User Manual


Users Manual

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AGES:10+                                                              PLS KEEP THESE INSTRUCTION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE
                                                                                                                                                     Fot in: 2AHGJMSYza22:2r—1

TRANSFORMER CAR INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                                   "This devieecompleswth Par 13 ofthe FCC Rules
                                                                                                                                               Operition is ubjctto thefollowingtwo conditions
                                                                                                                                               (1) thisdevice maynot cause harminerfrence
                                                                                                                                               (2)thisdevice must ccept any inerference
          C :AgArw.                                                                                                                            receivedincludinginerference that may cause
6 E
   E g                                                                           ieolonmmurep Farione aneopatanage
                                                                                AWARNING: TO AVOID BATTERY LEAKAGE
                                                                                         Pentom en topertcrcetoo..                             omepoampeenr mcehetoreunmtsomenge
                                                                                                                                               undesitad operation
———    Gll~       —                                                             2) Do not mix old and new batteris or alkalin, standard        fhe o‘ suiinits in oomsate tasedoment
C#            a                                                                    (carbon—zinc) orrechargeable (nicke—cadmium) batteies.      SE anuiponthes tm mt aot hunlimnply
                  m|_/"                     1     92234 500328            2|    syainays remove weak or dead battores tom the product          wl ic imig ina ct dghaidenimgieim s fas,
                                                ooonds                          4) Remove the beffery t the produst is is t unuses fora long   15 ofthe FCC Rules, heselimitsare designd to provide
        Adjust ng
                Ese                        flivinn[3                                mtodat t                                                   ressoniblepvection against harml inerfrence in a
          Knob                                  michng e lHongKong                                                                             residentalintalaton:    is equipment peneatesuseand
                                                    mernoun                                                                                    can radite adio requency enery andt notinsalled and
    use sx1.5v "aa" sarreries                                                                                                                  used in accortance with th instrictionsnay cause harml
    wot inctupen)                                                                                                                              interfeence toradio communications
1.Put 3‘AA" size balteries into the car and 2 "AA‘sizebatteriesinto the remote contral as pictured                                             HHowevertheis noguarantes thatitererence will not ocur
2.Turn the red swilch on the bottom of the car t "NO*.                                                                                         in a partculainsalatinIFthi equipment dose couse
3 Fomward: Use the lft joystick forward, tright joystic lef, and operate atthe same time                                                       harmifilinererenc o radio or tlevision receptionashich
Backward: Use the lef rockeris backward and the right rocker is ight                                                                           can b deterined by urning thequipment off and onthe
Turn leftUse right rockerlft operation.                                                                                                        useis encouaged to ty to cocetthinterfrence by one or
Turn right: Use operate the lef rocker fomward                                                                                                 more ofhfillowing measures
Rotate right in place: Use left oystick forward, right ystick right, and operale simuttancously.                                               * Reorent orrelocatthe receiving anterna
Left rotation Uselft joystick backward, ght Joystick lf, simultancous operation                                                                * Increasethsepantionbetween the equipment the rece
AtTENTion — ror sesr Resutts                                                                                                                   * Connestthequiment nto n oulet on a circut diffrent
1Please remove the battres rom the car and the remote conto!i!the productwil not be used fora long pored of me.                                  from that o which the reciver is cometod.
2 Please keepthe produet d                                                                                                                     + Consulthe deleoan experiencedradioTV technician for help

Document Created: 2019-09-30 00:14:14
Document Modified: 2019-09-30 00:14:14

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