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                     Certification User’s Manual
                 Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
                        (CWAP 186140‐102)

            The information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to Thales Avionics, Inc. and shall not be used or
                  disclosed, in whole or in part, without first obtaining the written permission of Thales Avionics, Inc.

                                      Thales Avionics, Inc.
                                      1110 W Hibiscus Blvd
                                      Melbourne, FL 32901
TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                  DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                            REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                             SHEET 1 of 34

  ECO         REV                             DESCRIPTION                               DATE           APPROVAL
  N/A          IR     Initial Release                                                 5/4/2017      Signatures on File
  N/A          A      Section 7.1.1: Revised country selection statement              5/22/2018     Signatures on File
                      Section Removed Section and renumbered following
                      Section 7.2.3/7.2.4: Changed minimum separation distance
                      from 20 to 22 cm
                      Updated Table 7 J3 Pinout

                      Table 3/Table 4: Removed Serial Numbers

                      Changed all 186098‐101 and ‐102 to 186140‐102
                      Changed all LV10‐150101 to LV10‐151001
                      Changed all LV10 ‐101 and ‐102 to ‐103
                      Changed all “IC” to “ISEDC”
                                      Changed all “Industry Canada” to “ Innovation
                                      Science and Economic Development Canada”
  N/A          B      Section 7.3.1: Changed label marking from “ISEDC” to “IC”       06/01/2018    Signatures on File
                      Section 7.3.1: Deleted last 2 paragraphs in section
                      Section 7.3.1: Changed “d’Industrie Canada” to “d’Innovation,
                      Sciences et Développement économique Canada”
  N/A          C      Removed Section 6.9                                             08/08/2018    Signatures on File
                      Figure 1: Added clock frequencies
                      Section 7.1.1: Updated detail on how CWAP country code is
                      Section: : Added warnings regarding:
                      ‐Radar are [as] Primary user of 5GHz band
                      ‐Indoor use for 5150‐5250 MHz band
                      ‐Tilt angle for EIRP compliance
  N/A          D      Section Added warning translations in French           08/22/2018    Signatures on File
  N/A          E      Figure 1: Added operating frequencies                           09/14/2018    Signatures on File
  N/A          F      Figure 1: Removed 5260‐5320 MHz and 5500‐5720 MHz               09/25/2018    Signatures on File
                      operating frequency bands
                      Figure 1: Added note on DFS channels being disabled by

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                           REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                           Page 2 of 34


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                                Sean Vakili~                              Date
                                Electrical Engineer

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                                Jéfiathan Parker                           Date
                                Director of Product Development
                                Engineering — Connectivity

TITLE: Certification User‘s Manual — Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2               ‘ DOCUMENT #: LV87—161101                                 REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                 Page 3 of 34

                                                                          Table of Contents

         1     LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS................................................................................................... 7
         2     SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 11
             2.1 Equipment Under Test (EUT) Identification ................................................................................... 11
             2.2 Certification Identifications ........................................................................................................... 11
             2.3 Explanation of Test Procedure Inputs ............................................................................................ 11
         3     HARDWARE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 12
             3.1 Power Up Unit and Connect Wiring ............................................................................................... 12
             3.2 LED Indicators ................................................................................................................................ 12
         4     FUNCTIONAL TEST SETUP ..................................................................................................................... 15
             4.1 Initial Setup .................................................................................................................................... 15
         5     FUNCTIONAL TEST ................................................................................................................................ 20
             5.1 Status of AP with SNMP Walk ........................................................................................................ 20
             5.2 CWAP Status Lights ........................................................................................................................ 20
             5.3 CWAP Discretes Status ................................................................................................................... 20
             5.4 Serial Port Status ............................................................................................................................ 21
             5.5 Throughput Testing ........................................................................................................................ 21
             5.6 Shutdown Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 21
         6     OPERATIONAL EXERCISE ....................................................................................................................... 22
             6.1 Certification Test Software Operation ........................................................................................... 22
             6.2 Change Output Power Levels ......................................................................................................... 22
             6.3 Change Bandwidth and Channel Values ........................................................................................ 23
             6.4 Change Module Scheme ................................................................................................................ 23
             6.5 Change Data Rates ......................................................................................................................... 23
             6.6 Change Antenna Usage .................................................................................................................. 24
             6.7 Shut Down the Wireless Radios ..................................................................................................... 24
                  6.7.1 Turn 2.4GHz Transmitter OFF (802.11b/g/n) ....................................................................... 24
                  6.7.2 Turn 2.4GHz Transmitter ON (802.11b/g/n) ........................................................................ 24
                  6.7.3 Turn 5GHz Transmitter OFF (802.11a/n/ac) ........................................................................ 25
                  6.7.4 Turn 5GHz Transmitter ON (802.11a/n/ac) ......................................................................... 25
             6.8 Change Beamforming .................................................................................................................... 25
         7     REGULATORY INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 26
             7.1 Wireless Device Country Approvals ............................................................................................... 26
                  7.1.1 Country Selection ................................................................................................................. 26
                  7.1.2 Country Roaming.................................................................................................................. 26
                  7.1.3 Frequency of Operation – FCC and ISEDC ............................................................................ 26
             7.2 RF Exposure Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 27
                  7.2.1 Safety Information ............................................................................................................... 27
                  7.2.2 International......................................................................................................................... 27
                  7.2.3 EU ......................................................................................................................................... 27
                  7.2.4 US and Canada ..................................................................................................................... 27
                  7.2.5 Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – FCC ............................................................ 28

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                                                                  REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                                                                  Page 4 of 34

              7.2.6 Radio Transmitters (Part 15) ................................................................................................ 28
            7.3Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – Canada ................................................................ 28
              7.3.1 Radio Transmitters ............................................................................................................... 28
          7.4 CE Marking and European Economic Area (EEA) ........................................................................... 28
          7.5 Brazil – ANATEL .............................................................................................................................. 29
          7.6 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) ...................................................................... 29
         8 WIRE HARNESS ..................................................................................................................................... 29
          8.1 Test Wire Harness .......................................................................................................................... 29
          8.2 Pin Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 32

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                                                         REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                                                         Page 5 of 34

                                                                           List of Figures

         Figure 1: Functional Test: Test Setup ......................................................................................................... 13
         Figure 2: Ethernet Wire Harness – J1 and J2.............................................................................................. 30
         Figure 3: Control / Power Wire Harness – J1, J2, and J3 ............................................................................ 31

                                                                           List of Tables

         Table 1: EUT Identification ......................................................................................................................... 11
         Table 2: Certification ID’s ........................................................................................................................... 11
         Table 3: List of Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 14
         Table 4: List of Spare Equipment ............................................................................................................... 14
         Table 5: J1 Pin Out ...................................................................................................................................... 32
         Table 6: J2 Pin Out ...................................................................................................................................... 33
         Table 7: J3 Pin Out ...................................................................................................................................... 34

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                                                             REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                                                             Page 6 of 34

         1      List of Abbreviations / Acronyms

             Acronym / Abbreviation                                  Definition
          A                           Ampere
          AC, ac                      Alternating Current
          ACB                         Auxiliary Control Board
          ACC                         Aircraft Connectivity Controller
          AES                         Advanced Encryption Standard
          AIC                         Airborne Inhabited Cargo
          AP                          Access Point
          ARINC                       Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated
          ATA                         Air Transport Association
          AWG                         American Wire Gauge
          BER                         Bit Error Rate
          BHM                         Bit History Memory
          BIT                         Built In Test
          BITE                        Built In Test Equipment
          BPSK                        Binary Phase Shift Keying
          C                           Celsius
          Cat, CAT                    Category
          CLI                         Command Line Interface
          CMD                         Command
          CTS                         Component Technical Specification
          CWAP                        Cabin Wireless Access Point
          dBm                         decibel‐milliwatts
          DC, dc                      Direct Current
          DFS                         Dynamic Frequency Selection
          DHCP                        Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
          DISC, Disc                  Discrete
          DSSS                        Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
          DSU                         Digital Server Unit
          DTC                         Design to Cost
          DVT                         Design Verification Test
          DWG                         Drawing
          EAP                         Extensible Authentication Protocol
          ENET                        Ethernet
          ESD                         Electro‐Static Discharge
          ESS                         Environmental Stress Screening
          ETH                         Ethernet
          EUT                         Equipment under Test

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                          REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                          Page 7 of 34

          FAA                       Federal Aviation Administration
          FAR                       Federal Aviation Regulations
          FCC                       Federal Communications Commission
          FVIN                      Firmware Version Identification Number
          FWD                       Forward
          Gbps                      Gigabits per second
          GFCI                      Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
          GHz                       Gigahertz
          GND                       Ground
          GSE                       Ground Support Equipment
          GUI                       Graphic User Interface
          HALT                      Highly Accelerated Life Test
          HASS                      Highly Accelerated Stress Screening
          HI                        High
          HMN                       Host Marketing Name
          HRS                       Hardware Requirements Specification
          HVIN                      Hardware Version Identification Number
          HW                        Hardware
          Hz                        Hertz
          ISEDC                     Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada
          ID                        Identity, Identification
          IEEE                      Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
          IP                        Internet Protocol
          IPv4                      Internet Protocol version 4
          Ipv6                      Internet Protocol version 6
          IUL                       In‐Use Light
          kg                        kilogram
          LAN                       Local Area Network
          lbs                       Pounds
          LED                       Light Emitting Diode
          LISN                      Line Impedance Stabilization Network
          LO                        Low
          LRU                       Line Replaceable Unit
          MAC                       Medium Access Control
          Mbps                      Megabits per second
          MBU                       Multiple Bit Upset
          MCU                       Master Control Unit
          MHz                       Megahertz
          MIMO                      Multiple Input Multiple Output
          mm                        millimeter
TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                 REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                 Page 8 of 34

          MPS                       Multi‐Purpose Server
          MTBF                      Mean Time Between Failures
          MTBUR                     Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removal
          N/A                       Not Applicable
          NTS                       National Technical Systems
          OFDM                      Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
          PC                        Personal Computer
          PCB                       Polychlorinated Biphenyl
          PCU                       Passenger Control Unit
          PDR                       Preliminary Design Review
          PED                       Passenger/Personal Electronic Device (mobile, tablet etc.)
          PFDB                      Power Floor Disconnect Box
          PHY                       Physical layer, from the OSI 7 layer model
          PMN                       Product Marketing Name
          PN                        Port Number
          PoE                       Power over Ethernet
          POST                      Power‐On Self‐Test
          PVC                       Polyvinyl‐Chloride
          QAM                       Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
          QPSK                      Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
          QUAL                      Qualification
          RDO                       Remote Data Outlet (USB)
          Rev, REV                  Revision
          RF                        Radio Frequency
          RFID                      Radio Frequency Identification
          RoHS                      Restriction of Hazardous Substances
          RPO                       Remote Power Outlet
          RSS                       Radio Standard Specification (ISEDC)
          RTN                       Return
          RX                        Receive / Reception
          SAC                       Seat Actuator
          SAL                       Security Assurance Level
          SCF                       Single Phase, Constant Frequency (115 V)
          SCFH                      Single Phase, Constant Frequency (230 V)
          SEU                       Single Event Upset
          SNMP                      Simple Network Management Protocol
          SPDB                      Secondary Power Distribution Box
          SPS                       Small Power Supply
          SRS                       Software Requirements Specification
          SRU                       Shop Replaceable Unit
TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                         REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                         Page 9 of 34

          SSID                      Service Set Identifier
          SSS                       System/Subsystem Specification
          SVF                       Single Phase, Variable Frequency (115 V)
          SVFH                      Single Phase, Variable Frequency (230 V)
          SW                        Software
          TBC                       To Be Confirmed
          TBD                       To Be Determined
          TKIP                      Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
          TLS                       Transport Layer Security
          TPC                       Transmit Power Control
          TX                        Transmit
          UI                        User Interface
          UL                        Underwriters Laboratories
          U‐NII                     Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
          URD                       Unit Requirement Document
          USB                       Universal Serial Bus
          V                         Volt
          VA                        Volt‐Ampere
          VAC                       Volts Alternating Current
          VLAN                      Virtual Local Area Network
          W                         Watt
          WEP                       Wired Equivalent Privacy
          W‐IFE                     Wireless In‐Flight Entertainment
          Wi‐Fi, WiFi               Wireless networking technology
          WPA                       Wi‐Fi Protected Access

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                             REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                             Page 10 of 34

         2     Scope
         This document is the User’s Manual for the Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP) part number LV10‐
         151001‐103. It is used for setting up and operating the CWAP for certification testing. Additional
         requested information about the CWAP is also provided in this document.

         Testing performed on the CWAP is to be conducted in accordance with the test methods and procedures
         of test facility. Interconnecting cable bundle definitions and power connection instructions are provided.

         The test articles consist of the Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP), Thales Part Number LV10‐151001‐

         LV10‐151001‐103 will be FCC, ISEDC, CE Mark, and ANATEL certified.

         The CWAP is powered by aircraft 115 VAC, 400 Hz power.

         2.1    Equipment Under Test (EUT) Identification
         The EUT identification names and numbers are listed in Table 1.

                                                 Table 1: EUT Identification

                          Identification                         Acronym                        Value
          Model Name                                               N/A          Cabin Wireless Access Point
          Hardware Version Identification Number                   HVIN         186140‐102
          Product Marketing Name                                   PMN          Cabin Wireless Access Point
                                                                   FVIN         Switch: 0.9.5
          Firmware Version Identification Number
          Host Marketing Name                                      HMN          N/A

         2.2    Certification Identifications
         The CWAP Certification IDs for 186140‐102 only are listed in Table 2.

                                                  Table 2: Certification ID’s

                                         FCC             2AGGY‐CWAP
                                         ISEDC           20826‐CWAP

         2.3    Explanation of Test Procedure Inputs
         A Bold item is a selection available on the GUI screen. It is selected by clicking on the item.

         A Bold Italic item is a physical key on the keyboard that needs to be pressed.

         A “Bold” item in quotes is text that is to be entered/typed in exactly as shown, followed by pressing
         Enter. The text entered is not bolded.

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                   REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                   Page 11 of 34

         3     Hardware Installation

         3.1    Power Up Unit and Connect Wiring
         a) Obtain the items called out in Table 3: List of Equipment.
         b) Set up the CWAP in the test chamber and run the cables to the outside.
         c) Power on the laptop.
         d) Connect the USB Hubs to the laptop USB ports as specified in Figure 1.
         e) Install the J1, J2, and J3 connectors to the CWAP as specified in Figure 1.
         f) Connect the two DB25 connectors.
         g) De‐activate all switches (switch is towards the black dot).
         h) Connect the RJ‐45 CAT5e (or CAT6) Ethernet cables to the laptop. The J1 Ethernet goes to the
            Ethernet port in the computer, the other goes to the Ethernet adapter on the USB Hub.
         i) Connect the power supply to the 3 power wires going to J1.
         j) Connect the serial connection(s) to the 4‐Port Hub as specified in Figure 1.
         k) Connect the Wi‐Fi adapters to the 7‐Port Hub as specified in Figure 1.
            1. Verify that the used 7 Port Hub indicator lights are blue.
            2. If not blue, check if the adapter is enabled (under Change Adapter Settings on the Network and
                Sharing Center screen).
         l) Power on the 115VAC 400Hz power supply.
         m) Activate the RF Enable Switch (away from black dot)
         n) Activate Power‐On Switch (away from black dot)
            1. Verify the behavior of the CWAP LED light pipe. For more information, see LED Indicators in the
                next section.
            2. The Access Point is ready to configure. For information on basic Access Point device
                configuration, see 4.1 Initial Setup.

         3.2    LED Indicators
         The CWAP has three lights on the front face next to the connectors. The light on the right is the main
         power light. This light should be illuminated once power is applied to the CWAP and the Power ON
         Switch is activated. The light in the middle is the wired Ethernet light. Once the J1 Ethernet wire is
         connected to the computer, this light will illuminate. This light blinks with Ethernet activity *. The left
         most light is the wireless light. This will be illuminated once the wireless radios begin emitting wireless
         signal. Once a wireless connection is established and data begins flowing, this light will blink *.

         * NOTE: The LED blink rate is proportional to activity. The busiest traffic corresponds to the fastest
         blink, while the slowest traffic corresponds to the slowest blink.

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                Page 12 of 34

                                          FCC Chamber

                                           115VAC 400Hz High (Input) 30 feet     Plug       Jack
                                                                                                                               115 VAC 400Hz
                                          115VAC 400Hz Neutral (Input) 30 feet   Plug       Jack                                Power Supply

                     J1 (EN Connector)
                                                                                 Plug       Jack

                                                                                                                      RF ON

                                                                                   DB25 *

                                                                                            DB25 *
                                                                                                                     Power ON         Wires from Connector to
                                                                                                                    DISC Switch       Switch should be 5 feet

                                                                                                                                                                                                Left            ENET
                                                                                                     1Gb Ethernet (Head End)                                                                   ENET
                                                                                                             30 feet                                                                                             Port

                                                                                                                 Jack    Wires from Connector to

                                                                                   DB25 *

                                                                                            DB25 *
                                                                                                                          Jack should be 5 feet
                     J2 (EN Connector)

                                                                                                                         Note: Jacks not used for
                                                                                                                 Jack          FCC testing

              CWAP                                                                                                                                                                                              USB
                                                                                                                                                                                        HUB for
                                                                                                                                                                                      ENET Adapter
                                                                                                                                                                                        SERIAL                    Laptop

                                                                                                            Disc #2 5 feet                                                          Wireless
                                                                                                                                      4 Switches for the                            2.4GHz
                                                                                                         Disc #1 GND 5 feet
                                                                                                                                  Discretes to be Grounded
                                                                                                            Disc #3 5 feet                                      Amped
                     J3 (EN Connector)

                                                                                                         Disc #3 GND 5 feet                                     Wireless
                                                                                   DB25 *

                                                                                            DB25 *


                                                                                                                                                                                                  USB 3.0 HUB
                                                                                                         Disc #4 GND 5 feet


                                                                                                                                                                           D-Link                                USB
                                                                                                                                                                            Ball                                Bottom
                                                                                                                                                                                     5GHz                        Left
                                                                                                        * Single connection

                                                                           Figure 1: Functional Test: Test Setup

          The CWAP uses the following clock frequencies: 175kHz, 300kHz, 3.6864 MHz, 12.2888
           MHz, 19.2 MHz, 25 MHz, 25.54 MHz, 27 MHz, 68.25 MHz, 71 MHz, 72 MHz, 100 MHz

                                         CWAP Operating Frequencies: 5180‐5240 MHz, 5745‐5825 MHz

             Note: All DFS channels (5250‐5350MHz and the 5470‐5725MHz) are permanently
                                      disabled by the CWAP software.

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                                                                                                  REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                                                                                                  Page 13 of 34

                                                   Table 3: List of Equipment

                                                                   Manufacturer & Part
          Item                    Description                                               Serial Number
         1       CWAP                                            Thales 186140‐102
         2       CWAP Cable Assembly FCC                         Thales LV71‐161103
         3       115VAC 400Hz Power Supply (NTS provided)
         4       CWAP User Input Cable Assembly                  Thales LV71‐160502
         5       Laptop Running Windows 7 Pro Service Pack 1     HP P0C00UT#ABA
         6       USB 3.0 7‐Port Hub
         7       D‐Link AC1900 ultra Wi‐Fi USB Adapter           D‐Link BWA192NAA1
         8       D‐Link AC1900 ultra Wi‐Fi USB Adapter           D‐Link BWA192NAA1
                                                                 Amped Wireless
         9       Wi‐Fi USB Adapter
                                                                 Amped Wireless
         10      Wi‐Fi USB Adapter
         11      USB HUB                                         Amazon Basics GT0215610
                                                                 Trendnet TU‐S9 (or
         12      USB Serial Adapter
         13      USB Serial Adapter                              TrippLite U209‐000‐R

         NOTE: Equivalent items may be substituted for the items listed above with the approval of the Test
         Engineer. Spare items shipped are listed in Table 4.

                                                Table 4: List of Spare Equipment

          Item                   Description                      Manufacturer & Part No.   Serial Number
         1       CWAP                                            Thales 186140‐102
         2       CWAP Cable Assembly FCC                         Thales LV71‐161103
         3       CWAP User Input Cable Assembly                  Thales LV71‐160502
         4       Laptop Running Windows 10                       Acer N16Q2
         5       USB 3.0 7‐Port Hub
         6       D‐Link AC1900 ultra Wi‐Fi USB Adapter           D‐Link BWA192NAA1
         7       D‐Link AC1900 ultra Wi‐Fi USB Adapter           D‐Link BWA192NAA1
                                                                 Amped Wireless
         8       Wi‐Fi USB Adapter
                                                                 Amped Wireless
         9       Wi‐Fi USB Adapter
         10      USB HUB                                         Amazon Basics GT0215610
                                                                 Trendnet TU‐S9 (or
         11      USB Serial Adapter
         12      USB Serial Adapter                              TrippLite U209‐000‐R

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                           REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                           Page 14 of 34

         4     Functional Test Setup

         4.1    Initial Setup
         Once the CWAP is installed and powered on, complete the following steps to access management

         1. On the Laptop, open the Wireless Connection button in the lower right hand part of the screen.
            There should be 4 connections. Ensure two of the connections is connected to the 2.4GHz radio,
            and the other two are connected to the 5GHz radio. If these do not connect automatically, then find
            the wireless connection and connect it manually. Once this is done one time, it will automatically do
            it again in the future, as long as you click the box to connect automatically. See the Figure for
            Windows 7, below.

         2. On the Laptop, access the Network and Sharing Center. Ensure there are 6 connections (2 wired
            and 4 wireless connections). See Figure for Windows 7, below.

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                              REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                              Page 15 of 34

         3. Open each connection and make sure there is an IP address that will allow all 6 connections to talk.
            The example IP addresses below and names of the connections do not have to be as shown below,
            but they all have to match up as the ones below do.

                         WIRED_INPUT: ( MASK)
                         DAISY_CHAIN: ( MASK)
                         AW24: ( MASK) ‐ Needs to be connected to the
                         2.4GHz radio on CWAP. This connection will be CWAP_MARK_24.
                         AW5: ( MASK) ‐ Needs to be connected to the 5GHz
                         radio on CWAP. This connection will be CWAP_MARK_5.
                         DLINK242: ( MASK) ‐ Needs to be connected to the
                         2.4GHz radio on CWAP. This connection will be CWAP_MARK_24.
                         DLINK5: ( MASK) ‐ Needs to be connected to the
                         5GHz radio on CWAP. This connection will be CWAP_MARK_5.
                 a. The IP address used must have 169.254.1.X, where the X needs to be unique to each
                    connection, and cannot be the same as the CWAP AP. This is what the Subnet Mask of
           infers. The names and IP addresses do not have to be exactly what is shown
                    above. Enter the names and IP addresses in the table on the next page (for future
                 b. To check these, left click on them. Then select Details. The IP address will be shown.
                 c. If the IP address needs to be changed, then select Properties. Select the IPv4 item then
                    select Properties. Select Use the following IP address and enter the IP address and Mask
                    that you want to use.
                 d. The IP address on the CWAP is shown below. This IP address has to have the same structure
                    as the ones above.
                    CWAP AP:
                 e. The names of the connections can be changed by clicking on Change Adapter Settings, and
                    then right clicking on the connection. There will be a selection to rename these if needed.

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                             REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                             Page 16 of 34

                                                CONFIGURATION VALUES:
                  CONNECTION                      NAME             X VALUE (169.254.1.X)     PORT
         Amped Wireless 2.4 GHz
         Amped Wireless 5 GHz
         D‐Link 2.4 GHz
         D‐Link 5 GHz
         Input Wired Ethernet                                                              N/A
         Chain Wired Ethernet
         CWAP AP                          N/A                                              N/A

             RADIO CONNECTION                             SSID
         CWAP 2.4 GHz
         CWAP 5 GHz

               DEVICE SERIAL PORT                         PORT
         CWAP AP
         Vitesse Switch

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                   REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                   Page 17 of 34

         4. The IP address of the CWAP AP is Connect the Test Laptop PC to the CWAP AP by
             opening a session: enter “https:\\”.
         5. On the WiNG GUI, enter “admin” for the username
         6. Enter “admin” for the password.
         7. Select Configuration and then select Wireless. The web user interface (WiNG GUI) wireless
             connections will show the VLAN name and SSID for each connection.
         8. If needed, change the SSIDs:
             a. Select the 2.4GHz wireless connection and change the SSID name to “CWAP_MARK_24” and
                 then select Apply.
             b. Select the 5GHz wireless connection and change the SSID name to “CWAP_MARK_5” and then
                 select Apply.
             c. Wait 30 seconds for the new names to show up.
             d. Then reconnect the wireless adapters to the newly named wireless connections (per Step 1
         9. Write the assigned SSIDs on the SSID table on the Configuration Values page.
         10. Log out of WiNG and close the GUI.
         11. Access the Scripts by going to the desktop and double clicking on iperf3.
         12. For the following steps 13 through 17:
             a. PN is the assigned Port Number. It must match for each device’s client (C) and server (S) bat
             b. X is the last number of the assigned IP Address (see values previously recorded in table).
             c. Change any values as needed.
         13. For the Amped Wireless 2.4 GHz:
             a. Right Click on WAP2 24C.bat and select EDIT.
             b. Find iperf3 –c 169.254.1.X –p PN –B –t “” – logfile Logs/24GHz.txt. Modify if
                 needed. Save this file.
             c. Right Click on WAP2 24S.bat and select EDIT.
             d. Find iperf3 –s –p PN –B 169.254.1.X. Modify if needed. Save this file.
         14. For the D‐Link 2.4 GHz:
             a. Right Click on WAP2 242C.bat and select EDIT.
             b. Find iperf3 –c 169.254.1.X –p PN –B –t “” – logfile Logs/242GHz.txt. Modify if
                 needed. Save this file.
             c. Right Click on WAP2 242S.bat and select EDIT.
             d. Find iperf3 –s –p PN –B 169.254.1.X. Modify if needed. Save this file.
         15. For the Amped Wireless 5 GHz:
             a. Right Click on WAP2 5C.bat and select EDIT.
             b. Find iperf3 –c 169.254.1.X –p PN –B –t “” – logfile Logs/5GHz.txt. Modify if needed.
                 Save this file.
             c. Right Click on WAP2 5S.bat and select EDIT.
             d. Find iperf3 –s –p PN –B 169.254.1.X. Modify if needed. Save this file.
         16. For the D‐Link 5 GHz:
             a. Right Click on WAP2 52C.bat and select EDIT.
             b. Find iperf3 –c 169.254.1.X –p PN –B –t “” – logfile Logs/52GHz.txt. Modify if
                 needed. Save this file.
             c. Right Click on WAP2 52S.bat and select EDIT.
             d. Find iperf3 –s –p PN –B 169.254.1.X. Modify if needed. Save this file.

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         17. For the Chain Wired Ethernet:
             a. Right Click on WAP2 DAISYC.bat and select EDIT.
             b. Find iperf3 –c 169.254.1.X –p PN –B –t “” – logfile Logs/Daisychain.txt. Modify if
                  needed. Save this file.
             c. Right Click on WAP2 DAISYS.bat and select EDIT.
             d. Find iperf3 –s –p PN –B 169.254.1.X. Modify if needed. Save this file.
         18. In the desktop iperf3 folder, select Start CWAP to start the script.
         19. Ensure data is getting passed on all five connections.
         20. Determine Serial Port Assignments:
             a. Open the Control Panel
             b. Open the Device Manager.
             c. Expand Ports on the pull down. Make note of the available COM Ports.
             d. Go to PuTTY.exe on the desktop.
             e. Select one of the available COM Ports noted above.
             f. If the prompt includes “ap…..”, then this is the AP port; otherwise it is the switch port.
             g. Write the assigned ports on the port table on the Configuration Values page.
         21. Now run the Status Monitoring sections of the Functional Test.

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         5     Functional Test
         Functional testing, as defined in this section, is performed prior to certification testing to verify that the
         CWAP is operational and meets all applicable performance requirements. Functional testing is also
         performed prior to resuming certification testing if the CWAP test setup/location is changed and upon
         completion of testing to verify that the CWAP is fully operational.

         As a diagnostic tool, the Functional Test should also be performed if an anomaly was detected during
         Certification Testing, once Certification Testing is halted. This will help determine if the CWAP caused
         the anomaly.

         5.1    Status of AP with SNMP Walk
         The SNMPWALK command is our BITE testing of the AP portion of the CWAP and will tell us if the AP is
         working correctly.
         1. Connect the Test Laptop PC to the CWAP AP by opening a session: enter “https:\\”.
         2. On the WiNG GUI, enter “admin” for the username
         3. Enter “admin” for the password.
         4. Select Management.
         5. For each SNMP (V1, V2, V3), select (check) each box (if not already checked).
         6. Select ENABLE.
         7. Open a CMD window.
         8. Navigate to the location of the SNMPWalk by entering the following commands:
             a. “cd Desktop”
             b. “cd free cmd tools”
             c. “cd SnmpWalk”
         9. Once in the location, enter “snmpwalk –r:CWAP IP address –csv >name of file.csv”. This will take
             several minutes, and will capture SNMP data from the AP.
         10. Verify that the connections on the monitor tool continue to give passing results. We are putting
             more load on the connection by asking for this SNMP data.

         5.2    CWAP Status Lights
         Verify on the CWAP that the Power light (right most light) is steady and illuminated.
         Verify on the CWAP that the Wireless and the Wired connection lights are blinking and illuminated.

         5.3    CWAP Discretes Status
         Set all of the J3 switches to Ground (away from black dot).

         Double‐click on the PuTTY icon on the Desktop.
         On the Vitesse serial command window, enter “platform debug allow” and
         then enter “debug sym read ::gpio_in”. Note there is a space between “read” and “::”.

         On the serial verify the value shown is xxxx.1111.xxxx…(the x’s are don’t care values).
         Set all of the J3 switches to Open (towards black dot).

         Enter “debug sym read ::gpio_in”.

         On the serial verify the value shown is xxxx.0000.xxxx…(the x’s are don’t care values).

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         5.4   Serial Port Status
         Go to Putty.exe on the desktop. Go to the Vitesse Serial port and open the file. Enter “admin” for the
         username and no password. Enter “enable”. Then enter “show vlan status”. This will give a bunch of
         data showing that the Vitesse Switch is good. Press Ctrl C to quit.
         Verify that there is data given and that nothing says Fail.
         Enter “show version” and press Tab then Enter. Note: hitting Tab key will autofill rest of command if
         there is only one option. Otherwise, it will list what options are available to complete the command.
         Specify the version number here:_________________________________
         Close the CMD screen.
         If needed, move the Serial adapter to the other Serial Connector.
         Go to Putty.exe on the desktop. Go to the AP Serial port and open the file. If needed, enter “admin” for
         the username and password. Enter “enable”. Then enter “show wireless ap detail”. This will give a
         bunch of data showing that the Access Point is good.
         Verify that there is data given and that nothing says Fail.
         Enter “show version on ap” and press Tab then Enter.
         Specify the version number here:_________________________________
         Close the CMD screen.

         5.5   Throughput Testing
         Monitor the Throughput Testing using the CMD screens that was setup in the Initial Setup section of this
         document. Need to check 5 screens. Periodically, verify there are no failures.

         If any failures occur, note what is going on in the environmental chamber at the time of the failure and
         any activities outside of the chamber that are occurring. This will help with explaining the failure as well
         as the debugging of the failure.

         5.6   Shutdown Procedure
         At the end of the test, turn off the CMD screens that are monitoring the Throughput. The test results
         are captured in the desktop folder: iperf3\Iperf3\logs\. Find the latest logs and rename them after each
         test is run.

         Flip the RF ON Discrete Switch to Open (towards the black dot).

         Flip the Power ON Discrete Switch to Open (towards the black dot).

         Turn off the AC power.

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         6       Operational Exercise
         Operational exercising of the CWAP consists of interactively running the Certification Test Software
         during the application of certification testing. The Certification Test Software will provide the ability to
         control the Wi‐Fi radio as follows:
             •     Transmission at or near 100% duty cycle.
             •     Operation in the following modes 2.4 GHz: 802.11 b/g/n20MHz/n40MHz, 5 GHz:
             •     Transmission at maximum RF output power as described in the original grant of certification of
                   the module for all the modes described above.
             •     Selection of the data rates for all modes of operation 2.4 GHz: 802.11 b/g/n20MHz/n40Hz, 5
                   GHz: 802.11a/n20MHz/n40MHz/acVHT80MHz
             •     Selection of the low, middle and high channels for the 2.4 GHz band for all modes of operation
                   listed above
             •     Selection of the low, middle and high channels for the 5 GHz NII‐1, NII‐2A, NII‐2C and NII‐3
                   bands for all modes described above
             •     Configuration of the module to operate using both TX antenna chains simultaneously for the
                   MIMO modes of operation
         The CWAP is not required to be operationally verified during certification testing.

         6.1      Certification Test Software Operation
         Certification Test Software consists of operational instructions for Functional Commands to configure
         the CWAP.

         For the following instructions:
         1. Radio 1 is the 2.4GHz radio, and Radio 2 is the 5GHz radio.
         2. Upon completion of each “commit write memory” command, verify that “[OK]” is displayed.
         3. To see status of the AP settings, enter “show wireless ap detail”.

         6.2      Change Output Power Levels
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. The Settings are the following:
            a. Enter “interface radio 1” to interface with one of the radios.
            b. Can enter “power ?” to see all of the options.
            c. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “power 9” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 2.4GHz power output to 9dBm.
            d. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “power 9” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 5GHz power output to 9dBm.
            e. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “power 20” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 2.4GHz power output to 20dBm.
            f. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “power 20” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 5GHz power output to 20dBm.

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         6.3   Change Bandwidth and Channel Values
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. The Settings are the following:
            a. Enter “interface radio 1” to interface with one of the radios.
            b. Can enter “channel ?” to see all of the options.
            c. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “channel 6” then “commit write memory”. This will
                 configure 2.4GHz to 20MHz Channel Width on Channel 6.
            d. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “channel 6w” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 2.4GHz to 40MHz Channel Width on Channel 6.
            e. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “channel 149” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 5GHz to 20MHz Channel Width on Channel 149.
            f. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “channel 149w” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 5GHz to 40MHz Channel Width on Channel 149.
            g. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “channel 149ww” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 5GHz to 80MHz Channel Width on Channel 149.

         6.4   Change Module Scheme
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. The Settings are the following:
            a. Enter “interface radio 1” to interface with one of the radios.
            b. Can enter “data‐rates ?” to see all of the options.
            c. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “data‐rates custom basic‐2” then “commit write memory”.
                This will configure 2.4GHz to DSSS.
            d. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “data‐rates custom basic‐6” then “commit write memory”.
                This will configure 5GHz to BPSK.
            e. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “data‐rates custom basic‐18” then “commit write
                memory”. This will configure 2.4GHz to QPSK.
            f. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “data‐rates an” then “commit write memory”. This will
                configure 5GHz to QPSK.
            g. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “data‐rates default” then “commit write memory”. This
                will configure 2.4GHz to QAM.
            h. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “data‐rates default” then “commit write memory”. This
                will configure 5GHz to QAM.

         6.5   Change Data Rates
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. The Settings are the following:
            a. Enter “interface radio 1” to interface with one of the radios.
            b. Enter “data‐rates ?” to see all of the options or “data‐rates custom ?” to see all of the
                custom options.
            c. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “data‐rates custom basic‐2” then “commit write memory”.
                This will configure 2.4GHz to limit to 2Mbps max.

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               d. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “data‐rates custom basic‐6” then “commit write memory”.
                  This will configure 5GHz to limit to 6Mbps max.
               e. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “data‐rates custom basic‐18” then “commit write
                  memory”. This will configure 2.4GHz to limit to 18Mbps max.
               f. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “data‐rates an” then “commit write memory”. This will
                  configure 5GHz to 802.11a/n only.
               g. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “data‐rates bgn” then “commit write memory”. This will
                  configure 2.4GHz to 802.11b/g/n only.
               h. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “data‐rates default” then “commit write memory”. This
                  will configure 5GHz to all of the data rates available and all modulation schemes.

         6.6     Change Antenna Usage
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. The Settings are the following:
            a. Enter “interface radio 1” to interface with one of the radios.
            b. Enter “antenna‐mode ?” to see all of the options.
            c. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “antenna‐mode 1x1” then “commit write memory”. This
                will configure 2.4GHz to 1x1 antenna mode.
            d. Enter “interface radio 2”, then “antenna‐mode 2x2” then “commit write memory”. This
                will configure 5GHz to 2x2 antenna mode.
            e. Enter “interface radio 1”, then “antenna‐mode default” then “commit write memory”.
                This will configure 2.4GHz to 3x3 antenna mode.

         6.7     Shut Down the Wireless Radios

         6.7.1    Turn 2.4GHz Transmitter OFF (802.11b/g/n)
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. Enter “interface radio 1”.
         4. Enter “shutdown”.
         5. Enter “commit write memory”.

         6.7.2    Turn 2.4GHz Transmitter ON (802.11b/g/n)
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. Enter “interface radio 1”.
         4. Enter “no shutdown”.
         5. Enter “commit write memory”.

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         6.7.3    Turn 5GHz Transmitter OFF (802.11a/n/ac)
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. Enter “interface radio 2”.
         4. Enter “shutdown”.
         5. Enter “commit write memory”.

         6.7.4    Turn 5GHz Transmitter ON (802.11a/n/ac)
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. Enter “interface radio 2”.
         4. Enter “no shutdown”.
         5. Enter “commit write memory”.

         6.8     Change Beamforming
         1. Using the Serial connection via PuTTY, log into the Access Point. If needed, enter “admin” for
            both Username and Password.
         2. Enter “enable”, then “configure self”.
         3. The Settings are the following:
            a. Enter “interface radio 1” to interface with one of the radios.
            b. Enter “transmit‐beamforming” to enable the beam forming option.
            c. Enter “no transmit‐beamforming” to disable the beam forming option.

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         7     Regulatory Information
         This device is approved under Thales Avionics, Inc.

         This guide applies to the following CWAP Model Numbers, subject to the certification(s) listed:
                   186140‐102 (FCC, ISEDC, CE Mark, ANATEL)
         This device is designed to be compliant with rules and regulations in locations the device is sold and will
         be labeled as required.

         Warning: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by Thales Avionics, Inc. could
         void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

         Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or
         attachments could cause damage and may violate regulations.

         7.1       Wireless Device Country Approvals
         Regulatory markings, subject to certification, are applied to the device signifying the radio(s) is/are
         approved for use in the following countries: United States, Canada, Europe*, and Brazil.

         *: Europe includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
         France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liefcautionchtenstein, Lithuania,
         Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain,
         Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

         Warning: Operation of the device without regulatory approval is illegal.

         7.1.1      Country Selection
         The aircraft GPS provides location coordinates which the CWAP uses to modify the country code
         automatically without any manual intervention. The country code is adjusted automatically per geo‐
         fencing protocols. When the Access Point is provided with location information, the settings are
         automatically configured for that location. Users do not have access to change the location specific

         7.1.2      Country Roaming
         This device incorporates the International Roaming feature (IEEE 802.11d) which will ensure the product
         operates on the correct channels for the particular country of use.

         7.1.3      Frequency of Operation – FCC and ISEDC
 5 GHz Only
         Caution: The device for the band 5150‐5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for
         harmful interference to co‐Channel mobile satellite systems.

         Caution: High power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250‐5350
         MHz and 5650‐5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE‐LAN devices.

         Caution: To comply with FCC Antenna requirements, the Antenna must be adjusted such that the RF
         emission lobes are below 30 degrees elevation.

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         Attention: Cet équipement pour la bande 5150‐5250 MHz est uniquement destiné à une utilisation en
         intérieur afin de réduire les risques d'interférences nuisibles aux systèmes satellites mobiles co‐canaux.

         Attention: Les radars de grande puissance sont assignés comme systèmes primaires (c'est‐à‐dire
         prioritaire) des bandes 5250‐5350 MHz et 5650‐5850 MHz et ces radars peuvent causer des
         interférences et/ou endommager les équipements LE‐LAN.

         Attention: pour se conformer aux exigences de l’antenne FCC, l’antenne doit être ajustée de manière à
         ce que
         les lobes d'émission RF soient en dessous de 30 degrés d'élévation.

 2.4 GHz Only
         The available channels for 802.11bg operation in the US are Channels 1 to 11. The range of channels is
         limited by firmware.

         7.2     RF Exposure Guidelines

         7.2.1    Safety Information
         Only operate the device in accordance with the instructions supplied.

         7.2.2    International
         The device complies with internationally recognized standards covering human exposure to
         electromagnetic fields from radio devices.

         7.2.3    EU
         To comply with EU RF exposure requirements, this device must operate with a minimum separation
         distance of 22 cm from a person’s body.

         7.2.4    US and Canada
         To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, the antenna used for this transmitter must
         not be co‐located or operating in conjunction with any other transmitter/antenna except those already
         approved in this filing.

         To satisfy US and Canadian RF exposure requirements, a transmitting device must operate with a
         minimum separation distance of 22 cm from a person’s body.

         Pour satisfaire aux exigences Américaines et Canadiennes d’exposition aux radiofréquences, un
         dispositif de transmission doit fonctionner avec une distance de séparation minimale de 22 cm de corps
         d’une personne.

         This equipment complies with ISEDC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
         environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 22 cm between
         the radiator and a person’s body.

         Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements ISEDC établies pour un
         environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 22 cm
         distance entre la source de rayonnement et de corps d’une personne.

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         7.2.5      Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – FCC
         This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
         pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
         harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
         frequency energy, and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
         interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
         in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
         reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
         to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
                   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
                   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
                   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
                   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

         7.2.6      Radio Transmitters (Part 15)
         This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
         (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
         received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

         7.3       Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – Canada
         CAN ICES‐3 (B)/NMB‐3(B)

         7.3.1      Radio Transmitters
         For RLAN Devices:
         The use of 5 GHz RLAN’s, for use in Canada, have the following restrictions:
              Restricted Band 5.60 – 5.65 GHz
         This device complies with Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada’s license‐exempt RSSs.
         Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
         and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
         undesired operation.

         Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique
         Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux
         conditions suivantes: (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil
         doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en
         compromettre le fonctionnement.

         Label Marking: The term “IC:” before the radio certification only signifies that Innovation Science and
         Economic Development Canada specifications were met.

         7.4       CE Marking and European Economic Area (EEA)
         Warning: This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio
         interference, in which case, the user may be required to take adequate measures.

         The use of 2.4 GHz RLAN’s, for use through the EEA, have the following restrictions:
                   Maximum radiated transmit power of 100 mW EIRP in the frequency range 2.400 – 2.4835 GHz.
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         7.5    Brazil – ANATEL
         Declaracoes Regulamentares para AP‐7532 – Brasil

         Nota: A marca de certificação se aplica ao Transceptor, modelo AP‐7532. Este equipamento opera em
         caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de
         estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.
         Para maiores informações sobre ANATEL consulte o site:

         Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência
         prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando
         em caráter primário.

         Este produto está homologado pela ANATEL, de acordo com os procedimentos regulamentados pela
         Resolução n°242/2000 e atende aos requisitos técnicos aplicados, incluindo os limites de exposição da
         Taxa de Absorção Especifica referente a campos elétricos, magnéticos e electromagnéticos de
         radiofrequência, de acordo com as Resoluções n° 303/2002 e 533/2009.

         Este dispositivo está em conformidade com as diretrizes de exposição à radiofrequência quando
         posicionado pelo menos 22 centimetros de distância do corpo. Para maiores informacões, consulte o
         site da ANATEL.

         7.6    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
         For EU customers: All products at the end of their life must be returned to Thales Avionics, Inc. for
         recycling. For information on how to return product, please contact Thales at 321‐308‐3900.

         8     Wire Harness

         8.1    Test Wire Harness

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                           REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                           Page 29 of 34

                                                                                                                          30' (+6"/-0")

                   EN41 65A20-22 1NB Insert
                                                                                                                Thales LV71-161103
                                                  2.25" (+1"/-0")
             M39 029/57-354 Female Contact
                    78 7-80 55-10M Bac kshell                       Shield P igt ail
                          DMC-MD20A She ll                            S02-10-R
                                                                    Shield Term
                         GE1_A+           2
                          GE1_A-          6
                                                                                                            Dual Sheilded Quad rax
                                                                                             Red/Black            NF24Q10 0
                         GE1_B+           1

                          GE1_B-          7

                   GE1 1 SHIELD          BS

                         GE1_C+           5

                          GE1_C-          9
                                                                                                             Dual Sheilded Quad rax
                                                                                             Red/Black             NF24Q10 0
                         GE1_D+           4

                          GE1_D-          10

                    GE 2 SHIELD          BS

                         GE2_A+           1
                          GE2_A-          7
                                                                                                           Dual Sheilded Quad rax
                                                                                             Red/Black           NF24Q10 0
                         GE2_B+           2

                          GE2_B-          6

                   GE2 1 SHIELD           BS

                         GE2_C+           4

                          GE2_C-          10
                                                                                                          Dual Sheilded Quad rax
                                                                                             Red/Black          NF24Q10 0
                         GE2_D+           5

                          GE2_D-          9

                   GE2 2 SHIELD          BS

                    EN4165A20-221NA Insert
                  M39 029/58-36 0 Ma le Contact
                      787-80 55-10M Bac kshell
                            DMC-MD20B She ll

                                                                                   Figure 2: Ethernet Wire Harness – J1 and J2

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                                                  REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                                                  Page 30 of 34

                                                                                       2.25" (+1"/-0")   2.25" (+1"/-0")

                                                                    2.25" (+1"/-0")

                                 Figure 3: Control / Power Wire Harness – J1, J2, and J3

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                                                   REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                                                   Page 31 of 34

         8.2   Pin Definitions
         J1, J2, and J3 pins are provided below, for reference.

                                                Table 5: J1 Pin Out
                   Pin ID              Signal Name                            Description
                     1       ETH 1 BI_DB+                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                     2       ETH 1 BI_DA+                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                     3       ChGnd                              Shield Quad 1
                     4       ETH 1 BI_DD+                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                     5       ETH 1 BI_DC+                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                     6       ETH 1 BI_DA‐                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                     7       ETH 1 BI_DB‐                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                     8       ChGnd                              Shield Quad 2
                     9       ETH 1 BI_DC‐                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                     10      ETH 1 BI_DD‐                       Ethernet 1 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                     11      Not Connected
                     12      Power ON                           GND = power on, OPEN = power off
                     13      Optional Reset                     Not Connected in Aircraft
                     14      Signal GND                         Reference for Discretes
                     15      RF Enable                          GND = RF on, OPEN = RF off
                     16      115 Vac Return                     AC Power Return
                     17      CH GND                             Chassis ground
                     18      115 Vac                            AC Power input (max. 5A)
                     19      Not Connected
                     20      Not Connected

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                           REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                           Page 32 of 34

                                                 Table 6: J2 Pin Out
                                       Signal Name                           Description
                      1      ETH 2 BI_DB+                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                      2      ETH 2 BI_DA+                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                      3      ChGnd                              Shield Quad 1
                      4      ETH 2 BI_DD+                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                      5      ETH 2 BI_DC+                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                      6      ETH 2 BI_DA‐                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                      7      ETH 2 BI_DB‐                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 1)
                      8      ChGnd                              Shield Quad 2
                      9      ETH 2 BI_DC‐                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                     10      ETH 2 BI_DD‐                       Ethernet 2 1000Base‐T (Quad 2)
                     11      Not Connected
                     12      Power ON                           GND = power on, OPEN = power off
                     13      Not Connected
                     14      Signal GND                         Reference for Discretes
                     15      RF Enable                          GND = RF on, OPEN = RF off
                     16      115 Vac Return                     AC Power Return
                     17      CH GND                             Chassis ground
                     18      115 Vac                            AC Power input (max. 5A)
                     19      Not Connected
                     20      Not Connected

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                           REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                           Page 33 of 34

                                                 Table 7: J3 Pin Out
                   Pin ID                Function                               Remark
                     1       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_0                Address Pin 1
                     2       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_1                Address Pin 3
                     3       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_2                Address Pin 2
                     4       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_3                Address Pin 4
                     5       Not Connected
                     6       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_GND_0            Signal Ground
                     7       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_GND_2            Signal Ground
                     8       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_GND_1            Signal Ground
                     9       DISC_IN_CONF_STRAP_GND_3            Signal Ground
                     10      Not Connected
                     11      Enet Switch TX                      Serial Port TX
                     12      Enet Switch RX                      Serial Port RX
                     13      GND                                 Ground
                     14      Access Point TX                     Serial Port TX
                     15      Access Point RX                     Serial Port RX
                     16      Switch RX                           Serial Port RX
                     17      Switch TX                           Serial Port TX
                     18      Not Connected
                     19      Not Connected
                     20      Not Connected

TITLE: Certification User’s Manual ‐ Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP)
CAGE CODE: 3D3R2                 DOCUMENT #: LV87‐161101                                 REVISION: F
RELEASE DATE: 09/25/2018                                                                 Page 34 of 34

Document Created: 2018-09-26 15:05:36
Document Modified: 2018-09-26 15:05:36

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