Test Report


Test Report

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                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03





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                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                      Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03





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                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                      Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03





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                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                      Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03





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                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03





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                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03





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                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03





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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

Remark: Pre test 9kHz to 25GHz, find the highest point when testing, so only the worst data were shown in
the test report. Per FCC Part 15.33 (a) and 15.31 (o) ,The amplitude of spurious emissions from intentional
radiators which are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value need not be reported unless
specifically required elsewhere in this part.

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

5.10.Other requirements Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum System
    Test Requirement:             47 CFR Part 15C Section 15.247 (a)(1), (h) requirement:
    The system shall hop to channel frequencies that are selected at the system hopping
    rate from a Pseudorandom ordered list of hopping frequencies. Each frequency must be used equally
    on the average by each transmitter. The system receivers shall have input bandwidths that match the
    hopping channel bandwidths of their corresponding transmitters and shall shift frequencies in
    synchronization with the transmitted signals.

    Frequency hopping spread spectrum systems are not required to employ all available hopping
    channels during each transmission. However, the system, consisting of both the transmitter and the
    receiver, must be designed to comply with all of the regulations in this section should the
    transmitter be presented with a continuous data (or information) stream. In addition, a system
    employing short transmission bursts must comply with the definition of a frequency hopping system
    and must distribute its transmissions over the minimum number of hopping channels specified in
    this section.

    The incorporation of intelligence within a frequency hopping spread spectrum system that permits
    the system to recognize other users within the spectrum band so that it individually and
    independently chooses and adapts its hopsets to avoid hopping on occupied channels is permitted.
    The coordination of frequency hopping systems in any other manner for the express purpose of
    avoiding the simultaneous occupancy of individual hopping frequencies by multiple transmitters is
    not permitted.
    Compliance for section 15.247(a)(1)
    According to Bluetooth Core Specification, the pseudorandom sequence may be generated in a nine-
    stage shift register whose 5th and 9th stage
    outputs are added in a modulo-two addition stage. And the result is fed back to the input of the first
    stage. The sequence begins with the first ONE of 9 consecutive ONEs; i.e. the shift register is initialized
    with nine ones.
    • Number of shift register stages: 9
    • Length of pseudo-random sequence: 29 -1 = 511 bits
    • Longest sequence of zeros: 8 (non-inverted signal)

    An example of Pseudorandom Frequency Hopping Sequence as follow:

    Each frequency used equally on the average by each transmitter.
    According to Bluetooth Core Specification, Bluetooth receivers are designed to have input and IF
    bandwidths that match the hopping channel bandwidths of any Bluetooth transmitters and shift
    frequencies in synchronization with the transmitted signals.
    Compliance for section 15.247(g)
    According to Bluetooth Core Specification, the Bluetooth system transmits the packet with the
    pseudorandom hopping frequency with a continuous data and the short burst transmission from the
    Bluetooth system is also transmitted under the frequency hopping system with the pseudorandom
    hopping frequency system.
    Compliance for section 15.247(h)

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                                          Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                             Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

According to Bluetooth Core specification, the Bluetooth system incorporates with an adaptive
system to detect other user within the spectrum band so that it individually and independently to
avoid hopping on the occupied channels.
According to the Bluetooth Core specification, the Bluetooth system is designed not have the ability
to coordinated with other FHSS System in an effort to avoid the simultaneous occupancy of individual
hopping frequencies by multiple transmitter.

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                                           Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                               Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

5.11.Radiated Spurious Emission & Restricted bands
Test Requirement:      47 CFR Part 15C Section 15.209 and 15.205
     Test Method:      ANSI C63.10: 2013
     Test Site:        Measurement Distance: 3m (Semi-Anechoic Chamber)
     Receiver Setup:           Frequency              Detector       RBW        VBW         Remark
                          0.009MHz-0.090MHz             Peak         10kHz      30kHz        Peak
                          0.009MHz-0.090MHz           Average        10kHz      30kHz      Average
                          0.090MHz-0.110MHz          Quasi-peak      10kHz      30kHz     Quasi-peak
                          0.110MHz-0.490MHz             Peak         10kHz      30kHz        Peak
                          0.110MHz-0.490MHz           Average        10kHz      30kHz      Average
                           0.490MHz -30MHz           Quasi-peak      10kHz      30kHz     Quasi-peak
                              30MHz-1GHz                Peak        100 kHz    300kHz        Peak
                                                        Peak         1MHz       3MHz         Peak
                              Above 1GHz
                                                        Peak         1MHz       10Hz       Average
     Limit:                                     Field strength     Limit                   Measurement
                             Frequency                                        Remark
                                               (microvolt/meter) (dBuV/m)                  distance (m)
                       0.009MHz-0.490MHz         2400/F(kHz)         -            -             300
                       0.490MHz-1.705MHz        24000/F(kHz)         -            -              30
                         1.705MHz-30MHz               30             -            -              30
                           30MHz-88MHz               100           40.0      Quasi-peak          3
                          88MHz-216MHz               150           43.5      Quasi-peak          3
                         216MHz-960MHz               200           46.0      Quasi-peak          3
                           960MHz-1GHz               500           54.0      Quasi-peak          3
                            Above 1GHz               500           54.0       Average            3
                       Note: 15.35(b), Unless otherwise specified, the limit on peak radio frequency
                            emissions is 20dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit
                            applicable to the equipment under test. This peak limit applies to the total
                            peak emission level radiated by the device.

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                                        Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                              Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

 Test Setup:

                                   Figure 1. Below 30MHz


       Figure 2. 30MHz to 1GHz                                Figure 3. Above 1 GHz

Test Procedure:        a. 1) Below 1G: The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8
                          meters above the ground at a 3 meter semi-anechoic camber. The table
                          was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest
                          2) Above 1G: The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 1.5
                          meters above the ground at a 3 meter semi-anechoic camber. The table
                          was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest
                          Note: For the radiated emission test above 1GHz:
                          Place the measurement antenna away from each area of the EUT
                          determined to be a source of emissions at the specified measurement
                          distance, while keeping the measurement antenna aimed at the source
                          of emissions at each frequency of significant emissions, with polarization
                          oriented for maximum response. The measurement antenna may have
                          to be higher or lower than the EUT, depending on the radiation pattern of
                          the emission and staying aimed at the emission source for receiving the
                          maximum signal. The final measurement antenna elevation shall be that
                          which maximizes the emissions. The measurement antenna elevation
                          for maximum emissions shall be restricted to a range of heights of from
                          1 m to 4 m above the ground or reference ground plane.
                       b. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving
                          antenna, which was mounted on the top of a variable-height antenna
                       c. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the
                          ground to determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both
                          horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to make the

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                                          Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                             Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

                         d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case
                            and then the antenna was tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters (for
                            the test frequency of below 30MHz, the antenna was tuned to heights 1
                            meter) and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360
                            degrees to find the maximum reading.
                         e. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified
                            Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
                         f. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10dB lower than the
                            limit specified, then testing could be stopped and the peak values of the
                            EUT would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have 10dB
                            margin would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or
                            average method as specified and then reported in a data sheet.
                         g. Test the EUT in the lowest channel (2402MHz),the middle channel
                            (2441MHz),the Highest channel (2480MHz)
                         h. The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning
                            for Transmitting mode, and found the X axis positioning which it is the
                            worst case.
                         i. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured was complete.
Exploratory Test Mode:   Non-hopping transmitting mode with all kind of modulation and all kind of
                         data type
Final Test Mode:         Through Pre-scan, find the DH5 of data type is the worst case.
                         For below 1GHz part, through pre-scan, the worst case is the lowest
                         Only the worst case is recorded in the report.
Test Results:            Pass

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

5.11.1.         Radiated Emission below 1GHz

Test mode:                     Transmitting                       Vertical

The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable Factor – Preamplifier Factor,
Level = Read Level + Factor,
Over Limit=Level-Limit Line.

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

Test mode:                     Transmitting                       Horizontal

The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable Factor – Preamplifier Factor,
Level = Read Level + Factor,
Over Limit=Level-Limit Line.

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                     Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

5.11.2.           Transmitter Emission above 1GHz
          mode:           GFSK(DH5)               Test channel:            Lowest
               Meter                  Emission                             Detector
Frequency     Reading      Factor      Level       Limits         Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
  (MHz)       (dBV)        (dB)      (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

   2390           54.02     -9.2       44.82         74           -29.18    Peak         H
   2400           51.69    -9.39       42.30         74           -31.70     Peak        H
   4804           51.66    -4.33       47.33         74           -26.67     Peak        H
   7206           49.81    1.01        50.82         74           -23.18     Peak        H
   2390           53.51     -9.2       44.31         74           -29.69    Peak         V
   2400           52.60    -9.39       43.21         74           -30.79     Peak        V
   4804           50.81    -4.33       46.48         74           -27.52     Peak        V
   7206           48.45    1.01        49.46         74           -24.54     Peak        V

          mode:           GFSK(DH5)               Test channel:            Middle
               Meter                  Emission                             Detector
Frequency     Reading      Factor      Level       Limits         Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
  (MHz)       (dBV)       (dB)       (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

   4882           53.40    -4.11       49.29         74           -24.71    Peak         H
   7323           51.76    1.51        53.27         74           -20.73     Peak        H
   4882           51.25    -4.11       47.14         74           -26.86    Peak         V
   7323           49.78    1.51        51.29         74           -22.71     Peak        V

          mode:           GFSK(DH5)               Test channel:            Highest
               Meter                  Emission                             Detector
Frequency     Reading      Factor      Level       Limits         Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
  (MHz)       (dBV)       (dB)       (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

  2483.5          54.91    -9.29       45.62         74           -28.38     Peak        H
   4960           51.19    -4.04       47.15         74           -26.85     Peak        H
   7440           51.06    1.57        52.63         74           -21.37     Peak        H
  2483.5          54.67    -9.29       45.38         74           -28.62     Peak        V
   4960           52.16    -4.04       48.12         74           -25.88     Peak        V
   7440           51.36    1.57        52.93         74           -21.07     Peak        V

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                                              Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                  Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

         mode:           /4DQPSK (2DH5)       Test channel:            Lowest
              Meter                Emission                             Detector
Frequency    Reading      Factor    Level       Limits         Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
 (MHz)       (dBV)        (dB)    (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

  2390           54.75     -9.2     45.55         74           -28.45    Peak         H
  2400           51.72    -9.39     42.33         74           -31.67     Peak        H
  4804           52.14    -4.33     47.81         74           -26.19     Peak        H
  7206           49.94     1.01     50.95         74           -23.05     Peak        H
  2390           54.59     -9.2     45.39         74           -28.61    Peak         V
  2400           52.99    -9.39     43.60         74           -30.40     Peak        V
  4804           52.01    -4.33     47.68         74           -26.32     Peak        V
  7206           50.04     1.01     51.05         74           -22.95     Peak        V

         mode:            /4DQPSK (2DH5)      Test channel:            Middle
              Meter                Emission                             Detector
Frequency    Reading      Factor    Level       Limits         Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
 (MHz)       (dBV)        (dB)    (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

  4882           53.88    -4.11     49.77         74           -24.23     peak        H
  7323           52.38     1.51     53.89         74           -20.11     peak        H
  4882           54.65    -4.11     50.54         74           -23.46     peak        V
  7323           52.92     1.51     54.43         74           -19.57     peak        V

         mode:            /4DQPSK (2DH5)      Test channel:            Highest
              Meter                Emission                             Detector
Frequency    Reading      Factor    Level       Limits         Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
 (MHz)       (dBV)        (dB)    (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

 2483.5          53.66    -9.29     44.37         74           -29.63     Peak        H
  4960           51.90    -4.04     47.86         74           -26.14     Peak        H
  7440           52.56     1.57     54.13         74           -19.87     Peak        H
 2483.5          54.65    -9.29     45.36         74           -28.64     Peak        V
  4960           51.95    -4.04     47.91         74           -26.09     Peak        V
  7440           52.10     1.57     53.67         74           -20.33     Peak        V

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

          mode:           8DPSK (3DH5)           Test channel:            Lowest
               Meter                 Emission                             Detector
 Frequency    Reading      Factor     Level        Limits        Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
   (MHz)       (dBV)       (dB)     (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

   2390           53.04     -9.2       43.84        74           -30.16    Peak         H
   2400           52.65    -9.39       43.26        74           -30.74     Peak        H
   4804           51.58    -4.33       47.25        74           -26.75     Peak        H
   7206           49.51     1.01       50.52        74           -23.48     Peak        H
   2390           54.61     -9.2       45.41        74           -28.59    Peak         V
   2400           51.86    -9.39       42.47        74           -31.53     Peak        V
   4804           52.33    -4.33       48.00        74           -26.00     Peak        V
   7206           48.85     1.01       49.86        74           -24.14     Peak        V

          mode:             8DPSK (3DH5)         Test channel:            Middle
               Meter                 Emission                             Detector
 Frequency    Reading      Factor     Level        Limits        Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
   (MHz)       (dBV)       (dB)     (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

   4882           54.31    -4.11       50.20        74           -23.80     peak        H
   7323           51.94     1.51       53.45        74           -20.55     peak        H
   4882           54.95    -4.11       50.84        74           -23.16     peak        V
   7323           51.49     1.51       53.00        74           -21.00     peak        V

          mode:             8DPSK (3DH5)         Test channel:            Highest
               Meter                 Emission                             Detector
 Frequency    Reading      Factor     Level        Limits        Over      Type      Ant. Pol.
   (MHz)       (dBV)       (dB)     (dBV/m)    (dBV/m)         (dB)                 H/V

  2483.5          53.21    -9.29       43.92        74           -30.08     Peak        H
   4960           52.17    -4.04       48.13        74           -25.87     Peak        H
   7440           51.07     1.57       52.64        74           -21.36     Peak        H
  2483.5          53.12    -9.29       43.83        74           -30.17     Peak        V
   4960           52.57    -4.04       48.53        74           -25.47     Peak        V
   7440           52.06     1.57       53.63        74           -20.37     Peak        V
1) The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
   equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
    Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Factor – Preamplifier Factor
2) Scan from 9kHz to 25GHz, the disturbance above 10GHz and below 30MHz was very low. As shown in
   this section, for frequencies above 1GHz, the field strength limits are based on average limits. However,
   the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified
   above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation. So, only the peak measurements were
   shown in the report.

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                               Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                             Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

6. Photographs - EUT Test Setup
6.1. Radiated Emission

                             Below 30MHz


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      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                    Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

    Above 1GHz

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                             Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                                           Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

7. Photographs - EUT Constructional Details
                         External photos

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1P E2 tE Hill

1P E2 tE Hill
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      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                     Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03

   Internal photos

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                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

                              Report No.: CQASZ20190800040EX-03


                The End

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Document Created: 2019-09-20 12:18:40
Document Modified: 2019-09-20 12:18:40

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