDD (GC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,         x     1047       10040     s283       602   650     196%
 cas        arsk)
                                                     y    437        8124      25.77            650
                                                  ~| z    12         8956      _|_20.93         65.0
 10173—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,          X    4447       i2291     s6r1       602   650     £96%
 cas        16—0AM)
                                                     y     920       9307      26.07            650
                                                     z    100.00     144.73    4267             65.0
 10174—     LTE—TDD (GC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,          X    rear       i1291     aa32       602   650     296%
 cas        64—QAM)
                                                     y    696        BoBi      25.38            650
                                                     2    4228       12569     sr27             65.0
 10175—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz,         x    288        6915      1905       301   1500    £96%
 CAG        QPSK)
                                                     y    266        671z      1787             150.0
                                                     Z    283        70.50     _|_20.15         150.0
 10176—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz,         X    415        Teas      2207       301   1500     296%
 cas         16—QAM)
                                                     y     |_344     7228      2011             150.0
                                                     z     sa1       84.12     25.61            150.0
 10177—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 5 MHz,          x     290       2e        1913       301   1500     £96%
 Cal         arsk)
                                                     y     268       6725      1795             150.0
                                                     2     285       7o.76_|   20.25            150.0
 10178—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 5 MHz, 16—      X     4.11      Tere      2195       301   1500     296%
 CcaG        QAM)
                                                     y     342       7211      2001             1500
                                                     2     |_s2s     83.80     25.47            150.0
 10179—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz,         x     a72       T411      2047       301   1500     £96%
 cas         64—0AM)
                                                     ¥}    sn        Tosi      18.63            150.0
                                                     z     438       Tosi      2324             150.0
 10180—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 5 MHz, 64—      X     3.34      Tie?      1g08       301   1500     £96%
 cas         qam)
                                                     y     288       6855      1740             1500
                                                     z     364       Tss«      2113             150.0
 10181—      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 15 MHz,         x     290       se2e      1913       301   1500     £96%
 cae         arsk)
                                                     y     |_zer     6723      1794             150.0
                                                     z     285       Tors      20.24            150.0
  10182—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 15 MHz,         xX    411       Tere      2194       301   1500     £96%
  cae        16—0AM)
                                                     y     341       7209      _|_20.00         1500
                                                     2     s22       8375      2545             150.0
  10183—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 15 MHz,         x     324       7184      1907       301   1500     £96%
  AAD        64—QAM)
                                                     y     287       ces3      17.30            150.0
                                                     z     ses       7580      2111             150.0

 Certificate No: EX3—7350_Dect8                      Page 18 of 39

Document Created: 2019-04-08 15:06:01
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 15:06:01

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