User manual


Users Manual

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                                          BLAUPUNKT                          eEEET

       USB: Rear Access                        SWC: Steering Wheel Control: Short Cut key

(17)   AV—IN 2 Rear Access                     Blackout: turn off display short cut key

       Rear Camera input: Short cut key

















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                                          * masterfiibitin

Radlomode                                 Storngstationsmmnally
                                          * Siet t dand menocy bakcuth the [
Startradiomode                               buion.
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   ‘Traridpapemmnsiciglone.               + Pras on o he memoy bators PBR
                                             apyre 2 moond t moithe comntrinton n

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                                         + Siectememoylank
Selectmamorybank                         + Pras the Ieoul butin o dihy edatonal
Offvertnenoryisendrenbandurematiie. + epeatrgestion.
Uptotridomcanbertondinachmancrytank.         rostiettSiiuten.
. PrastheHMIIston eatedy lthe utd            Reninemeotressonatcrionmicuning.
   meverswniiciions.                         Murtheairgecorgiews te mdtoper ie
   Ancnaonestmmgnn                           saten at menon Icadon 1 of h nevouly
Tuning ntonstation                           wowe
uniglntetetionenananly                       Foribetunmemantioname fiifcbnomatin
w in prosihe L Wl o LMo butinonceer          lnmistnoncrlpinficinfomatiatetonsae
   verra tmas to change the frequency in     se
   fomens.                               Scanningstations
EnwirosdantonmcAmety                     Yor nonthenontinctenoplyatbamcnintle
(IheFoosenerothedindstatoretlammn ic stitoofticimetnnband ocncont.
beartnedivcyoiathainecirna.              «. PesthatAicti:
+ P the                                      Te seek unng serctes fo sution in the
                                             curent wareband, tach recmatle maton i
o PoathalB Tvton.                            doiralomanisnthpecen.
   Avarontkpa s sn oth inqucy             w hesiy e 140utm i ds t omcs
ho                                           svvnlsidenindsigntink.
* Eimierquincyofecisrntsstorsttw       Sultching RDSooft
   rumicinpoc.                         Mury it sians brondont ao 0S (tade Di
* masterotibatn                        Snse adtton t ht progrmne n the
   ‘Thandiolgtacnsdupiendthestiten     reoupionimeerepetirafounnodtira ircton,
   oftrequmcyersendipinndout.          axtastredipiyottenatemane.
surtopststonseskiming                  «h th foeet butin to dily adtoral
w P the OO or iC btton fo npprc. 2        apeatngontons
   seonisiomammtonsentuning.           + hesbe[iDiiistntomtteiDstincton
   Trendstiresnintherminonntissatin.      enotot
                                       + i the RQ# foncion is aniched on, D#is
  for the ncslon ane Eampe i th Ft war + dviendinnti.
                                          Prath ENbutin to id the mddtonal
  Sard aly aficifomaton srdos ow uned     nwatg    options, or wat untey wre
4 in Hthepdiryfrtaiicnommatin uns         witomatelytidin.

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Bluetoothmode                                 Raglstering Bluatoothdevicas
Treihrtotifirclonlmingitetrnedtshoner         Hyou artto mt a nds w he csound
WB onped madl plgtac atem wehthe car          emtartetntinaprocrodistaloon:
mniguen.                                      + sc tnon ut oiinnctvated onhn
‘When o ngitea ol hone uty o nmed                oormirdantemardsopmertnnottdn
rptemcranmlaptermalletebltinbnds              w in e eptine menu of the Masooth® mode
fruchecibno on nmbelatesrmines                   eterspiiependeboivetcatsetros.
and te ptne tekofhe ind cu store sc           + seach tor new deveasiconnectons on your
wcngSpciertes                                    Suemottdotes
I the comected Mustooth® devee supons the     Th c sound on appman C650 itie
finconilh200dAICHyoucpleymakein                  IntoMhootedercac
w ollen leecei intornjndandreumen * xibtheconracies           o rayher in ete
                                          thepai en t w peodcnl antund on
spinatietiec.                             tsamindpten.
Mioilphone i mtva Mmotandacatls           Tecsenedtonsbengesmtiitedanditomen
maved dareo h plptatof evete soure,the
se pltndc i neriptd ind the l mena i No:ferberjitenddeiisdusionc.
                                          Iaidehone i connntn w the ca sound
StartingBhistooth mode                    aintemthe Noemothhnd i dusinedatthe
w Sidecintherstimespmem{thwicat,          To raht comer o thediia n allancatides
    ProstbeOME buton O frippmerveceds   Telephonemode—Blustooth
    ‘Trethemert®menalsdipiont snninethe Onerysutsreectaphenewith thecarn nntom
    Inopatedtrootderens.                vethtsottifalontrg mnsmpoues.

    (Bhindt/rerednenttonicitdete.                 1Q1 Disimtepteneni
    (8B1otnlntoremens.                            181 bastettestntacinens.
=. Fr th Icomnatl buton o the Murtot®             hamDhesnnetconmectorittcurentdener
   device wih whicn you wart to esublan a
   cxmeaiin.                                      El tsskupstenetook
   Winanthe dede is ts nege, t connecion is       M stupatiries.
   evaiiedtbemenutrtredenceiipayet.               1BE Dnniyentorement
+ resihe oiraibanihoometiddeetie                1}1 ruinotiaptorctetntenscedating
                                              # n aptone numbeuit telapadantpren
                                                teter Iooton.

                                                Stcta corc mumber vathe caer i or
                                                shone id rws ie hi butonintherep—

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External audio/video sources | External monitor | Sound settings

External audio / video sources                              External monitor
                                                            This device features an output for connecting an
AV—IN1 input                                                external monitor for passengers in the rear (see
This device features 2 external AV inputs for audio and     Connection diagram at the end ofthese instructions).
video playback. The 1st AV—IN input is located under        @~ Select the desired source via the main menu and
the cover at the front of the device below the rotary              start movie playback, eg. from a DVD.
knob and the second at the rear ofthe radio.
                                                                   The movie is displayed on the monitor of the
          Danger!                                                  device.
          Increased risk of injury from connector.          #      Callupthemainmenu.
          In case of an accident, the protruding connec—           Thefilm is also displayed on the external monitor.
tor in the AV—IN socket may cause injuries. The use of
straight plugs or adapters leads to an increased risk of    Sound settings
                                                            Audio distribution (fader/balance)
@~ Startthe AV—IN 1 modewith the button [AV—IN 11.          You can adjust the sound distribution in the vehicle
     The display shows the audio or video playback of       forall sources.
     the AV source.                                         #~     in the main menu or on the control bar of the
                                                                   currentaudio source, press the [ ]button.
                                                                   The equalizer menu is displayed.
                                                           4 4 4

                                                                   Press the EE ]button.
                                                                   The menu for fader and balance is displayed.

AV—IN2 Input (Rear)

                                                            # Adjust fader & balance with [W] / [A] or [<] /
                                                            # Next,press[ D1
                                                            @ The setting is stored, the current source is
                                                              displayed again.

Rear Camera Input
This device features a video input at the rear of the
device for connecting a rear view camera that is
available as an option. If a rear view camera is
connected, the image is displayed on the screen, when
therear gearisengaged.
* Inthemainmenuy, press the [Camera]button.


Woonaisthengatncdiratiovem.                                l                  s
w in the i n o on the cori brof ie

* Schcapmessimiaticbimen.                                                          s
«. ho th her ht stt thelenlofthe
   wnatable rquaney badenecoting to your
   S the sebrsonyou can rere the
   o                                       « TimeDelay

   Pras o euinantbatontomith boming
   hetanmatiomskmemncrot.                  inthesenngemensou c athntetmacaetis
+ Netprest®                                fo th diiret fintlnsofthe devieto your
   The ating i tored,the curent roure e    maitenis.
   dusleedapi.                             =. inttemninmensprostreifentsiiuzon.
                                              ‘hesentngs mena is dipipet, the doner
EaryESetting                                  stmentictnt.

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. Subes ty RG", thi opton on aingliid       Innavenaottantiogems
  anand taing d dagly 3 hard B ind


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Document Created: 2017-05-10 11:47:29
Document Modified: 2017-05-10 11:47:29

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC