1604RSU01603-Co-location Report


Test Report

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                                    MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd             Report No.: 1604RSU01603
                                    Phone: +86-512-66308358                      Report Version:        V01
                                    Fax:   +86-512-66308368                      Issue Date:     04-27-2016
                                    Web:    www.mrt-cert.com

                                 Co-location Report

FCC ID:                        2AGN8-Z02HUB

IC:                            20888-Z02HUB

APPLICANT:                     Sengled Co., Ltd.

Application Type:              Certification
Product:                       Element hub
Model No.:                     Z02-hub
 Trademark:                    sengled
FCC Classification: Digital Transmission System (DTS)
                               Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII)
Test Date:                     April 20 ~ 27, 2016

Reviewed By            :
                              ( Robin Wu )
Approved By            :
                            ( Marlin Chen )

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as
indicated in the measurement report and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified
in ANSI C63.4-2014. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of MRT Technology (Suzhou)
Co., Ltd.
 FCC ID: 2AGN8-Z02HUB                                                                       Page Number: 1 of 4
 IC: 20888-Z02HUB

                                                          Report No.: 1604RSU01603

                                 Revision History

   Report No.          Version           Description             Issue Date

 1604RSU01603          Rev. 01           Initial report          04-27-2016

FCC ID: 2AGN8-Z02HUB                                            Page Number: 2 of 4

                                                                                   Report No.: 1604RSU01603

 1.    TEST RESULT of Radiated Emissions for Co-located
 Test Mode:          2.4GHz Wi-Fi + 2.4GHz ZigBee          Test Site:              AC1
 Test Engineer:      Vince Yu                              Polarity:               Horizontal
 Remark:             There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and
                     18GHz~40GHz, the permissible value is not show in the report.

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency   Measure     Reading      Over Limit    Limit        Factor      Type
                     (MHz)       Level       Level        (dB)          (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                                 (dBuV/m)    (dBuV)
 1                   2639.800    26.796      29.960       -27.204       54.000       -3.163      AV
 2                   2640.500    37.429      40.590       -36.571       74.000       -3.162      PK
 3                   5410.660    31.908      28.690       -22.092       54.000       3.218       AV
 4                   5411.500    40.440      37.215       -33.560       74.000       3.226       PK
 5                   7859.500    44.828      36.429       -29.172       74.000       8.399       PK
 6            *      7860.500    33.587      25.189       -20.413       54.000       8.398       AV
Note: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) - Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).

FCC ID: 2AGN8-Z02HUB                                                                     Page Number: 3 of 4

                                                                                    Report No.: 1604RSU01603

 Test Mode:          2.4GHz Wi-Fi + 2.4GHz ZigBee           Test Site:              AC1
 Test Engineer:      Vince Yu                               Polarity:               Vertical
 Remark:             There is the ambient noise within frequency range 9kHz~30MHz and
                     18GHz~40GHz, the permissible value is not show in the report.

 No   Flag    Mark   Frequency   Measure     Reading      Over Limit     Limit         Factor      Type
                     (MHz)       Level       Level        (dB)           (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                                 (dBuV/m)    (dBuV)
 1                   2716.980    29.238      31.889       -24.762        54.000        -2.651      AV
 2                   2717.000    40.220      42.871       -33.780        74.000        -2.651      PK
 3            *      4875.990    40.395      37.720       -13.605        54.000        2.675       AV
 4                   4876.000    44.521      41.846       -29.479        74.000        2.675       PK
 5                   10366.280   37.368      25.190       -16.632        54.000        12.179      AV
 6                   10367.000   48.256      36.078       -25.744        74.000        12.178      PK
Note: Measure Level (dBμV/m) = Reading Level (dBμV) + Factor (dB)
Factor (dB) = Cable Loss (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) - Pre_Amplifier Gain (dB).

                                                  The End

FCC ID: 2AGN8-Z02HUB                                                                       Page Number: 4 of 4

Document Created: 2017-12-04 15:04:47
Document Modified: 2017-12-04 15:04:47

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