RF exposure


RF Exposure Info

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Reference No.:WTS19S01006323-3W               Page 1 of 4

1    Test Summary

                      Test Items                        Test Requirement   Result

            Maximum Permissible Exposure
                                                            1.1307(b)(1)   PASS
          (Exposure of Humans to RF Fields)

Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.

Reference No.: WTS19S01006323-3W                Page 2 of 4

2      RF Exposure
      Test Requirement:                 FCC Part 1.1307
      Test Mode:                        The EUT work in test mode(Tx).
2.1    Requirements

      Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that
      the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess limit for maximum permissible
      exposure. In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been
      defined as a mobile device whereby a distance of 0.2 m normally can be maintained between the user
      and the device.
2.2    The procedures / limit

      FCC Part 1.1307:
      (A) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                                                Magnetic Field                       Averaging Time
      Frequency Range       Electric Field                       Power Density (S)
                                                 Strength (H)                          |E|2,|H|2or S
            (MHz)        Strength (E) (V/m)                         (mW/ cm2)
                                                    (A/m)                               (minutes)
           0.3-3.0               614                1.63                 (100)*              6
            3.0-30             1842 / f            4.89 / f          (900 / f)*              6
           30-300                61.4              0.163                  1.0                6
          300-1500                                                       F/300               6
        1500-100,000                                                       5                 6

       (B) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
                                               Magnetic Field                        Averaging Time
      Frequency Range        Electric Field                      Power Density (S)
                                                Strength (H)                          |E|2,|H|2 or S
            (MHz)         Strength (E) (V/m)                        (mW/ cm2)
                                                    (A/m)                               (minutes)
           0.3-1.34              614                1.63                 (100)*             30
           1.34-30              824/f              2.19/f             (180/f)*              30
           30-300                27.5              0.073                  0.2               30
          300-1500                                                    F/1500                30
        1500-100,000                                                      1.0               30
        Note: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

Reference No.: WTS19501006323—3w                 Page 3 of4

2.3     MPE Calculation Method

Precication of MPE iimit at a given istance
8 = power density (n approprate units, e.q. mWor®)
P = power inout to the antenna (in appropriate urits, e.4., mW).
G = power gain of the antenna in the cirection of interest relative to an isotropic raciator,the power gain
factor, is normally numeric gain.
R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.4., orn)

From the peak EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance, d=0.2m, as well as the gain
of the used antenna, the RF power density can be obtained
Mode       Antenn@      Antonna Gain MaxPeak Output| Peak Output| Power Density|   Limit of Power
          Gain @080       (mumenic)   Power(dBm) |Power (mW)| (mWiorn‘)          Density (mWion‘)
Anto         2.50           1278              24.10           257.04         o.ca0033                1
Ant 1        2.50           1278              20e3            10187          o.osre77                1

Mode       Antenna      Antenna Gain Max.Peak Output| Peak Output| Power Density|             Limit of Power
          Gain (dB))      {numeric)       Power {dBm)       |Power {mW)]    (mWor®)         Density (mW/or®)

wisi         2.50           1278              1801             z780          o.crses                 1

Reference No.: WTS19S01006323-3W          Page 4 of 4

3    Photographs of test setup and EUT.
Note: Please refer to appendix: WTS19S01006323W_Photo.

                                   ======End of Report======

Document Created: 2019-05-08 05:10:36
Document Modified: 2019-05-08 05:10:36

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