KDB 442812_Non-SDR Cover Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                          Qingdao Intelligent&Precise Electronics Co.,Ltd

        Non-SDR (Software Defined Radio) Cover Letter

Date:   April 26, 2019

Refer to KDB 442812 D01 SDR apps Guide v02r03.

The following six questions can be used for determining if a radio can elect to be, or must be an

1. Can the RF parameters of the device be altered through software?

    Yes - go to 2.
    No, not an SDR

2. Can third parties not permitted by the Commission through specific filings modify, configure,
   or load different software, or make configuration settings to operate the device or host
   hardware radio frequency parameters (frequency range, modulation type, maximum output
   power or other radio parameters) in any other way than granted (or expected to be

    Yes, must be an SDR.
    No - go to 3.

3. Is the device capable of operating in any other in any other way than granted, or will be,

    Yes, - go to 4.
    No - go to 5.

4. Is this a Part 15 client Device as defined in Section 15.202 (as opposed to a master

    Yes, qualifies as a part 15 client devices - go to 5.
    No, must be an SDR.

5. Does the manufacturer elect SDR?
   Yes, elects to be an SDR.
   No, Not an SDR

    Final conclusion: According to the above questions reply, we can confirm this Wireless
    Module, FCC ID: 2AJVQ-7668AUC must be a Non-SDR. The equipment can only support
    one exclusive regulation. The hardware devices will be locked to the activated regulatory
    domain and can’t be modified by any third party through configuration changes or software
    upgrades. The client only needs to download the software/firmware from official website,
    and this software/ firmware shall be authentication protocol by the manufacturer.

                 Qingdao Intelligent&Precise Electronics Co.,Ltd


Printed Name: Caifeng Li
Position: Quality engineer

Document Created: 2019-05-22 15:50:52
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 15:50:52

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