SZAWW180921002-02 7197-07 MPE Report


RF Exposure Info

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                                           Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                      FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 1 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

                           FCC TEST REPORT
                                     E-Power Limited
                            Wireless charger Bluetooth speaker
      Model No.: 7197-07, BT801, BT802, BT803, BT804, BT805, BT806, BT807, BT808

Prepared For      : E-Power Limited
Address           : 7th Floor, NO.A Building, Gangzai Henghongtai Industrial Park, Shajing,
                     Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Prepared By       : Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
Address           : 1/F, Building D, Sogood Science and Technology Park, Sanwei
                     community, Hangcheng Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,
                     Tel: (86) 755-26066440         Fax: (86) 755-26014772

Report Number     : SZAWW180921002-02
Date of Test      : Sept. 21, 2018
Date of Test      : Sept. 21~Oct. 23, 2018
Date of Report    : Oct. 23, 2018

                        Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
      Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                                                Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                                           FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 2 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

1. General Information..................................................................................................................................................4
     1.1. Client Information......................................................................................................................................... 4
     1.2. Description of Device (EUT)........................................................................................................................ 4
     1.3. Auxiliary Equipment Used During Test........................................................................................................ 5
     1.4. Description Of Test Setup..............................................................................................................................5
     1.5. Test Equipment List....................................................................................................................................... 6
     1.6. Description of Test Facility........................................................................................................................... 6
2. Measurement and Result...........................................................................................................................................7
     2.1. Requirements................................................................................................................................................. 7
     2.2. Test Setup.......................................................................................................................................................8
     2.3. Test Procedure................................................................................................................................................8
     2.4. Test Result......................................................................................................................................................8
     2.4.1. Equipment Approval Considerations item 5.b of KDB 680106 D01 v03................................................. 8
     2.4.2. Environmental evaluation and exposure limit according to FCC CFR 47 part 1, 1.1307(b), 1.1310....... 9
APPENDIX I -- TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPH.......................................................................................................11

                             Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
           Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                                 Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                            FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 3 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

                                       TEST REPORT
Applicant              :   E-Power Limited

Manufacturer           :   E-Power Limited

Product Name           :   Wireless charger Bluetooth speaker

Model No.              :   7197-07, BT801, BT802, BT803, BT804, BT805, BT806, BT807, BT808

Trade Mark             :   N.A.
Rating(s)              :   Input: DC 5V, 1A(with DC 3.7V, 4000mAh Battery inside)
                           Wireless output: 5W

Test Standard(s)       :   FCC Part 1.1310, 1.1307(b)
Test Method(s)         :   KDB680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v03

The device described above is tested by Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited to determine the
maximum emission levels emanating from the device and the severe levels of the device can endure and its
performance criterion. The measurement results are contained in this test report and Shenzhen Anbotek
Compliance Laboratory Limited is assumed full of responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these
measurements. Also, this report shows that the EUT (Equipment Under Test) is technically compliant with the
FCC Part 1.1307 & KDB680106 D01 requirements.

This report applies to above tested sample only and shall not be reproduced in part without written approval of
Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited.

Date of Test                                                      Sept. 21~Oct. 23, 2018

Prepared by
                                                                (Engineer / Tangcy Tang)

                                                                (Supervisor / Snowy Meng)

Approved & Authorized Signer
                                                                 (Manager / Sally Zhang)

                         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
       Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                                Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                           FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 4 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

1. General Information
1.1. Client Information
 Applicant             :   E-Power Limited
 Address               :   7th Floor, NO.A Building, Gangzai Henghongtai Industrial Park, Shajing, Bao'an
                           District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
 Manufacturer          :   E-Power Limited
 Address               :   7th Floor, NO.A Building, Gangzai Henghongtai Industrial Park, Shajing, Bao'an
                           District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
 Factory               :   E-Power Limited
 Address               :   7th Floor, NO.A Building, Gangzai Henghongtai Industrial Park, Shajing, Bao'an
                           District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

1.2. Description of Device (EUT)

 Product Name          : Wireless charger Bluetooth speaker
                           7197-07, BT801, BT802, BT803, BT804, BT805, BT806, BT807, BT808
 Model No.             :   (Note: All samples are the same except the shell, so we prepare "7197-07" for test
 Trade Mark            :   N.A.

 Test Power Supply     :   DC 3.7V Battery inside

 Test Sample No.       :   S1(Normal Sample), S2(Engineering Sample)

                           Operation Frequency:              111~205KHz

 Product                   Modulation Type:                  MSK
                           Antenna Type:                     Inductive loop coil Antenna

                           Antenna Gain(Peak):               0 dBi

Remark: 1) For a more detailed features description, please refer to the manufacturer’s specifications or the
           User’s Manual.

                        Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
      Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                               Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                          FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 5 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

1.3. Auxiliary Equipment Used During Test
 Adapter         :    Manufacturer: ZTE

                      M/N: STC-A2050I1000USBA-C
                      S/N: 201202102100876
                      Input: 100-240V~ 50/60Hz, 0.3A
                      Output: DC 5V, 1000mA
 Mobile Phone    :    Samsung

1.4. Description Of Test Setup


                                          15 cm

Note: Measurements should be made from all sides and the top of the primary/client pair, with the 15 cm
measured from the center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device

                        Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
      Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                                   Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                              FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 6 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

1.5. Test Equipment List
 Item         Equipment           Manufacturer         Model No.         Serial No.         Last Cal.   Cal. Interval
   1     Magnetic field meter        NARDA              ELT-400           423623        Nov.17, 2017       1 Year
   2        E-Field Probe             Narda             EF0391            Q15221        Nov.17, 2017       1 Year
   3        H-Field Probe             Narda             HF3061            Q15835        Nov.17, 2017       1 Year

1.6. Description of Test Facility
The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

FCC-Registration No.: 184111
Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited, EMC Laboratory has been registed and fully described in a
report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is
maintained in our files. Registration No. 184111, July 31, 2017.

ISED-Registration No.: 8058A-1
Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited, EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a
report filed with the (ISED) Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. The acceptance letter from
the ISED is maintained in our files. Registration 8058A-1, June 13, 2016.

Test Location
Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited.
1/F, Building D, Sogood Science and Technology Park, Sanwei community, Hangcheng Street, Bao'an District,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.518102

                          Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
        Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                                   Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                              FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 7 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

2. Measurement and Result
2.1. Requirements
According to the item 5.b) of KDB 680106 D01v03:
Inductive wireless power transfer applications that meet all of the following requirements are excluded from
submitting an RF exposure evaluation.
1) Power transfer frequency is less that 1 MHz
2) Output power from each primary coil is less than or equal to 15 watts.
3) The transfer system includes only single primary and secondary coils. This includes charging systems that may
have multiple primary coils and clients that are able to detect and allow coupling only between individual pairs of
4) Client device is inserted in or placed directly in contact with the transmitter
5) Mobile exposure conditions only (portable exposure conditions are not covered by this exclusion)
6) The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top surface from all
simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the MPE limit.

                                 Limits For Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

                         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
       Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                                  Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                             FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 8 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

2.2. Test Setup


                                                     15 cm

Note:Measurements should be made from all sides and the top of the primary/client pair, with the 15 cm measured
from the center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device

2.3. Test Procedure
1) The RF exposure test was performed in anechoic chamber.
2) The measurement probe was placed at test distance (15 ㎝) which is between the edge of the charger and the
geometric center of probe.
3) The highest emission level was recorded and compared with limit as soon as measurement of each points
(A, B, C, D, E) were completed.(A is the right, B is the back, C is the left, D is the front, and E is the top.)
4) The EUT was measured according to the dictates of KDB 680106 D01 v03.
The EUT’s test position A, B, C, D and E is valid for the E and H field measurements.

2.4. Test Result
2.4.1. Equipment Approval Considerations item 5.b of KDB 680106 D01 v03.
1) Power transfer frequency is less that 1 MHz
 - The device operate in the frequency range 111~205KHz

2) Output power from each primary coil is less than 15 watts
  - The maximum output power of the primary coil is 5W.

3) The transfer system includes only single primary and secondary coils. This includes charging systems that may
have multiple primary coils and clients that are able to detect and allow coupling only between individual pairs of
 - The transfer system including a charging system with only single primary coils is to detect and allow only

                         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
       Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                                   Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                              FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 9 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

 between individual pairs of coils.

4) Client device is inserted in or placed directly in contact with the transmitter
 - Client device is placed directly in contact with the transmitter.

5) Mobile exposure conditions only (portable exposure conditions are not covered by this exclusion)
   - The EUT is a Mobile Power Pack with Wireless Charger

6) The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top surface from all
simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the MPE limit.
  - The EUT E-Field Strength levels at 15 ㎝ & The EUT H-Field Strength levels at 15 ㎝ are less than 50%
the MPE limit.
  The test results please refer to the section 2.4.2

2.4.2. Environmental evaluation and exposure limit according to FCC CFR 47 part 1, 1.1307(b),

     Temperature:                     24.7°C                  Relative Humidity:                     55 %
       Pressure:                      1012 hPa                     Test Voltage:             DC 3.7V Battery inside

     E-Field Strength at 15 cm surrounding the EUT and 15cm above the top surface of the EUT
               Frequency        Test         Test         Test           Test          Test       Reference    Limits
                 Range        Position     Position     Position       Position      Position       Limit       Test
                 (KHz)           A            B            C              D             E          (V/m)       (V/m)

     1%         111~205         0.26         0.35         0.43          0.33          0.62           307        614

    50%         111~205         1.75         1.38         1.47          1.89          1.54           307        614

    99%         111~205         2.38         2.75         2.83          2.55          2.41           307        614

  Stand-by      111~205         0.67         0.58         0.49          0.73          0.48           307        614

                         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
       Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                             Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                       FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 10 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02

  H-Field Strength at 15 cm surrounding the EUT and 20cm above the top surface of the EUT
           Frequency      Test       Test       Test       Test       Test     Reference   Limits
             Range      Position   Position   Position   Position   Position     Limit      Test
             (KHz)         A          B          C          D          E        (A/m)      (A/m)

  1%       111~205       0.057      0.059      0.047      0.038      0.046      0.815       1.63

 50%       111~205       0.27       0.39       0.51       0.37       0.53       0.815       1.63

 99%       111~205       0.50       0.44       0.35       0.29       0.40       0.815       1.63

Stand-by   111~205       0.39       0.42       0.37       0.46       0.47       0.815       1.63

                      Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
    Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

                                        Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                  FCC ID: 2AIKE-BT903 Page 11 of 13 Report No.: SZAWW180921002-02


                              Photo of MPE Measurement

                     Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
   Tel:(86)755-26066440  Fax:(86)755-26014772 Code:AB-RF-05-a

 Product Safety

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          Product Safety

Document Created: 2018-11-06 10:42:30
Document Modified: 2018-11-06 10:42:30

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