

RF Exposure Info

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                                   TEST REPORT
                                 No. I18D00221-SAR01

                        Client : Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.

               Production : Smart counter scale

             Model Name : ACS-L2501, ACS-L2502, ACS-L2503

               Brand Name SUNMI

                       FCC ID: 2AH25S2

    Hardware Version: V1.03

      Software Version: MS64FF_EQ000_2EE0.075FE5C.9530762




              Issued date: 2019-01-30

The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report. This report shall not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of ECIT Shanghai.
Test Laboratory:
ECIT Shanghai, East China Institute of Telecommunications
Add: 7F, G Area, No.668, Beijing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P. R. China
Tel: (+86)-021-63843300, E-Mail: welcome@ecit.org.cn

ECIT                                                                    Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1

                                              Revision Version
      Report Number               Revision              Date                           Memo
    118D00221—SARO1                  00              2019—01—30        Initial creation of test report

 East China Institute of Telecommunications                       Page Number            : 2 of 9
 TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:+86 21 63843301                          Report Issued Date     Jan.30, 2019

ECIT                                                                   Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1


1.     TEST LABORATORY                                                                                   «.. 4

1.1.   TESTING LOCATION                                                                                  «.. 4

1.2.   PROJECT DATA                                                                   —                  .. 4

1.3.    SIGNATURE...                                                                                     ... 4

2.     CLIENT INFORMATION                                                                                22. 5

2.1.    APPLICANT INFORMATION..                                                                          22. 5

2.2.   MANUFACTURER INFORMATION......                                                                    22. 5


3.1.   ABOUT EUT...                                                                                      ... 6

3.2.   INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF EUT USED DURING THE TEST ........0.0000000000000200200ee0e0000e2 6

3.3.   INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE USED DURING THE TEST .......020000000000000000022002e2eeeee000e0 6

4.     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FORFCC                                                                        «.. 7

4.1.    APPLICABLE STANDARDS.....                                                                        «.. 7

4.2.    TEST LIMITS.                                                                                     «.. 7

5.     TEST RESULTS                                                                                      ... 8

5.1.   RF POWER OUTPUT..                                                                                 ... 8

5.2.    CALCULATION INFORMATION                                                                          ... 8

5.3.    POWER DENSITY CALCULATIONS....                                                                   ... 9

5.4.   CALCULATIONS                                                                   —                  .. 9

 East China Institute of Telecommunications                      Page Number              : 3 of 9
 TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:+86 21 63843301                         Report Issued Date       Jan.30, 2019

ECIT                                                                   Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1

 1. Test Laboratory

 1.1. Testing Location

  Company Name:                    ECIT Shanghai, East China Institute of Telecommunications
  Address:                         7—8F, G Area,No. 668, Beijing East Road, Huangpu District,
                                   Shanghai, P. R. China
  Postal Code:                     200001

  Telephone:                       (+86)—021—63843300
  Fax:                             (+86)—021—63843301
  FCC Registration NO.:            489729

 1.2. Project Data

  Project Leader:                  Chen Minfeli

 1.3. Signature

                        5om                                        1# > &.
                        Yan Hang                                        Fu Erliang
               (Prepared this test report)                     {Reviewed this test report)

                                               yfy tb :9
                                              Zheng Zhongbin
                                         {Approved this test report)

 East China Institute of Telecommunications                    Page Number           : 4 of 9
 TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:+86 21 63843301                       Report Issued Date    Jan.30, 2019

E;c.,_T                                                             Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1

  2. Client Information
  2.1. Applicant Information
    Company Name:              Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
    Address /Post:             4 Place Amédée Bonnet, 69002 Lyon, France
    Telephone:                 18721763396
    Postal Code:               /

  2.2. Manufacturer Information
    Company Name:              Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
    Address /Post:             4 Place Amédée Bonnet, 69002 Lyon, France
    Telephone:                 18721763396
    Postal Code:               /

  East China Institute of Telecommunications                 Page Number          : 5 of 9
  TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:+86 21 63843301                    Report Issued Date   Jan.30, 2019

ECIT                                                                    Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1

 3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)
 3.1. About EUT
   EUT Description                        Smart counter scale
   Model name                            ACS—L2501,ACS—L2502, ACS—L2503
   WCDMA Frequency Band                   N/A
   LTE Frequency Band                     N/A
   Wifi Frequency Band                    big/n/a
   BT Frequency Band                     2.1/4.0/BLE
   Antenna Type                           External Antenna

 3.2. Internal Identification of EUT used during the test
                                                                                                  D     f
        gN or IMEI HW Version                                SW Version:                           ate0
                                                      180914 _100_VO1_T27
                                 .                          D   nra  nsaEnga                    2018.11.21
    No1         N/A           v1.03           MS64FH_EQOO00_2EE0.484ED16.9530762_                018

 *EUT ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

 3.3. Internal Identification of AE used during the test
   AE ID*      Description              Model                   SN                     Manufacturer

 *AE ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

 East China Institute of Telecommunications                       Page Number            : 6 of 9
 TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:~+86 21 63843301                         Report Issued Date     Jan.30, 2019

ECIT                                                                        Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1

 4. Reference Documents For FCC
 4.1. Applicable Standards

 The MPE report was carried out on a sample equipment to demonstrate limited compliance with
 FCC CFR 47 Part 2.1091.
 Section 1.1310    Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits

 4.2. Test Limits

 Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures
 that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess limit for maximum
 permissible exposure. In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 21091 this
 device has been defined as a mobile device whereby a distance of 0.2m normally can be
 maintained between the user and the device.
                              Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
     Frequency           Electric    Field    Magnetic   Field   Power      Density    Averaging
     Range               Strength      (E)    Strength    (H)    (S)                   Times |EJ2, |HJ2
     [MHz]               [V/m]                [A/m]              [mW/cm2]              or S [miniutes]
     0.3 —3.0            614                  1.63               (100)*                6
     3.0 — 30            1824/f               4.89/              (900/1)*              6
     30 — 300            61.4                 0.163              1.0                   6
     300 — 1500          ——                   ——                 F/300                 6
     1500 — 100000       ——                   ——                 5                     6

                        Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
     Frequency           Electric    Field    Magnetic   Field   Power      Density    Averaging
     Range               Strength      (E)    Strength    (H)    (S)                   Times |EJ2, |HJ2
     [MHz]               [V/m]                [A/m]              [mW/cm2]              or S [miniutes]
     0.3 — 1.34          614                  1.63               (100)*                30
     1.34 — 30           824/t                2.19/              (180/f)*              30
     30 — 300            27.5                 0.073              0.2                   30
     300 — 1500          ——                   ——                 F1500                 30
     1500 — 100000       ——                   ——                 1.0                   30
 Note: f=frequency in MHz; *Plane—wave equivalent power density
 For the DUT, the limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure are applicable.

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 TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:+86 21 63843301                          Report Issued Date        Jan.30, 2019

ECIT                                                                      Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1

 5. Test Results
 5.1. RF Power Output

            Frequency range              powzflr?()j(Bm)     Fgm;fi\gfl:’g‘fd     Antenna Gain (dBi)
               Wifi 80211b                    18                   18                  —2.1

               Wifi 802.11g                   16                   16                  —2

          Wifi 80211 n(2.4G)                  14                   14                  —24
               Wifi 802.11 a                  15                   15                  —2.1

           Wifi 80211 n(5G)                   15                   15                  —24
                    BT                         4                   4                   —2.1
                   BLE                         3                   3                   —2.1

 5.2. Calculation Information

      For conservative evaluation consideration, only maximum power of each frequency band
      based on the tighter limits respectively are used to calculate the boundary power density.

      Based on the FCC KDB 447498 DO1 and 47 CFR §2.1091, the DUT is evaluated as a mobile

       Given      S= PLC:                                 Equation 1
                     4l1d *

 P = Power in Watts
 G = Numeric antenna gain
 d = Distance in meters
 S = Power density in milliwatts / square centimeter

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 TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:+86 21 63843301                          Report Issued Date   Jan.30, 2019

ECIT                                                                   Report No.: 118D00221—SARO1

 5.3. Power density calculations

                                              agsond                       Numeric     Power
        Band                Frequency         allowed       Antenna        antenna    density at        Limit
                              (MHz)            Power      Gain (dBi)           «             Y        mW/cm?2
                                                                            gain        20cm
   WLAN 802.11b                2412             18             —2.1        0.6166       0.008           1.0
   WLAN 802.11g                2412             16             —2.1        0.6166       0.005           1.0

WLAN 802.11 n{2.4G)            2412             14             —2.1        0.6166       0.003           1.0

 WLAN 5G U—NIH                 5180             15             —2.1        0.6166       0.004           1.0
          BT                   2402              4             —2.1        0.6166      <0.001           1.0

         BLE                   2402              3             —2.1        0.6166      <0.001           1.0
 Note: For conservativeness, the lowest uplink frequency of each band is used to
 determine the MPE limit of that band

 5.4. Calculations

 The product is under the MPE limits. All is pass.

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 TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX:~+86 21 63843301                        Report Issued Date   «Jan.30, 2019

Document Created: 2019-01-30 10:05:59
Document Modified: 2019-01-30 10:05:59

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