test report


Test Report

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         TEST REPORT
         No. I19D00113-EMC01

          Client : Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.

     Production : POS Base

    Model Name : ND0A0

    Brand Name: SUNMI

         FCC ID: 2AH25-ND0A0

Hardware Version: V1.1

Software   Name: V1.0

     Issued date: 2019-08-16

                                                                 Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

1. The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report.
2. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of
    East China Institute of Telecommunications
3. The measurement uncertainty is not taken into account when deciding conformity,
    and the results of measurement (or the average of measurement results) are
    directly used as the criterion for the stating conformity.

Test Laboratory:
East China Institute of Telecommunications
Add: 7-8F, G Area, No.668, Beijing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P. R. China
Tel: +862163843300
FAX: +862163843301
E-Mail: welcome@ecit.org.cn

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                                                                   Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

                                             Revision Version
        Report Number               Revision            Date                    Memo
       I19D00113-EMC01                  00           2019-08-16   Initial creation of test report

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                                                                                                Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01


1.    TEST LABORATORY ............................................................................................................... 6

1.1. TESTING LOCATION ............................................................................................................... 6

1.2. TESTING ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................... 6

1.3. PROJECT DATA ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.4. SIGNATURE.............................................................................................................................. 6

2.    CLIENT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 7

2.1. APPLICANT INFORMATION.................................................................................................... 7

2.2. MANUFACTURER INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 7

3.    EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (AE) ............................ 8

3.1. ABOUT EUT.............................................................................................................................. 8

3.2. INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF EUT USED DURING THE TEST ....................................... 8

3.3. INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE USED DURING THE TEST ......................................... 8

4.    REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................... 9

4.1 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TESTING............................................................................ 9

5.    TEST RESULTS...................................................................................................................... 10

5.1 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................. 10

5.2 STATEMENTS.......................................................................................................................... 10

6.    TEST EQUIPMENT UTILIZED ................................................................................................11

6.1 RADIATED EMISSION EQUIPMENT LIST ..............................................................................11

6.1 AC CONDUCTED EMISSION EQUIPMENT LIST ...................................................................11

7.    SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DURING TEST......................................................................... 12

7.1 TEST MODE............................................................................................................................. 12

7.2 CONNECTION DIAGRAM OF TEST SYSTEM....................................................................... 12

8.    MEASUREMENT RESULTS................................................................................................... 13

8.1 RADIATED EMISSION 30MHZ-18GHZ................................................................................... 13
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ECIT                                                               Report No.: 119D00113—EMCO1

1. Test Laboratory
 1.1. Testing Location
  Company Name:               ECIT Shanghai, East China Institute of Telecommunications
  Address:                    7F, G Area, No. 668, Beijing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai,
                              P. R. China
  Postal Code:                200001
  Telephone:                  86—21—63843300
  Fax:                        86—21—63843301
  FCC registration No:        958356

 1.2. Testing Environment
  Normal Temperature:           15—35°C
  Relative Humidity:           30—60%RH

 1.3. Project data
  Project Leader:                 Zhang Heng
  Testing Start Date:             2019—07—15
  Testing End Date:               2019—07—26

 1.4. Signature

                r »4                                               +o4T
                    Lu Huifang                                        You Jinjun
             (Prepared this test report)                      (Reviewed this test report)

                                             Zheng Zhongbin
                                     (Approved this test report)

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TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX+86 21 63843301                              Report Issued Date   : Aug.16, 2019

                                                            Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

2. Client Information

 2.1. Applicant Information
  Company Name:              Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
                             Room 605, Block 7, KIC Plaza, No.388 Song Hu Road Yang Pu
  Address :
                             District, Shanghai, China
  Telephone:                 /
  Post Code:                 /

 2.2. Manufacturer Information
  Company Name:              Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd.
                             Room 605, Block 7, KIC Plaza, No.388 Song Hu Road Yang Pu
  Address :
                             District, Shanghai, China
  Telephone:                 /
  Post Code:                 /

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                                                                        Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

3. Equipment under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)
 3.1. About EUT

 Product Name                                POS Base
 Model name                                  ND0A0
 Additional Communication Function           /
 3.2. Internal Identification of EUT used during the test
   EUT ID*           SN or IMEI              HW Version               SW Version          Date of receipt
     N01         NH01D96M60026                   V1.1                    V1.0              2019-07-12
*EUT ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.
 3.3. Internal Identification of AE used during the test
  AE ID*          Description                     Model                              SN
    AE1              Adapter             TPA-46050200VU                               /
    AE2          USB Cable                          /                                 /
    AE3        Smart POS system                    P2                           PB03D60160048
    AE4             Keyboard                     KB212-B              CN-0Y88XT-65890-12I-005Q-A00
    AE5              Mouse                       MS111-P               CN-011D3V-71581-19J-1A64
*AE ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.
*The AE were provided by the lab.

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                                                                     Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

4. Reference Documents

4.1 Reference Documents for testing
The following documents listed in this section are referred for testing.

 Reference                                     Title                                    Version

FCC Part 15,
                                     Radio frequency devices                           2019/6/21
 Subpart B
                    Method of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from
 ANSI C63.4         Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the                2014
                                 Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

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                                                                    Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

5. Test Results

5.1 Summary of Test Results

  Items                   Test List                     Clause in FCC rules               Verdict

    1                Radiated Emission                        15.109(a)                    Pass

    2             AC Conducted Emission                       15.107(a)                    Pass

5.2 Statements
The ND0A0, manufactured by Shanghai Sunmi Technology Co.,Ltd. is a variant product for testing.
ECIT only performed test cases which identified with Pass/Fail/Inc result in section 5.1.

ECIT has verified that the compliance of the tested device specified in section 3 of this test report
is successfully evaluated according to the procedure and test methods as defined in type
certification requirement listed in section 4 of this test report.

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                                                                    Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

6. Test Equipment Utilized
6.1 Radiated Emission Equipment list
         Instrument                            Serial                                        Cal.
Item                          Type                        Manufacturer      Cal. Date
            Name                              Number                                       interval
 1      Test Receiver        ESU40             100307         R&S          2019-05-10       1 year

 2      Trilog Antenna     VULB9163                       Schwarzbeck      2017-02-25      3 years
        Double Ridged
 3                         ETS-3117           00135885        ETS          2017-01-11      3 years
              Test           EMC32
 4                                              NA            R&S              NA             NA
          Software            V9.15

6.1 AC Conducted Emission Equipment list
         Instrument                            Serial                                        Cal.
Item                          Type                        Manufacturer      Cal. Date
            Name                              Number                                       interval
 1      Test Receiver         ESCI             101235         R&S          2019-05-10       1 year

 2                          ENV216             101380         R&S          2019-05-10       1 year

           EMI Test         EMC32
 3                                              NA            R&S              NA             NA
           Software        V10.35.02

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                                                                    Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

7. System Configuration during Test
7.1 Test Mode

      Test Item                                          Function Type
AC Conducted
                         Mode 1: Charging mode+AE1+AE2+AE3(Camera)+AE4+AE5 <Figure 1>

Radiated Emission        Mode 1: Charging mode+AE1+AE2+AE3(Camera)+AE4+AE5 <Figure 1>

Remark: /

7.2 Connection Diagram of Test System


                                                                          USB Cable

                                              Keyboard              Power Adapter

                                             <Figure 1> Mode 1

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                                                                Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

8. Measurement Results
Only the worst test result was shown in this report.
8.1 Radiated Emission 30MHz-18GHz
Method of Measurement
For 30MHz -1000MHz, the EUT was placed on the top of a rotating 0.8m table above the ground
at a semi-anechoic chamber. The distance between the EUT and the received antenna was 3
meters. The table was rotated 360 degree and the received antenna mounted on a variable-height
antenna tower was varied from 1m to 4m to find the maximum value of the f ield strength. Both
horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna were set during the measurement. Tested in
accordance with the procedures of ANSI C63.4-2014, section 8.3.
For 1000MHz -18000MHz,The maximal emission value was acquired by adjusting the antenna
height, The table was rotated 360 degree to determine the maximum value of the field strength.
Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna were set during the measurement.

Limits for Radiated Emission at a measuring distance of 3m
           Frequency Range (MHz)                         Quasi-Peak (dBuV/m)
                      30-88                                           40
                     88-216                                          43.5
                    216-960                                           46
                   Above 960                                          54

   Frequency Range (MHz)                     Peak (dBuV/m)            Average (dBuV/m)
          Above 1000                              74                           54

Test conditions
  Frequency Range (MHz)                        RBW/VBW                  Sweep Time (s)
            30-1000                          120kHz/300kHz                    Auto
          1000-18000                           1MHz/3MHz                      Auto

Uncertainty Measurement
The measurement uncertainty (30MHz-1000MHz) is 4.98 dB (k=2).
The measurement uncertainty (1000MHz-18000MHz) is 5.06 dB (k=2).

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                                                                     Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

Test Results
Sweep the whole frequency band through the range from 30MHz to the 5th harmonic of the carrier,
the Emissions in the frequency band 18GHz-40GHz is more than 20dB below the limit are not
Mode 1: Charging mode+AE1+AE2+AE3(Camera)+AE4+AE5 <Figure 1>
 Frequency Range:                                       30MHz – 1GHz

 Frequency    QuasiPeak    Lim it     Margin   Meas.    Bandw idth   Height   Pol   Azimuth    Corr.
   (MHz)      (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)     (dB)    Time        (kHz)      (cm)            (deg)     (dB)


 40.842045      34.05      40.00       5.95    1000.0     120.000    100.0     V      279.0     -25.8

 74.213717      19.46      40.00      20.54    1000.0     120.000    125.0     V      116.0     -30.4

 181.480936     16.31      43.50      27.19    1000.0     120.000    197.0     H       1.0      -29.0

 233.991136     31.84      46.00      14.16    1000.0     120.000    197.0     V      314.0     -27.2

 326.403880     29.90      46.00      16.10    1000.0     120.000    105.0     V      26.0      -25.0
 384.428525     30.91      46.00      15.09    1000.0     120.000    100.0     H      64.0      -23.6

 1.Emission level(QP)=Raw value by receiver + Corr(Antenna factor + cable loss - preamplifier
 2.The raw value is used to calculate by software which is not shown in the sheet.
 3.Margin=limit value – emission level.

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                                                                     Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

Mode 1: Charging mode+AE1+AE2+AE3(Camera)+AE4+AE5 <Figure 1>
 Frequency Range:                                     1GHz –18GHz

Final Result
   Frequency     MaxPeak     Average     Lim it   Margin   Meas.   Bandw idth   Height   Pol   Azimuth

     (MHz)       (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)    Time      (kHz)       (cm)           (deg)
 15765.600000      55.40       ---       74.00    18.60    100.0
                                                           (ms)    1000.000     200.0    V      272.0
 15765.600000       ---       43.04      54.00    10.96    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      272.0
 16045.600000      56.26       ---       74.00    17.74    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      220.0
 16045.600000       ---       44.23      54.00     9.77    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      220.0
 16814.000000      55.37       ---       74.00    18.63    100.0   1000.000     100.0    V      169.0
 16814.000000       ---       43.70      54.00    10.30    100.0   1000.000     100.0    V      169.0
 17157.800000       ---       44.50      54.00     9.50    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      42.0
 17157.800000      57.04       ---       74.00    16.96    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      42.0
 17706.800000      56.44       ---       74.00    17.56    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      240.0
 17706.800000       ---       44.58      54.00     9.42    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      240.0
 17999.800000       ---       44.90      54.00     9.10    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      334.0
 17999.800000      56.93       ---       74.00    17.07    100.0   1000.000     200.0    V      334.0
1.Emission level(peak or average)=Raw value by receiver + Corr(Antenna factor+ cable loss -
preamplifier gain)
2.The raw value is used to calculate by software which is not shown in the sheet.
3.Margin=limit value – emission level.

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                                                                     Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

Final Result
   Frequency     MaxPeak     Average     Lim it   Margin   Meas.   Bandw idth   Height   Pol   Azimuth
     (MHz)       (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)    Time      (kHz)       (cm)           (deg)
 15844.200000      54.70       ---       74.00    19.30    100.0
                                                           (ms)    1000.000     200.0    H      169.0
 15844.200000       ---       43.00      54.00    11.00    100.0   1000.000     200.0    H      169.0
 16423.000000       ---       43.19      54.00    10.81    100.0   1000.000     200.0    H      252.0
 16423.000000      55.21       ---       74.00    18.79    100.0   1000.000     200.0    H      252.0
 16780.400000      56.31       ---       74.00    17.69    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H      58.0
 16780.400000       ---       43.60      54.00    10.40    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H      58.0
 17153.600000       ---       44.50      54.00     9.50    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H      69.0
 17153.600000      56.39       ---       74.00    17.61    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H      69.0
 17553.600000       ---       44.85      54.00     9.15    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H       0.0
 17553.600000      57.04       ---       74.00    16.96    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H       0.0
 17959.000000       ---       45.15      54.00     8.85    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H      141.0
 17959.000000      57.29       ---       74.00    16.71    100.0   1000.000     100.0    H      141.0

1.Emission level(peak or average)=Raw value by receiver + Corr(Antenna factor+ cable loss -
preamplifier gain)
2.The raw value is used to calculate by software which is not shown in the sheet.
3.Margin=limit value – emission level.

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                                                                    Report No.:I19D00113-EMC01

8.2 AC Conducted Emission
Method of Measurement
For equipment that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio
frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies
with the band 150 kHz to 30MHz shall not exceed the limits. Both lines of the power mains
connected to the EUT were checked for maximum conducted interference. Tested in accordance
with the procedures of ANSI C63.4-2014, section 7.3

Limit of Conducted Emission
   Frequency Range (MHz)                                Conducted Limit (dBuV)
                                             Quasi-peak                        Average
            0.15-0.5                          66 to 56*                        56 to 46*
           0.5-5                               56                                  46
           5-30                                60                                  50
*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency

Test Condition in Charging Mode
      Voltage (V)             Frequency (Hz)                RBW                 Sweep Time (s)
          120                       60                      9 kHz                   Auto
Uncertainty Measurement
The measurement uncertainty is 3.66dB (k=2).

Test Results
Mode 1: Charging mode+AE1+AE2+AE3(Camera)+AE4+AE5 <Figure 1>

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ECIT                                                                                                        Report No.:119D00113—EMCO1

 Frequency Range:                                                                    150kHz — 3OMHz



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               0        t           t   +     i—i—i—t          t                 t         +       +         i——t      t           t            1
               150k             300 400500             8001 M                  2M        3M 4M5M6                8 10M            20M        30M
                                                                        Frequency in Hz

  Frequency            Quas iPeak           Average          Lim it         Margin             Meas.        Bandw idth     Line        Filter       Corr.

     (MHz)              (dBp V)             (dBu V)        (dBp V)            (dB)              Time          (IKHz)                                (dB)
    0.616406                                 30.71          46.00            15.29             15000.         9.000        L1           on           9.8
    0.616406                42.29                           56.00            13.71             15000.         9.000        L1           on           9.8
    1112663                                  30.20          46.00            15.80             15000.         9.000        L1           oN           9.9
    1112663                 41.48                           56.00            14.52             15000.         9.000        L1           on           9.9
    1146244                                  29.95          46.00            16.05             15000.         9.000        L1           on           9.9
    1146244                 41.40                           56.00            14.60             15000.         9.000        L1           oN           9.9
   13.810106                                 31.94          50.00            18.06             15000.         9.000        L1           on          124
   13.810106                43.51                           60.00            16.49             15000.         9.000        L1           on          124
   14145919                                  30.33          50.00            19.67             15000.         9.000        L1           on          125
   14145919                 40.28                           60.00            19.72             15000.         9.000        L1           on          125
   15.586181                                 30.28          50.00            19.72             15000.         9.000        L1           on          129
   15.586181                41.65                           60.00            18.35             15000.         9.000        L1           on          129

1.Emission level(quasi—peak or Average peak)=Raw value by receiver + Corr(Insertion loss+ cable
2. The raw value is used to calculate by software which is not shown in the sheet.
3. Margin=limit value — emission level.
4.L1 and N line is all have been tested, the result of them is synthesized in the above data

                                                  **********END OF REmR‘r***********

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TEL: +86 21 63843300FAX+86 21 63843301                                                                       Repoit Issued Date        : Aug.16, 2019

Document Created: 2019-08-16 15:46:39
Document Modified: 2019-08-16 15:46:39

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