Declaration of Conformity


Cover Letter(s)

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shezHen aMEDIATEcH TEcHNoLoGy co., LTD                                    FCC Declaration of Conformity
3F, Tower A, Building A, Minsheng Industrial Park,                                                     Number: CF302
Longhua Road, Longhua New Area, Shenzhen, China                                                           Version: VO3
                                                                                                      Date: 22:08—2011

Atress        3F, Tower A. Bulding A. Minsheng Industnal Par, Longhua Road. Longue New Pea
Posaizis                      ory: Shenzhen               StiProimee: Gungiong          Comy: China
Contict Peson        N. B Ns Name: Mroet Yang                        Fincion        Manager
Ena           Mcraangtamedatech n Web                         Prore:so6seasmounes Fac s06755moreonn

dectare for the equiement entifed by:
Prodit Descrgton         Sman TV Box
Tipeor hocels)          yee
Tradename orBandis)..    NX
tat                         This d      e complis with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
                            Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
                            (1) this device may not cause harmfulinterference, and
                            (2) thidevice must accont any interfarence received,including
                            interference that may cause undesired operation.

(tie 0 ustrsatsan avaieieat i mamontphise coustm a ow
[2l a). The folowing testreports, ssued by an FCC aceredled Laboralery, are subject o hi declration
Acerndtad TestFim or Laboraloy name:               Tost Rapot Number                        Date otissue

(trs 20 itrsuts mctol t ts mament, en y zes wit e stanent made n tob ton, ow cous tomtb teow)
M ©).0G testngis pending at this moment, butwil execute and thishthe required DoC testng in an FCC accredted
Laboratary before marketing the devic in the U.S. The folowing Accredted Test Fim wil complete DoC testng:
Acerndtad TestFim or Laboraloy rame:
 Conmlance Gerifation Servces c
 No#, Jucenging, Xnhua Dist, Tainan Giy 712, Tawan (R.O.C.)

in addiion to our dedartion above, we also wil ensure to abelthe eqvipment wih e FCC logo, the name of the
manutactureand modenumber,as requred by te ECC rule nact 15.19
City and Gountry:        (Date:         Name:                     Function:            [Stanature:
                                        (oi mattes seon                                 ratimicoreay wnd
Shenznen, China          [zor@—07—10 —|itchael Yang               manager               M.,JY
                                                                                            3            %

Document Created: 2019-10-09 01:39:55
Document Modified: 2019-10-09 01:39:55

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