12775491-E1V2 FCC15.249_RSS210 Report


Test Report

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               Report Number. : 12775491-E1V2
      Applicant :    ANELTO INC.
                     6270 MORNINGSTAR DRIVE
                     SUITE 100
                     THE COLONY, TX 75056, U.S.A.

         Model :     ANH0319

         FCC ID :    2AGPI-ANH0319

             IC :    20951-ANH0319


Test Standard(s) :   FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART C
                     INDUSTRY CANADA RSS - 210 ISSUE 9
                     INDUSTRY CANADA RSS - GEN ISSUE 5

                            Date Of Issue:
                            August 13, 2019

                            Prepared by:
                      UL Verification Services Inc.
                         47173 Benicia Street
                      Fremont, CA 94538, U.S.A.
                         TEL: (510) 319-4000
                         FAX: (510) 661-0888

                NVLAP LAB CODE 200065-0 (FREMONT)

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319

                                                 Revision History
Rev.        Date              Revisions                                                          Revised By
  V1        7/2/2019          Initial Issue                                                      --
  V2        8/13/2019         Updated Section 8.2 verbiage                                       Kenneth Mak

                                                    Page 2 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                             DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                                    IC: 20951-ANH0319

                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.     ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................4

2.     TEST METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................5

3.     FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION ..................................................................................5

4.     CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY .................................................................................6
     4.1.    MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION ...............................................................6
     4.2.    SAMPLE CALCULATION .............................................................................................6
     4.3.    MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................6

5.     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ................................................................................................7
     5.1.    DESCRIPTION OF EUT ...............................................................................................7
     5.2.    MAXIMUM FUNDAMENTAL FIELD STRENGTH..........................................................7
     5.3.    DESCRIPTION OF AVAILABLE ANTENNAS ...............................................................7
     5.4.    SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE .....................................................................................7
     5.5.    WORST-CASE CONFIGURATION AND MODE ...........................................................7
     5.6.    DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP .................................................................................8

6.     TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ........................................................................9

7.     MEASUREMENT METHODS ............................................................................................10

8.     TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................11
     8.1.    20 dB AND 99% BANDWIDTH ...................................................................................11
     8.2. RADIATED TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................12
       8.2.1. FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY RADIATED EMISSION ......................................14
       8.2.2. HARMONICS AND SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ABOVE 1GHz ...............................15
       8.2.3. WORST-CASE BELOW 30MHz...........................................................................17
       8.2.4. WORST-CASE 30MHz TO 1GHz ........................................................................18
     8.3.    AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ...........................................................20

9.     SETUP PHOTOS ...............................................................................................................23

                                                           Page 3 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                         FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                               TEL: (510) 771-1000           FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                    DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                           IC: 20951-ANH0319

COMPANY NAME:                        ANELTO INC.
                                     6270 MORNINGSTAR DRIVE
                                     SUITE 100
                                     THE COLONY, TX 75056, U.S.A.


MODEL:                               ANH0319

SERIAL NUMBER:                       190312, 190411, 190405

DATE TESTED:                         APRIL 12, 2019 to JUNE 07, 2019

                                          APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                               STANDARD                                                  TEST RESULTS
                       CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart C                                              Complies
         INDUSTRY CANADA RSS-210 Issue 9, Annex B.10                                         Complies
                INDUSTRY CANADA RSS-GEN Issue 5                                              Complies

UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in
the above standards. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating
compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
operation as described herein. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that additional production
units of this model are manufactured with identical electrical and mechanical components. All samples
tested were in good operating condition throughout the entire test program. Measurement Uncertainties
are published for informational purposes only and were not taken into account unless noted otherwise.

This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL Verification Services Inc.
and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by
UL Verification Services Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be
used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any agency
of the Federal Government, or any agency of the U.S. government.

Approved & Released For
UL Verification Services Inc. By:                                 Reviewed By:

Dan Coronia                                                      Kenneth Mak
Operations Leader                                                Test Engineer
UL Verification Services Inc.                                    UL Verification Services Inc.

                                                     Page 4 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                        TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10-2013,
FCC CFR 47 Part 2, FCC CFR 47 Part 15, RSS-GEN Issue 5, and RSS-210 Issue 9.


The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 and 47266
Benicia Street, and 47658 Kato Road, Fremont, California, USA. Line conducted emissions are
measured only at the 47173 address. The following table identifies which facilities were utilized
for radiated emission measurements documented in this report. Specific facilities are also
identified in the test results sections.

         47173 Benicia Street                    47266 Benicia Street                    47658 Kato Rd.
               Chamber A                                Chamber D                          Chamber I
               Chamber B                                Chamber E                          Chamber J
               Chamber C                                Chamber F                          Chamber K
                                                        Chamber G                          Chamber L
                                                        Chamber H

The above test sites and facilities are covered under FCC Test Firm Registration # 208313.
Chambers above are covered under Industry Canada company address and respective code:

UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0

                                                    Page 5 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319


The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.

   4.2.          SAMPLE CALCULATION
Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
      Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) +
      Cable Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain (dB)
      36.5 dBuV + 18.7 dB/m + 0.6 dB – 26.9 dB = 28.9 dBuV/m

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:

                                    Parameter                                           Uncertainty
      Worst Case Conducted Disturbance, 9KHz to 0.15 MHz                               3.84 dB
      Worst Case Conducted Disturbance, 0.15 to 30 MHz                                 3.65 dB
      Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 9KHz to 30 MHz                                  2.52 dB
      Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 30 to 1000 MHz                                  4.88 dB
      Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 1000 to 18000 MHz                               4.24 dB
      Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 18000 to 26000 MHz                              4.37 dB
      Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 26000 to 40000 MHz                              5.17 dB

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

                                                    Page 6 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319


   5.1.          DESCRIPTION OF EUT
The EUT is a mobile personal emergency response system with WCDMA, LTE and 906 MHz
single channel radio.

The transmitter has a maximum peak fundamental field strength as follows:

 Frequency Band           Output PK E-field Strength
      (MHz)                       (dBuV/m)
       906                          71.52

 Frequency Band         Antenna Peak Gain
      (MHz)                   (dBi)
       906                     -2.0

   5.4.          SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE
The firmware installed in the EUT during testing was 5350CERT.

All tests were performed with the EUT was set to transmit at the 906MHz frequency with highest
output power as worst-case scenario.

The EUT is a mobile device. Therefore, all final radiated testing was performed with the EUT in
the charging cradle orientation.

906 MHz and cellular do not transmit simultaneously.

                                                    Page 7 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319



                            SUPPORT EQUIPMENT & PERIPHERALS LIST
       Description          Manufacturer    Model        Serial Number/Part Number
AC/DC Adapter                   CUI Inc.              SWI5-5-N                       SWI5-5-N-MUB


                                           I/O CABLE LIST
Cable       Port           # of       Connector      Cable                    Cable             Remarks
 No.                    Identical       Type         Type                    Length
                          Ports                                                m
   1         AC             1           2-prong           Unshielded           1.2       N/A


The EUT was installed in a typical configuration. Refer to the following diagram.


                                                    Page 8 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

  REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                    DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
  FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                           IC: 20951-ANH0319

  The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this

                                                TEST EQUIPMENT LIST
            Description                         Manufacturer        Model                          Asset           Cal Due
     Amplifier 1-8GHz 30dB gain                    L3 Narda                  AMF-4D-               167494          8/1/2019
       EMI TEST RECEIVER                       Rohde & Schwarz               ESW44              PRE0179376         2/14/2020
    Amplifier, 9KHz to 1GHz, 32dB                 SONOMA                       310              PRE0180175          7/9/2019
       RF Amplifier, 1-18GHz                       MITEQ                 AFS42-00101800-           171460          8/1/2019
Antenna,BroadBand Hybrid, 30MHz to              SunAR rf motion                JB3              PRE0184971        11/13/2019
 Antenna, Double Ridge Guide Horn            A.H. SYSTEMS, INC.               SAS-571           PRE0190810         7/10/2019
     Antenna 700MHz to 18GHz
    Amplifier, 1 to 18GHz, 35dB                   AMPLICAL                 AMP1G18-35             T1569            5/4/2020
      Amplifier, 1-7GHz, 24dB                     AMPLICAL                AMP1G7-24-27            T1609            5/4/2020
Antenna,Broadband Hybrid, 30MHz to              SunAR rf motion               JB3               PRE0184052        10/24/2019
   Amplifier, 9KHz to 1GHz, 32dB                  SONOMA                         310               175953         12/13/2019
  Antenna, Double Ridge Guide Horn           A.H. SYSTEMS, INC.               SAS-571           PRE0190811         7/12/2019
     Antenna 700MHz to 18GHz
        EMI TEST RECEIVER                      Rohde & Schwarz               ESW44              PRE0179367         5/16/2020
     Amplifier, 1 to 18GHz, 35dB                  AMPLICAL                 AMP1G18-35             T1571            5/28/2020
       Amplifier, 1-7GHz, 24dB                    AMPLICAL                AMP1G7-24-27            T1608            5/28/2020
    Amplifier, 9KHz to 1GHz, 32dB                 SONOMA                      310               PRE0180174          6/1/2020
 Antenna, Broadband Hybrid, 30MHz to           SunAR rf motion                   JB3            PRE0181575         8/1/2019
            Horn Antenna                              AR                  AMPL-ATH1G18          PRE0189055         4/20/2020
Spectrum Analyzer, PXA, 3Hz to 44GHz          Agilent (Keysight)             N9030A                T907            1/23/2020
 Wideband Communication Test Set,             Rohde & Schwarz                 CMW500                T268           9/20/2019
            Call Box                       (Koeln) GmbH & Co. KG
                                                   AC Line Conducted
         EMI Test Receiver                    Rohde & Schwarz                  ESR                  1436          02/14/2020
                                               Fischer Custom            FCC-LISN-50/250-
                LISN                                                                                 T24          01/24/2020
                                             Communications, Inc               25-2
                                             FISCHER CUSTOM              FCC-LISN-50/250-
                LISN                                                                               T1310          01/24/2020
                                             COMMUNICATIONS                  25-2-01
         AC Power Source                          Schaffner                 NSG 1007                 134          01/23/2020
         Signal Conditioner                       Schaffner                CCN 1000-1                133          01/23/2020
                                             UL AUTOMATION SOFTWARE
        Radiated Software                             UL                      UL EMC                Ver 9.5, Dec 01, 2016
    AC Line Conducted Software                        UL                      UL EMC                Ver 9.5, May 26, 2015


      1. Equipment listed above that calibrated during the testing period was set for test after the
      2. Equipment listed above that has a calibration due date during the testing period, the testing is
         completed before equipment expiration date.

                                                       Page 9 of 24
  UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
  47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                        TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319

Radiated emissions: ANSI C63.10-2013, Sections 6.5 and 6.6.

Occupied bandwidth (99% dB): ANSI C63.10-2013, Sections 6.9.3.

AC Power Line Conducted Emissions: ANSI C63.10-2013 Section 6.2.

                                                   Page 10 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319


   8.1.          20 dB AND 99% BANDWIDTH


None; for reporting purposes only.


The transmitter output is connected to a spectrum analyzer. The RBW is set to ≥ 1% of the 20
dB bandwidth. The VBW is set to ≥ RBW. The sweep time is coupled.


                       20 dB               99%
                     Bandwidth          Bandwidth
                       (KHz)              (KHz)
      906              62.84              63.977

             20 dB AND 99% BANDWIDTH LOW CH

                                                   Page 11 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                            DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                                   IC: 20951-ANH0319

     8.2.           RADIATED TEST RESULTS


FCC 15.249 (a)(d)(e) & 15.209 (a)
IC RSS-210, B.10
IC RSS-GEN Clause 8.9 (Transmitter)

Operation within the bands 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz, 5725–5875 MHZ, and 24.0–
24.25 GHz.

        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of emissions
from intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the following
@ 3 meter:

  Fundamental               Field strength of fundamental at 3 m                    Field strength of harmonics at 3 m
   frequency                     mV/m               dBuV/m                               uV/m              dBuV/m
  902-928 MHz                       50                 94                                 500                 54
2400-2483.5 MHz                     50                 94                                 500                 54
 5725-5875 MHz                      50                 94                                 500                 54
 24.0-24.25 GHz                    250               107.95                              2500               67.95

        (d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics,
shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general
radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

    Frequency Range                   Field Strength Limit               Field Strength Limit
          (MHz)                          (uV/m) at 3 m                     (dBuV/m) at 3 m
       0.009-0.490                    2400/F(kHz) @ 300m                           -
       0.490-1.705                    24000/F(kHz) @ 30m                           -
       1.705-30.0                          30 @ 30m                                -
          30 - 88                             100**                              40**
         88 - 216                             150**                             43.5**
        216 - 960                             200**                              46**
       Above 960                              500**                              54**
          **Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this section shall
not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806 MHz. However, operation within these
frequency bands is permItted under other sections of this part, e.g., §§15.231 and 15.241.

                                                         Page 12 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                              TEL: (510) 771-1000           FAX: (510) 661-0888
     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                    DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                           IC: 20951-ANH0319


The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 80 cm above the ground plane for measurement
below 1GHz; 1.5 m above the ground plane for measurement above 1GHz. The antenna to EUT
distance is 3 meters. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.10. The EUT is set to
transmit in a continuous mode.

For measurements below 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 100 kHz for peak detection
measurements or 120 kHz for quasi-peak detection measurements. Peak detection is used
unless otherwise noted as quasi-peak.

For pre-scans above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz; the video bandwidth is set
to 30 KHz for peak measurements.

For final measurements above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz; the video
bandwidth is set to 3 MHz for peak measurements and as applicable for average
NOTE: According to ANSI C63.10 Section 6.6 NOTE 1— Where limits are specified by regulations for both average
and peak detection, if the maximized peak measured value complies with the average limit, then it is unnecessary to
perform an average measurement.

The frequency range of interest is monitored at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth. The
EUT is rotated through 360 degrees to maximize emissions received. The antenna is scanned
from 1 to 4 meters above the ground plane to further maximize the emission. Measurements are
made with the antenna polarized in both the vertical and the horizontal positions.

KDB 414788 OFS and Chamber Correlation Justification

Base on FCC 15.31 (f) (2): measurements may be performed at a distance closer than that
specified in the regulations; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making
measurements in the near field.

OFS and chamber correlation testing had been performed and chamber measured test result is
the worst case test result.


                                                    Page 13 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                        TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                       DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                              IC: 20951-ANH0319



Frequency     Meter    Det       AF       Amp/Cbl   Corrected   Avg. Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
  (MHz)      Reading         PRE0184052    (dB)      Reading    (dBuV/m)      (dB)    (dBuV/m)      (dB)     (Degs)    (cm)
             (dBuV)            (dB/m)               (dBuV/m)
905.9801      70.32    Pk       28.2        -27      71.52          -           -        114       -42.48    344         261      H
905.9801      54.85    Av       28.2        -27      56.05         94        -37.95       -           -      344         261      H
906.0201      61.43    Pk       28.2        -27      62.63          -           -        114       -51.37    145         177      V
906.0201      12.57    Av       28.2        -27      13.77         94        -80.23       -           -      145         177      V

Pk - Peak detector
Av - Average detection

                                                    Page 14 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                         TEL: (510) 771-1000          FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319




                                                   Page 15 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                                            IC: 20951-ANH0319


Frequency    Meter    Det       AF       Amp/Cbl (dB)   Corrected   Class B Avg   Margin   Class B Pk   Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
  (GHz)     Reading         PRE0190811                   Reading       Limit       (dB)       Limit      (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
            (dBuV)            (dB/m)                     dBuV/m      (dBuV/m)               (dBuV/m)
 1.813      32.91     Pk       25.7         -35.4        23.21           -           -        74        -50.79       20       184        H
 1.813       20.1     Av       25.7         -35.4         10.4          54         -43.6       -           -         20       184        H
 3.624      32.95     Pk       29.9         -32.7        30.15           -           -        74        -43.85      340       110        H
 3.624      20.24     Av       29.9         -32.7        17.44          54        -36.56       -           -        340       110        H
 8.194      25.92     Pk       37.9         -25.6        38.22           -           -        74        -35.78      200       272        H
 8.194      12.97     Av       37.9         -25.6        25.27          54        -28.73       -           -        200       272        H
 1.812      52.47     Pk       25.7         -35.4        42.77           -           -        74        -31.23      108       240        V
 1.812      38.46     Av       25.7         -35.4        28.76          54        -25.24       -           -        108       240        V
 3.624      43.68     Pk       29.9         -32.7        40.88           -           -        74        -33.12      108       391        V
 3.624      30.91     Av       29.9         -32.7        28.11          54        -25.89       -           -        108       391        V
 8.208      35.54     Pk        38          -25.6        47.94           -           -        74        -26.06      127       155        V
 8.208       22.2     Av        38          -25.6         34.6          54         -19.4       -           -        127       155        V

Pk - Peak detector
Av - Average detection

                                                                 Page 16 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                      TEL: (510) 771-1000               FAX: (510) 661-0888
     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                                                                               DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                                                                                      IC: 20951-ANH0319

               8.2.3. WORST-CASE BELOW 30MHz




Marker     Frequency     Meter       Det          Loop        Cables w/    Dist    Corrected      Peak      Margin          Avg Limit   Margin     Peak     Margin     Avg Limit      Margin    Azimuth
             (MHz)      Reading                  Antenna     PRE0186650   Corr      Reading       Limit      (dB)           (dBuV/m)     (dB)      Limit     (dB)      (dBuV/m)        (dB)      (Degs)
                        (dBuV)                    (ACF)                   300m     (dBuVolts)   (dBuV/m)                                         (dBuV/m)
  1         .01197      26.35        Pk            60          -31.8      -80       -25.45       66.02       -91.47          46.02      -71.47      -          -          -              -       0-360
  2         .35127      11.96        Pk           56.2         -32.1      -80       -43.94         -            -              -           -      36.7      -80.64      16.7          -60.64     0-360
  5          .0122      12.96        Pk            60          -31.8      -80       -38.84       65.86       -104.7          45.86       -84.7      -          -          -              -       0-360
  6         .47094      12.61        Pk           56.2         -32.1      -80       -43.29         -            -              -           -      34.15     -77.44      14.15         -57.44     0-360

Pk - Peak detector

Marker      Frequency       Meter          Det           Loop Antenna              Cables w/               Dist Corr 30m (dB)              Corrected        QP Limit               Margin      Azimuth
              (MHz)        Reading                          (ACF)                 PRE0186650                     40Log                      Reading         (dBuV/m)                (dB)        (Degs)
                           (dBuV)                                                                                                         (dBuVolts)
   3           .80891       19.31          Pk                56.3                    -32.1                            -40                     3.51            29.46                -25.95       0-360
   7            .8125       20.41          Pk                56.3                    -32.1                            -40                     4.61            29.42                -24.81       0-360
   4          8.86389       18.28          Pk                34.5                    -31.8                            -40                    -19.02           29.5                 -48.52       0-360
   8          9.54823       19.04          Pk                34.4                    -31.8                            -40                    -18.36           29.5                 -47.86       0-360

Pk - Peak detector

                                                                                     Page 17 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                                                             FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                                                 TEL: (510) 771-1000                             FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319

       8.2.4. WORST-CASE 30MHz TO 1GHz




                                                   Page 18 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                                                  DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                                                         IC: 20951-ANH0319

Marker    Frequency       Meter    Det         AF          Amp Cbl (dB)       Corrected        QPk Limit       Margin      Azimuth     Height    Polarity
            (MHz)        Reading           PRE0181575                          Reading         (dBuV/m)         (dB)        (Degs)      (cm)
                         (dBuV)              (dB/m)                           (dBuV/m)
  1        * 38.0346     29.68     Pk           20.9            -31.5            19.08           40            -20.92       0-360        98         H
  4       * 126.5425     30.18     Pk           19.8            -30.8            19.18          43.52          -24.34       0-360       398         H
  2        103.4165      40.17     Pk           17.3            -30.9            26.57          43.52          -16.95       0-360       101         V
  3       * 112.4713     33.87     Pk            19             -30.8            22.07          43.52          -21.45       0-360       101         V
  5       * 251.2067     29.88     Pk           17.4            -30.2            17.08          46.02          -28.94       0-360       299         V
  6         477.236      31.09     Pk           23.6            -29.5            25.19          46.02          -20.83       0-360       101         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

Radiated Emissions
Frequency       Meter       Det        AF              Amp Cbl          Corrected         QPk Limit        Margin       Azimuth      Height     Polarity
  (MHz)        Reading             PRE0181575           (dB)             Reading          (dBuV/m)          (dB)         (Degs)       (cm)
               (dBuV)                (dB/m)                             (dBuV/m)
 * 38.2256      29.24       Pk           20.7           -31.5            18.44              40             -21.56        114          277          H
 * 38.2256      22.51       Qp           20.7           -31.5            11.71              40             -28.29        114          277          H
* 126.5377      28.3        Pk           19.8           -30.8             17.3             43.52           -26.22        350          311          H
* 126.5377      22.07       Qp           19.8           -30.8            11.07             43.52           -32.45        350          311          H
 103.4592       28.98       Pk           17.3           -30.9            15.38             43.52           -28.14        358          150          V
 103.4592       21.94       Qp           17.3           -30.9             8.34             43.52           -35.18        358          150          V
* 112.2805      28.9        Pk            19            -30.8             17.1             43.52           -26.42        122          384          V
* 112.2805      21.55       Qp            19            -30.8             9.75             43.52           -33.77        122          384          V
    * 251       29.08       Pk           17.4           -30.2            16.28             46.02           -29.74        37           154          V
    * 251       21.6        Qp           17.4           -30.2              8.8             46.02           -37.22        37           154          V
 477.2307       29.26       Pk           23.6           -29.5            23.36             46.02           -22.66        116          178          V
 477.2307       21.31       Qp           23.6           -29.5            15.41             46.02           -30.61        116          178          V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

                                                                  Page 19 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                              FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                             TEL: (510) 771-1000                  FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                   DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                          IC: 20951-ANH0319



FCC §15.207 (a)

RSS-Gen 8.8

                                                                      Conducted Limit (dBμV)
    Frequency of Emission (MHz)
                                                              Quasi-peak                 Average
               0.15-0.5                                        66 to 56 *               56 to 46 *
                 0.5-5                                             56                       46
                  5-30                                             60                       50
*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.


The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 40 cm from the vertical ground plane and 80 cm
above the horizontal ground plane. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.10.

The receiver is set to a resolution bandwidth of 9 kHz. Peak detection is used unless otherwise
noted as quasi-peak or average.

Line conducted data is recorded for both NEUTRAL and HOT lines.


                                                   Page 20 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                      DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                             IC: 20951-ANH0319



 Range 1: Line-L1 .15 - 30MHz
Marker    Frequency    Meter    Det    LISN      LC         Limiter   Corrected   CFR 47      QP      CFR 47    Av(CISPR)
            (MHz)     Reading           L1      Cables       (dB)     Reading     Part 15   Margin    Part 15     Margin
                      (dBuV)                    C1&C3                  dBuV       Class B    (dB)     Class B      (dB)
                                                                                    QP                  Avg
  1         .159      24.68     Qp      .1        0          10.1      34.88      65.52     -30.64      -           -
  2        .15225      8.94     Ca      .1        0          10.1      19.14        -          -      55.88      -36.74
  3        .39075      12.9     Qp       0        0          10.1        23       58.05     -35.05      -           -
  4         .393       6.38     Ca       0        0          10.1      16.48        -          -       48        -31.52
  5        .69225       -.2     Qp       0        0          10.1        9.9       56        -46.1      -           -
  6        .68775     -3.98     Ca       0        0          10.1       6.12        -          -       46        -39.88
  7       1.89825     -3.14     Qp       0        .1         10.1       7.06       56       -48.94      -           -
  8       1.89713      -5.4     Ca       0        .1         10.1        4.8        -          -       46         -41.2
  9         13.56      2.35     Qp      .1        .2         10.2      12.85       60       -47.15      -           -
 10         13.56       .51     Ca      .1        .2         10.2      11.01        -          -       50        -38.99
 11        28.689      2.93     Qp      .1        .4         10.5      13.93       60       -46.07      -           -
 12        28.689       .82     Ca      .1        .4         10.5      11.82        -          -       50        -38.18

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector
Ca - CISPR average detection

                                                         Page 21 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                           TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

REPORT NO: 12775491-E1V2                                                                      DATE: AUGUST 13, 2019
FCC ID: 2AGPI-ANH0319                                                                             IC: 20951-ANH0319



 Range 2: Line-L2 .15 - 30MHz
Marker    Frequency    Meter    Det   LISN L2    LC         Limiter   Corrected   CFR 47      QP      CFR 47    Av(CISPR)
            (MHz)     Reading                   Cables       (dB)     Reading     Part 15   Margin    Part 15     Margin
                      (dBuV)                    C2&C3                  dBuV       Class B    (dB)     Class B      (dB)
                                                                                    QP                  Avg
 13        .15225     24.23     Qp      .1        0          10.1      34.43      65.88     -31.45      -           -
 14        .15225      8.34     Ca      .1        0          10.1      18.54        -          -      55.88      -37.34
 15          .393     12.91     Qp      0         0          10.1      23.01       58       -34.99      -           -
 16          .393      5.99     Ca      0         0          10.1      16.09        -          -       48        -31.91
 17         .6945      3.01     Qp      0         0          10.1      13.11       56       -42.89      -           -
 18         .6945     -2.26     Ca      0         0          10.1       7.84        -          -       46        -38.16
 19         1.446       .41     Qp      0         .1         10.1      10.61       56       -45.39      -           -
 20         1.428     -4.06     Ca      0         .1         10.1       6.14        -          -       46        -39.86
 21         13.56      2.37     Qp      .1        .2         10.2      12.87       60       -47.13      -           -
 22         13.56        .2     Ca      .1        .2         10.2       10.7        -          -       50         -39.3
 23       28.5675      2.26     Qp      .1        .4         10.5      13.26       60       -46.74      -           -
 24       28.5675       .33     Ca      .1        .4         10.5      11.33        -          -       50        -38.67

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector
Ca - CISPR average detection

                                                         Page 22 of 24
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                           TEL: (510) 771-1000         FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc .

Document Created: 2019-10-01 19:53:03
Document Modified: 2019-10-01 19:53:03

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