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 Strips ZigBee Source Text v2

                                                              Strips!                                                  ENGLISH

What is Strips?                                                    Benefits
Strips is a ZigBee magnet sensor that can be added to any          Follow the process below to add Strips to your network.
certified ZigBee system with minimal efforts.
                                                                  1. Can notify you when you’ve left a window or door open.
ZigBee is an international standard for wireless
communication that is also used in smart homes and                2. Can monitor temperature and alert you on every 2°C
buildings enabling you to monitor and control your home              change.
                                                                  3. Can measure moisture level and notify you on a
                                                                     significant change.
Please follow our three steps in this guide to get started.
1. Add (figure 1–4)                                               4. Ultra-thin design allows Strips to be manually mounted
2. Plan (figure 5)                                                   “invisibly” between most doors/windows and their frames.
3. Place (figure 6-10)
                                                                  5. Up to 10 years of battery life means no more changing
More guidance including instructional videos for the Z-Wave
version:                                                          6. Simple to mount with the included adhesive backing
                                                                  7. Extra protection for tampering with the included metal foil
                                                                     at the back of your Strips.

                                                               ADD                                                      ENGLISH

   Strips ZigBee Source Text v2

 Follow the process below to add Strips to your network                   Follow the process below to add Strips to your network
 straight out of the box.                                                 manually.

Start the add mode on your ZigBee controller. See your                  Start the add mode on your ZigBee controller. See your
    controller’s manual.                                                     controller’s manual.

Strips comes in auto-inclusion mode. Remove the magnets                 Stay within the controller’s range. Place the round magnet
    and the metal foil placed at the back of the Strips. Strips              (B) at the rounded edge. When the LED blinks, move
    will blink 3 times every 5 seconds indicating a network                  the magnet away. Repeat a total of 3 times within 10
    search.                                                                  seconds. (6 LED blinks or until the LED blinks long and
                                                                             start searching for network)
Your ZigBee controller should now be able to find Strips and
   upon a successful inclusion should be able to monitor                 Your ZigBee controller application should now be able to
   your Strips sensor status as well as temperature and                     monitor your Strips sensor status as well as
   moisture.                                                                temperature and moisture.

Move the squared magnet (A) as shown in the pictures.                   Move the squared magnet (A) as shown in the pictures.
   Check that your ZigBee system indicates the status                       Check that your ZigBee system indicates the status
   correctly.                                                               correctly.


 Strips ZigBee Source Text v2

For good communication                                            For good functionality in the door or window
Strips uses low power radio signals to communicate with
your ZigBee controller. For best results, please consider the     ●   To place Strips invisibly, you need a gap with a
following:                                                            minimum height of 3.5 mm. If the round magnet fits,
                                                                      the gap height should be enough.
 ●   Strips is designed to fit invisibly in most wood,
     wood/aluminum and plastic windows and doors                  ●   Strips may be mounted on the frame (recommended)
                                                                      and the magnet on the door/window, or vice versa.
 ●   Strips should not be mounted directly on metal
     surfaces or within a metal structure as the range will       ●   Check that magnet (A) can be placed so that it is less
     be reduced.                                                      than 10 mm away from Strips’ flat end when the
                                                                      window is closed. When the window is open, the
 ●   The magnet should not be placed on metal.                        magnet should be at least 30 mm away from Strips.

 ●   Strips range is up to 30 meters. (need to verify)            ●   Open the window/door fully to check that the
                                                                      placement of Strips and the magnet does not interfere
 ●   Any non-battery ZigBee device will act as a repeater to          with hinges or locking mechanisms.
     increase network reliability and range. Usage of
     repeaters will reduce Strips’ battery life.                  ●   Place the metal foil on your door/window frame
                                                                      carefully and mount Strips right on top of it to be able
                                                                      to use the tamper detection by foil properly.


 Strips ZigBee Source Text v2

Please follow the steps below to correctly mount
Strips:                                                      5. When you are satisfied, mark the exact position for
                                                                Strips. Remove it from its position, ensure that the
1. Make sure the surface is clean, dry and at least + 10°       surface is still clean,
   C. Use the included cloth to clean and prepare the
   surfaces.                                                 6. Place the metal foil on the frame first and make sure it
                                                                is glued properly.
2. Remove the short protective film from the small Strips
   test adhesive. The small adhesive is used before the      7. Remove the long film protecting the adhesive backing
   final placement so it is easy to move Strips if needed.      and place Strips exactly as you marked right on top of
                                                                the placed metal foil. The long adhesive is used to
3. Place Strips where you want it mounted. Check the            make the final placement of Strips.
   position by carefully closing the door/window and then
   opening it completely again.                              8. Check that the door/window can be fully closed and
                                                                opened and that your ZigBee controller detects the
4. Measure and identify where the magnet (A) should be          changes.
   placed. Remove the protective film and place the
   magnet. Close and open again to validate that your        9. Keep the round magnet (B); since it can be used to
   ZigBee controller detected the changes. Re-mount if          wake up, remove or reset Strips in the future.

                                                             Enjoy Strips for years to come!

Strips ZigBee Source Text v2

        A) LED light signals
        B) User commands
        C) Other

       A 1 short        User feedback during commands during demo mode (open/close and
         blink          tamper)

           1 long       Device in inclusion mode and is initiating a network search

           3 short      Device searching for network

       B    Add                Set your controller to add or remove mode (see your controller’s
                               manual). Place the round magnet (B) at the rounded edge. When the
                               LED blinks, move the magnet away. Repeat a total of 3 times within 10
                               seconds (6 short LED blinks or until the LED blinks long and start
                               searching for network)

            Reset/                Follow your controller’s manual on how to delete devices. Once
            Remove/                Strips is deleted from the controller, it will be reset and removed from
            Exclusion              the network.
                                  Place the round magnet (B) at the rounded edge. When the LED
                                   blinks, move the magnet away. Repeat a total of 10 times (20 LED

       C Association           Strips supports association group 1 (lifeline). Max 1 node.
                               Normally used to send Strips’ status to the ZigBee controller.

           Tamper              Strips will send a tampering alert if it detects a magnet on the rounded
                               edge side once its included in a network or if the metal foil is removed

Document Created: 2019-06-20 09:00:27
Document Modified: 2019-06-20 09:00:27

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