Test Report DXX


Test Report

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                                                     ISSUED BY
   FCC/ I S E D                                      Shenzhen BALUN Technology Co., Ltd.                               @@n

                                                                                   LifeFuels Bottle

                                                                                             ISSUED TO
                                                                                            LifeFuels, Inc.

                                                     11600 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 150, Reston, VA 20191

                                                                                       4y               ts

                                                                a{jclegilylela BL—HK1950183—402
                                                                SUIP Einss LifeFuels Bottle
                                                             Mode! Name: 4
                                                             Bie(alel yElass») LifeFuels
                                                           [CEisepleElreh 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C
                                                                                    RSS—210 Issue 9 (2016—08)
                                                                                    RSS—Gen Issue 5 (2018—04)
                                                                    Sete) [pF) 2AHGSLFE123
                                                           oS D) y [Ugpleg) 25074—LF 128

                                                        Test Conclusion: M&EES
                                                                 [CSaiPEiCH May 29, 2019 ~Jun. 10, 2019
                                                            PEYSeqfl Ets Jun. 10, 2019
 NOTE: This test report oftest results only related to testing samples, which can be duplicated completely for the legal use with the approval of
 the applicant; it shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval ofShenzhen BALUN Technology Co., Ltd. Any objections
 should be raised within thirty daysfrom the date ofissue. To validate the report, please contact us.
Block B, 1st FL, Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe Xi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P. R. China 518055
TEL: +86—755—66850100, FAX: +86—755—61824271

wwiw.baluntek.com                                                                                                                              ,

                                                                                                             Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

                                                                   Revision History
                 Version                 Issue Date                        Revisions Content
                 Rev. 01                 Jun. 03, 2019                     Initial Issue
                 Rev. 02                 Jun. 06, 2019                     Revised the limit @10m for fundamental
                                                                           field strength in page 20;
                                                                           Update antenna type and photo.
                 Rev. 03                 Jun. 10, 2019                     Retested the Field Strength of Fundamental
                                                                           Emissions and Radiated Emissions (9 kHz ~
                                                                           30 MHz) in page 20-21.

                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
1     ADMINISTRATIVE DATA (GENERAL INFORMATION) .......................................................................... 4

    1.1     Identification of the Testing Laboratory .............................................................................................. 4

    1.2     Identification of the Responsible Testing Location ............................................................................. 4

    1.3     Laboratory Condition .......................................................................................................................... 4

    1.4     Announce ........................................................................................................................................... 4

2     PRODUCT INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................... 5

    2.1     Applicant Information ......................................................................................................................... 5

    2.2     Manufacturer Information ................................................................................................................... 5

    2.3     Factory Information ............................................................................................................................ 5

    2.4     General Description for Equipment under Test (EUT) ....................................................................... 5

    2.5     Ancillary Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 5

    2.6     Technical Information ......................................................................................................................... 6

3     SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 7

    3.1     Test Standards ................................................................................................................................... 7

    3.2     Verdict ................................................................................................................................................ 7

4     GENERAL TEST CONFIGURATIONS ..................................................................................................... 8

    4.1     Test Environments ............................................................................................................................. 8

    4.2     Test Equipment List ........................................................................................................................... 8

    4.3     Description of Test Setup ................................................................................................................... 9

      4.3.1       For Radiated Test (Below 30 MHz) ............................................................................................. 9

      4.3.2       For Radiated Test (30 MHz-1 GHz) ............................................................................................ 9

      4.3.3       For AC Power Supply Port Test ................................................................................................ 10

5     TEST ITEMS........................................................................................................................................... 11

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                                                                                                        Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

 5.1   Antenna Requirements .................................................................................................................... 11

   5.1.1     Relevant Standards ................................................................................................................... 11

   5.1.2     Antenna Anti-Replacement Construction .................................................................................. 12

 5.2   Emission Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................... 13

   5.2.1     Definition ................................................................................................................................... 13

   5.2.2     Test Setup ................................................................................................................................. 13

   5.2.3     Test Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 13

   5.2.4     Test Result ................................................................................................................................ 14

 5.3   Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Radiated Emissions ................................................ 15

   5.3.1     Limit ........................................................................................................................................... 15

   5.3.2     Test Setup ................................................................................................................................. 16

   5.3.3     Test Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 16

   5.3.4     Test Result ................................................................................................................................ 16

 5.4   Frequency Tolerance ....................................................................................................................... 17

   5.4.1     Limit ........................................................................................................................................... 17

   5.4.2     Test Setup ................................................................................................................................. 17

   5.4.3     Test Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 17

   5.4.4     Test Result ................................................................................................................................ 17

 5.5   Conducted Emission ........................................................................................................................ 18

   5.5.1     Limit ........................................................................................................................................... 18

   5.5.2     Test Setup ................................................................................................................................. 18

   5.5.3     Test Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 18

   5.5.4     Test Result ................................................................................................................................ 18

ANNEX A      TEST RESULT .......................................................................................................................... 19

 A.1   Emission Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................... 19

 A.2   Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions ....................................................................................... 20

 A.3   Radiated Emissions ......................................................................................................................... 21

 A.4   Frequency Stability ........................................................................................................................... 24

 A.5   Conducted Emissions ...................................................................................................................... 25

ANNEX B      TEST SETUP PHOTOS ............................................................................................................ 27

ANNEX C      EUT EXTERNAL PHOTOS ....................................................................................................... 27

ANNEX D      EUT INTERNAL PHOTOS ........................................................................................................ 27

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                                                                                Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402


1.1 Identification of the Testing Laboratory
         Company Name              Shenzhen BALUN Technology Co., Ltd.
                                   Block B, 1st FL, Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe Xi Road,
                                   Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
         Phone Number              +86 755 6685 0100

1.2 Identification of the Responsible Testing Location
         Test Location             Shenzhen BALUN Technology Co., Ltd.
                                   Block B, 1st FL, Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe Xi Road,
                                   Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
                                   The laboratory has been listed by Industry Canada to perform
                                   electromagnetic emission measurements. The recognition numbers of
                                   test site are 11524A-1.
                                   The laboratory is a testing organization accredited by FCC as a
                                   accredited testing laboratory. The designation number is CN1196.
                                   The laboratory is a testing organization accredited by American
                                   Association for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA) according to ISO/IEC
                                   17025.The accreditation certificate is 4344.01.
                                   The laboratory is a testing organization accredited by China National
                                   Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) according to
                                   ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation certificate number is L6791.
                                   All measurement facilities used to collect the measurement data are
                                   located at Block B, FL 1, Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe
                                   Xi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R.
                                   China 518055

1.3 Laboratory Condition
         Ambient Temperature       20℃ to 25℃
         Ambient Relative
                                   45% to 55%
         Ambient Pressure          100 kPa to 102 kPa
1.4 Announce
(1) The test report reference to the report template version v6.2.

(2) The test report is invalid if not marked with the signatures of the persons responsible for preparing and
    approving the test report.

(3) The test report is invalid if there is any evidence and/or falsification.

(4) The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
    operation as described herein.

(5) This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by BALUN and all revisions are duly
    noted in the revisions section.

(6) Content of the test report, in part or in full, cannot be used for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
    prior written approval from the laboratory.

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                                                                       Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402


2.1 Applicant Information
      Applicant               LifeFuels, Inc.
      Address                 11600 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 150, Reston, VA 20191

2.2 Manufacturer Information
      Manufacturer            LifeFuels, Inc
      Address                 11600 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 150, Reston, VA 20191

2.3 Factory Information
      Factory                 Dongguan Ablelink Electronics Ltd
                              182 Qingzhang Road, Chang Shan Tou, QingXi Town, Dongguan,

2.4 General Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
      EUT Name                LifeFuels Bottle
      Model Name Under Test   2
      Series Model Name       N/A
      Description of Model
      name differentiation
      Hardware Version        2.8
      Software Version        2.8
      Dimensions (Approx.)    N/A
      Weight (Approx.)        N/A

2.5 Ancillary Equipment
                              Brand Name                  LG
                              Model No.                   INR18650 M26
      Ancillary Equipment 1   Serial No.                  N/A
                              Capacity                    2600 mAh
                              Rated Voltage               3.65 V
                              Limit Charge Voltage        4.2 V
                              Brand Name                  N/A
                              Model No.                   A88-502000
      Ancillary Equipment 2
                              Serial No.                  N/A
                              Rated Input                 100-240 V , 0.35 A, 50/60 Hz
                              Rated Output                5V      2A
                              USB Cable
      Ancillary Equipment 3
                              Length (Approx.)            1.2 m

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                                                                            Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

2.6 Technical Information
         Network and Wireless
                                     Bluetooth, NFC
The requirement for the following technical information of the EUT was tested in this report:
         Modulation Type             ASK
         Product Type                   Portable
                                        Fix Location
         Frequency Range             13.56 MHz
         Receiver Categorization     3
         Number of channel           1
         Tested Channel              1
         Antenna Type                Loop Antenna

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3.1 Test Standards
      No.           Identity          Document Title
                47 CFR Part 15,
       1           Subpart C          Miscellaneous Wireless Communications Services
                (10-1-17 Edition)
                                      American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless
       2       ANSI C63.10-2013
       3                              General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus
              (Issue 5, Apr. 2018)
       4                              Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment
            (Issue 9, August 2016)

3.2 Verdict
      No.     Description                FCC Part No.      ISED Part No.   Test Result    Verdict
       1      Antenna Requirement           15.203         RSS-Gen 6.8         --        Pass Note
       2      Emissions Bandwidth           15.215         RSS-Gen 6.7     ANNEX A.1       Pass
              Field Strength of                            RSS-210 B.6
       3                                   15.225(a)                       ANNEX A.2       Pass
              Fundamental Emissions
                                           15.225(d)       RSS-210 B.6
       4      Radiated Emissions                                           ANNEX A.3       Pass
       5      Frequency Stability          15.225(e)       RSS-210 B.6     ANNEX A.4       Pass
       6      Conducted Emission            15.207         RSS-Gen 8.8     ANNEX A.5       Pass
      Note: The EUT has a permanently and irreplaceable attached antenna, which complies with
      the requirement FCC 15.203 & RSS-Gen 8.3.

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4.1 Test Environments
During the measurement, the normal environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:
 Relative Humidity                    45% to 55%
 Atmospheric Pressure                 100 kPa to 102 kPa
 Temperature                          NT (Normal Temperature)        +22℃ to +25℃
 Working Voltage of the EUT           NV (Normal Voltage)            3.65 V

4.2 Test Equipment List
       Description             Manufacturer        Model         Serial No.   Cal. Date     Cal. Due
   Spectrum Analyzer      ROHDE&SCHWARZ           FSV-30          103118      2018.06.11   2019.06.10
      Vector Signal
                          ROHDE&SCHWARZ         SMBV100A          260592      2018.06.11   2019.06.10
    Signal Generator      ROHDE&SCHWARZ          SMB100A          177746      2018.06.11   2019.06.10
  Switch Unit with OSP-
                          ROHDE&SCHWARZ           OSP120          101270      2018.06.11   2019.06.10
   Spectrum Analyzer            AGILENT           E4440A        MY45304434    2018.11.06   2019.11.05
      EMI Receiver        ROHDE&SCHWARZ            ESRP           101036      2018.06.13   2019.06.12
          LISN                SCHWARZBECK       NSLK 8127        8127-687     2018.06.13   2019.06.12
     Bluetooth Tester     ROHDE&SCHWARZ             CBT           101005      2018.06.11   2019.06.10
      Power Splitter              KMW           DCPD-LDC        1305003215        --           --
      Power Sensor        ROHDE&SCHWARZ          NRP-Z21          103971      2018.06.11   2019.06.10
    Attenuator (20 dB)            KMW           ZA-S1-201       110617091         --           --
    Attenuator (6 dB)             KMW            ZA-S1-61       1305003189        --           --
    DC Power Supply       ROHDE&SCHWARZ          HMP2020        018141664     2018.06.21   2019.06.20
  Temperature Chamber                           NTH64-40A          1310       2018.06.26   2019.06.25
     Test Antenna-
                              SCHWARZBECK       VAMP 9243        9243-556     2017.11.07   2019.11.08
   Rod(9 kHz-30 MHz)
      Test Antenna-
                              SCHWARZBECK       FMZB 1519        1519-037     2017.07.22   2019.07.21
   Loop(9 kHz-30 MHz)
      Test Antenna-
                              SCHWARZBECK       VULB 9163        9163-624     2018.07.11   2019.07.10
  Bi-Log(30 MHz-3 GHz)
      Test Antenna-                               BBHA
                              SCHWARZBECK                       9120D-1148    2018.06.21   2019.06.20
     Horn(1-18 GHz)                               9120D
     Test Antenna-
                              SCHWARZBECK       BBHA 9170        9170-305     2018.06.21   2019.06.20
   Horn(15-26.5 GHz)
                               EMC              21.1m*11.6
   Anechoic Chamber                                                 N/A       2017.02.21   2020.02.20
                          TECHNOLOGY LTD         m*7.35m
   Anechoic Chamber            RAINFORD         9m*6m*6m            N/A       2017.02.21   2020.02.20
   Shielded Enclosure          ChangNing        CN-130701         130703          --           --
      Test Software              BALUN           BL410_E         V18.626          --           --

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                                                           Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

4.3   Description of Test Setup
4.3.1 For Radiated Test (Below 30 MHz)

                                         (Diagram 1)

4.3.2 For Radiated Test (30 MHz-1 GHz)

                                             (Diagram 2)

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4.3.3 For AC Power Supply Port Test

             < 40cm >                 < 80cm >                            Communication

                        EUT       (RF Module)

                                                                 Pulse Limiter
            < 80cm >                                    LISN


                                          (Diagram 3)

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5.1 Antenna Requirements
5.1.1 Relevant Standards
FCC §15.203
An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible
party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a
unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section.
The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a
standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited. This requirement does not apply to carrier current
devices or to devices operated under the provisions of § 15.211, § 15.213, § 15.217, § 15.219, or § 15.221. Further,
this requirement does not apply to intentional radiators that must be professionally installed, such as perimeter
protection systems and some field disturbance sensors, or to other intentional radiators which, in accordance with
§ 15.31(d), must be measured at the installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible for ensuring that
the proper antenna is employed so that the limits in this part are not exceeded.

RSS-Gen 6.8
The applicant for equipment certification shall provide a list of all antenna types that may be used with the
transmitter, where applicable (i.e. for transmitters with detachable antenna), indicating the maximum permissible
antenna gain (in dBi) and the required impedance for each antenna. The test report shall demonstrate the
compliance of the transmitter with the limit for maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) specified
in the applicable RSS, when the transmitter is equipped with any antenna type, selected from this list.

For expediting the testing, measurements may be performed using only the antenna with highest gain of each
combination of transmitter and antenna type, with the transmitter output power set at the maximum level.
However, the transmitter shall comply with the applicable requirements under all operational conditions and when
in combination with any type of antenna from the list provided in the test report (and in the notice to be included
in the user manual, provided below).

When measurements at the antenna port are used to determine the RF output power, the effective gain of the
device’s antenna shall be stated, based on a measurement or on data from the antenna’s manufacturer.
The test report shall state the RF power, output power setting and spurious emission measurements with each
antenna type that is used with the transmitter being tested.

For licence-exempt equipment with detachable antennas, the user manual shall also contain the following notice
in a conspicuous location:
This radio transmitter [enter the device’s ISED certification number] has been approved by Innovation, Science
and Economic Development Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below, with the maximum permissible
gain indicated. Antenna types not included in this list that have a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for
any type listed are strictly prohibited for use with this device.

Immediately following the above notice, the manufacturer shall provide a list of all antenna types which can be
used with the transmitter, indicating the maximum permissible antenna gain (in dBi) and the required impedance
for each antenna type.

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5.1.2 Antenna Anti-Replacement Construction
The Antenna Anti-Replacement as following method:
  Protected Method                          Description
  The antenna is embedded in the product.   An embedded-in antenna design is used.

  Reference Documents                       Item

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5.2 Emission Bandwidth
5.2.1 Definition

Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits must be designed to
ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the specific
rule section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule
section under which the equipment is operated.

RSS-Gen 6.7

The occupied bandwidth or the “99% emission bandwidth” is defined as the frequency range between two points,
one above and the other below the carrier frequency, within which 99% of the total transmitted power of the
fundamental transmitted emission is contained. The occupied bandwidth shall be reported for all equipment in
addition to the specified bandwidth required in the applicable RSSs.

In some cases, the “x dB bandwidth” is required, which is defined as the frequency range between two points,
one at the lowest frequency below and one at the highest frequency above the carrier frequency, at which the
maximum power level of the transmitted emission is attenuated x dB below the maximum in-band power level of
the modulated signal, where the two points are on the outskirts of the in-band emission.

The following conditions shall be observed for measuring the occupied bandwidth and x dB bandwidth:

• The transmitter shall be operated at its maximum carrier power measured under normal test conditions.

• The span of the spectrum analyzer shall be set large enough to capture all products of the modulation process,
including the emission skirts, around the carrier frequency, but small enough to avoid having other emissions (e.g.
on adjacent channels) within the span.

• The detector of the spectrum analyzer shall be set to “Sample”. However, a peak, or peak hold, may be used
in place of the sampling detector since this usually produces a wider bandwidth than the actual bandwidth (worst-
case measurement). Use of a peak hold (or “Max Hold”) may be necessary to determine the occupied / x dB
bandwidth if the device is not transmitting continuously.

• The resolution bandwidth (RBW) shall be in the range of 1% to 5% of the actual occupied / x dB bandwidth and
the video bandwidth (VBW) shall not be smaller than three times the RBW value. Video averaging is not permitted.

Note: It may be necessary to repeat the measurement a few times until the RBW and VBW are in compliance with
the above requirement.

For the 99% emission bandwidth, the trace data points are recovered and directly summed in linear power level
terms. The recovered amplitude data points, beginning at the lowest frequency, are placed in a running sum until
0.5% of the total is reached, and that frequency recorded. The process is repeated for the highest frequency data
points (starting at the highest frequency, at the right side of the span, and going down in frequency). This frequency
is then recorded. The difference between the two recorded frequencies is the occupied bandwidth (or the 99%
emission bandwidth).

5.2.2 Test Setup
See section 4.1.1 for test setup description for the antenna port. The photo of test setup please refer to ANNEX B.

5.2.3 Test Procedure
The 20dB bandwidth is measured with a spectrum analyzer connected via a receiver antenna placed near the EUT
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while the EUT is operating in transmission mode.

Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20 dB bandwidth

RBW ≥ 1% of the 20 dB bandwidth & RBW = 1% to 5% OBW

VBW ≥ RBW & VBW = 3* RBW

Sweep = auto

Detector function = peak

Trace = max hold

5.2.4 Test Result
Please refer to ANNEX A.1

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5.3 Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Radiated Emissions
5.3.1 Limit
FCC §15.225(a), (b), (c); RSS-210 B.6

According to FCC section 15.225, for <30 MHz, Radiated emissions were measured according to ANSI C63.4. The
EUT was set to transmit at the highest output power. The EUT was set 10 meter away from the measuring antenna.
The loop antenna was positioned 1 meter above the ground from the center of the loop. The measuring bandwidth
was set to 10 KHz. (Note: During testing the receive antenna was rotated about its axis to maximize the emission
from the EUT)

There was no detected Restricted bands and Radiated suprious emission below 30MHz. The 30m limit was
converted to 3m Limit using square factor(x) as it was found by measurements as follows; 3 m Limit(dBuV/m) =
20log(X)+40log(30/3)= 20log(15848)+40log(30/3) = 124dBuV

Except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator shall not exceed the field
strength levels specified in the following table:

                                        Field Strength@30m            Field Strength@10m         Field Strength@3m
Frequency range (MHz)
                                      µV/m            dBµV/m                 dBµV/m                  dBµV/m
      Below 13.110                     30               29.5                  48.58                    69.5
     13.110 ~ 13.410                   106              40.5                  59.58                    80.5
     13.410 ~ 13.553                   334              50.5                  69.58                    90.5
     13.553 ~13.567                   15848              84                  103.08                    124
     13.567 ~ 13.710                   334              50.5                  69.58                    90.5
     13.710 ~14.010                    106              40.5                  59.58                    80.5
      Above 14.010                     30               29.5                  48.58                    69.5


1.   Field Strength (dBµV/m) = 20*log[Field Strength (µV/m)].

2.   In the emission tables above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

FCC §15.225(d)

According to FCC section 15.209 (a), except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an
intentional radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

                  Frequency (MHz)                                        Field Strength (µV/m)
                     0.009 - 0.490                                            2400/F(kHz)
                     0.490 - 1.705                                           24000/F(kHz)
                       1.705 - 30.0                                               30
                         30 - 88                                                  100
                        88 - 216                                                  150
                        216 - 960                                                 200
                       Above 960                                                  500

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1.   For Above 1000 MHz, the emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation
     employing an average detector, measurement using instrumentation with a peak detector function,
     corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit.

2.   For above 1000 MHz, limit field strength of harmonics: 54dBuV/m@3m (AV) and 74dBuV/m@3m (PK).

5.3.2 Test Setup
See section 4.1.1 for test setup description for the antenna port. The photo of test setup please refer to ANNEX B.

5.3.3 Test Procedure
The measurement frequency range is from 9 kHz to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental frequency. The Turn
Table is actuated to turn from 0° to 360°, and both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the Test Antenna are
used to find the maximum radiated power. Mid channels on all channel bandwidth verified. Only the worst RB
size/offset presented. The power of the EUT transmitting frequency should be ignored.

All Spurious Emission tests were performed in X, Y, Z axis direction. And only the worst axis test condition was
recorded in this test report.

Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured
RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1 GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold

5.3.4 Test Result
Please refer to ANNEX A.2


1. Results (dBuV/m) = Reading (dBuV) + Factor (dB/m)

The reading level is calculated by software which is not shown in the sheet

2. Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB) – Amplifier Gain (dB)

3. Over limit = Results – Limit.

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5.4 Frequency Tolerance
5.4.1 Limit
FCC §15.225(e)

The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ±0.01% of the operating frequency over a
temperature variation of −20 degrees to +50 degrees C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary
supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20 degrees C. For battery
operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.

RSS-210 B.6

(a) at the temperatures of -30°C (-22°F), +20°C (+68°F) and +50°C (+122°F), and at the manufacturer’s rated
supply voltage; and

(b) at the temperature of +20°C (+68°F) and at ±15% of the manufacturer's rated supply voltage.

If the frequency stability limits are only met within a temperature range that is smaller than the -30°C to +50°C
range specified in (a), the frequency stability requirement will be deemed to be met if the transmitter is automatically
prevented from operating outside this smaller temperature range and if the published operating characteristics for
the equipment are revised to reflect this restricted temperature range.

5.4.2 Test Setup
See section 4.1.1 for test setup description for the antenna port. The photo of test setup please refer to ANNEX B.

5.4.3 Test Procedure
1.   The test is performed in a Temperature Chamber.

2.   The EUT is configured as MS + DC Power Supply.

5.4.4 Test Result
Please refer to ANNEX A.4.

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5.5 Conducted Emission
5.5.1 Limit
FCC §15.207; RSS-Gen

For an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency
voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall
not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50µH/50Ω line impedance stabilization network

            Frequency range                                  Conducted Limit (dBµV)
                 (MHz)                          Quai-peak                               Average
               0.15 - 0.50                       66 to 56                               56 to 46
                 0.50 - 5                           56                                     46
                0.50 - 30                           60                                     50

5.5.2 Test Setup
See section 4.1.1 for test setup description for the antenna port. The photo of test setup please refer to ANNEX B.

5.5.3 Test Procedure
The maximum conducted interference is searched using Peak (PK), if the emission levels more than the AV and
QP limits, and that have narrow margins from the AV and QP limits will be re-measured with AV and QP detectors.
Tests for both L phase and N phase lines of the power mains connected to the EUT are performed. Refer to
recorded points and plots below.
Devices subject to Part 15 must be tested for all available U.S. voltages and frequencies (such as a nominal 120
VAC, 50/60 Hz and 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz) for which the device is capable of operation. A device rated for 50/60 Hz
operation need not be tested at both frequencies provided the radiated and line conducted emissions are the same
at both frequencies.

5.5.4 Test Result
Please refer to ANNEX A.5.


1. Results (dBuV/m) = Reading (dBuV) + Factor (dB/m)

The reading level is calculated by software which is not shown in the sheet

2. Factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss

3. Over limit = Results – Limit.

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                                                                  Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402


A.1 Emission Bandwidth

Test Data
              Frequency           Emission Bandwidth(20dB down)    Occupied Bandwidth(99%)
                (MHz)                         (kHz)                         (kHz)
                 13.56                       25.281                        21.370

Test plots
             Emission Bandwidth

             99% Occupied Bandwidth

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                                                                    Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

A.2     Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions

Test Data
                             Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions Value
            Frequency               Field Strength   Limit @10m                    Margin
                        Detector                                      Antenna
              (MHz)                   (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)                      (dB)
             13.560      PEAK           31.84             104.0        Vertical    72.16

Test Plot

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                                                                                     Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

A.3       Radiated Emissions

Note: This frequency which near 13.557 MHz with circle should be ignored because they are NFC carrier frequency.
The Data and Plots (9 kHz ~ 30 MHz)(at 10m chamber)
    Below 30 MHz ANT-V

      No.   Frequency   Results    Factor (dB)   Limit       Over         Detector   Table    Height   ANT        Verdict
            (MHz)       (dBuV/m)                 (dBuV/m)    Limit (dB)              (o)      (cm)

      1     0.026       42.84      20.23         99.0        -56.16       Peak       87.00    100      Vertical   Pass

      2     0.046       40.71      20.22         94.6        -53.89       Peak       78.00    100      Vertical   Pass

      3     0.223       36.18      20.12         79.6        -43.42       Peak       88.00    100      Vertical   Pass

      4     0.886       29.13      20.51         47.5        -18.37       Peak       359.00   100      Vertical   Pass

      5     5.336       23.67      20.80         48.5        -24.83       Peak       247.00   100      Vertical   Pass

      6     13.559      33.96      20.86         48.5        -14.54       Peak       194.00   100      Vertical   N/A

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                                                                                    Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

Test Data and Plots (30 MHz ~ 10th Harmonic)(at 3m chamber)
  30 MHz to 1 GHz, ANT-V

     No.   Frequency   Results    Factor (dB)   Limit       Over Limit   Detector   Table    Height   ANT        Verdict
           (MHz)       (dBuV/m)                 (dBuV/m)    (dB)                    (o)      (cm)

     1     56.675      31.37      -26.98        40.0        -8.63        Peak       24.00    100      Vertical   Pass

     2     72.680      34.11      -29.29        40.0        -5.89        Peak       318.00   100      Vertical   Pass

     3     146.622     43.10      -25.13        43.5        -0.40        Peak       70.00    200      Vertical   N/A

     3*    146.622     39.32      -25.13        43.5        -4.18        QP         70.00    200      Vertical   Pass

     4     215.755     35.20      -27.85        43.5        -8.30        Peak       272.00   100      Vertical   Pass

     5     234.428     38.09      -26.80        46.0        -7.91        Peak       37.00    100      Vertical   Pass

     6     316.392     33.53      -23.78        46.0        -12.47       Peak       360.00   200      Vertical   Pass

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                                                                               Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

30 MHz to 1 GHz, ANT-H

 No.   Frequency   Results    Factor (dB)   Limit      Over Limit   Detector   Table    Height   ANT          Verdict
       (MHz)       (dBuV/m)                 (dBuV/m)   (dB)                    (o)      (cm)

 1     81.410      25.21      -30.59        40.0       -14.79       Peak       0.00     200      Horizontal   Pass

 2     148.098     32.33      -25.24        43.5       -11.17       Peak       253.00   200      Horizontal   Pass

 3     197.325     32.22      -28.72        43.5       -11.28       Peak       139.00   100      Horizontal   Pass

 4     232.730     35.26      -26.92        46.0       -10.74       Peak       108.00   100      Horizontal   Pass

 5     412.180     37.26      -20.94        46.0       -8.74        Peak       118.00   100      Horizontal   Pass

 6     441.280     31.53      -20.47        46.0       -14.47       Peak       301.00   100      Horizontal   Pass

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                                                                              Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

A.4     Frequency Stability

Note 1: Because the 85%(3.1025V) and 115% (4.1975V)of the rated supply voltage value exceeds the cut-off
voltage upper(4.2V) and lower(3.4V) limit of the manufacturer, the cut-off voltage of EUT is test here.

Note 2: The operating temperature range of the EUT is 0°C to 80°C.

                                OPERATING FREQUENCY:              13560000 Hz
                                   REFERENCE VOLTAGE:             3.65 V
                                         DEVIATION LIMIT:         ±0.01%

                              Test Conditions
  VOLTAGE (%)                                                Frequency(MHz)        Deviation(ppm)   Verdict
                   Power (VAC)       Temperature (°C)

       100                              +20°C(Ref)                13.561488          0.0110%
       100                                  -20                   13.559033          0.0071%
       100                                  -10                   13.558980          0.0075%
       100                                      0                 13.560282          0.0021%
       100                                 +10                    13.559434          0.0042%
       100              120                +15                    13.559657          0.0025%
       100                                 +20                    13.559143          0.0063%
       100                                 +25                    13.559417          0.0043%        Pass
       100                                 +30                    13.560705          0.0052%
       100                                 +40                    13.559870          0.0010%
       100                                 +55                    13.560398          0.0029%
                        102                +20                    13.558879          0.0083%
  End Point, 85)
                        138                +20                    13.560676          0.0050%
 End Point, 115)

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                                                                                   Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

A.5         Conducted Emissions

Note 1: Devices subject to Part 15 must be tested for all available U.S. voltages and frequencies (such as a nominal
120 VAC, 60 Hz and 240 VAC, 50 Hz) for which the device is capable of operation. So, The configuration 120 VAC,
60 Hz and 240 VAC, 50 Hz were tested respectively, but only the worst configuration (120 VAC, 60 Hz ) shown
Test Data and Plots
     PHASE L

        No.    Frequency    Results      Factor (dB)   Limit (dBuV)   Over Limit    Detector   Line     Verdict
               (MHz)        (dBuV)                                    (dB)

        1      0.386        39.61        10.30         58.15          -18.54        Peak       L Line   Pass

        1**    0.386        25.26        10.30         48.15          -22.89        AV         L Line   Pass

        2      0.576        41.68        10.27         56.00          -14.32        Peak       L Line   Pass

        2**    0.576        28.13        10.27         46.00          -17.87        AV         L Line   Pass

        3      0.678        44.35        10.27         56.00          -11.65        Peak       L Line   Pass

        3**    0.678        32.67        10.27         46.00          -13.33        AV         L Line   Pass

        4      1.028        43.00        10.23         56.00          -13.00        Peak       L Line   Pass

        4**    1.028        29.49        10.23         46.00          -16.51        AV         L Line   Pass

        5      1.454        43.89        10.25         56.00          -12.11        Peak       L Line   Pass

        5**    1.454        31.02        10.25         46.00          -14.98        AV         L Line   Pass

        6      15.722       44.36        10.42         60.00          -15.64        Peak       L Line   Pass

        6**    15.722       34.10        10.42         50.00          -15.90        AV         L Line   Pass

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  No.     Frequency   Results   Factor (dB)   Limit (dBuV)   Over Limit    Detector   Line     Verdict
          (MHz)       (dBuV)                                 (dB)

  1       0.474       45.93     10.30         56.44          -10.51        Peak       N Line   Pass

  1**     0.474       35.68     10.30         46.44          -10.76        AV         N Line   Pass

  2       0.532       49.87     10.29         56.00          -6.13         Peak       N Line   Pass

  2**     0.532       37.33     10.29         46.00          -8.67         AV         N Line   Pass

  3       0.566       47.60     10.28         56.00          -8.40         Peak       N Line   Pass

  3**     0.566       38.38     10.28         46.00          -7.62         AV         N Line   Pass

  4       0.598       42.08     10.28         56.00          -13.92        Peak       N Line   Pass

  4**     0.598       31.91     10.28         46.00          -14.09        AV         N Line   Pass

  5       3.474       38.25     10.29         56.00          -17.75        Peak       N Line   Pass

  5**     3.474       26.23     10.29         46.00          -19.77        AV         N Line   Pass

  6       12.824      39.64     10.39         60.00          -20.36        Peak       N Line   Pass

  6**     12.824      26.95     10.39         50.00          -23.05        AV         N Line   Pass

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                                                             Report No.: BL-HK1950183-402

Please refer the document “BL-HK1950183-AE-2.PDF”.

Please refer the document “BL-HK1950183-AW.PDF”.

Please refer the document “BL-HK1950183-AI.PDF”.

                                         --END OF REPORT--

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Document Created: 2019-06-10 21:12:28
Document Modified: 2019-06-10 21:12:28

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