RF Test Report


Test Report

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                              Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
               FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 1 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

                        FCC TEST REPORT
                       Remotes Unlimited Inc.

                      Nissan remote control
                 Model No.: Nis-RK-01, Nis-RK-02

Prepared for     : Remotes Unlimited Inc.
Address          : 12999 Murphy Road, Suite A, Stafford, TX 77477, USA

Prepared By      : Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
Address          : 1/F., Building 1, SEC Industrial Park, No.0409 Qianhai Road,
                   Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                   Tel: (86) 755-26066544
                   Fax: (86) 755-26014772

Report Number    : R011603487I
Date of Test     : Mar. 15~Apr. 27, 2016
Date of Report   : Apr. 28, 2016

              Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
      Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                                    Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                                     FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 2 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS



Test Report

1. GENERAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................4
    1.1. Description of Device (EUT)................................................................................................................4
    1.2. Description of Test Facility.................................................................................................................. 5
    1.3. Description of Test Facility.................................................................................................................. 5
    1.4. Measurement Uncertainty..................................................................................................................... 5
    1.5. Test Summary....................................................................................................................................... 6
2. MEASURING DEVICE AND TEST EQUIPMENT................................................................ 7
3. Test Procedure.............................................................................................................................. 8
4. Radiation Interference................................................................................................................. 9
    4.1. Requirements (15.231):.........................................................................................................................9
    4.2. Test Procedure...................................................................................................................................... 9
    4.3. Test Results...........................................................................................................................................9
5. 20dB Bandwidth......................................................................................................................... 12
    5.1. Requirements (15.231):.......................................................................................................................12
    5.2. EUT Setup...........................................................................................................................................12
    5.3. Test Results.........................................................................................................................................12
6. DEACTIVATION TIME........................................................................................................... 14
    6.1. EUT Setup...........................................................................................................................................14
    6.2. Test Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 14
    6.3. Requirements & Result....................................................................................................................... 14
7. Antenna Application...................................................................................................................19
    7.1. Antenna Requirement......................................................................................................................... 19
    7.2. Result.................................................................................................................................................. 19
8. TEST PHOTO.............................................................................................................................20
    8.1. Photo of Radiation Emission Test.......................................................................................................20
APPENDIX I (EXTERNAL PHOTOS)........................................................................................21
APPENDIX Ⅱ(INTERNAL PHOTOS)....................................................................................... 24

                               Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                       Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                 FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 3 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

                            TEST REPORT

Applicant           : Remotes Unlimited Inc.
Manufacturer        : SHENZHEN VORAUS TECH CO., LTD.
EUT                 : Nissan remote control
Model No.           : Nis-RK-01, Nis-RK-02
Serial No.          : N/A

Trade Mark          :

Rating              : DC 3V, 10mA

Measurement Procedure Used:
FCC Part15 Subpart C 2015, Paragraph 15.231

The device described above is tested by Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory
Limited to determine the maximum emission levels emanating from the device and the
severe levels of the device can endure and its performance criterion. The measurement
results are contained in this test report and Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory
Limited is assumed full of responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these
measurements. Also, this report shows that the EUT (Equipment Under Test) is
technically compliant with the FCC Part 15 Subpart C requirements.

This report applies to above tested sample only and shall not be reproduced in part
without written approval of Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited

Date of Test :                                Mar. 15~Apr. 27, 2016

Prepared by :
                                       (Tested Engineer / Kebo Zhang)

Reviewer :
                                        (Project Manager / Dolly Mo)

Approved & Authorized Signer :
                                              (Manager / Tom Chen)

                 Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
         Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                 FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 4 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I


   1.1. Description of Device (EUT)

  EUT                 : Nissan remote control

  Model Number        : Nis-RK-01, Nis-RK-02
                        (Note: All samples are the same except the model number and
                        colour, so we prepare “Nis-RK-01” for test only.)

  Test Power Supply : DC 3V

  Frequency           : 315MHz

  Antenna Type        : PCB Antenna

  Antenna Gain        : 5dBi

  Applicant           : Remotes Unlimited Inc.
  Address             : 12999 Murphy Road, Suite A, Stafford, TX 77477, USA

  Manufacturer        : SHENZHEN VORAUS TECH CO., LTD.
  Address             : Room C, Floor 12, Tower A, Zhongguanxijun Building, Xili Town,
                        Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518055, China

  Factory             : SHENZHEN VORAUS TECH CO., LTD.
  Address             : Room C, Floor 12, Tower A, Zhongguanxijun Building, Xili Town,
                        Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518055, China

  Date of receiver    : Mar. 15, 2016

  Date of Test        : Mar. 15~Apr. 27, 2016

                Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
        Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                           Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
            FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 5 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

1.2. Description of Test Facility

1.3. Description of Test Facility
 The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

 FCC-Registration No.: 752021
 Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited, EMC Laboratory has been
 registed and fully described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal
 Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained
 in our files. Registration 752021, July 10, 2013.

 IC-Registration No.: 8058A-1
 Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited., EMC Laboratory has been
 registered and fully described in a report filed with the (IC) Industry Canada. The
 acceptance letter from the IC is maintained in our files. Registration 8058A-1,
 February 22, 2013.

 Test Location
 All Emissions tests were performed at
 Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited. at 1/F., Building 1, SEC
 Industrial Park, No.0409 Qianhai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,

1.4. Measurement Uncertainty
    Radiation Uncertainty          :         Ur = 4.1 dB (Horizontal)
                                             Ur = 4.3 dB (Vertical)
    Conduction Uncertainty         :         Uc = 3.4dB

            Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
    Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                              Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
               FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 6 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

1.5. Test Summary

    For the EUT described above. The standards used were FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section
    15.231 for Emissions

    Tests Carried Out Under FCC Part 15 Subpart C
     Standard         Test Items                    Status   Application
     Part 15          Disturbance Voltage at The    x        N/A, without AC power
     Subpart C        Mains Terminals                        supply
     Section 15.231 Radiation Emission              
                      20dB Bandwidth                
                      Deactivation time             

      Indicates that the test is applicable.
x      Indicates that the test is not applicable.

              Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
      Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                          FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 7 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

                The following test equipments were used during test:
Item       Equipment        Manufacturer     Model No. Serial No.        Last Cal.   Cal. Interval
  1.   Spectrum Analysis       Agilent        E4407B US39390582        Apr. 17, 2016   1 Year
  2.      Preamplifier       Instruments    EMC01183        980100     Apr. 17, 2016   1 Year
                             corporation         0
 3.    EMI Test Receiver Rohde & Schwarz       ESPI         101604     Apr. 17, 2016    1 Year
 4.      Double Ridged       Instruments     GTH-0118       351600     Apr. 20, 2016    1 Year
         Horn Antenna        corporation
 5.     Bilog Broadband     Schwarzbeck VULB9163            VULB       Apr. 20, 2016    1 Year
            Antenna                                        9163-289
 6.       Pre-amplifier       SONOMA           310N         186860     Apr. 17, 2016    1 Year
 7.         EMI Test         SHURPLE            N/A          N/A           N/A           N/A
 8       Power Sensor          DAER           RPR3006 15I00041SN0      Jun 30, 2015     1 Year
                                                 W            46
 9      MXA Spectrum           Agilent        N9020A MY51170037        Jun 30, 2015     1 Year
10      MXG RF Vector          Agilent        N5182A MY48180656        Jun 30, 2015     1 Year
        Signal Generator
11      Signal Generator       Agilent        E4421B MY41000743        Jun 30, 2015     1 Year
12     DC Power supply            IV          IV-8080     YQSB0096     Jun 30, 2015     1 Year
13     PROGRAMMAB            Bell Group                    SE-0137     Mar. 16, 2016    1 Year
        LE CHAMBER

                          Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                  Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                     Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                      FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 8 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

3. Test Procedure

 ANSI C63.10 2013 section requires that hand-held or body-worn devices shall include
 rotation of the EUT through three orthogonal axes to determine the attitude that maximizes the
 emissions. The EUT is a hand-held device. As such, preliminary tests were performed to
 determine the orientation that produced the highest level of emissions. This was with the DUT
 orientated vertically as shown in Section 7.1.

 This report shall NOT be reproduced except in full without the written approval of Anbotek
 Compliance Lavoratory Limited. The EUT was transmitting a test signal during the testing.

 C63.10-2013 using a spectrum analyzer with a pre-selector. The analyzer was calibrated in dB
 above a microvolt at the output of the antenna. The resolution bandwidth was 100KHz and the
 video bandwidth was 300KHz up to 1.0GHz and 1.0MHz with a video BW of 3.0MHz above
 1.0GHz. The ambient temperature of the EUT was 74.3oF with a humidity of 69%.

 FORMULA OF CONVERSION FACTORS: The Field Strength at 3m was established by
 adding the meter reading of the spectrum analyzer (which is set to read in units of dBuV) to the
 antenna correction factor supplied by the antenna manufacturer. The antenna correction factors
 are stated in terms of dB. The gain of the Preselector was accounted for in the Spectrum
 Analyzer Meter Reading.

 33 20 dBuV + 10.36 dB = 30.36 dBuV/m @ 3m

 placed on a table 80 cm high and with dimensions of 1m by 1.5m. The EUT was placed in the
 center of the table (1.5m side). The table used for radiated measurements is capable of
 continuous rotation.
 When an emission was found, the table was rotated to produce the maximum signal strength. At
 this point, the antenna was raised and lowered from 1m to 4m. The antenna was placed in both
 the horizontal and vertical planes.

                      Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
              Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                      Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                       FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 9 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

4. Radiation Interference

4.1. Requirements (15.231):
   According to 15.231(b), the field strength of emissions from Intentional Radiators operated
   under this section shall not exceed the following:

4.2. Test Procedure
   For below 1GHz: The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 0.8m above the ground plane.
   For above 1GHz: The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 1.5m above the ground plane. The
   turn table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The
   EUT is set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna which is mounted on a antenna tower.
   The antenna can be moved up and down from 1 to 4 meters to find out the maximum emission
   level. Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on test.

   All readings from 30MHz to 1GHz are quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of
   120kHz. All reading are above 1GHz, peak & average values with a resolution bandwidth of
   1MHz. The EUT is tested in 9*6*6 Chamber. The device is evaluated in xyz orientation.

4.3. Test Results


   The test data please refer the following pages. Only the worst case (x orientation).

                       Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
               Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                        Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                        FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 10 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I


                                  Cable    Ant             Average Corrected
Frequency Antenna       Reading                  Amplifier                       Limits    Det
                                  Loss    Factor            Factor  Level

 (MHz) Polarization (dBuV/m)      (dB)     (dB)    (dB)      (dB)      (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) Mode

   315        H          92.54    1.52    12.53    41.33                65.26     95.62    PK
   315        H          92.54    1.52    12.53    41.33     -8.45      56.81     75.62    AV
   315        V          91.47    1.52    12.53    41.33                64.19     95.62    PK
   315        V          91.47    1.52    12.53    41.33     -8.45      55.74     75.62    AV

    Radiated Emission

                                  Cable    Ant             Corrected
Frequency Antenna       Reading                  Amplifier              Limits   Margin   Det
                                  Loss    Factor            Level

 (MHz) Polarization (dBuV/m)      (dB)    (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)      (dB)    Mode

 135.17       H          62.81    0.97    10.51    42.12    32.17       43.5     -11.33   PK
 291.13       H          63.54    1.34    12.45    41.77    35.56       46.0     -10.44   PK
 629.32       H          59.62    1.48    13.81    38.71    36.20       46.0      -9.80   PK
 153.62       V          60.48    1.05    10.29    41.53    30.29       43.5     -13.21   PK
 248.74       V          65.26    1.39    12.37    40.28    38.74       46.0      -7.26   PK
 709.29       V          60.33    1.56    14.12    37.54    38.47       46.0      -7.53   PK

                          Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                  Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                       Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                       FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 11 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

    Harmonics Emissions

                                Cable    Ant             Average Corrected
Frequency Antenna     Reading                  Amplifier                        Limits   Det
                                Loss    Factor            Factor  Level

 (MHz) Polarization (dBuV/m)     (dB)   (dB)     (dB)      (dB)    (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) Mode

   630       H         72.54     1.52   12.53    41.42               45.17      75.62    PK
   630       H         72.54     1.52   12.53    41.42     -8.45     36.72      55.62    AV
   630       V         70.18     1.52   12.53    41.42               42.81      75.62    PK
   630       V         70.18     1.52   12.53    41.42     -8.45     34.36      55.62    AV
   945       H         67.23     2.38   18.56    39.95               48.22      75.62    PK
   945       H         67.23     2.38   18.56    39.95     -8.45     39.77      55.62    AV
   945       V         62.47     2.38   18.56    39.95               43.46      75.62    PK
   945       V         62.47     2.38   18.56    39.95     -8.45     35.01      55.62    AV
  1260       H         60.11     2.85   21.32    38.30               45.98       74      PK
  1260       H         60.11     2.85   21.32    38.30     -8.45     37.53       54      AV
  1260       V         61.42     2.85   21.32    38.30               47.29       74      PK
  1260       V         61.42     2.85   21.32    38.30     -8.45     38.84       54      AV
  1575       H         58.38     3.19   24.05    38.82               46.80       74      PK
  1575       H         58.38     3.19   24.05    38.82     -8.45     38.35       54      AV
  1575       V         57.24     3.19   24.05    38.82               45.66       74      PK
  1575       V         57.24     3.19   24.05    38.82     -8.45     37.21       54      AV
  1890       H           --                                                      74      PK
  1890       H           --                                                      54      AV
  1890       V           --                                                      74      PK
  1890       V           --                                                      54      AV

      Remark :
     1. Corrected Level = Reading + Cable Loss+Ant Factor-Amplifier+Correction Factor
     2. Correction Factor = 20 ㏒ (duty cycle) Pls refer to section 6.3
     3. AV=PK+20 ㏒ (duty cycle)
     4. “ -- ” Mark indicated Background Noise Level
     5. Pulse Desensitization Correction Factor
        Pulse Width (PW)= 0.228ms
        RBW(100kHz)> 2/PW (8.77kHz)
        Therefore PDCF is not needed.

                         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                 Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                      Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
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5. 20dB Bandwidth

5.1. Requirements (15.231):

   In accordance with Part15.231(c), the fundamental frequency bandwidth was kept within 0.25%
   of the center frequency for devices operating>70MHz and <900MHz.

    Fundamental Frequency (MHz)               Limit of 20dB Bandwidth (kHz)
                       315                             315000x0.0025=787.50

5.2. EUT Setup

   The radiated emission tests were performed in the in the 3m Semi-anechoic chamber, using the
   setup accordance with the ANSI C63.10-2013.

   The EUT was placed on the center of the nonmetal table which is 0.8 meter above a grounded
   turntable. The turntable can rotate 360 degrees to determine the azimuth of the maximum
   emission level.

   Maximum emission emitted from EUT was determined by manipulating the EUT, support
   equipment, interconnecting cables and varying the mode of operation and the levels in the final
   result of the test were recorded with the EUT running in the operating mode that maximum
   emission was emitted.

5.3. Test Results
   Please refer the following plot.

                       Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
               Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

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                      FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 13 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

Channel Frequency   Measured                Limit(kHz)     Result
(MHz)               20dB Bandwidth(kHz)
315                 150.1                   787.5          PASS

                        Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

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                       FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 14 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I


6.1. EUT Setup
   The radiated emission tests were performed in the in the 3m Semi-anechoic chamber, using the
   setup accordance with the ANSI C63.10-2013.
   The EUT was placed on the center of the nonmetal table which is 0.8 meter above a grounded
   turntable. The turntable can rotate 360 degrees to determine the azimuth of the maximum
   emission level.

6.2. Test Procedure
   The EUT was placed on a turntable which is 0.8m above ground plane.
   Set EUT operating in continuous transmitting mode
   Set Test Receiver into spectrum analyzer mode, Tune the spectrum analyzer to the transmitter
   carrier frequency, and set the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth(RBW) to 100kHz and
   video bandwidth(VBW) to 100kHz, Span was set to 0Hz.
   The Duty Cycle was measured and recorded.

6.3. Requirements & Result
   1. Regulation 15.231(a) The provisions of this Section are restricted to periodic operation
   within the band 40.66 -40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz. Except as shown in paragraph (e) of this
   Section, the intentional radiator is restricted to the transmission of a control signal such as those
   used with alarm systems, door openers, remote switches, etc. Continuous transmissions, voice,
   video and the radio control of toys are not permitted.
   The EUT is a remote switch without audio or video transmitted.
   The EUT meets the requirements of this section.

  2. Regulation 15.231(a2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5
  seconds after activation.
   The EUT doesn’t have automatic transmission.

   3. Regulation 15.231(a3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted.
   However, polling or supervision transmissions, including data, to determine system integrity of
   transmitters used in security or safety applications are allowed if the total duration of transmissions does
   not exceed more than one seconds per hour for each transmitter. There is no limit on the number of
   individual transmissions, provided the total transmission time does not exceed one seconds per hour.
   The EUT doesn’t employ periodic transmission.

                        Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

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4. Regulation 15.231(a4) Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during
emergencies involving fire, security, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate
during the pendency of the alarm condition.
This section is not applicable to the EUT.

5. Regulation 15.231(a1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will
automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.
Averaging factor in dB =20 log (duty cycle)
The duration of one cycle = 28.30ms
Duty Cycle = (0.228ms*12+0.664ms*12)=10.704 ms / 28.30ms=0.378
Therefore, the averaging factor is found by 20 log 0.3978 = -8.45dB
Please see the diagrams below.

                     Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
             Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

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Time Slot

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Duty Cycle

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A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the
transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.

                   Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
           Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

                                    Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
                    FCC ID: 2AHZT-NISRK01 Page 19 of 26 Report No.: R011603487I

7. Antenna Application

7.1. Antenna Requirement

   The EUT’S antenna should meet the requirement of FCC part 15C section 15.203.
   An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by
   the responsible party shall be used with the device.
   Antenna requirement must meet at least one of the following:
   1) Antenna must be permanently attached to device.
   2) The antenna must use a unique type of connector to attach to the device.
   3) Device must be professionally installed. The installer shall be responsible for ensuring that
   the correct antenna is employed by the device.

7.2. Result

   The EUT’s antenna used a PCB Antenna, The antenna’s gain is 5dBi and meets the

                      Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
              Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

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   8.1. Photo of Radiation Emission Test

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1. Figure
The EUT-Top View

2. Figure
The EUT-Bottom View

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3. Figure
The EUT-Front View

4. Figure
The EUT-Back View

         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
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5. Figure
The EUT-Right View

6. Figure
The EUT- Left View

         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
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1. Figure
The EUT-Inside View

2. Figure
PCB of the EUT-Front View

         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
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3. Figure
PCB of the EUT-Back View

4. Figure
PCB of the EUT-Front View

         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
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5. Figure
PCB of the EUT-Back View

         Shenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
 Tel:(86)755-26066544   Fax:(86)755-26014772 www.anbotek.com

Document Created: 2016-05-20 20:00:35
Document Modified: 2016-05-20 20:00:35

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