Users manual


Users Manual

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ank you for choosing Walabot HOME
       to monitor your safety.

                                                    Walabot HOME
   If you need assistance setting up your device
                                                   Device Setup Guide
   please contact

          For more information please visit:

          Walabot HOME Overview – Meet Your New Device

on your purchase
of a Walabot
HOME device.
Walabot HOME uses smart motion
sensing technology to monitor your
safety. It is currently designed and
optimized for bathroom use.

Once installed, it can automatically
tell if you fell by analyzing the entire
bathroom space. No cameras,
pendants or bracelets required.

In the event of a fall, your                    Smart, automatic fall detection
emergency contact will be notified,
so they can get you the help you               On duty 24/7, monitoring activity
                                                    and reporting any falls
If you need assistance setting up
your device please contact

Walabot Home
Trademark: Walabot                         2

                                       Warnings                                                    Overview

Warnings                                                  Table of Contents
1. The Walabot HOME device can break if
dropped from heights of 2.5 feet (76cm)                   1. Package Contents
and above.                                                2. Installation and Setup Instructions
2. Using a power adaptor other than the
                                                               Step 1: Mount the device on the bathroom wall
one provided can cause malfunction or
potentially damage the device.                                 Step 2: Plug in the device
3. Do not open or tamper with the device.                      Step 3: Read the End-User Agreement
4. Do not submerge the device in water.                        Step 4: Connect the device to your WiFi
5. During a power outage, the device will not function.        Step 5: Pair the device with your emergency contact’s phone
6. In case your home WiFi connection is                        Step 6: Set the perimeter of the bathroom
disconnected, the device will not function.                    Step 7: Test the device
7. Do not mount on wallpaper. Your                             Step 8: Installation complete!
Walabot HOME device might fall off or
damage the wallpaper.                                      3. Other Useful Information
8. Please follow instructions carefully
before removing from your wall.

FCC Regulations
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
   from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be
installed and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body:
Use only the supplied antenna.
Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by (manufacturer name)
may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment

                                           14                                                      3

                  Installation Setup and Instructions                                               Warnings

Package Contents                                            Disclaimers
                                                            1. Walabot HOME must be installed in the
The box in which your Walabot HOME                          bathroom that you intend to monitor.
comes includes:                                             2. Your Walabot HOME device must be
• Walabot HOME device                                       connected to the emergency contact phone
                                                            number you have selected.
• Power adaptor
                                                            3. The maximum size of a bathroom that the
• Four double-sided stickers
                                                            Walabot HOME can support is 10 x 10 feet.
• Device Setup Guide
                                                            4. Walabot HOME may not function
• Emergency Contact Setup Guide
                                                            properly, if not installed in the correct
                                                            location, according to the instructions
                                                            5. In order to give you time to respond in
                                                            case of a false alarm, expect a short time
                                                            delay between the fall and the call to your
                                                            emergency contact. This can be up to 2
                                                   1    2   minutes.
                                                            6. Pets walking around the bathroom can
                                                            trigger a false alarm.
                                                            7. A few people in the bathroom at the same
                                                            time can trigger a false alarm.
                                                            8. Do not install inside the bath or over the
                                                            9. Will not work for people lying in a bathtub
                                                            full of water. In this case, it may trigger a false

                                     4                                                                    13

   Other Useful Information                                    Installation Setup and Instructions

Monitoring screen                        To make sure that you are properly
                                         monitored in the event of a fall, it is
After successful installation you will
                                         important that you follow these steps to
see this ‘Monitoring’ screen. It
                                         ensure your Walabot HOME device is
shows you that your device is
                                         correctly installed.
connected. There is no further
action needed on your part.
                                         Step 1: Mount the device
                                         on the bathroom wall
Set correct time zone
                                         Take your Walabot HOME out of the box
If at any point you need to change       and into the bathroom for installation.
your time zone, you can go to the
device’s ‘Settings’ and do that there.   Make sure the device’s surface is clean
                                         and dry.

                                         Stick 1 sticker on each of the 4 corners at
                                         the back of the device, within the outlined
                                         section provided:

Give feedback                            Make sure the rounded edge of each
If you cancel an alarm for whatever      sticker is facing outward, and just over
reason, please respond to the            the device’s edge as in the image, to serve
feedback form that automatically         as a pull-tab for easier removal from the
pops up, so we can better serve          wall, if needed.

                      12                                                               5

                     Installation Setup and Instructions                                   Installation Setup and Instructions

Mount the device                                                      Step 8: Installation
(continued)                                                           complete!
                                                                      Congratulations, you’re done.
Look for a good location:           How to apply & remove stickers.
                                                                      Your Walabot HOME is now fully
• Walabot HOME should be
                                                                      installed and ready to act in the
placed close to the center of
                                                                      event of a fall.
the bathroom, and in plain sight,
not near metal (shelving or
• The cable must be able to
reach an electric socket for
plugging in.
• The center of the device
should be approximately eye-
level, at about 5 feet (1.5
meters) from the ground.

Make sure the wall surface is

Remove the back of the
stickers, and firmly adhere the
device to the wall.

                                        6                                                                  11

                     Installation Setup and Instructions                        Installation Setup and Instructions

Step 6: Set the perimeter of                               Step 2: Plug in the device
the bathroom                                               Plug Walabot HOME into the outlet using
                                                           the cable and power adaptor provided in
The audio instructions will guide you to walk
                                                           the box.
around the bathroom in order for the device
to be able to calibrate the perimeter of the
                                                           Wait for the application to load (it may
                                                           take a few minutes, do not unplug while

Step 7: Test the device
It is extremely important to perform a test                Step 3: Read the End-User
run, to make sure your Walabot HOME is                     Agreement
properly installed.
                                                           Read the End-User License Agreement.
To begin, carefully lay down on the                        You will need to scroll down to get to the
ground.                                                    end.

After a few seconds, the device will                       Press ‘Agree’ to continue.
automatically detect a fall.

Within approximately 1 minute, it should
call your emergency contact.

Check that your emergency contact
received the call.

                                                10                                                      7

                       Installation Setup and Instructions                           Installation Setup and Instructions

Step 4: Connect the device                                   Step 5: Pair the device with
to your WiFi                                                 your emergency contact’s
A list of WiFi networks will appear.                         phone
                                                             Device pairing connects your Walabot
Select your home network. If you have
more than one, choose the one with the                       HOME with your emergency contact’s mobile
strongest signal.                                            phone, to ensure they’re notified in case of a
Enter the WiFi password, press the
                                                             First, check that your emergency contact
checkmark in the bottom-right corner of
                                                             has downloaded the Walabot HOME app
the keyboard, and press ‘OK’.
                                                             from Google Play or the App Store.
You will see a blue circle with a white
                                                             If yes, click ‘Next’.
checkmark once connected.
                                                             Now click the ‘Code Generator’ onscreen,
                                                             to create a code.

                                                             Give this code to your emergency contact,
                                                             to enter in the Walabot HOME app (you
                                                             will either need to read it to them, or write
                                                             it down and send).

                                                             Once your emergency contact enters this
                                                             code on their phone, you are successfully

                                          8                                                                   9

Document Created: 2018-09-26 05:39:20
Document Modified: 2018-09-26 05:39:20

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