Test Report WIFI

FCC ID: 2AHVH506586A6

Test Report

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                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd.
1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: +86-755- 27521059 Fax: +86-755- 27521011 Http://www.sz-ctc.com.cn

                                            TEST REPORT
 Report No. ···························:     GTI20181692F-1

 FCC ID·································:    2AHVH506586A6
 Applicant·······························:   Shen Zhen MTC Co.,LTD
 Address································:    MTC Industry Park, 1st Lilang Road, Xialilang community, Nanwan
                                             street, Longgang district, Shenzhen, China
 Manufacturer··························:     Shen Zhen MTC Co.,LTD
 Address································:    MTC Industry Park, 1st Lilang Road, Xialilang community, Nanwan
                                             street, Longgang district, Shenzhen, China
 Product Name························:       LED TV

 Trade Mark·····························:    AMTC, ELEMENT, WESTINGHOUSE

 Model/Type reference···············:        MUAV5060Y-6586A

                                             MUAV50**Y-6586A(* can from 0 to 9, A to Z); E4SJ5018 ;
 Listed Model(s) ·······················:

 Standard·······························:    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247

 Date of receipt of test sample…:            2018-08-25

 Date of testing…………………..:                   2018-08-26 to 2018-09-10

 Date of issue…………………....:                   2018-09-11

 Result……………………………:                          PASS

 Compiled by:
 (Printed name+signature)                    Torny Fang

 Supervised by:
 ( Printed name+signature)                   Cary Luo

 Approved by:                                                                                        $Walter$
 ( Printed name+signature)                   Walter Chen

 Testing Laboratory Name .............. :Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd.

 Address ............................................ :1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park,
                                                       Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

 This test report may be duplicated completely for legal use with the approval of the applicant. It should not
 be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of our laboratory. The client should not use it to
 claim product endorsement by GTI. The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample. The test
 report shall be invalid without all the signatures of testing engineers, reviewer and approver.
 Any objections must be raised to GTI within 15 days since the date when the report is received. It will not
 be taken into consideration beyond this limit. The test report merely correspond to the test sample.

                                                                             Page 2 of 32                                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

                                                                       Table of Contents                                                                                      Page
1.     TEST SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
     1.1.     TEST STANDARDS.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
     1.2.     REPORT VERSION .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
     1.3.     TEST DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................................ 4
     1.4.     TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
     1.5.     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ........................................................................................................................................ 5
     1.6.     ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.     GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 7
     2.1.     CLIENT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 7
     2.2.     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ...................................................................................................................................... 8
     2.3.     OPERATION STATE ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
     2.4.     MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS LIST ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.     TEST ITEM AND RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 12
     3.1.     CONDUCTED EMISSION................................................................................................................................................ 12
     3.2.     RADIATED EMISSION ................................................................................................................................................... 15
     3.3.     BAND EDGE EMISSIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 21
     3.4.     BANDWIDTH.............................................................................................................................................................. 27
     3.5.     MAXIMUM PEAK CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER ............................................................................................................... 28
     3.6.     POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY .......................................................................................................................................... 29
     3.7.     ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 30
4.     EUT TEST PHOTOS .................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.     PHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT CONSTRUCTIONAL ............................................................................................................ 32

                                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                               1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                                    Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                                 For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                                 Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 3 of 32                           Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 1.1. Test Standards
The tests were performed according to following standards:

FCC Rules Part 15.247: Operation within the bands of 902-928MHz, 2400-2483.5MHz, and
ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices.

 1.2. Report version
      Revised No.                      Date of issue                                             Description
          01                             2018-09-11                                                Original

                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 4 of 32                           Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

1.3. Test Description
                                FCC Part 15 Subpart C(15.247)/ RSS 247 Issue 2

                                                             Standard Section
               Test Item                                                                                Result         Test Engineer
        Antenna Requirement                                         15.203                               Pass             Yung HE
         Conducted Emission                                         15.207                               Pass             Yung HE
           Restricted Bands                                         15.205                               Pass             Yung HE
            6dB Bandwidth                                        15.247(a)(2)                            Pass             Yung HE
          Peak Output Power                                       15.247(b)                              Pass             Yung HE
        Power Spectral Density                                    15.247(e)                              Pass             Yung HE
              Band Edge                                           15.247(d)                              Pass             Yung HE
    Transmitter Radiated Spurious
                                                             15.247(d)&15.209                            Pass             Yung HE

Note: The measurement uncertainty is not included in the test result.

                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                         Page 5 of 32                           Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

1.4. Test Facility
Address of the report laboratory

Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.

Add: 1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Laboratory accreditation

The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

CNAS-Lab Code: L5365
Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd. has been assessed and proved to be in compliance
with CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC17025:
2005 General Requirements) for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

A2LA-Lab Cert. No.: 4340.01
Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been accredited by A2LA for
technical competence in the field of electrical testing, and proved to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:
2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and any additional
program requirements in the identified field of testing.

IC Registration No.: 9783A
The 3m alternate test site of Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd. EMC Laboratory has
been registered by Certification and Engineer Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of with
Registration NO.: 9783A on Jan, 2016.

FCC-Registration No.: 951311
Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully
described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the
FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 951311, Aug 26, 2017

 1.5. Measurement Uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there may
be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to TR-100028-01” Electromagnetic compatibility and
Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Part
1” and TR-100028-02 “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the
measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Part 2 “ and is documented in the Shenzhen General
Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd. quality system acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore,
component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result in additional deviation. The
manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device.

Below is the best measurement capability for Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.

                                     Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                     1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                          Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                       For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                       Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                         Page 6 of 32                           Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

                       Test Items                                           Measurement Uncertainty                           Notes
Transmitter power conducted                                                              0.42 dB                                (1)
Transmitter power Radiated                                                               2.14 dB                                (1)
Conducted spurious emissions 9kHz~40GHz                                                  1.60 dB                                (1)
Radiated spurious emissions 9kHz~40GHz                                                   2.20 dB                                (1)
Conducted Emissions 9kHz~30MHz                                                           3.20 dB                                (1)
Radiated Emissions 30~1000MHz                                                            4.70 dB                                (1)
Radiated Emissions 1~18GHz                                                               5.00 dB                                (1)
Radiated Emissions 18~40GHz                                                              5.54 dB                                (1)
Occupied Bandwidth                                                                       ---------                              (1)
Note (1): This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence
level using a coverage factor of k=1.96.

  1.6. Environmental conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:
Temperature:                                                        15~35°C
Relative Humidity:                                                  30~60 %
Air Pressure:                                                       950~1050mba

                                     Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                     1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                          Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                       For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                       Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                    Page 7 of 32                           Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

2.1. Client Information
Applicant:                     Shen Zhen MTC Co.,LTD

Address:                       MTC Industry Park, 1st Lilang Road, Xialilang community, Nanwan street,
                               Longgang district, Shenzhen, China
Manufacturer:                  Shen Zhen MTC Co.,LTD

Address:                       MTC Industry Park, 1st Lilang Road, Xialilang community, Nanwan street,
                               Longgang district, Shenzhen, China

                                Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                     Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                  For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                  Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 8 of 32                           Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

2.2. General Description of EUT
Product Name:                              LED TV
Model/Type reference:                      MUAV5060Y-6586A
Marketing Name:                            AMTC,ELEMENT, WESTINGHOUSE
Listed Model(s):                           MUAV50**Y-6586A(* can from 0 to 9, A to Z); E4SJ5018 ; WE50UB4417
                                           All these models are identical in the same PCB, layout and electrical
Model Difference:
                                           circuit, the only difference is model name, appearance and trade mark.
Power supply:                              AC120V/60Hz 120W

Hardware version:                          W2HM2001_V1.0
Software version:                          JEDI.L0.MP1.mt7603u.v1.13.m.0.3

Modulation:                                802.11b: DSSS(CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK)
                                           802.11g/n: OFDM(BPSK,QPSK,16QAM,64QAM)
Operation frequency:                       802.11b/g/n(HT20): 2412MHz~2462MHz
                                           802.11n(HT40): 2422MHz~2452MHz
Channel number:                            802.11b/g/n(HT20):11 channels
                                           802.11n(HT40):7 channels
Channel separation:                        5MHz
Antenna type:                              Internal Metal Antenna
Antenna gain:                              1.21dBi

                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 9 of 32                           Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 2.3. Operation state
Operation Frequency List: The EUT has been tested under typical operating condition. The Applicant
provides communication tools software to control the EUT for staying in continuous transmitting and
receiving mode for testing.
Operation Frequency List:
                           Channel                                                        Frequency (MHz)
                                00                                                                 2412
                                01                                                                 2417
                                02                                                                 2422
                                03                                                                 2427
                                04                                                                 2432
                                05                                                                 2437
                                06                                                                 2442
                                07                                                                 2447
                                08                                                                 2452
                                09                                                                 2457
                                10                                                                 2462
     Note: CH 00~CH 10 for 802.11b/g/n(HT20).
            CH 02~CH 8 for 802.11b/g/n(HT40).

Test mode

     For RF test items
     The engineering test program was provided and enabled to make EUT continuous transmit (duty
     For AC power line conducted emissions:
     The EUT was set to connect with the WLAN AP under large package sizes transmission.
     For Radiated spurious emissions test item:
     The engineering test program was provided and enabled to make EUT continuous transmit (duty
     cycle>98%). The EUT in each of three orthogonal axis emissions had been tested, but only the
     worst case (X axis) data Recorded in the report.

                                     Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                      Page 10 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

2.4. Measurement Instruments List
Tonscend JS0806-2 Test system
Item   Test Equipment        Manufacturer            Model No.            Serial No.                                  Calibrated until
         Spectrum               Rohde &
 1                                                     FSU26                100105             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
         Analyzer               Schwarz
         Spectrum               Rohde &
 2                                                   FUV40-N                101331             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
         Analyzer               Schwarz
        MXG Vector
 3        Signal                 Agilent              N5182A            MY47420864             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
 4                               Agilent              E8257D            MY46521908             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
 5      Power Sensor             Agilent             U2021XA             MY5365004             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
 6      Power Sensor             Agilent             U2021XA             MY5365006             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
 7                               Agilent              U2531A            TW54493510             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
       Sampling DAQ
 8                                TABAI                PR-4G              A8708055             Jan. 07, 2017            Jan. 04 2019
       Wideband Radio
                                Rohde &
 9     Communication                                 CMW500                 116410             Jan. 06, 2018            Jan. 04,2019
 10                              ESPEC                MT3065                     /              Jan. 04,2018            Jan. 04,2019
        300328 v2.1.1
 11                          TONSCEND                    v2.6                    /                      /                        /
         test system

Item     Test Equipment              Manufacturer                 Model No.                 Serial No.               Calibrated until
 1      EMI Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz                    ESCI                    100658                   Jan. 04 2019
 2       High pass filter            micro-tranics               HPM50111                       142                   Jan. 04 2019
 3     Log-Bicon Antenna             Schwarzbeck                 CBL6141A                      4180                   Jan. 04 2019
 4                                     ShwarzBeck                BBHA9170                       25841                 Jan. 04 2019
 5        Loop Antenna                    LAPLAC                    RF300                        9138                 Jan. 04 2019
 6     Spectrum Analyzer          Rohde & Schwarz                   FSU26                    100105                   Jan. 04 2019
 7        Horn Antenna               Schwarzbeck                BBHA 9120D                      647                   Jan. 04 2019
 8        Pre-Amplifier                     HP                      8447D                 1937A03050                  Jan. 04 2019
 9        Pre-Amplifier                   EMCI                  EMC051835                    980075                   Jan. 04 2019
 10       Antenna Mast                      UC                     UC3000                       N/A                         N/A
 11        Turn Table                       UC                     UC3000                       N/A                         N/A
 12    Cable Below 1GHz              Schwarzbeck                  AK9515E                     33155                   Jan. 04 2019
 13    Cable Above 1GHz              Hubersuhner                                             DA1580                   Jan. 04 2019
 14          Splitter                 Mini-Circuit                 ZAPD-4                    400059                   Jan. 04 2019
         RF Connection            HUBER+SUHNE
 15                                                                RE-7-FL                      N/A                   Jan. 04 2019
             Cable                     R

                                  Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                  1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                       Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                    For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                    Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 11 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

          RF Connection                 Chengdu
 16                                                                      ---                       ---                  Jan. 04 2019
              Cable                   E-Microwave
 17       High pass filter                                            BSU-6                     34202                   Jan. 04 2019
                                    Direction systems
                                        Chengdu                  EMCAXX-10R
 18          Attenuator                                                                            ---                  Jan. 04 2019
                                      E-Microwave                   NZ-3
            High and low
 19                                        ESPEC                     MT3065                   12114019                  Jan. 04 2019
          temperature box
Note:1. The Cal. Interval was one year.
     2. The cable loss has calculated in test result which connection between each test instruments.

                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                          Page 12 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 3.1. Conducted Emission

                                                 Conducted Emission Test Limit

                                                                     Maximum RF Line Voltage (dBV)
                                                              Quasi-peak Level             Average Level
                 150kHz~500kHz                                   66 ~ 56 *                    56 ~ 46 *
                  500kHz~5MHz                                        56                          46
                  5MHz~30MHz                                         60                          50
        (1) *Decreasing linearly with logarithm of the frequency.
        (2) The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
        (3) The limit decrease in line with the logarithm of the frequency in the range of 0.15 to 0.50MHz.

Test Configuration

Test Procedure

1.      The EUT was setup according to ANSI C63.10:2013 requirements.
2.      The EUT was placed on a platform of nominal size, 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 cm above the conducting
        ground plane. The vertical conducting plane was located 40 cm to the rear of the EUT. All other surfaces of
        EUT were at least 80 cm from any other grounded conducting surface.
3.      The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedances stabilization network
        (LISN). The LISN provides a 50ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment.
         The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN. (Please refer to the block
         diagram of the test setup and photographs)
4.      Each current-carrying conductor of the EUT power cord, except the ground (safety) conductor, was
        individually connected through a LISN to the input power source.
5.      The excess length of the power cord between the EUT and the LISN receptacle were folded back and forth
        at the center of the lead to form a bundle not exceeding 40 cm in length.
6.      Conducted Emissions were investigated over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a receiver
        bandwidth of 9 kHz.
7.      During the above scans, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation.

                                      Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                      1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                           Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                        For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                        Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 13 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

Test Mode:
     Please refer to the clause 2.3.

Test Results
        Temperature:            23.5 ℃                       Relative Humidity: 60%
        Pressure:               101 Kpa                      Test Date :                   2018-09-01
        Test Mode:              WIFI MODE                    Phase :                       L
        Test Voltage :          AC 120V/60Hz

                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                             Page 14 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

Temperature:         23.5 ℃                       Relative Humidity: 60%
Pressure:            101 Kpa                      Test Date :                   2018-09-01
Test Mode:           WIFI MODE                    Phase :                       N
Test Voltage :       AC 120V/60Hz

                         Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
         1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
              Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                           For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                           Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                         Page 15 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 3.2. Radiated Emission

                                     Radiated Emission Limits (9 kHz~1000 MHz)

                 Frequency                                   Field Strength                         Measurement Distance
                   (MHz)                                    (microvolt/meter)                             (meters)

                 0.009~0.490                                    2400/F(KHz)                                       300

                 0.490~1.705                                   24000/F(KHz)                                         30

                 1.705~30.0                                           30                                            30

                     30~88                                            100                                           3

                   88~216                                             150                                           3

                  216~960                                             200                                           3

                 Above 960                                            500                                           3

                                      Radiated Emission Limit (Above 1000MHz)

                     Frequency                                              Distance Meters(at 3m)
                       (MHz)                                         Peak                                  Average

                   Above 1000                                          74                                      54

    (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
    (2) Emission Level (dBuV/m)=20log Emission Level (uV/m).

Test Configuration

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related Item –Test Photographs 2

                                                    Below 30MHz Test Setup

                                     Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                     1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                          Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                       For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                       Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 16 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

                                                 Below 1000MHz Test Setup

                                                   Above 1GHz Test Setup

Test Procedure

1.   The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013
2.   The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground for below 1 GHz, and 1.5 m for above 1
     GHz. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level.
3.   The EUT was set 3 meters from the receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top of a variable height
     antenna tower.
4.   For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the Antenna tower
     (from 1 m to 4 m) and turntable (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading. A pre-amp
     and a high pass filter are used for the test in order to get better signal level to comply with the guidelines.
5.   Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
6.   Use the following spectrum analyzer settings
     (1) Span shall wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured;
     (2) Below 1 GHz:
     RBW=120 kHz, VBW=300 kHz, Sweep=auto, Detector function=peak, Trace=max hold;
     If the emission level of the EUT measured by the peak detector is 3 dB lower than the applicable limit, the
     peak emission level will be reported. Otherwise, the emission measurement will be repeated using the
     quasi-peak detector and reported.
     (3) From 1 GHz to 10th harmonic:
                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 17 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

     RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz Peak detector for Peak value.
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz RMS detector for Average value.

Field Strength Calculation
  The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor and subtracting the
  Amplifier Gain and Duty Cycle Correction Factor (if any) from the measured reading. The basic equation with
  a sample calculation is as follows:
                                           FS = RA + AF + CL – AG
     Where FS = Field Strength                                CL = Cable Attenuation Factor (Cable Loss)
                RA = Reading Amplitude                        AG = Amplifier Gain
                AF = Antenna Factor

  For example
    Frequency                   FS                  RA                 AF           CL                AG                Transd
        (MHz)                (dBμV/m)             (dBμV/m)             (dB)         (dB)              (dB)              (dB)
      150.00                 40                     58.1               12.2         1.6               31.90             -18.1

     Transd=AF +CL-AG

Test Mode
Please refer to the clause 2.3.

Test Result

 9 KHz~30 MHz
 From 9 KHz to 30 MHz: Conclusion: PASS
 Note: The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible
      value has no need to be reported.

                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                      Page 18 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1


      Ant. Pol.                Horizontal

      Emission Level= Read Level+ Correct Factor

                                  Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                  1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                       Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                    For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                    Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                     Page 19 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

     Ant. Pol.                Vertical

     Emission Level= Read Level+ Correct Factor

      1.   Emission level (dBuV/m) =Raw Value (dBuV)+Correction Factor (dB/m)
      2.   Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor
      3.   Margin value = Limit value- Emission level.
      4.   -- Mean the PK detector measured value is below average limit.
      5.   The other emission levels were very low against the limit.

             Above 1GHz emission please refer to C180904Z01-RP1

                                 Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                 1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                      Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                   For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                   Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                   Page 20 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

(1) Conducted Test

   Please see the Appendix.

                               Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
               1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                    Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                 For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                 Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                         Page 21 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 3.3. Band Edge Emissions

              Restricted Frequency Band                                                 (dBuV/m)(at 3m)
                         (MHz)                                            Peak                                     Average

                         2310 ~2390                                         74                                         54

                        2483.5 ~2500                                        74                                         54

             Note: All restriction bands have been tested, only the worst case is reported.

Test Configuration

Test Procedure

1.   The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013 requirements.
2.   The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 1.5 meter above ground. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees to
     determine the position of the maximum emission level.
3.   The EUT waspositioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
4.   The antenna is scanned from 1 meter to 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Thisis repeated
     for both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna. In order to find themaximum emission, all of the
     interface cables were manipulated according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on radiated measurement.
5.   The receiver set as follow:
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz PEAK detector for Peak value.
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz with PEAK Detector for Average Value.

Test Mode
Please refer to the clause 2.3.

                                     Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                     1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                          Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                       For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                       Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                     Page 22 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

Test Results

 (1) Radiation Test

802.11b                                                       CH01
  Frequency     Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
    (MHz)         (dBuV)             (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)             (dBuV/m)              (dB)                            value
    2310          50.23               3.28              53.51                   74             -20.49         Vertical           Peak
    2390          48.29               3.85              52.14                   74             -21.86         Vertical           Peak

    2310          51.22               3.02              54.24                   74             -19.76       Horizontal           Peak
    2390          50.37               3.67              54.04                   74             -19.96       Horizontal           Peak

    2310          41.87               3.28              45.15                   54              -8.85         Vertical         Average
    2390          40.26               3.85              44.11                   54              -9.89         Vertical         Average

    2310          40.38               3.02              43.40                   54             -10.60       Horizontal         Average
    2390          41.22               3.67              44.89                   54              -9.11       Horizontal         Average

802.11b                                                      CH11
  Frequency     Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
    (MHz)         (dBuV)             (dB/m)          (dBuV/m)              (dBuV/m)             (dB)                             value
   2483.5         51.22               3.79              55.01                   74             -18.99         Vertical           Peak
    2500          48.27               4.09              52.36                   74             -21.64         Vertical           Peak

   2483.5         50.68               3.65              54.33                   74             -19.67       Horizontal           Peak
    2500          50.47               3.95              54.42                   74             -19.58       Horizontal           Peak

   2483.5         40.56               3.79              44.35                   54              -9.65         Vertical         Average
    2500          39.54               4.09              43.63                   54             -10.37         Vertical         Average

   2483.5         40.12               3.65              43.77                   54             -10.23       Horizontal         Average
    2500          40.27               3.95              44.22                   54              -9.78       Horizontal         Average

                                 Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                 1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                      Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                   For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                   Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                  Page 23 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

802.11g                                                    CH01
 Frequency   Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
   (MHz)      (dBuV)              (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)             (dBuV/m)              (dB)                            value
    2310       49.56               3.28              52.84                   74             -21.16         Vertical           Peak
    2390       49.45               3.85              53.30                   74             -20.70         Vertical           Peak

    2310       50.37               3.02              53.39                   74             -20.61       Horizontal           Peak
    2390       49.52               3.67              53.19                   74             -20.81       Horizontal           Peak

    2310       41.77               3.28              45.05                   54              -8.95         Vertical         Average
    2390       40.28               3.85              44.13                   54              -9.87         Vertical         Average

    2310       40.37               3.02              43.39                   54             -10.61       Horizontal         Average
    2390       40.24               3.67              43.91                   54             -10.09       Horizontal         Average

802.11g                                                    CH11
 Frequency   Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
   (MHz)      (dBuV)              (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)             (dBuV/m)              (dB)                            value
   2483.5      50.14               3.79              53.93                   74             -20.07         Vertical           Peak
    2500       47.98               4.09              52.07                   74             -21.93         Vertical           Peak

   2483.5      49.66               3.65              53.31                   74             -20.69       Horizontal           Peak
    2500       49.52               3.95              53.47                   74             -20.53       Horizontal           Peak

   2483.5      40.25               3.79              44.04                   54              -9.96         Vertical         Average
    2500       39.64               4.09              43.73                   54             -10.27         Vertical         Average

   2483.5      40.32               3.65              43.97                   54             -10.03       Horizontal         Average
    2500       40.19               3.95              44.14                   54              -9.86       Horizontal         Average

                              Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
              1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                   Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                     Page 24 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

802.11n(HT20)                                                 CH01
 Frequency      Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
   (MHz)         (dBuV)              (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)             (dBuV/m)              (dB)                            value
    2310          50.27               3.28              53.55                   74             -20.45         Vertical           Peak
    2390          49.68               3.85              53.53                   74             -20.47         Vertical           Peak

    2310          50.24               3.02              53.26                   74             -20.74       Horizontal           Peak
    2390          49.65               3.67              53.32                   74             -20.68       Horizontal           Peak

    2310          41.76               3.28              45.04                   54              -8.96         Vertical         Average
    2390          41.23               3.85              45.08                   54              -8.92         Vertical         Average

    2310          39.27               3.02              42.29                   54             -11.71       Horizontal         Average
    2390          39.28               3.67              42.95                   54             -11.05       Horizontal         Average

802.11n(HT20)                                                 CH11
 Frequency      Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
   (MHz)         (dBuV)              (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)             (dBuV/m)              (dB)                            value
   2483.5         49.68               3.79              53.47                   74             -20.53         Vertical           Peak
    2500          48.22               4.09              52.31                   74             -21.69         Vertical           Peak

   2483.5         48.74               3.65              52.39                   74             -21.61       Horizontal           Peak
    2500          48.36               3.95              52.31                   74             -21.69       Horizontal           Peak

   2483.5         39.92               3.79              43.71                   54             -10.29         Vertical         Average
    2500          40.12               4.09              44.21                   54              -9.79         Vertical         Average

   2483.5         39.67               3.65              43.32                   54             -10.68       Horizontal         Average
    2500          39.82               3.95              43.77                   54             -10.23       Horizontal         Average

                                 Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                 1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                      Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                   For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                   Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                      Page 25 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

802.11n(HT40)                                                  CH01
 Frequency       Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
   (MHz)           (dBuV)             (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)             (dBuV/m)              (dB)                            value
    2310            49.86              3.28              53.14                   74             -20.86         Vertical           Peak
    2390            50.63              3.85              54.48                   74             -19.52         Vertical           Peak

    2310            49.37              3.02              52.39                   74             -21.61       Horizontal           Peak
    2390            50.24              3.67              53.91                   74             -20.09       Horizontal           Peak

    2310            41.23              3.28              44.51                   54              -9.49         Vertical         Average
    2390            40.61              3.85              44.46                   54              -9.54         Vertical         Average

    2310            39.34              3.02              42.36                   54             -11.64       Horizontal         Average
    2390            40.12              3.67              43.79                   54             -10.21       Horizontal         Average

802.11n(HT40)                                                  CH11
 Frequency       Read Level           Factor             Level              Limit Line          Margin                             Test
   (MHz)           (dBuV)             (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)             (dBuV/m)              (dB)                            value
   2483.5           50.26              3.79              54.05                   74             -19.95         Vertical           Peak
    2500            48.73              4.09              52.82                   74             -21.18         Vertical           Peak

   2483.5           47.29              3.65              50.94                   74             -23.06       Horizontal           Peak
    2500            49.26              3.95              53.21                   74             -20.79       Horizontal           Peak

   2483.5           40.17              3.79              43.96                   54             -10.04         Vertical         Average
    2500            41.25              4.09              45.34                   54              -8.66         Vertical         Average

   2483.5           40.34              3.65              43.99                   54             -10.01       Horizontal         Average
    2500            40.13              3.95              44.08                   54              -9.92       Horizontal         Average

      1.     Emission level (dBuV/m) =Raw Value (dBuV)+Correction Factor (dB/m)
      2.     Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor
      3.     Margin value = Limit value- Emission level.
      4.     -- Mean the PK detector measured value is below average limit.
      5.     The other emission levels were very low against the limit.

                                  Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                  1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                       Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                    For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                    Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

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                                                           Page 27 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 3.4. Bandwidth

                          Test Item                                      Limit                           Frequency Range(MHz)
                                                                    >=500 KHz
                         Bandwidth                                                                               2400~2483.5
                                                                  (6dB bandwidth)

Test Configuration

Test Procedure

1.   The EUT was directly connected to the spectrum analyzer and antenna output port as show in the block
     diagram above.
2.   Spectrum Setting:
        (1)   Set RBW = 100 kHz.
        (2)   Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 RBW.
        (3)   Detector = Peak.
        (4)   Trace mode = Max hold.
        (5)   Sweep = Auto couple.
NOTE: The EUT was set to continuously transmitting in each mode and low, Middle and high channel for the test.

Test Mode
Please refer to the clause 2.3.

Test Results

Please see the Appendix.

                                       Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                       1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                            Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                         For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                         Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                         Page 28 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 3.5. Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power

                         Test Item                                        Limit                         Frequency Range(MHz)
               Maximum Peak Conducted
                                                                  1 Watt or 30dBm                               2400~2483.5
                    Output Power

Test Configuration

Test Procedure

1.   The EUT was directly connected to the spectrum analyzer and antenna output port as show in the block
diagram above.
2.   The measurement is according to section 9.1.2 of KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v04.
3.   The power sensor video bandwidth is greater than or equal to the DTS bandwidth of the equipment.

Test Mode
Please refer to the clause 2.3

Test Result

Please see the Appendix.

                                     Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                     1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                          Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                       For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                       Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                          Page 29 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 3.6. Power Spectral Density

                                                      FCC Part 15 Subpart C(15.247)

                         Test Item                                      Limit                           Frequency Range(MHz)

                  Power Spectral Density                      8dBm(in any 3 kHz)                                2400~2483.5

Test Configuration

Test Procedure

1.     The EUT was directly connected to the spectrum analyzer and antenna output port as show in the block
diagram above.
2.     The EUT was directly connected to the Spectrum Analyzer and antenna output port as show in
the block diagram above. The measurement according to section 10.2 of KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance
3.     Spectrum Setting:
        Set analyser center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
        Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
        Set the RBW to: 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz.
        Set the VBW to: ≥ 3 RBW.
        Detector: peak
        Sweep time: auto
        Allow trace to fully stabilize. Then use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.
Test Mode

Please refer to the clause 2.3

Test Result

Please see the Appendix.

                                      Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                      1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                           Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                        For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                        Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                        Page 30 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 3.7. Antenna requirement

FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.203:
 An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible
 party shall be used with the device.        The use of a permanently attached antenna or of anantenna that uses a
 unique coupling to the intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can
 be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.


The EUT’s antenna used a Antenna, soldered on the PCB., The antenna’s gain is 1.21 dBi. Complying
with the standard requirement.

Test Result

The directional gain of the antenna less than 6dBi, please refer to the EUT internal photographs antenna photo.

                                    Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
                    1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                         Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                      For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                      Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                  Page 31 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 Reference to the document No.: Test Photographs 2.

                              Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
              1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                   Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

                                                  Page 32 of 32                            Report No.: GTI20181692F-1

 Reference to the document No.: External Photographs and Internal Photographs.

                 **********************THE END**********************

                              Shenzhen General Testing & Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.
              1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, Guanlan High-Tech Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                   Tel.: (86)755-27521059        Fax: (86)755-27521011         Http://www.sz-ctc.org.cn
                                                For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and
                                                Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China : yz.cncaic.cn

Document Created: 2018-09-12 11:36:07
Document Modified: 2018-09-12 11:36:07

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