MTi180503E010-FCC PART 15.249


Test Report

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                                    Test Report

                                                     FCC ID: 2AJ3O-U3

                                    Date of issue: May 03, 2018

     Report Number:                                   MTi180503E010

     Sample Description:                             MICROPHONE WIRELESS SYSTEM

     Model(s):                                       U3

     Applicant:                                      SHENZHEN FZONE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD

     Address:                                        2nd floor, Building12, Xicheng Industrial Area,
                                                     Xixiang Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen Guangdong

     Date of Test:                                   Apr.19, 2018 to May 03, 2018

                                        Shenzhen Microtest Co., Ltd.

This test report is valid for the tested samples only. It cannot be reproduced except in full without prior written consent of Shenzhen
Microtest Co., Ltd.

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                                             - Page 2 of 26 -                                       Report No.: MTi180503E010

                                                             Table of Contents
1       GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.1     FEATURE OF EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ................................................................................................................... 4
    1.2     OPERATION CHANNEL LIST ........................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.3     TEST FREQUENCY CHANNEL ......................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.4     EUT OPERATION MODE .............................................................................................................................................. 4
    1.5     ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT LIST ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2       SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT ............................................................................................................................... 5
3       TEST FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATIONS .............................................................................................................. 6
    3.1     TEST LABORATORY...................................................................................................................................................... 6
    3.2     ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 6
    3.3     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY...................................................................................................................................... 6
    3.4     TEST SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
4       LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................. 7
5       TEST RESULT ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
    5.1 ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 8
       5.1.1   Standard requirement ................................................................................................................................. 8
       5.1.2   EUT Antenna ............................................................................................................................................... 8
    5.2 AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION ......................................................................................................................... 9
       5.2.1   Limits ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
       5.2.2   Test setup .................................................................................................................................................... 9
       5.2.3   Test procedure ............................................................................................................................................. 9
       5.2.4   Test results ................................................................................................................................................ 11
    5.3 FIELD STRENGTH OF FUNDAMENTAL AND HARMONIC EMISSIONS ....................................................................................... 13
       5.3.1   Limits ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
       5.3.2   Test Method .............................................................................................................................................. 13
       5.3.3   Test Result ................................................................................................................................................. 14
    5.4 20DB AND 99% BANDWIDTH .................................................................................................................................... 15
       5.4.1   Limits ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
       5.4.2   Test method .............................................................................................................................................. 15
       5.4.3   Test result.................................................................................................................................................. 16
    5.5 RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSION ................................................................................................................................... 18
       5.5.1   Limit .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
       5.5.2   Test method .............................................................................................................................................. 19
       5.5.3   Test Result ................................................................................................................................................. 20
PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TEST SETUP ...........................................................................................................................25

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                                                        - Page 3 of 26 -                       Report No.: MTi180503E010

                              Test Result Certification

Applicant’s name:                 SHENZHEN FZONE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD
                                  2nd floor, Building12, Xicheng Industrial Area, Xixiang Town,
Address:                          Baoan District, Shenzhen Guangdong China

Manufacture's Name:               SHENZHEN FZONE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD
                                  2nd floor, Building12, Xicheng Industrial Area, Xixiang Town,
Address:                          Baoan District, Shenzhen Guangdong China

Product name:                     MICROPHONE WIRELESS SYSTEM


Model name:                       U3

Standards:                        FCC Part 15.249

Test Procedure:                   ANSI C63.10-2013

This device described above has been tested by Shenzhen Microtest Co., Ltd. and the test results show that
the equipment under test (EUT) compliance with the FCC requirements. And it is applicable only to the tested
sample identified in the report.

                  Tested by:

                                                               Demi Mu                                   May. 03, 2018

                 Reviewed by:

                                                               Blue Zheng                                May. 03, 2018

               Approved by:

                                                               Smith Chen                                May. 03, 2018

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 4 of 26 -                       Report No.: MTi180503E010

1 General description
1.1 Feature of equipment under test (EUT)
      Equipment:                              MICROPHONE WIRELESS SYSTEM
      Trade Name:
      Model Name:                             U3
      Serial Model:                           N/A
      Model Difference:                       N/A
      Operation Frequency:                    2400-2483.5MHz
      Modulation Type:                        GFSK
      Antenna Tpye:                           Helical antenna
      Antenna Gain:                           2 dBi
      Max. Field Strength                     78.83 dBuV/m
      Power supply                            DC 5V from AC adapter 120V/60Hz
      Hardware Version:                       V 0.52
      Software Version:                       V 0.52

1.2 Operation channel list
            Channel                                         Frequency(MHz)
                 1                  2402                         2480                           2482
                 2                  2408                         2472                           2474
                 3                  2416                         2464                           2466
                 4                  2434                         2440                           2442
                 5                  2427                         2448                           2450
                 6                  2422                         2456                           2458

1.3 Test Frequency Channel
                             Channel                                            Frequency(MHz)
                               Low                                                     2402
                              Middle                                                   2448
                               High                                                    2482

1.4 EUT operation mode
During testing, RF test program provided by the manufacture to control the Tx operation followed
the test requirement.

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 5 of 26 -                       Report No.: MTi180503E010

1.5 Ancillary equipment list
           Equipment                         Model                           S/N                     Manufacturer
           microphone                        SM58                              /                             /

2 Summary of Test Result
Test procedures according to the technical standards:

             Item                  FCC Part No.                         Description of Test                      Result

               1                  FCC Part15.203                       Antenna Requirement                       Pass
                                                                    AC power line conducted
               2                  FCC Part15.207                                                                 Pass
                                                                  Field strength of fundamental
               3                FCC Part15.249(a)                                                                Pass
                                                                    and harmonic emissions
               4                 FCC Part 15.215                    20dB and 99% Bandwidth                       Pass

               5                FCC Part15.249(d)                  Radiated spurious emission                    Pass

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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3 Test Facilities and Accreditations
3.1 Test laboratory
     Test Laboratory                       Shenzhen Microtest Co., Ltd
                                           No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park,
     Location                              Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen,
                                           Guangdong, China
     FCC Registration No.                  448573

3.2 Environmental conditions
     Temperature:                      20ºC~30ºC
     Humidity                          30%~70%
3.3 Measurement uncertainty
The reported uncertainty of measurement y ± U,where expended uncertainty U is based on
a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of k=2,providing a level of
confidence of approximately 95 %
     RF frequency                                                1 x 10-7
     RF power, conducted                                         ± 1 dB
     Conducted emission(150kHz~30MHz)                            ± 2.5 dB
     Radiated emission(30MHz~1GHz)                               ± 4.2 dB
     Radiated emission (above 1GHz)                              ± 4.3 dB
     Temperature                                                 ±1 degree
     Humidity                                                    ±5 %

3.4 Test software
        Software Name                           Manufacturer                        Model                     Version
          RF Test System                              Farad                          LZ-RF                   Lz_Rf 3A3

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                         - Page 7 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

4 List of test equipment
Equipmen             Equipment             Manufactur                                            Calibratio
                                                                Model         Serial No.                          Due date
  t No.                Name                   er                                                  n date
  MTI-E001                                     Agilent         E4407B        MY41441082          2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                      CMU 200
                    universal radio        Rohde&schw
  MTI-E002                                                    CMU 200            114587          2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                    communication              arz
  MTI-E004        EMI Test Receiver                              ESPI           1000314          2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                      Broadband                               VULB916
  MTI-E006                                 schwarabeck                             872           2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                       antenna                                   3
  MTI-E007           Horn antenna          schwarabeck                            1201           2017/09/18       2018/09/17
  MTI-E014              amplifier             America           8447D         3113A06150         2017/09/18       2018/09/17
  MTI-E015         Immunity Signal           Schloder         CDG6000                            2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                                                                 CDA         A2210332/20
  MTI-E016            decoupling             Schloder                                            2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                                                                M2/M3            15
                   Comprehensive           Rohde&schw
  MTI-E032                                                    CMW500             124192          2017/09/13       2018/09/12
                    test instrument            arz
  MTI-E034              amplifier              Agilent          8449B         3008A02400         2017/08/22       2018/08/21
  MTI-E040                                     Agilent         N9020A        MY49100060          2017/09/05       2018/09/04
  MTI-E041         Signal generator            Agilent         N5182A        MY49060455          2017/09/23       2018/09/22
                     Analog signal
  MTI-E042                                     Agilent         E4421B        GB40051240          2017/09/23       2018/09/22
                                                Dare          RPR3006         16I00054SN
  MTI-E043           Power probe                                                                 2017/09/29       2018/09/28
                                            Instruments         W                 O16
  MTI-E047         10dB attenuator         Mini-Circuits      UNAT-10+           15542           2017/09/24       2018/09/23
                       spectrum            Rohde&schw
  MTI-E049                                                     FSP-38            100019          2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                       analyzer                arz
                     PSG Signal
  MTI-E050                                     Agilent         E8257D        MY46520873          2017/09/24       2018/09/23
                     Active Loop
  MTI-E051          Antenna 9kHz -         Schwarzbeek                           00044           201709/26        2018/09/25
                                                                1519 B
                       18-40GHz                               ZLNA-18-
  MTI-E052                                  step Micro                          1608001          2017/09/18       2018/09/17
                        amplifier                              40G-21
                                                       BBHA917      BBHA91705
  MTI-E053         15-40G Antenna          Schwarzbeek                             2017/09/18 2018/09/17
                                                           0            82
Note: the calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
international system unit (SI).

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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5 Test Result
5.1 Antenna requirement
5.1.1 Standard requirement
FCC PART 15.203 and 15.247(b);
    An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently
attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator
shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section. The
manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user,
but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.
    This requirement does not apply to carrier current devices or to devices operated under
the provisions of §§15.211, 15.213, 15.217, 15.219, 15.221, or §15.236. Further, this
requirement does not apply to intentional radiators that must be professionally installed,
such as perimeter protection systems and some field disturbance sensors, or to other
intentional radiators which, in accordance with §15.31(d), must be measured at the
installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible for ensuring that the proper
antenna is employed so that the limits in this part are not exceeded.
5.1.2 EUT Antenna
    The antenna is an Helical antenna, which was permanently affixed to the device and
un-replaced, complies with 15.203. In addition, the maximum antenna gain is 2dBi.

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 9 of 26 -                       Report No.: MTi180503E010

5.2 AC power line conducted emission
5.2.1 Limits
FCC §15.207;
For an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the
radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency within the
band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a
50µH/50Ω line impedance stabilization network (LISN).

                     Frequency (MHz)                               Quasi-peak                       Average

                           0.15 -0.5                              66 - 56 note2                   56 - 46 note2
                           0.50 -5.0                                 56.00                           46.00
                           5.0 -30.0                                 60.00                           50.00
        Note1: The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
        Note2: The limit of " * " marked band means the limitation decreases linearly with the logarithm of the
        frequency in the range.

5.2.2 Test setup
                             Vertical Reference
                             Ground Plane                                                            Test Receiver



                                                                                Horizontal Reference
                                                                                Ground Plane

            Note: 1.Support units were connected to second LISN.
                      2.Both of LISNs (AMN) are 80 cm from EUT and at least 80
             cm           from other units and other metal planes
                support.       units.

5.2.3 Test procedure
a. EUT Operating Conditions
    The EUT was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as a customer would normally
    use it). The EUT has been programmed to continuously transmit during test. This
    operating condition was tested and used to collect the included data.
b. The following table is the setting of the receiver

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Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 10 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

                Receiver Parameters                                                     Setting
                    Attenuation                                                          10 dB
                  Start Frequency                                                      0.15 MHz
                  Stop Frequency                                                        30 MHz
                   IF Bandwidth                                                          9 kHz
c. The EUT was placed 0.8 meters from the horizontal ground plane with EUT being
   connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN). All
   other support equipments powered from additional LISN(s). The LISN provide 50 Ohm/
   50uH of coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.
d. Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded
   back and forth in the center forming a bundle 30 to 40 cm long.
e. I/O cables that are not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in the center. The end
   of the cable may be terminated, if required, using the correct terminating impedance.
   The overall length shall not exceed 1 m.
f. LISN at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis.
    For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related Item –EUT Test Photos.

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 11 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

5.2.4 Test results
EUT:                                                                Model Name. :                U3
Temperature: 26 ℃                                                   Relative Humidity: 54%
Pressure:      1010hPa                                              Phase :            L
               DC 5V from AC adapter
Test Voltage :                                                      Test Mode:                   TX

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 12 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

                 MICROPHONE WIRELESS
  EUT:                                                             Model Name. :                   U3
  Temperature: 26 ℃                                                Relative Humidity: 54%
  Pressure:      1010hPa                                           Phase :            N
                 DC 5V from AC adapter
  Test Voltage :                                                   Test Mode:                      TX

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 13 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

5.3 Field strength of fundamental and harmonic emissions
5.3.1 Limits
FCC §15.249(a);
The field strength of fundamental and harmonic emissions, measured at 3 m, shall not
exceed 50 mV/m and 0.5 mV/m respectively.
The field strength limits shall be measured using an average detector, except for the fundamental
emission in the frequency band 902-928 MHz, which is based on measurements using an
International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) quasi-peak detector
                     Frequency                   Field Strength(dBuv/m)                     Detector
                    Fundamental                            114                                PK
                    Fundamental                             94                                AV
                 Harmonic emissions                         74                                PK
                 Harmonic emissions                         54                                AV

5.3.2 Test Method
1. The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 0.8m above ground plane for test frequency range
blew 1GHz, and 1.5m above ground plane for test frequency range above 1GHz.
2. EUT is set 3m away from the receiving antenna, which is varied from 1m to 4m to find out the
highest emissions.
3. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured, RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1GHz, 100
kHz for f < 1 GHz, VBW ≥ RBW, Sweep = auto, Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
4. Follow the guidelines in ANSI C63.4-2014 with respect to maximizing the emission by rotating the
EUT, adjusting the measurement antenna height and polarization, etc. The peak reading of the
emission, after being corrected by the antenna factor, cable loss, pre-amp gain, etc., is the peak
field strength, submit this data. Each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of
receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical.
5. The peak level, once corrected, must comply with the limit specified in Section 15.209. Set the
RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz, Detector = PK for AV value, while maintaining all of the other
instrument settings.

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Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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5.3.3 Test Result

Transmitter channel: 2402MHz
      Frequency                                        Emission level                Limits
                        Polarization                                                                 Detector
         (MHz)             H/V                             dBμV/m                  dBμV/m
          2402               V                              78.83                    114                 PK        Result
          2402               H                              76.44                    114                 PK
          2402               V                              62.62                     94                 AV
          2402               H                              60.74                     94                 AV
          4804               V                              40.86                     74                 PK
          4804               H                              43.44                     74                 PK

Transmitter channel: 2448MHz
      Frequency                                        Emission level                Limits
                        Polarization                                                                 Detector
         (MHz)             H/V                             dBμV/m                  dBμV/m
          2448               V                              77.54                    114                 PK        Result
          2448               H                              76.34                    114                 PK
          2448               V                              61.52                     94                 AV
          2448               H                              60.39                     94                 AV
          4896               V                              38.96                     74                 PK
          4896               H                              41.73                     74                 PK

Transmitter channel: 2482MHz
      Frequency                           Emission level       Limits
                         Polarization                                     Detector
          (MHz)             H/V              dBμV/m          dBμV/m
           2482               V               78.17             114           PK    Result
           2482               H               75.78             114           PK
           2482               V               62.32              94           AV
           2482               H               59.34              94           AV
           4964               V               40.09              74           PK
           4964               H               41.55              74           PK
Note: If the PK measured values lower than average mode limit, the EUT shall be deemed to meet
average limits and then no additional average mode measurement performed.

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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5.4 20dB and 99% bandwidth
5.4.1 Limits
FCC §15.215(c)
Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits, as
contained in § 15.217 through 15.257 and in Subpart E of this part, must be designed to ensure that
the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the
specific rule section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band
designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated.
5.4.2 Test method
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
For 20 dB bandwidth
Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel
RBW ≥1% of the 20 dB bandwidth
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold
The EUT should be transmitting at its maximum data rate. Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the
marker-to-peak function to set the marker to the peak of the emission. Use the marker-delta
function to measure 20 dB down one side of the emission. Reset the marker-delta function, and
move the marker to the other side of the emission, until it is (as close as possible to) even with the
reference marker level. The marker-delta reading at this point is the 20 dB bandwidth and 99%
occupied bandwidth of the emission

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Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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5.4.3 Test result
                                Frequency (MHz)                         20dB bandwidth (MHz)
                                        2402                                       2.536
                                        2448                                       2.125
                                        2482                                       2.337

Test plots



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Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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5.5 Radiated spurious emission
5.5.1 Limit
FCC PART 15.249(a);
Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, the field strength of emissions from intentional
radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the following:
                                            Field Strength of                     Field Strength of Harmonics
      Frequency (MHz)
                                          Fundamental (mV/m)                                 (µV/m)
            902-928                                50                                         500
          2400-2483.5                              50                                         500
           5725-5875                               50                                         500
Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be
attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission
limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
According to FCC section 15.209 (a), except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions
from an intentional radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:
      Frequency (MHz)                     Field Strength (µV/m)                    Measurement Distance (m)
        0.009 - 0.490                          2400/F(kHz)                                  300
        0.490 - 1.705                         24000/F(kHz)                                  30
        1.705 - 30.0                                30                                      30
            30 - 88                                100                                       3
           88 - 216                                150                                       3
          216 - 960                                200                                       3
         Above 960                                 500                                       3

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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5.5.2 Test method
a)   The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 0.8m above ground plane for test frequency range
     blew 1GHz, and 1.5m above ground plane for test frequency range above 1GHz.
b)   EUT is set 3m away from the receiving antenna, which is varied from 1m to 4m to find out the
     highest emissions.
c)   Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
           1)   Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured
           2)   RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz
           3)   VBW ≥ RBW, Sweep = auto
           4)   Detector function = peak
           5)   Trace = max hold
d)   Follow the guidelines in ANSI C63.4-2014 with respect to maximizing the emission by rotating
     the EUT, adjusting the measurement antenna height and polarization, etc. The peak reading of
     the emission, after being corrected by the antenna factor, cable loss, pre-amp gain, etc., is the
     peak field strength, submit this data. Each emission was to be maximized by changing the
     polarization of receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical.
e)   The peak level, once corrected, must comply with the limit specified in Section 15.209. Set the
     RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz, Detector = PK for AV value, while maintaining all of the other
     instrument settings.

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 20 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

5.5.3 Test Result
Note: If the PK measured values lower than average mode limit, the EUT shall be deemed to meet average
limits and then no additional average mode measurement performed.

Below 30MHz
     EUT:                     WIRELESS                    Model Name. :                  U3
     Temperature:             20 ℃                        Relative Humidtity: 48%
                                                                              DC 5V from AC adapter
     Pressure:                1010 hPa                    Test Voltage:
     Test Mode:               TX                          Polarization :      --

            Freq.                  Reading                   Limit                 Margin                   State
            (MHz)                (dBuV/m)                (dBuV/m)                    (dB)                     P/F
               --                      --                      --                      --                   Pass
               --                      --                      --                      --                   Pass
The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the
permissible value has no need to be reported.
Distance extrapolation factor =40 log (specific distance/test distance)(dB);
Limit line = specific limits(dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor.

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 21 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

Radiation (30MHz – 1GHz)

                  MICROPHONE WIRELESS
   EUT:                                                              Model Name. :                   U3
   Temperature: 26 ℃                                                 Relative Humidity:              54%
   Pressure:      1010hPa                                            Polarziation:                   H
                  DC 5V from AC adapter
   Test Voltage :                                                    Test Mode:                      Normal work

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 22 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

                  MICROPHONE WIRELESS
   EUT:                                                              Model Name. :                   U3
   Temperature: 26 ℃                                                 Relative Humidity:              54%
   Pressure:      1010hPa                                            Polarziation:                   V
                  DC 5V from AC adapter
   Test Voltage :                                                    Test Mode:                      Normal work

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 23 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

Above 1GHz:
Low Channel (2402 MHz)
                                      Meter                          Emission
      Polar       Frequency                            Factor                           Limits       Margin       Detector
                                     Reading                          Level
      (H/V)                                                                                                        Type
                     (MHz)            (dBuV)            (dB)         (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)         (dB)
        H            4332              43.65           -4.49           39.16              74         -34.84         Peak
        H            7120              40.49           -2.84           37.65              74         -36.35         Peak
        H            8361               42.8           -1.94           40.86              74         -33.14         Peak
        H           10673              38.17            2.28           40.45              74         -33.55         Peak
        H           13682              35.74            5.17           40.91              74         -33.09         Peak
        H           14277              37.81            5.57           43.38              74         -30.62         Peak

                                      Meter                          Emission
      Polar       Frequency                            Factor                           Limits       Margin       Detector
                                     Reading                          Level
      (H/V)                                                                                                        Type
                     (MHz)            (dBuV)            (dB)         (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)         (dB)
        V            2955              49.34           -6.96           42.38              74         -31.62         Peak
        V            4808              50.34           -8.93           41.41              74         -32.59         Peak
        V            8038              42.79            -3.6           39.19              74         -34.81         Peak
        V           10010              40.92           -0.21           40.71              74         -33.29         Peak
        V           11948              41.48            0.26           41.74              74         -32.26         Peak
        V           14294              38.04            5.4            43.44              74         -30.56         Peak

Mid Channel (2448 MHz)
                                      Meter                         Emission                                      Detector
      Polar      Frequency                            Factor                            Limits       Margin        Type
                                     Reading                          Level
                    (MHz)            (dBuV)             (dB)        (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)          (dB)
        H            4893             52.27            -7.67           44.6             74            -29.4         Peak
        H            7885             41.55            -2.06          39.49             74           -34.51         Peak
        H            9993             37.87             1.87          39.74             74           -34.26         Peak
        H           11931             38.56             2.46          41.02             74           -32.98         Peak
        H           13869             36.13             5.81          41.94             74           -32.06         Peak
        H           14328             38.65             5.44          44.09             74           -29.91         Peak

                                      Meter                         Emission                                      Detector
      Polar      Frequency                            Factor                            Limits       Margin        Type
                                     Reading                          Level
                    (MHz)            (dBuV)             (dB)        (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)          (dB)
        V            4893             51.45            -9.39          42.06             74           -31.94         Peak
        V            7902             43.21            -3.78          39.43             74           -34.57         Peak
        V            9772             42.01            -0.71           41.3             74            -32.7         Peak
        V           10571             40.59             0.23          40.82             74           -33.18         Peak
        V           11591             40.05             0.37          40.42             74           -33.58         Peak
        V           14073             37.79             5.75          43.54             74           -30.46         Peak

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 24 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

High Channel (2482 MHz)
      Polar                           Meter                         Emission                                      Detector
      (H/V)      Frequency                            Factor                            Limits       Margin        Type
                                     Reading                          Level
                    (MHz)            (dBuV)             (dB)        (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)          (dB)
        H            4978             53.91            -8.16          45.75             74           -28.25         Peak
        H            6321              42.1            -4.89          37.21             74           -36.79         Peak
        H            7443             47.95            -2.74          45.21             74           -28.79         Peak
        H            9755             39.54             1.14          40.68             74           -33.32         Peak
        H           12152             38.93             2.61          41.54             74           -32.46         Peak
        H           14209             37.76             5.74           43.5             74            -30.5         Peak

                                      Meter                         Emission                                      Detector
      Polar      Frequency                            Factor                            Limits       Margin        Type
                                     Reading                          Level
                    (MHz)            (dBuV)             (dB)        (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)         (dB)
        V            4978             58.48            -9.86          48.62             74           -25.38         Peak
        V            7103             42.73            -4.68          38.05             74           -35.95         Peak
        V            8055             43.72            -3.58          40.14             74           -33.86         Peak
        V           11387             40.15             0.37          40.52             74           -33.48         Peak
        V           12696             39.91             1.16          41.07             74           -32.93         Peak
        V           13903             37.67              5.4          43.07             74           -30.93         Peak

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 25 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

     Photographs of the Test Setup
                                          Radiated emission – below 1GHz

                                          Radiated emission – above 1GHz

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 26 of 26 -                      Report No.: MTi180503E010

                                                   Conducted emission

                                              ----END OF REPORT----

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  Web:           E-mail:
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Document Created: 2018-05-29 07:27:29
Document Modified: 2018-05-29 07:27:29

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