user manual


Users Manual

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                                                                           Item Description

 Function Operation Instruction
                                                                           Note: The radio outlook based on the real radio.
Function Introduction                                                      A. LED Indicator: Green LED flashes when receive the signal, Red LED
    Frequency                                                                 flashes when transmission.
                                                                           B. Channel knob: Rotate the knob to choose the channel (CH1-CH15),
    UHF:420–450 MHz (TX)/ 400-470MHz(Rx)
                                                                              CH16 is scan channel.
    Up to 16 Channels                                                      C. ON/OFF knob/Volume knob: Rotate the knob clockwise to turn on the
                                                                               radio, anticlockwise to turn off the radio. By rotating to control the volume.
    Chinese/English Language
                                                                           D. PTT switch: Press PTT and speak to the microphone to call, listen
    50 Groups CTCSS,105 Groups of standard DCS                                when release.
    Time-out timer(TOT)                                                    E. Monitor: When press Monitor key, the squelch opened and the
                                                                              background noise comes out; the squelch close when release the
    Battery saving function
                                                                              monitor key.
    Alarm function                                                         F. USB Rapid charge plug.
                                                                           G. Speaker/Microphone rubber plug: Please cover when not use the
    USB rapid charge
                                                                              speaker and microphone.
    Programmable by PC                                                     H. Insert loudspeaker.          J. Microphone

Battery Charging                                                           SQUELCH LEVEL
1. Take out the charger, plug the AC(100-240V)50/60Hz, then Green          The purpose of Squelch is to mute the speaker when no signals are
   LED flashes;                                                            present (Squelch OFF). With the squelch level correctly set, you will hear
2. Plug the battery or the radio with battery on the charger; make sure    sound only while actually receiving signals (Squelch ON). The squelch
   the battery is connected with the charger.                              level can be adjusted via program software.
3. The charging process initiates when the red LED lights, the charging    The frequency of squelch is 0 (on) -9 (deep), steps: 1.
   time based on the battery capacity. The green LED lights indicating
   the battery is fully charged.                                           SCANNING SWITCH
4. Use the USB cable to plug to the radio, red LED lights when charging,   When walkie-talkie is set as scan via software, turn the channel selector
   green LED lights when fully charged.                                    to channel 16, the radio will automatically detect the activity of scanning
                                                                           channel from CH1 to CH15 channel (each channel can bet set scan or
Function Operation                                                         not via software) , When the signal is scanned channel, the radio will
SWITCHING POWER ON/OFF                                                     automatically stop on the channel for the call.
Turn the power switches/volume control clockwise. You will hear a          a. Walkie-talkie will stay on the signal channel, when the signal
channel number, indicating the radio is ON.                                   disappears and then after 15s, continue scanning the next channel.
                                                                           b. If there are less than 2 channels, it cannot scan.
ADJUSTING THE VOLUME                                                       c. On channel 16, press and hold the PTT and MONI key, it will turn on
Hold MONI button down to listen to audio level while rotating the Power       the SCAN or turn off the SCAN.
switch/Volume control. Rotate clockwise to increase volume and
counterclockwise to decrease volume.
                                                                           a. VOX function is effective when the function is turn on.
Turn the channel switch to select your desired channel. NO.16 is
                                                                           b. VOX gain level: When the sound level is higher than the set level of
Scanning Channel
                                                                              VOX, VOX automatically transmit. The VOX gain level can adjust from
PTT TRANSMIT                                                                  1 to 9 levels.
To transmit, press and hold [PTT] and speak into the microphone in your    c. When a signal is received, VOX will not transmit even if the sound
normal tone of voice.                                                         level is higher than the set VOX gain level.

d. On channels CH1 ~ CH5, press and hold the PTT and MONI, then               Chinese / English Prompt
   switch on the radio, thus to activate the VOX function ON/OFF.             This radio includes Chinese and English two kinds of voice signal mode
                                                                              (channel knob must be switched to channel CH15), firstly turn off the
MONITOR                                                                       radio, and then hold the PTT button and MONI button while turning on
When you are receiving and no signals present, the squelch function can       the power to convert another way. Each time you switch a way so
mute the speaker, so you cannot hear the background noise .If you want        repeated.
to switch the squelch function OFF, press and hold MONI button .It is
very helpful when you want to adjust the volume level and receive the         Time-out timer (TOT)
week signals.                                                                 The function of the time-out timer is to prevent the speaker from using a
                                                                              channel too long and continuously, and the interphone emits
Battery Saving
                                                                              continuously too long and the body heats up. If you continuously transmit
a.ON: Entering into the battery saving state automatically without any
                                                                              the interphone, the TOT limit time set by the machine is exceeded; the
  operation for 10 seconds
                                                                              radio will stop transmitting (the time can be programmed by computer
b.OFF: Battery saving is off.
                                                                              while the factory setting time is 1 minute). Release the PTT button and
Busy Channel Lockout (BCL)                                                    press PTT again to resume transmitting.
Switch on or off each effective channel busy lockout function via PC
programming software. When open this setting, signal from the current         QT / DQT
channel is banned to transmit.                                                The radio’ s QT/DQT for each channel can be program by software.
                                                                              When the channel set the QT/DQT, the radio squelch open only if it
                                                                              receives a signal that uses the same QT or DQT. The radio squelch does
a. The beep is on, and the "Di" sounds is emitted for every rotation of the
                                                                              not turn on if the same channel uses different QT / DQT calls, only lights
                                                                              in green, sub-CTCSS 50 groups, and digital sub-audio DCS 105 groups.
b. The beep is off, and no "Di" sounds for every rotation of the channel
                                                                              Note: Although using a channel with CTCSS / DCS sub-audio may be
Low Battery Voltage Warning                                                   preferable to receiving unwanted calls, it does not mean your call is a
When the voltage is lower than the present value, a prompt "Please            secret.
change battery" is issued every 5 seconds, press the PTT buttons is
invalid and make "Di" sounds.

ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICAS                                                      Receiver
General                                                                       Sensitivity                                       -122dBm (12dB SINAD)
Frequency range                          Rx: 400-470MHz /Tx:420-450MHz        Audio power                                       0.4W (8R Load)
Memory channels                          16                                   Audio distortion                                  ≤10%.
Operation voltage                        3.7V DC                              Intermediation(W/N)                               ≥65dB/≥ 60dB
Frequency stability                      ±2.5ppm                              Adjacent channel selectivity(W/N)                  ≥ 65dB/≥ 60dB
Operation temperature                    -20℃—+40℃                            Clutter suppression                               ≥ 65dB
Mode of operation                         Simplex                             Receiver current                                  ≤ 380mA
Antenna impedance                        50Ω                                            This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
                                                                                 Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
Transmitter                                                                      designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
                                                                                 residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio
 RF Power                                <2W                                     frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
                                                                                 may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
 Maximum deviation(W/N)                  ≤5KHz/≤2.5KHz                           guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
                                                                                 equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
 Spurious emission                        ≤ 7.5uW                                can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
                                                                                 try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
 Adjacent channel power                  ≤-65dB / ≤ -60dB                        - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                                                                 - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
 SNR(W/N)                                ≥ -45dB/≥-40dB                          -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
                                                                                 receiver is connected.
 QT/DQT (W/N)                            0.7±0.1KHz/0.4±0.1KHz                   -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
                                                                                 Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
 Modulation sensitivity                  8-12mV                                  could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part
                                                                                 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
 Transmission current                    ≤ 1.2A                                  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
                                                                                 (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
                                                                                 cause undesired operation.

Document Created: 2018-03-16 09:51:07
Document Modified: 2018-03-16 09:51:07

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