

Test Report

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                             RF Test Report                   Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                  Channel 777: 150KHz~30MHz

                                   Channel 777: 30MHz~1GHz

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                             RF Test Report                    Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                  Channel 777: 1GHz~12.75GHz

                                  Channel 1013: 9KHz~150KHz

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                             RF Test Report                   Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                 Channel 1013: 150KHz~30MHz

                                   Channel 1013: 30MHz~1GHz

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                             RF Test Report                    Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                 Channel 1013: 1GHz~12.75GHz

Conclusion: PASS

A7.1.2.6. 1xEV-DO PCS Transmitter BC0 Release A

                                    Channel 25: 9KHz~150KHz

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                             RF Test Report                   Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                   Channel 25: 150KHz~30MHz

                                    Channel 25: 30MHz~1GHz

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                             RF Test Report                   Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                     Channel 25: 1GHz~2GHz

                                   Channel 600: 9KHz~150KHz

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                             RF Test Report                   Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                  Channel 600: 150KHz~30MHz

                                   Channel 600: 30MHz~1GHz

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                             RF Test Report                   Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                    Channel 600: 1GHz~2GHz

                                  Channel 1175: 9KHz~150KHz

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                             RF Test Report                    Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                  Channel 1175: 150KHz~30MHz

                                   Channel 1175: 30MHz~1GHz

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                             RF Test Report                     Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                   Channel 1175: 1GHz~2GHz

Conclusion: PASS


A.8.1. ERP

A.8.1.1. CDMA/1xEV-DO ERP

A. Description
This is the test for the maximum radiated power from the EUT.
Rule Part 24.232(c) specifies, "Mobile/portable stations are limited to 2 watts e.i.r.p. Peak
power"and 24.232(c) specifies that "Peak transmit power must be measured over any interval
ofcontinuous transmission using instrumentation calibrated in terms of an rms-equivalent
voltage."Rule Part 22.913(a) specifies ” The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test
transmitters must
not exceed 7 Watts.”

A. Method of Measurement
The measurements procedures in TIA-603E-2016 are used.
1. EUT was placed on a 1.5 meter high non-conductive stand at a 3 meter test distance from
thereceive antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast 3 meters from the
EUTfor emission measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1.5m. The test setup refers
tofigure below. Detected emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUTthrough
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                             RF Test Report                         Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

360° and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization. The radiated emissionmeasurements of all
transmit frequencies in three channels (High, Middle, Low) weremeasured with peak detector.

2. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level duringthe
test. And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
3. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. The test setup refers to figure below.

In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the frequency band of interest is placed at
thereference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the frequency band of interest
isconnected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed to not interferewith
the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of thesubstitution
antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of thereceiver reach the
previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. Thetest should be
performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antennapolarization.
4. A amplifier should be connected to the Signal Source output port. And the cable should
beconnect between the Amplifier and the Substitution Antenna.
The cable loss (Pcl) ,the Substitution Antenna Gain (Ga) and the Amplifier Gain (PAg) should
berecorded after test.
The measurement results are obtained as described below:
Power(EIRP)=PMea+ PAg- Pcl+ Ga
5. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain
(2.15dBi) and known input power.
6. ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP -2.15dBi.

A. CDMA2000 Cellular -ERP 22.913(a)
A. Measurement result
CDMA2000 Cellular BC0

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                             RF Test Report                      Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

 Frequency                                             GaAntenna     PeakERP(d      Polarizati
               PMea(dBm)        Pcl(dB)      PAg(dB)
   (MHz)                                               Gain(dBd)        Bm)            on

   836.52         -14.51          3.1          37         3.11          22.50           H

   848.31         -14.51          3.1          37         3.11          22.50           H

   824.7          -14.47          3.1          37         3.11          22.54           H
Frequency: 824.2MHz
Peak ERP(dBm)= PMea(-14.47dBm) - Pcl(3.1dB) +PAg(37dB) + Ga(3.11dBd)
               = 22.54dBm

A. CDMA2000 PCS-EIRP 24.232(c)
A. Measurement result

 Frequency                                             GaAntenna     PeakEIRP(      Polarizati
               PMea(dBm)        Pcl(dB)      PAg(dB)
   (MHz)                                               Gain(dBi)     dBm)              on

  1851.25         -11.11          4.6          36         2.8           23.09           V

   1880.0         -10.29          4.6         35.6        2.8           23.51           V

  1908.75         -11.1           4.7          36         2.8           23.00           H
Frequency: 1880MHz
Peak EIRP(dBm)= PMea(-11.1dBm) - Pcl(4.7dB)+ PAg(36dB) +Ga(2.8dB)=23.00dBm

A. 1xEV-DO PCS-EIRP 24.232(c)
A. Measurement result
1xEV-DO Cellular BC0 Release 0

 Frequency                                             GaAntenna     PeakERP(d      Polarizati
               PMea(dBm)        Pcl(dB)      PAg(dB)
   (MHz)                                               Gain(dBd)        Bm)            on

   836.52         -15.05          3.1          37         3.11          21.96           H

   848.31         -15.07          3.1          37         3.11          21.94           H

   824.7          -14.86          3.1          37         3.11          22.15           H
Frequency: 824.2MHz
Peak ERP(dBm)= PMea(-14.86dBm) - Pcl(3.1dB) +PAg(37dB) + Ga(3.11dBd)
               = 22.15dBm

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                             RF Test Report                      Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

A. 1xEV-DO PCS-EIRP 24.232(c)
A. Measurement result
1xEV-DO PCS BC1 Release 0

 Frequency                                             GaAntenna     PeakEIRP(      Polarizati
               PMea(dBm)        Pcl(dB)      PAg(dB)
   (MHz)                                               Gain(dBi)     dBm)              on

  1851.25         -9.65           4.6          36         2.8           24.55           H

   1880.0         -9.68           4.6         35.6        2.8           24.12           H

  1908.75         -11.15          4.7          36         2.8           22.95           H
Frequency: 1880MHz
Peak EIRP(dBm)= PMea(-11.15dBm) - Pcl(4.7dB)+ PAg(36dB) +Ga(2.8dB)=22.95dBm

A. 1xEV-DO PCS-EIRP 24.232(c)
A. Measurement result
1xEV-DO Cellular BC0 Release A

 Frequency                                             GaAntenna     PeakERP(d      Polarizati
               PMea(dBm)        Pcl(dB)      PAg(dB)
   (MHz)                                               Gain(dBd)        Bm)            on

   836.52         -15.49          3.1          37         3.11          21.52           H

   848.31         -14.82          3.1          37         3.11          22.19           H

   824.7          -14.58          3.1          37         3.11          22.43           H
Frequency: 824.2MHz
Peak ERP(dBm)= PMea(-14.58dBm) - Pcl(3.1dB) +PAg(37dB) + Ga(3.11dBd)
               = 22.43dBm

A. 1xEV-DO PCS-EIRP 24.232(c)
A. Measurement result
1xEV-DO PCS BC1 Release A

 Frequency                                             GaAntenna     PeakEIRP(      Polarizati
               PMea(dBm)        Pcl(dB)      PAg(dB)
   (MHz)                                               Gain(dBi)     dBm)              on

  1851.25         -9.86           4.6          36         2.8           24.34           H

   1880.0         -9.89           4.6         35.6        2.8           23.91           H

  1908.75         -10.32          4.7          36         2.8           23.78           H

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                             RF Test Report                        Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

Frequency: 1880MHz
Peak EIRP(dBm)= PMea(-10.32dBm) - Pcl(4.7dB)+ PAg(36dB) +Ga(2.8dB)=23.78dBm

A.8.2 EMISSION LIMIT (§2.1051/§22.917§24.238)
A.8.2.1 CDMA/1xEV-DO Measurement Method
The measurement procedures in TIA-603E-2016are used.
The spectrum was scanned from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest frequency generated
within the equipment, which is the transmitted carrier that can be as high as 1910 MHz. The
resolution bandwidth is set as outlined in Part 24.238 and Part 22.917. The spectrum is scanned
with the mobile station transmitting at carrier frequencies that pertain to low, mid and high
channels of PCS1900 and GSM850.

A.8.2.2 The procedure of radiated spurious emissions is as follows:
1. EUT was placed on a 1.5 meter high non-conductive stand at a 3 meter test distance from the
receive antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast 3 meters from the EUT for
emission measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1.5m. The test setup refers to figure
below. Detected emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUT through 360°
and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization. The radiated emission measurements of all
non-harmonic and harmonics of the transmit frequency through the 10thharmonic were measured
with peak detector.

2. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during
the test. And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
3. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. The test setup refers to figure below.

In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the frequency band of interest is placed at the
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                             RF Test Report                         Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the frequency band of interest is
connected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed to not interfere
with the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of the
substitution antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of the
receiver reach the previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The
test should be performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna
4. The Path loss (Ppl) between the Signal Source with the Substitution Antenna and the
Substitution Antenna Gain (Ga) should be recorded after test.
A amplifier should be connected in for the test.
The Path loss (Ppl) is the summation of the cable loss .
The measurement results are obtained as described below:
Power(EIRP)=PMea- Ppl+ Ga
5. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15
dBi) and known input power.
6. ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP -2.15dBi
A.8.2.3 Measurement Limit
Part 24.238 and Part 22.917 specify that the power of any emission outside of the authorized
operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at
least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.
The specification that emissions shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43
+ 10 log (P) dB, translates in the relevant power range (1 to 0.001 W) to -13 dBm. At 1 W the
specified minimum attenuation becomes 43 dB and relative to a 30 dBm (1 W) carrier becomes a
limit of -13 dBm. At 0.001 W (0 dBm) the minimum attenuation is 13 dB, which again yields a limit
of -13 dBm. In this way a translation of the specification from relative to absolute terms is carried

A.8.2.4 Measurement Results
Radiated emissions measurements were made only at the upper, middle, and lower carrier
frequencies of the PCS1900 band (1850.2 MHz, 1880 MHz and 1909.8 MHz) and GSM850 band
(824.2MHz, 836.6MHz, 848.8MHz) . It was decided that measurements at these three carrier
frequencies would be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with emissions limits because it was
seen that all the significant spurs occur well outside the band and no radiation was seen from a
carrier in one block of the PCS1900 ,GSM850 into any of the other blocks. The equipment must
still, however, meet emissions requirements with the carrier at all frequencies over which it is
capable of operating and it is the manufacturer's responsibility to verify this.

A.8.2.5 Measurement Results
Measurements results:
     Frequency                 Channel            Frequency Range                  Result

    CDMA2000                      Low               30MHz~10GHz                       P
    Cellular BC0                Middle              30MHz~10GHz                       P
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                             RF Test Report                         Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

                                 High                30MHz~10GHz                   P

                                  Low                30MHz~20GHz                   P
                                Middle               30MHz~20GHz                   P
      PCS BC1
                                 High                30MHz~20GHz                   P

                                  Low                30MHz~10GHz                   P
  1xEV-DO Cellular
                                Middle               30MHz~10GHz                   P
                                 High                30MHz~10GHz                   P

                                  Low                30MHz~20GHz                   P
  1xEV-DO Cellular
                                Middle               30MHz~20GHz                   P
                                 High                30MHz~20GHz                   P
CDMA2000 Cellular
BC0 Channel 384
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                   Peak ERP        Limit         Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                    (dBm)        (dBm)              n

   2633.6         -35.73          5.5          4.1         -37.13          -13             H

   3579.2         -47.03          6.5          4.7         -48.83          -13             H

   4566.9         -48.16          7.4          7.3         -48.26          -13             V

   5417.3         -49.46          8.1          9.5         -48.06          -13             V

   6012.3         -50.07          8.6          10.4        -48.27          -13             V

   7367.7         -50.41          9.6          13.7        -46.31          -13             V

BC0, CH384
Power(ERP)= Pmea-Pcl+Ga=-50.41-9.6+13.7=-46.31dbm
This method Applicable to the following table.
BC0 Channel 777
Final result:

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                             RF Test Report                       Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

   1870.7          -41.1          4.6          2.9        -42.8          -13            V

   3346.2         -47.47          6.2          4.7       -48.97          -13            H

   4549.6         -47.34          7.4          7.3       -47.44          -13            V

   5371.2         -48.64          8.1          8.7       -48.04          -13            H

   6349.2         -48.95          8.8          10.8      -46.95          -13            V

   7221.5         -51.34          9.5          13.7      -47.14          -13            H

BC0 Cellular Mode Channel 1013
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

   1850.4         -40.75          4.6          2.9       -42.45          -13            H

   2622.9         -35.94          5.5          3.7       -37.74          -13            H

   3572.3         -47.17          6.4          4.7       -48.87          -13            V

   4080.0         -50.06          7.0          7.7       -49.36          -13            V

   4562.3          -48.6          7.4          7.3        -48.7          -13            H

   5425.4         -49.74          8.1          9.5       -48.34          -13            V

BC1 Mode Channel 25
Final result:

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                             RF Test Report                       Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

   3574.8         -50.66          6.4          4.7       -52.36          -13            H

   5557.2         -52.95          8.2          9.5       -51.65          -13            V

   7569.6         -54.33          9.7          14.6      -49.43          -13            H

   9868.8         -53.89          11.0         18.3      -46.59          -13            V

   12932.4        -46.52          13.0         20.2      -39.32          -13            H

   15998.4        -42.38          15.0         20.4      -36.98          -13            V

BC1 Mode Channel 600
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

   3582.6         -50.31          6.5          4.7       -52.11          -13            V

   5506.2         -52.81          8.2          9.5       -51.51          -13            V

   7521.6         -53.11          9.7          14.6      -48.21          -13            V

   9963.6         -52.74          11.2         17.6      -46.34          -13            V

   11905.2         -47.2          12.5         17.1       -42.6          -13            H

   14293.2        -48.46          13.6         23.5      -38.56          -13            H

BC1 Mode Channel 1175
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

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                             RF Test Report                       Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

   3562.2         -50.38          6.4          4.7       -52.08          -13           H

   5635.2         -54.32          8.3          10.5      -52.12          -13           H

   7596.0         -53.89          9.7          14.6      -48.99          -13           V

   9830.4         -53.59          11.0         18.3      -46.29          -13           H

   12313.2        -46.98          12.7         17.5      -42.18          -13           V

   14307.6        -48.83          13.6         23.5      -38.93          -13           H

BC0, CH1175
Power(ERP)= Pmea-Pcl+Ga=-48.83-13.6+23.5=-38.93dbm
This method Applicable to the following table.
Conclusion: PASS
Note: the EUT was displayed in several different direction, the worst cases were shown.

1xEV-DO Cellular
BC0 Channel 384
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit       Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)            n

   1648.9         -38.88          4.3          2.9       -40.28          -13           H

   2623.9         -35.51          5.5          3.7       -37.31          -13           H

   3300.0         -46.17          6.2          4.7       -47.67          -13           H

   4066.2         -50.56          6.9          7.7       -49.76          -13           H

   4845.0         -48.66          7.6          7.9       -48.36          -13           V

   5588.1         -49.52          8.3          9.5       -48.32          -13           V

BC0, CH384
Power(ERP)= Pmea-Pcl+Ga=-49.52-8.3+9.5=-48.32dbm
This method Applicable to the following table.
BC0 Channel 777
Final result:
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                             RF Test Report                       Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

   1671.4          -36.9          4.3          2.9        -38.3          -13            V

   2537.1         -36.59          5.4          3.7       -38.29          -13            V

   3346.2         -46.59          6.2          4.7       -48.09          -13            V

   4251.9         -50.66          7.1          7.7       -50.06          -13            V

   4917.7          -49.8          7.7          9.0        -48.5          -13            V

   5514.2         -49.69          8.2          9.5       -48.39          -13            V

BC0 Cellular Mode Channel 1013
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

   1697.1         -37.54          4.4          2.9       -39.04          -13            V

   2469.6         -36.52          5.3          3.7       -38.12          -13            H

   3393.5         -44.87          6.3          4.7       -46.47          -13            V

   4241.5         -50.74          7.1          7.7       -50.14          -13            H

   4960.4         -49.92          7.7          9.0       -48.62          -13            H

   5790.0         -51.29          8.4          10.5      -49.19          -13            H

BC1 Mode Channel 25
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit        Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)             n

   3816.6         -50.57          6.7          7.7       -49.57          -13            V

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                             RF Test Report                       Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

   5676.6         -53.78          8.5          10.5      -51.78          -13           V

   7879.2         -54.96          9.9          16.6      -48.26          -13           V

   9703.2         -53.63          10.9         18.3      -46.23          -13           V

   11914.8        -46.91          12.5         17.1      -42.31          -13           H

   14301.6        -48.33          13.6         23.5      -38.43          -13           H

BC1 Mode Channel 600
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit       Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)            n

   3759.0         -49.46          6.6          7.7       -48.36          -13           V

   5639.4         -53.27          8.3          10.5      -51.07          -13           V

   7867.2         -54.36          9.9          15.3      -48.96          -13           V

   9973.2         -52.26          11.2         17.6      -45.86          -13           V

   12157.2        -47.35          12.6         17.5      -42.45          -13           H

   14304.0        -48.19          13.6         23.5      -38.29          -13           H

BC1 Mode Channel 1175
Final result:

 Frequency        PMea                                  Peak ERP       Limit       Polarizatio
                              Pcl (dBm)      Ga (dBd)
   (MHz)          (dBm)                                   (dBm)       (dBm)            n

   3701.4         -49.48          6.6          7.7       -48.38          -13           V

   5812.2         -53.98          8.4          10.5      -51.88          -13           H

   7830.0         -53.81          9.9          15.3      -48.41          -13           H

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TEL: +86 21 63843300 FAX: +86 21 63843301                 Report Issued Date : Sept.26.2018

                             RF Test Report                     Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

   9981.6         -52.46          11.2       17.6      -46.06          -13           H

   12882.0        -47.65          13.0       20.2      -40.45          -13           V

   15416.4        -47.12          14.4       24.2      -37.32          -13           V

BC0, CH1175
Power(ERP)= Pmea-Pcl+Ga=-47.12-14.4+24.2=-37.32dbm
This method Applicable to the following table.
Conclusion: PASS
Note: the EUT was displayed in several different direction, the worst cases were shown.

East China Institute of Telecommunications              Page Number        : 104 of 105
TEL: +86 21 63843300 FAX: +86 21 63843301               Report Issued Date : Sept.26.2018

                             RF Test Report                          Report No.: I18D00141-SRD05

ANNEX B.          Deviations from Prescribed Test Methods
No deviation from Prescribed Test Methods.

                                 **********End Of Report**********

East China Institute of Telecommunications                    Page Number        : 105 of 105
TEL: +86 21 63843300 FAX: +86 21 63843301                     Report Issued Date : Sept.26.2018

Document Created: 2018-09-28 10:13:42
Document Modified: 2018-09-28 10:13:42

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