Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                Report No.SH17010030E02

                             FCC EMC TEST REPORT
                                                                              Issued to

                                               Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.


                                                                  Smart POS system

                                            Model Name                :    W6900
                                            Trade Name                _:   SUNMI
                                            Brand Name                :    SUNMI
                                            Standard                  :    47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B
                                            ECC ID                    o    2AH2SPI
                                            Test date                 :    —Feb.14,2017
                                            Issue date                ;    Feb.15,2017

                                                                  _               by
                                                             Shanghai Skylabs Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        <           /

  Tested by                  M         i\                  Approved by élM,                 |                     Review by                  \CW\ G V

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Shanghai Skylabs Co..Ltd.                                                                                                       Email: service@skylabs.cn
Building 1. NO.1399.JiangYue Rd, Minhang District Shanghai, China                                                               Web site: http://www.skylabs.cn

                                                                                                                Report No. SH17010030E02

1.            General Information ......................................................................................................... 4

1.1           Applicant ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2           Manufacturer ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3           Description of EUT ............................................................................................................. 5

2.            Facilities and Accreditations ............................................................................................ 6

2.1           Test Facility ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2           Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................. 6
2.3           Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................... 6
2.4           List of Equipments Used ..................................................................................................... 7
2.5           Test Standards and Results .................................................................................................. 8

3.            Test Conditions Setting ..................................................................................................... 9

3.1           Test Mode ............................................................................................................................ 9

4.            Emission Tests .................................................................................................................. 10

4.1           Conducted Emission Measurement ................................................................................... 10
4.2           Radiated Emission Measurement ...................................................................................... 14

Annex A Photos of the EUT ........................................................................................................... 17

Annex B Photos of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 18

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                                                   Report No. SH17010030E02

                      Change History

Issue      Date                        Reason for change
 1.0    Feb.15,2017                      First edition

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                                                                     Report No. SH17010030E02

1.    General Information

1.1   Applicant

      Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
      Room 505, KIC Plaza, No.388 Song Hu Road, Yang Pu District, Shanghai, China

1.2   Manufacturer

      Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
      Room 505, KIC Plaza, No.388 Song Hu Road, Yang Pu District, Shanghai, China

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                                                                             Report No. SH17010030E02

1.3        Description of EUT

Sample Description .............. :        Smart POS system
Brand Name .......................... :    SUNMI
Trade Name .......................... :    SUNMI
Model Name ......................... :     W6900
Hardware Version ................. :       V1.1
Software Version .................. :      B900_A1BOM_V1.1.4_20170103
Frequency Range ...................        Bluetooth; WIFI
Extreme Voltages .................. :      High:4.2V; Low:3.4V; Norm: 3.7V


Brand Name ...........................

Mode No ................................   TPA-46050200UU
Electrical Rating [Input] ........         100-240V, 0.3A
Electrical Rating [Output] .....           5V, 2A
Manufacturer .........................     SHENZHEN TIANYIN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.
                                           COMMUNITY SHIYAN SUBDISTRICT, BAO’AN DISTRICT
Manufacturer Address ...........
                                           SHENZHEN, GUANGDON 518108 CHINA

For a more detailed description, please refer to Specification or User’s Manual supplied by the
applicant and/or manufacturer.

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                                                                          Report No. SH17010030E02

2.    Facilities and Accreditations

2.1   Test Facility

      Shanghai Skylabs Co., Ltd. Morlab Laboratory is a third party testing organization accredited
      by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) according to
      ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation certificate number is L6644. A 9*6*6(m) fully anechoic
      chamber was used for the radiated spurious emissions test.

2.2   Environmental Conditions

      Ambient temperature: 15~35°C
      Relative humidity: 30~60%
      Atmosphere pressure: 86-106kPa

2.3   Measurement Uncertainty

      The uncertainty is calculated using the methods suggested in the "Guide to the Expression of
      Uncertainty in Measurement" (GUM) published by ISO.
      Uncertainty of Conducted Emission: ±1.76dB
      Uncertainty of Radiated Emission: ±3.16dB

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                                                                              Report No. SH17010030E02

2.4      List of Equipments Used

         Description         Manufacturer       Model        Serial No.    Cal.Date       Cal.Due

       Shielding Room        CHENGYU         5m×4m×3m           CR        2015.09.13       2year

      EMI Test Receiver         R&S            ESCI7          100787      2016.08.05       1year

      Artificial Mains
                               TESEQ           NNB 51         33285       2016.02.24       1year

      3m Semi-anechoic                      9.2×6.25×6.15
                             CHENGYU                           SAR        2015.09.13       2year
          Chamber                                 m

   Broadband Log Antenna     Schwarzbeck     VULB 9163       9163-561     2015.07.24       2year

   Broadband Horn Antenna    Schwarzbeck    BBHA 9120 D 9120D-1033        2015.07.24       2year

       Power Supplier            NF           ES2000S        9087735      2016.09.25       1year

           Laptop              ACER         Aspire 4376ZG 49352912216         /

       Laptop Adapter         LITEON         PA-1650-22     9801016502        /

       USB Data Cable             /               /              /            /

Equipments listed above have been calibrated and are in the period of validation.

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                                                                              Report No. SH17010030E02

2.5         Test Standards and Results

The objective of the report is to perform testing according to 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B

      No.                   Identity                                Document Title
       1                 47 CFR Part 15                         Radio Frequency Devices

Test detailed items/section required by FCC rules and results are as below:

      No.           Section                          Description                          Result
       1          15.107(a)                      Conducted Emission                       PASS
       2          15.109(a)                       Radiated Emission                       PASS
       3        ANSI C63.4-2014                   Radiated Emission                       PASS

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                                                                              Report No. SH17010030E02

3.      Test Conditions Setting

3.1     Test Mode

The EUT configuration of the emission tests was EUT + Charger.
Before the measurement, the lithium battery was completely discharge. During the measurement, the
lithium battery and the charger were installed, and the MS were in charging state

All configurations and test modes are performed, only the worst case is recorded in this report.

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                                                                              Report No. SH17010030E02

4.      Emission Tests

4.1     Conducted Emission Measurement

4.1.1   Limits of Conducted Emission:

According to FCC section 15.107, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC
power line on any frequency within the band 150kHz to 30MHz shall not exceed the limits in the
following table, as measured using a 50µH/50Ω line impedance stabilization network (LISN).

                                                      CLASS B (dBuV)
                     Frequency (MHz)
                                               Quasi-peak         Average
                         0.15 - 0.5             66 - 56           56 - 46
                         0.50 - 5.0               56                46
                         5.0 - 30.0               60                50

(1) The lower limit shall apply at the band edges.
(2) The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 - 0.50MHz.

4.1.2   Test Procedure

The EUT and support equipment, if needed, were set up as per the test configuration to simulate
typical usage per the user’s manual. When the EUT is a tabletop system, a wooden table with a height
of 0.8 meters is used and is placed on the ground plane as per ANSI C63.4 (see Test Facility for the
dimensions of the ground plane used). When the EUT is a floor standing equipment, it is placed on the
ground plane, which has a 3-12 mm non-conductive covering to insulate the EUT from the ground
All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical actual usage as per ANSI C63.4.
EUT connected to Class B Computer/Laptop via USB data cable and data exchange mode. The
Computer/Laptop installed by US power 120V/60Hz, through a Line Impedance Stabilization Network
(LISN), which was supplied power source and was grounded to the ground plane.
The test program of the EUT was started. Emissions were measured on each current carrying line of
the EUT using an EMI Test Receiver connected to the LISN powering the EUT.
The Receiver scanned from 150kHz to 30MHz for emissions in each of the test modes.
During the above scans, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation.
The test mode(s) described in Item 3.1 were scanned during the preliminary test.
After the preliminary scan, we found the test mode described in Item 3.1 producing the highest
emission level.
The worst configuration of EUT and cable of the above highest emission level were recorded for
reference of the final test.

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                                                                            Report No. SH17010030E02

4.1.3    Test Setup

        < 40cm >                  < 80cm >


                                                                 Pulse Limiter
        < 80cm >                                          LISN

4.1.4    Test Result

Test Verdict Recorded for Suspicious Points:

                               Freq              Result          Limit           Margin
                               MHz               dBuV            dBuV             dB
               Average          0.19             14.83           54.00           39.17
                   QP           0.19             28.12           64.00           35.88
               Average          0.45             13.87           46.95           33.08
                   QP           0.45             25.12           56.95           31.83
               Average          0.58             22.59           46.00           23.41
                   QP           0.58             34.98           56.00           21.02
               Average          1.16             17.06           46.00           28.94
                   QP           1.16             28.31           56.00           27.69
               Average         14.48             21.87           50.00           28.13
                   QP          14.48             36.72           60.00           23.28
               Average         24.03              2.45           50.00           47.55
                   QP          24.03             23.80           60.00           36.20

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                                                           Report No. SH17010030E02

                       Freq        Result          Limit    Margin
                       MHz         dBuV            dBuV      dB
             Average   0.19         9.88           54.03     44.15
               QP      0.19         25.12          64.03     38.91
             Average   0.64         15.65          46.00     30.35
               QP      0.64         24.38          56.00     31.62
             Average   0.77         18.62          46.00     27.38
               QP      0.77         30.03          56.00     25.97
             Average   0.91         14.38          46.00     31.62
               QP      0.91         30.04          56.00     25.96
             Average   1.22         10.09          46.00     35.91
               QP      1.22         27.07          56.00     28.93
             Average   29.22        0.45           50.00     49.55
               QP      29.22        9.30           60.00     50.70

Test Plot:

                               (Plot A: L Phase)

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                    Report No. SH17010030E02

(Plot B: N Phase)

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                                                                                 Report No. SH17010030E02

4.2       Radiated Emission Measurement

4.2.1     Limits of Radiated Emission

According to FCC section 15.109, the field strength of radiated emissions from unintentional radiators
at a certain distance shall not exceed the following values:

                                                   Field Strength CLASS B (at 3m)
        Frequency (MHz)
                                               µV/m                            dBµV/m
            30 - 88                             100                              40.0
           88 - 216                             150                              43.5
          216 - 960                             200                              46.0
          Above 960                             500                              54.0

(1) Field Strength (dBµV/m) = 20*log[Field Strength (µV/m)].
(2) In the emission tables above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

Frequency range of radiated measurements (For unintentional radiators):

According to the FCC section 15.33 a(4) reference of a(1) : If the intentional radiator operates below
10GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40GHz, whichever is lower.

The highest frequency is 2472MHz , So 10th harmonic is 24.72GHz, the frequency range is from
30MHz to 26GHz

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                                                                             Report No. SH17010030E02

4.2.2   Test Procedure
The equipment was set up as per the test configuration to simulate typical usage per the user’s manual.
When the EUT is a tabletop system, a wooden turntable with a height of 0.8 meters is used which is
placed on the ground plane. When the EUT is a floor standing equipment, it is placed on the ground
plane which has a 3-12 mm non-conductive covering to insulate the EUT from the ground plane.
Support equipment, if needed, was placed as per ANSI C63.4.
All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical usage as per ANSI C63.4.
The EUT received AC power source from the outlet socket under the turntable. All support equipment
power received from another socket under the turntable.
The antenna was placed at 3 or 10 meter away from the EUT as stated in ANSI C63.4. The antenna
connected to the Spectrum Analyzer via a cable and at times a pre-amplifier would be used.
The Analyzer / Receiver quickly scanned from 30MHz to 40GHz. The EUT test program was started.
Emissions were scanned and measured rotating the EUT to 360 degrees and positioning the antenna 1
to 4 meters above the ground plane, in both the vertical and the horizontal polarization, to maximize
the emission reading level.
The test mode(s) described in Item 3.1 were scanned during the preliminary test:
After the preliminary scan, we found the test mode described in Item 3.1 producing the highest
emission level.
The worst configuration of EUT and cable of the above highest emission level were recorded for
reference of the final test

4.2.3   Test Setup

                                             < 3m >

                                                          Test Antenna

                                                          < 1m ... 4m >

               < 80cm >                  Turn Table

                                                      Receiver      Preamplifier

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                                                                        Report No. SH17010030E02

Test Verdict Recorded for Suspicious Points (30MHz~26GHz): Antenna Vertical

      Frequency            Level       Limit Line         Margin     Antenna
        (MHz)             (dBuV)        (dBuV)             (dB)     Polarization
         54.84             17.03         40.00            22.97       Vertical       PASS
        133.15             21.42         43.50            22.08       Vertical       PASS
        339.59             21.74         46.00            24.26       Vertical       PASS
       1198.38             22.08         54.00            31.92       Vertical       PASS
       1329.62             24.58         54.00            29.42       Vertical       PASS
       1803.07             28.22         54.00            25.78       Vertical       PASS
       1923.20             30.68         54.00            23.32       Vertical       PASS
       2890.57             34.83         54.00            19.17       Vertical       PASS
       3862.94             30.20         54.00            23.80       Vertical       PASS

Test Verdict Recorded for Suspicious Points (30MHz~26GHz): Antenna Horizontal

      Frequency            Level       Limit Line         Margin     Antenna
        (MHz)             (dBuV)        (dBuV)             (dB)     Polarization
        133.15             26.62         43.50            16.88     Horizontal       PASS
        227.69             30.02         46.00            15.98     Horizontal       PASS
        379.91             28.32         46.00            17.68     Horizontal       PASS
       1483.18             36.49         54.00            17.51     Horizontal       PASS
       1633.86             30.77         54.00            23.23     Horizontal       PASS
       2077.24             29.34         54.00            24.66     Horizontal       PASS
       2227.58             35.04         54.00            18.96     Horizontal       PASS
       2888.46             35.82         54.00            18.18     Horizontal       PASS
       5006.77             27.69         54.00            26.31     Horizontal       PASS

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Annex A Photos of the EUT

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Annex B   Photos of Test Setup

          1. Conducted Emission

          2. Radiated Emission

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                      Report No. SH17010030E02


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Document Created: 2017-04-14 12:07:44
Document Modified: 2017-04-14 12:07:44

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