18_1604 RFExp

FCC ID: 2AH3P-M1604

RF Exposure Info

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                                  Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                  1F., Block A of Tongsheng Technology Building, Huahui Road, Dalang Street, Longhua District,
                                  Shenzhen, China
                                  Telephone:     +86-755-26648640
                                  Fax:           +86-755-26648637                 Report Template Version: V03
                                  Website:       www.cqa-cert.com                 Report Template Revision Date: Mar.1st, 2017

                RF Exposure Evaluation Report
Report No. :                      CQASZ20190200034E-02
Applicant:                        Tinylogics Ltd
Address of Applicant:             St John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom CB4
                                  0WS, Cambridge,United Kingdom
Manufacturer:                     Shenzhen Xiao Luo Ji Technology Ltd
Address of Manufacturer:          Commercial Office Building 1002, Xi Long Bay Garden (N23 District), 3rd Jia’An
                                  Road on Xin’An Street, Bao’An District, Shenzhen
Equipment Under Test (EUT):
Product:                          FOCI Focus Wearable

Model No.:                        1604

Brand Name:                       FOCI

FCC ID:                           2AH3P-M1604

Standards:                        47 CFR Part 1.1307
                                  47 CFR Part 2.1093
                                  KDB447498D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06

Date of Test:                     2019-02-28 to 2019-03-14
Date of Issue:                    2019-03-14
Test Result :                     PASS*

Tested By:
                                                (Daisy Qin)

Reviewed By:
                                                (Aaron Ma )

Approved By:
                                                 ( Jack Ai)

* In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

The test report is effective only with both signature and specialized stamp, The result(s) shown in this report refer only to

the sample(s) tested. Without written approval of CQA, this report can’t be reproduced except in full.

                                    Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                      Report No.: CQASZ20190200034E-02

1   Version
                            Revision History Of Report

          Report No.          Version         Description           Issue Date
     CQASZ20190200034E-02      Rev.01        Initial report        2019-03-14

                              Page:2 of 6

                                                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190200034E-02

2         Contents
1       VERSION .....................................................................................................................................................................2

2       CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................3

3       GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................4
    3.1     CLIENT INFORMATION................................................................................................................................................4
    3.2     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................................................4
    3.3     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BLE ................................................................................................................................4
4       SAR EVALUATION ....................................................................................................................................................5
    4.1 RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT ..............................................................................................................5
       4.1.1 Standard Requirement .................................................................................................................................5
       4.1.2 Limits ..............................................................................................................................................................5
       4.1.3 EUT RF Exposure.........................................................................................................................................6

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                                                     Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                      Report No.: CQASZ20190200034E-02

3    General Information
3.1 Client Information
    Applicant:                      Tinylogics Ltd
    Address of Applicant:           St John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom
                                    CB4 0WS, Cambridge,United Kingdom
    Manufacturer:                   Shenzhen Xiao Luo Ji Technology Ltd
    Address of Manufacturer:        Commercial Office Building 1002, Xi Long Bay Garden (N23 District), 3rd
                                    Jia’An Road on Xin’An Street, Bao’An District, Shenzhen

3.2 General Description of EUT
    Product Name:                   FOCI Focus Wearable
    All Model No.:                  1604
    Trade Mark:                     FOCI
    Hardware Version:               V1.0
    Software Version:               V1.0
    Sample Type:                       Mobile         Portable    Fix Location
    Power Supply:                   lithium battery:DC3.7V, Charge by USB

3.3 General Description of BLE
    Operation Frequency:       2402MHz~2480MHz
    Bluetooth Version:         V4.2
    Modulation Type:           GFSK
    Number of Channel:         40
    Transfer Rate:             1Mbps
    Test Software of EUT:      SmartSnippets_Studio_v1.6.3 (manufacturer declare )
    Antenna Type:              Integral antenna
    Antenna Gain:              4.9dBi

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                     Report No.: CQASZ20190200034E-02

4    SAR Evaluation
4.1 RF Exposure Compliance Requirement
4.1.1 Standard Requirement
     According to KDB447498D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
     4.3.1. Standalone SAR test exclusion considerations
            Unless specifically required by the published RF exposure KDB procedures, standalone 1-g head
     or body and 10-g extremity SAR evaluation for general population exposure conditions, by measurement
     or numerical simulation, is not required when the corresponding SAR Exclusion Threshold condition,
     listed below, is satisfied.
4.1.2 Limits
     The 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances
     ≤ 50 mm are determined by:

     [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] ·
     [√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0 for 1-g SAR and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR, where

      f(G Hz) is the RF cha nne l tra ns m it fre que ncy in G Hz
      P owe r a nd dis ta nce a re rounde d to the ne a re s t m W a nd m m be fore calculation
      The re s ult is rounde d to one de cim a l pla ce for com pa ris on
     The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is ≤ 50 mm and
     for transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum test separation
     distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to determine SAR test exclusion

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                        Report No.: CQASZ20190200034E-02

4.1.3 EUT RF Exposure
1) For BLE
Measurement Data
                                           GFSK(1Mbps) mode
                                                       Tune up tolerance              Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel              Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                      (dBm)                 (dBm)        (mW)

    Lowest(2402MHz)                    -2.9                       -2±1                    -1        0.794
     Middle(2440MHz)                   -1.45                      -2±1                    -1        0.794
    Highest(2480MHz)                   -0.45                      -1±1                    0             1.00

  Worst case: GFSK(1Mbps)
                       Maximum                         Maximum tune-
                         Peak           Tune up             up Power
                                                                             Calculated        Exclusion
     Channel           Conducted        tolerance
                                                                               value           threshold
                      Output Power       (dBm)         (dBm)     (mW)
    (2402MHz)             -2.9            -2±1          -1       0.794         0.25

    (2440MHz)            -1.45            -2±1          -1       0.794         0.25

    (2480MHz)            -0.45            -1±1              0    1.00          0.31

  Conclusion: the calculated value ≤3.0, SAR is exempted.

Remark: The Max Conducted Peak Output Power data refer to report Report No.: CQASZ20190200034E-01

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Document Created: 2019-03-28 15:53:14
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 15:53:14

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