15_Epic Air Sport UserMan-US


Users Manual

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IN THE BOX                                                                TROUBLESHOOTING:                                                                                                                                                       EU Compliance
                                                                          No audio in left earbud or earbuds are disconnected                                              3 MONTHS                              宁
                                                                          from each other (Manual Reset)
                                                                                                                                                                              FREE                    TIDAL                                      ((

                                                                          1 Enter you,Bluetooth d如ce sett,ngs and lo屯et the Ep,c AJ, Sport                                   Wrth purchase. V1s1t jlabaudio.com/tidal                            吹凶I初0,M妞噙j妞oo, 叩泗�-�归REOo�阮

                                                                            丙   O                                                                                                                                                                Acw,• 归,EUO.山""'"°"'"'"''''纽,.由�jmmo而心,.., ...

                                                                          2 Take out ONE aa,bud的m thacha"'呕1 cesa. Press and hold the pow..­                          Warm-up Your Headphones                                                    ,,., "'"�'以订沁,, 扣佃oo,,c.,山心, CA9饺"·"弘
                                                                                                                                                          Optional: Burn-in y叩r audio equipment with the Jlab Audio App

                                                                            button a, seconds to powe, OFF. Press and hold once more fa,
                                                                            15+ seco心s. Ea巾ud扒II turn on then flash whi切and power OFF.                         or access the burn-in method at: jlabaudio.com/bumin



                                                                            Once OFF, place back ,n the ch叩ng case. F,g@

                                                                          3氏中却fo,othe, ea巾ud. Take out f如the cha屯tcg case. P呻end心                                                                                                                一心溢a喇百'""'衣心"""'"''"小心-心'""'厄,tsbatt句,dooon,�u山中
                                                                           the powe, button 3,, seconds to pow曰·OFF. Press and hold occe mo怍”“
                RIGHT                                  LEFT                15+ seco心s. Ea巾ud面II turn ON th的flash whtte and powe, OFF.
               TOUCH                                  TOUCH                Once OFF, place back ,n the ch叩ng case. F,g@
               S印SOR                                  SENSOR                                                                                                                                                                                    Battery Caution & Disposal Information

                                                                          4 Take both e的uds out olthe中叩,ng case. Wa,t for Left ea如d to tum
                                                                                                                                                                           Jlab Aud叩...-,心
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                “吓位叩扣如'"'氓尥佃”芯yp心                "°ITT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                内诏部炫-•yo• 国”句. 压00,,1,廿,,,.• ,.,,, 以m,pu,习··--�七yo.r扫tt叩
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                氐叮岫叩知亟叩1臼心飞o心.. 吽叩咖柏呱叩由宜, 妇哼�"邸心丁心
                                                                            soltd whtte and R,ght to bltnk bl,e/whtte. You are now ready to pat, to                                                                                             T抛罩lo忒沁山心"""''"'凸'""飞湟哼灯"'""剩印”“飞心""'"'邸'
                                                                            your Bluetooth de,lce. Rele, to CONNECTING BLUETOOTH                          US Compliance                                                                         心心奴欢归"''旷妇呻曲田60'C/'芷'F,Ch叩b溆“识心如S沁哟'°'"心.,
CHARGING CASE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   b四.,如们沃,如芯,
                                                                                                                                                          FCC Information                                                                       Di叩,..
                                                                                                                                                          飞,.a,pmmlh的bom l臼如叩b氏to心m为""'"'"""'饮,a邸.. 中问扣仅冶                                       AU凶创�., 心1悛d眨泗邸,oo沁'"飞,,.,,.. �,凶“”压应和心E奴,ro心p心义心S釭
USB CHARGE OUTPUT                                                         Bluetooth device does not                                                                                                                                             四可酗=蚐l四1如础旧了这n氐它""'沁""'""""·'灼邸o中心l的H心心汃叹心如3
Fo, ch,屯i屯1 othe<o如"                                                                                                                                      p.,so旷Ito泊"'"妇冗C"-'够而"''""「'"的'"'"沁,心心.,立.,                                           w邸o,T孤.,.,, 却O心wa泗""钩心"'""氐咖G姐从压缸蔚'""立知
                                                                          connect/reconnect                                                               叩"'凇而"""心U心""'�心“”已如此"Tu, 叩,叩心m旺芯八虑so,dsm                                             订q动,Y�I>沮oocoo改忙心,,�11区忒如比固K 州'""'"过�"也山1压丑屯芷吩
                                                                                                                                                          『a怎`,心恼佴可吐叩a心 . “”妇,心比如如•=ca心屾'""""'""""'·

                                                                                                                                                           m羽淀虑芯心血,..卫lam面=�'""心姐呾i陌.. oo..,.,幽归i                                               氐吓印F心"'过3庄,,,u,心1
                                                                          1 En陌you,Bluetooth device settings                                              ..,.妇.心�,,.,, 立立月........... 冒凸扫归阮. 甘廿豁欢""斤啊,t士顺江左应,,...心冒,,.,••..
                                                                            andfo屯et the Epic Al, Sport.                                                  卫"""口迦如l石""'小, 响劝知为出如面by面冈阳句真....... ""叭
                                                                            丙   O                                                                          •n匕,;,,,,�,心,且心一,"臼-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact Us
                                                                                                                                                          •loo•晔!比沃平,rat心、比“几m丘句"""虹可函,�,.                                                       ttyou'"'"'郔wfwwrthyou, pacch邸e,p盗,如metes改,d we'I take cam ofyoul
                                                                          2 On youc dev,ce, tum OFF then ON                                                •C<>mect如.,.虹如加如中归m•d心J阳""如,心1。心归一k                                                   You啦立叩立O<IUS谅函ccatomec acppoo team,
                                                                            Bluetooth. F;g@                                                                •CONC, 妇卤珈d扩也从,归叫m如也,"坦n订闷p.                                                          W的池,    . ,,国心妇c叩邱

                                                                                                                                                          ""'"""""�心沺加血心""· 咋,cc卤压st飞t虹叩叩炽“如                                                     Emaa文L@)Cba心�com
                                                                          3 Takathe earbuds out of the case.                                              O叮..�      奴心以u,,心叹月,,ybyt心叩,如""沁'"'心'""心妞心”
                                                                                                                                                          蜘,"出心叩刀妇臼呤崎一                                                                           吩心US     . ., +7 i405) 445-7219 (M-F 8印t-5pmPT)
                                                                            Walt forl的to turn sol;d white                                                 T心如心9匀而可心础h咕""妇氏C印鳍C狂"'心'"印沁1归"'如闪沁                                                    吩心UK +44 (20) 3884 3322 iM·F 1600-07 00 GMTI
                CHARGE INDICATOR LIGHTS                                     and Right bl;nklng blue/wh;te.                                                如n心,,,,,心氓心m盯心O山究m而,,,,�,                 心.,,,,,"""'�尺1試如i
                                                                                                                                                           my,01"1知心·�     一,心也wtr刮晌也心奾""'"'"'
                                                                                                                                                                                                       巳.... ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 V心t Joos,�,o.wm/Wa哼ntyto ,rnt,ate a心盯""'儿,�.,,
                                                                          4 Select勺Lab Ep;c A;, Sport" ;n                                                 The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure statement.
                                                                            如ce, 郅t;ngs to reconnect.                                                     The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction


  琴屯呈`忍屯                                                                                                                                                                                                                              `

           Stand釭d          Shallow       Cloud       Double     T,;ple

                                          Foam        Flange    Flange

                                                                          Instructional videos at:                           Bu

               FIRST TIME SETUP
                                                                           CONTROLS                                                                     AUTO-POWER ON/OFF                                                                      VOICE PROMPTS

0                                                                                                                                                         Placl心the earbuds in妇charging case w,11 po哼OFF earbuds and start cha屯Ing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "Hello", Po心ON                            ......,,,,,,气100-80%
     AUTO-CONNECTING EARBUDS                                                                                                                              .... ,,.而l心比ate ea巾“允印echa屯Ing and win torn OFF when扣l�Cha屯ed.                       "Ea『bud,johH只,.,                          "Batl&"f Modlum", 80-20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ea,b心s凹rnd to eaoh othe,                  "Low Battory", Less than20%

     A.>永e eerouds out of the ch叩,og cese叩阁沁妇昨                                                                                                                                                                                                 "Rea句,toP正: Ep;, 凡『Sport a,e              When区兀电“北G窃mto10%,
     e. 痐. and hold both知臼Buttoos2+出以心八儿to tumON.                                                                                                                                                                                              ,eady to田『 to B归ooth de,,oe               "Low Batt叮wll play
        Thel.efteart,udtu,芯solid white aad Rsht笠,bud blinks blue/White                                                                                                                                                                         "Rl,,•tnnthC叩,归七1忒..,                     "Ooodbyo•, Po哼OFF

        ,心心t,ngn,的y to pa,, to youc d趴,,ce.                                                                                                    RIGHT                                                                                           Ea,b心"comu氏led to dsv,ce





                                                                                           VOLUME DOWN.               VOLUME UP:                                                       �
                                                                                                Single tap            Single tap
                                                                              SIRI 00S) OR "OK GOOGLE"                PLAY/ PAUSE:
                                                                                    (ANDROID), Double tap             Double tap
                                                                                          TRACK BACK,                 TRACK FORWARD:
                                                                                   Pr愁and hold 1+拉Q勹ood               P,ess and hold 1 +的CO心
                                                                                                 EQMODES,             心SW芘: Smgle tap


                                                                                                    fople tap         HANG UP: Do,ble tap                                                                                                      W      NING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A R
                                                  2+S<头劝"'·                          (Epic Air Sport will cycle       REJECT INCOMING CALI'
                                                                                       through 3 EQ settings)         P,ess and hold 2+踩co心s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fully dry off价e ea巾uds before placing in the
f)   CONNECTING BLUETOOTH                                                                                             BE AWARE MODE ON / OFF:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       小a,glng case.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If the ea,buds晔damp o, w改,this will cause
     Se�ct "Jl.ab Ep贮A<Sport'勹oyo"' dev咚迨廿,心Vooce�ompt "Bio啦oth
     =�  心的"fol=的by sol;d w""• 1;g血w,lln<i<沮o youo�c�ooct的
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       damage to the chargng case. The w..-ranty will be

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       voided fI the charg四case shows damage by

                                                                                                                       飞-辜                                                                                                                     霆) :::三罕三�-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . Do not deform the ea, hoo杠


                                                  砚心h              C)

                                                                                                                                                        竺9竺空二                                                                                                                                                                                                 @�
                     。                                                                                                                                                                                     [二口i                                                                                                                                                        兰�-
                                                  Jl.abE沁AJ,Spon              POWER ON: P"'ss and hold 1 + second
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                QUICK TIPS
                                                                              沁WEA OFF: Press and hold 3+没叨ds
                                                                              BLUcTOOTH PAIRING: (See FIRSTTIME S百UP)
                                                                                                                                                        o,USBSV1A(o,I懿s)oulpul d<心a.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I•      The Bluetooth coanactioo is eslabl,shed from the nght ea,bod. Fo, the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   stab� connecl-,n, keep the device near right如d sde o, in right pocket.       QUICK START GUIDE

                                                                                       --- --- ---                                                                                                                          ,口
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I    • 1tyoo o,e佃to wear on,- one earb,d, yoo呻t waar t凇right earbLid旺th"                                           PROJECT: Epic Air Sport Wireless QSG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ls the main e,叩ud conoected to BILietoolh.
                                                                           CUSTOM EQ3 SOUND MODES

                                                                                       --      -                                                                                                                                                ·Chooai飞1 lhe cmect ear tip mak,a a algnlficant imp,ovement In aLidlo quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 duo to the prope, 玲al for the dr,ver. Test all ea『lip, 阮best rasult,.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • OnyONEB�引oolh dav,ca can be com<>0tad al a bma. Tum offBlu忒oolhlcom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   For full User Manual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                + other Jlab products visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              STOCK: 220g, MATTE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              INK: 4/4 CMYK / CMYK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  uawanted de�ces and t,m on Bluetooth f『om chos的dev,ce to coonect.
ADDING NEW/ADDITIONAL BLUETOOTH DEVICES:                                           JLab SIGNATURE             BALANCED        BASS BOOST                                                                                                                                                                                            JLABAUDIO.COM
Tum OFF Bluetooth f心T初y P"''�"'Y COMected如ce. Tu『n ON Rlrn-tuolh                   JLab C3'" s,goatoce      Eve, ,ou心如th      Ampt,t,ed bass
from new de吹e. l狄e e如ds out of the c苤e. Ea心.Kfs wm automa1;ca1�cc妇                 '°"叩with amplified         oo心dili",ru      a,d 5"b-bass                                                                                                           For full User Manual and troubleshooting, please visit                                                  FLAT SIZE. 17.52" x 5.9843"
 Bio纹ooth氏ring.Sal釭t勹Lab Ep,c "'Sport" ,n now de,忙...中ogs to con,act.                vocrus aod bass         ea压""""论ots
                                                                                                                                                              25      50      75      ,.,,.                                                                            JLABAUDIO.COM                                                       @
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FOLDED SIZE 3.4938" x 5.9843"

Document Created: 2019-07-10 19:46:46
Document Modified: 2019-07-10 19:46:46

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