Letter of Agency


Cover Letter(s)

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PEAGLLC dba dLab Audio
2281 Las Palmas Dr, Sulte 101, Corlsbad, CAS20T1, USA

  Nov. 26, 2018

  Foteral Communications Commission
  445 12 SteerSW
  Wishington, DC 20554
  Subjeet:        Limited Agency Agreement
                  PEAGLLC dba dab Audio
                  ree tp: 2aRYYBAND

  ‘To Whom it May Concern:
  We, PEAGLLC db Lak Audio hereby authorizad Iterek Testing Services to act as our Agent
  forthe purpose of preparing appliation for PCC ID number 2AYVBANDJ underall appliatte
  pars of he FCC rulesand regulations
  "The effective date of this limited agency agreementis (2078—10.26}. Te Limited Ageney
  Asreement expires unil futher notiee,unless sooner terminated or extended by wrlten noiceto
  Irtetek Testing Services and the Federal Communications Commission
  is i to advisethat we ar in fullcompliznce with the Anti—Drig Abuse Act, The applicant is
  no: sibject toa denial offaderal benefitspursuare to Section 5301 of he Anti—Drug Actof 1988,
  21 U.S.C. 862, and no party to the applieation is subjeettoa denial of federal benefits pusuantto
  thet section
  If you have any questions ocomments, lease do not hestuteto contact me

   W 1 Cra mel
  PEAGLLC dba dLab Audio
  Centact porson: win cramer

Document Created: 2018-11-15 14:09:08
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 14:09:08

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