DoC letter


Attestation Statements

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shenzHen amEpiaTeck TEcHNoLOGY co., Lt                                    FCC Declaration of Conformity
3F, Tower A, Building A. Minsheng Industrial Park,                                                  Numoer: CF302
Longhua Road, Longhua New Area, Shenzhen, China                                                        Verion: vos
                                                                                                   Date: 22:08—2011

Compan Nime: SHENZHEN AMEDIATEcH TeciiNoLooY 00. LTD
Adcrss       3F, Tower \. Bulding A. Minsheng IndustialPar Longhua Road. Longue New Nes
Poswizs                      aiy: Shenzhen             StaProirce: Gungiong          Countn: Chine
ContctPeson         N. B Ns Mame: MchadYang                       Fincion:        Manager
Emai         Mchonyang@amediaectin Web                     Prore: sooseasmouses Fax 2ooreszournonn

deciare forthe eavipmentidentfed by:
Product escrpton        Sman TV Box
Typecr voels)           yez xezpro
Traderane orBandts)..   NX
thet                      This device complies with Part 15 of the FGC Rules.
                          Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
                          (1) this device may not cause harmfulinterference, and
                          (2) this device must accept any interference received, incluing
                          interference that may cause undesired operation.

(f e Ostitrsatsan arahtteat i monntts couston a o
[2] a) Th folowing testreports,issued by an FCC aceredie Laboralor, are subject o hidedlaration:
Acredied Test FemorLatoratoy name                 Tost Raport Number                      Dateofisse

(te 0stit mouts ioi t tmament,n y es wittstanertmade n tob ton,se coustomb on
M ©) 0oC tesingis pending atthis moment, butwll execule and fish he required DoC testng in an FCC accredied
Laboratary before markeling the devicei the U.5. The falouing Accredted Test Fim wil complete Dotestng:
Accredied Test FemorLatoratoy name
 Complance Gertficaton Services c
 No.8, Jucenging, Xinhua Dist Tainan Giy 712. Talwan (R.0.C.)

in aditn to our dedaration above, we also wil ensure to lael the equipment with the FCC logo,the name ofthe
manulacturerand modenumber,as required by the £GG ruls on 15.19
ityand Gountry:         [Date:        Name:                       Function:               Signature:
                                       (oa mattes en                                      ratiicarony sand)
Shenzten. China         fore—1o—31     Mchael Yang              Manager                 M DA’       Y
                                                                                           ichad, "6{

Document Created: 2019-06-17 21:11:11
Document Modified: 2019-06-17 21:11:11

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