test report DFS

FCC ID: 2AH25T6900

Test Report

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                               RF TEST REPORT

            Applicant                  Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.

            Product                    Smart POS system

            Brand                      SUNMI

            Model                      T6900

            Report No.                 R1907A0434-R1

            Issue Date                 August 23, 2019

TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements inFCC
CFR47 Part 15E (2018). The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating compliance
with the requirements as documented in this report.

                      Performed by: Peng Tao                      Approved by: Kai Xu

               TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                      No.145, Jintang Rd, Tangzhen Industry Park, Pudong Shanghai, China
                                          TEL: +86‐021‐50791141/2/3
                                       FAX: +86‐021‐50791141/2/3‐8000

               RF Test Report                                                                               Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENT

1.     Test Laboratory ............................................................................................................................ 4
     1.1. Notes of the test report ......................................................................................................... 4
     1.2. Test facility ........................................................................................................................... 4
     1.3. Testing Location ................................................................................................................... 5
2.      General Description of Equipment under Test.............................................................................. 6
3.      Applied Standards ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.     DFS Technical Requirements and Radar Test Waveforms .......................................................... 9
     4.1. DFS Overview ...................................................................................................................... 9
     4.2. DFS Detection Thresholds ................................................................................................. 10
     4.3. RADAR TEST WAVEFORMS ............................................................................................ 11
     4.4. Test set-ups ....................................................................................................................... 14
5.     Test Case Results ...................................................................................................................... 16
     5.1. DFS Detection Thresholds ................................................................................................. 16
     5.2. In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time and
     Non-Occupancy Period ................................................................................................................. 18
6.      Main Test Instruments ................................................................................................................ 22
ANNEX A: EUT Appearance and Test Setup .................................................................................... 23
 A.1 EUT Appearance .................................................................................................................... 23
 A.2 Test Setup .............................................................................................................................. 24

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                RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

                                              Summary of measurement results

Number       Test Case                                                        Clause in FCC rules                               Verdict

    1        DFS Detection Threshold                                          15.407/KDB 905462 5.2                                  pass

    2        U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                        15.407/KDB 905462 7.8.1                                NA

    3        Channel Availability Check Time                                  15.407/KDB 905462 7.8.2                                NA

    4        In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time                      15.407/KDB 905462 7.8.3                                pass
             In-Service Monitoring for Channel Closing
    5                                                                         15.407/KDB 905462 7.8.3                                pass
             Transmission Time
             In-Service Monitoring for Non-Occupancy
    6                                                                         15.407/KDB 905462 7.8.3                                pass
    7        Statistical Performance Check                                    15.407/KDB 905462 7.8.4                                NA

Date of Testing: August 15, 2019

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

1. Test Laboratory

1.1. Notes of the test report

This report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of TA technology

(shanghai) co., Ltd. The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the

conditions and modes of operation as described herein .Measurement Uncertainties were not taken

into account and are published for informational purposes only. This report is written to support

regulatory compliance of the applicable standards stated above.

1.2. Test facility

FCC (Designation number: CN1179, Test Firm Registration Number: 446626)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed on the US Federal Communications Commission
list of test facilities recognized to perform electromagnetic emissions measurements.
IC (recognition number is 8510A)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed by industry Canada to perform electromagnetic
emission measurement.
VCCI (recognition number is C-4595, T-2154, R-4113, G-10766)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed by industry Japan to perform electromagnetic
emission measurement.
A2LA (Certificate Number: 3857.01)
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been listed by American Association for Laboratory
Accreditation to perform electromagnetic emission measurement.

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

1.3. Testing Location

 Company:              TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

 Address:              No.145, Jintang Rd, Tangzhen Industry Park, Pudong

 City:                 Shanghai

 Post code:            201201
 Country:              P. R. China

 Contact:              Xu Kai

 Telephone:            +86-021-50791141/2/3

 Fax:                  +86-021-50791141/2/3-8000
 Website:              http://www.ta-shanghai.com

 E-mail:               xukai@ta-shanghai.com

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

2. General Description of Equipment under Test

Client Information
    Applicant                              Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
                                           Room 605, Block 7, KIC Plaza, No.388 Song Hu Road, Yang Pu
    Applicant address
                                           District, Shanghai, China
    Manufacturer                           Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
                                           Room 605, Block 7, KIC Plaza, No.388 Song Hu Road, Yang Pu
    Manufacturer address
                                           District, Shanghai, China

General information
                                                     EUT Description
    Model:                                    T6900
    SN:                                       PB03D60160054
    Hardware Version:                         B1691_MAIN_PCB
    Software Version:                         V1.0.1
    Power Supply:                             AC adapter/Battery
    Antenna Type:                             Internal Antenna
    Test Mode:                                U-NII-2A(5250MHz-5350MHz)
                                              802.11a(HT20) : OFDM
    Modulation Type:
                                              802.11n(HT20/HT40) : OFDM
    Operating Mode                                Slave with radar detection
                                                  Slave without radar detection
    Operating Frequency
                                              U-NII-2A: 5250MHz-5350MHz
                                                      EUT Accessory
                                              Manufacturer: SHENZHEN TIANYIN ELECTONICS CO.,LTD.
                                              Model: TPA-46050200VU
                                              Manufacturer: Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
                                              Model: T6900
                                              Manufacturer: Hui Zhou/Jiujiang JuWei Electronics Co.,Ltd.
    USB Cable
                                              Model: USB2.0 A/M TO TYPE C/M CABLE 1.5M black
    Note: 1. The information of the EUT is declared by the manufacturer.

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

Wireless Technology and Frequency Range
Wireless Technology                    Bandwidth                           Channel                         Frequency
                                                                               52                            5260MHz
                                                                               56                            5280MHz
                                         20 MHz
                                                                               60                            5300MHz
 Wi-Fi         U-NII-2A
                                                                               64                            5320MHz
                                                                               54                            5270MHz
                                         40 MHz
                                                                               62                            5310MHz
Does this device support TPC Function? ☐Yes ☒No
Does this device support TDWR Band? ☐Yes ☒No

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

3. Applied Standards

According to the specifications of the manufacturer, it must comply with the requirements of the
following standards:

FCC CFR47 Part 15E (2018) Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices

FCC KDB 905462 D02UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02

FCC KDB 905462 D03 Client Without DFS New Rules v01r02

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

4. DFS Technical Requirements and Radar Test Waveforms

4.1. DFS Overview

Table 1 Applicability of DFS Requirements Prior to Use of a Channel
                                                                             Operational Mode
Requirement                                                           Client Without Radar             Client With Radar
                                                                            Detection                      Detection
Non-Occupancy Period                                   Yes                        Yes                            Yes
DFS Detection Threshold                                Yes                  Not required                         Yes
Channel Availability Check Time                        Yes                  Not required                   Not required
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                              Yes                  Not required                         Yes

Table 2 Applicability of DFS requirements during normal operation
                                                                             Operational Mode
Requirement                                       Master Device or Client with                    ClientWithout Radar
                                                       Radar Detection                                 Detection
DFS Detection Threshold                                            Yes                                  Not required
Channel Closing Transmission Time                                  Yes                                       Yes
Channel Move Time                                                  Yes                                       Yes
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                          Yes                                  Not required
Additional requirements for
                                                  Master Device or Client with                   Client Without Radar
devices with multiple bandwidth
                                                       Radar Detection                                 Detection
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                         All BW modes must be tested                           Not required
Statistical Performance Check                     All BW modes must be tested                           Not required
                                                   Test using widest BW mode                   Test using the widest BW
Channel Closing Transmission Time
                                                            available                          mode available for the link
                                                   Test using widest BW mode                   Test using the widest BW
Channel Move Time
                                                            available                          mode available for the link
All other tests                                         Any single BW mode                              Not required
Note: Frequencies selected for statistical performance check should include several frequencies within
the radar detection bandwidth and frequencies near the edge of the radar detection bandwidth. For
802.11 devices it is suggested to select frequencies in each of the bonded 20 MHz channels and the
channel center frequency.

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1
4.2. DFS Detection Thresholds
Table 3 DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices with Radar Detection
Maximum Transmit Power
                                                                                  (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
EIRP ≥ 200 milliwatt                                                                        -64 dBm
EIRP < 200 milliwatt and power spectral density
                                                                                            -62 dBm
< 10 dBm/MHz
EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the power
                                                                                            -64 dBm
spectral density requirement
Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the
test transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure
that the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
Note3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication
662911 D01.

Table 4 DFS Response Requirement Values
Parameter                                                                                    Value
Non-occupancy period                                                                Minimum 30 minutes
Channel Availability Check Time                                                           60 seconds
                                                                                         10 seconds
Channel Move Time
                                                                                         See Note 1.
                                                                        200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60
Channel Closing Transmission Time                                  milliseconds over remaining 10 second period.
                                                                                  See Notes 1 and 2.
                                                                    Minimum 100% of the U-NII 99% transmission
U-NII Detection Bandwidth
                                                                          power bandwidth. See Note 3.
Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with
Radar Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the
beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to
facilitate a Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second
period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between
Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For each
frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are performed
with no data traffic

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

Table 5 Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms
                Pulse                                                                                           Minimum
    Radar                                    PRI                        Number of        Percentage of
                Width                                                                                           Number of
    Type                                    (μsec)                       Pulses           Successful
                (μsec)                                                                                            Trials
       0           1                         1428                            18            See Note 1          See Note 1
                              Test A: 15 unique PRI values
                             randomly selected from the list
                              of 23 PRI values in Table 5a
                             Test B: 15 unique PRI values
       1           1         randomly selected within the                Roundup               60%                   30
                             range of 518-3066 μsec, with a
                             minimum increment of 1 μsec,
                             excluding PRI values selected
                             in Test A
       2          1-5                      150-230                         23-29               60%                   30
       3         6-10                      200-500                         16-18               60%                   30
       4        11-20                      200-500                         12-16               60%                   30
   Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                           80%                   120
   Note 1: Short Pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test, channel move
   time, and channel closing time tests.

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1
Table 5a Pulse Repetition Intervals Values for Test A
         Pulse Repetition                  Pulse Repetition Frequency                   Pulse Repetition Interval
        Frequency Number                      (Pulses Per Second)                           (Microseconds)
                    1                                    1930.5                                       518
                    2                                    1858.7                                       538
                    3                                    1792.1                                       558
                    4                                    1730.1                                       578
                    5                                    1672.2                                       598
                    6                                    1618.1                                       618
                    7                                    1567.4                                       638
                    8                                    1519.8                                       658
                    9                                    1474.9                                       678
                    10                                   1432.7                                       698
                    11                                   1392.8                                       718
                    12                                    1355                                        738
                    13                                   1319.3                                       758
                    14                                   1285.3                                       778
                    15                                   1253.1                                       798
                    16                                   1222.5                                       818
                    17                                   1193.3                                       838
                    18                                   1165.6                                       858
                    19                                    1139                                        878
                    20                                   1113.6                                       898
                    21                                   1089.3                                       918
                    22                                   1066.1                                       938
                    23                                    326.2                                      3066

The aggregate is the average of the percentage of successful detections of Short Pulse Radar Types
1-4. For example, the following table indicates how to compute the aggregate of percentage of
successful detections.
                                                        Number of Successful                Minimum Percentage of
      Radar Type             Number of Trials
                                                            Detections                       Successful Detection
             1                        35                             29                                82.9%
             2                        30                             18                                 60%
             3                        30                             27                                 90%
             4                        50                             44                                 88%
   Aggregate (82.9% + 60% + 90% + 88%)/4 = 80.2%

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1
Table 6 Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform
                 Pulse         Chirp                        Number                                             Minimum
    Radar                                     PRI                          Number          Percentage
                 Width        Width                        of Pulses                                           Number of
    Type                                     (μsec)                        of Bursts      of Successful
                 (μsec)       (MHz)                        per Burst                                             Trials
        5        50-100        5-20       1000-2000            1-3            8-20              80%                 30

The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen.Thirty unique waveforms are required for the
Long Pulse Radar Type waveforms. If more than 30 waveforms are used for the Long Pulse Radar
Type waveforms, then each additional waveform must also be unique and not repeated from the
previous waveforms.

Table 7 Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform
                                                                          Hopping          Minimum
                 Pulse                                    Hopping                                             Minimum
     Radar                      PRI        Pulses                        Sequence         Percentage
                 Width                                     Rate                                               Number of
     Type                      (μsec)      per Hop                        Length         of Successful
                 (μsec)                                    (kHz)                                                Trials
                                                                          (msec)           Detection
        6            1          333             9          0.333             300               70%                 30
For the Frequency Hopping Radar Type, the same Burst parameters are used for each waveform. The
hopping sequence is different for each waveform and a 100-length segment is selected from the
hopping sequence defined by the following algorithm: The first frequency in a hopping sequence is
selected randomly from the group of 475 integer frequencies from 5250 – 5724 MHz. Next, the
frequency that was just chosen is removed from the group and a frequency is randomly selected from
the remaining 474 frequencies in the group. This process continues until all 475 frequencies are
chosen for the set. For selection of a random frequency, the frequencies remaining within the group
are always treated as equally likely.

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

4.4. Test set-ups
We test the data stream using MPEG-X files.
Setup for Master with injection at the Master

Figure 2: Example Conducted Setup where UUT is a Master and Radar Test Waveforms are injected
into the Master

Setup for Client with injection at the Master

Figure 3: Example Conducted Setup where UUT is a Client and Radar Test Waveforms are injected
into the Master

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1
Setup for Client with injection at the Client

Figure 4: Example Conducted Setup where UUT is a Client and Radar Test Waveforms are injected
into the Client

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

5. Test Case Results

5.1. DFS Detection Thresholds
Ambient condition

                 Temperature                  Relative humidity                            Pressure
                 23°C ~25°C                       45%~50%                                 101.5kPa

Methods of Measurement

Client with injection at the Master.
For a detection threshold level of -64dBm, the required signal strength at EUT antenna location is
-64dBm, the tested level is lower than required level hence it provides margin to the limit.

                                                 Frequency of Calibration
                                         Bandwidth                   Central Frequency

                                            20MHz                          5300MHz

                                            40MHz                          5270MHz

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1
Calibration Result
Radar 0
              Central Frequency: 5270 MHz                                    Central Frequency: 5300 MHz

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

5.2. In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission
Time and Non-Occupancy Period

Ambient condition

                   Temperature                 Relative humidity                         Pressure

                   23°C ~25°C                      45%~50%                               101.5kPa

Methods of Measurement

These tests define how the following DFS parameters are verified during In-Service Monitoring;
- Channel Closing Transmission Time
- Channel Move Time
- Non-Occupancy Period

The steps below define the procedure to determine the above mentioned parameters when a radar
Burst with a level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1dB is generated on the Operating Channel
of the U-NII device (In- Service Monitoring).

1. One frequency will be chosen from the Operating Channels of the EUT within the 5250-5350 MHz or
5470-5725 MHz bands. For 802.11 devices, the test frequency must contain control signals. This can
be verified by disabling channel loading and monitoring the spectrum analyzer. If no control signals are
detected, another frequency must be selected within the emission bandwidth where control signals are

2. In case the EUT is a U-NII device operating as a Client Device (with or without DFS), a U-NII device
operating as a Master Device will be used to allow the EUT (Client device) to Associate with the Master
Device. In case the EUT is a Master Device, a U-NII device operating as a Client Device will be used
and it is assumed that the Client will Associate with the EUT (Master). In both cases for conducted
tests, the Radar Waveform generator will be connected to the Master Device. For radiated tests, the
emissions of the Radar Waveform generator will be directed towards the Master Device. If the Master
Device has antenna gain, the main beam of the antenna will be directed toward the radar emitter.
Vertical polarization is used for testing.

3. Stream the channel loading test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the test Channel
for the entire period of the test.

4. At time T0 the Radar Waveform generator sends a Burst of pulses for one of the Radar Type 0 in
Table 5 at levels defined in Table 3, on the Operating Channel. An additional 1 dB is added to the radar
test signal to ensure it is at or above the DFS Detection Threshold, accounting for equipment

5. Observe the transmissions of the EUT at the end of the radar Burst on the Operating Channel for
duration greater than 10 seconds. Measure and record the transmissions from the EUT during the
observation time (Channel Move Time). Measure and record the Channel Move Time and Channel
Closing Transmission Time if radar detection occurs. Figure 17 illustrates Channel Closing

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1
Transmission Time.

6. When operating as a Master Device, monitor the EUT for more than 30 minutes following instant T2
to verify that the EUT does not resume any transmissions on this Channel. Perform this test once and
record the measurement result.

7. In case the EUT is a U-NII device operating as a Client Device with In-Service Monitoring, perform
steps 1 to 6.

             Figure 17: Example of Channel Closing Transmission Time & Channel Closing Time


       Channel Move Time                                    ≤10s

       Channel Closing Transmission Time                    ≤200ms + 60ms (over remaining 10s period)

       Non-Occupancy Period                                 ≥30min
Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with Radar
Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
Note 2:The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning
of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitateaChannel
move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate
duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.

Measurement Uncertainty

The assessed measurement uncertainty to ensure 95% confidence level for the normal distribution is
with the coverage factor k = 1.96, U=2.69 dB.

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1
Test Results:

Timing plot

                     Bandwidth 20MHz                                                 Bandwidth 40MHz

In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time
              Central Frequency: 5270 MHz                                    Central Frequency: 5300 MHz

In-Service Monitoring for Channel Closing Transmission Time
              Central Frequency: 5270 MHz                                    Central Frequency: 5300 MHz

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

In-Service Monitoring for Non-Occupancy Period
              Central Frequency: 5270 MHz                                    Central Frequency: 5300 MHz

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

6. Main Test Instruments

                                                                                               Calibration         Expiration
       Name                  Manufacturer             Type            Serial Number
                                                                                                  Date               Date
Spectrum Analyzer               Agilent             N9020A             MY52330084              2019-05-19          2020-05-18
Signal Generator                Agilent             N5182B             MY51350303              2019-05-19          2020-05-18
      Splitter                                        2 way          UCL-PD0512-2S                    /                   /
     RF Cable                   Agilent            SMA 15cm                  0001                     /                   /
     RF Cable                   Agilent            SMA 15cm                  0002                     /                   /
     RF Cable                   Agilent            SMA 15cm                  0003                     /                   /
     RF Cable                   Agilent            SMA 15cm                  0004                     /                   /
     Software                   Agilent                                        /                      /                  /
                                                  Air-AP1262            LDK102073
    WLAN AP                      Cisco                                                                /                  /
                                                    N-A-K9               (FCC ID)

                                              *****END OF REPORT *****

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

ANNEX A: EUT Appearance and Test Setup

  A.1 EUT Appearance


                                                       Picture 1 EUT

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            RF Test Report                                                                  Report No.: R1907A0434-R1

  A.2 Test Setup

                                                  Picture 2 Test Setup

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Document Created: 2019-09-06 10:44:19
Document Modified: 2019-09-06 10:44:19

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