15C test report of Zigbee


Test Report

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Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

                                                               FCC - TEST REPORT

Report Number                                    :     68.940.19.0036.01                                 Date of Issue:                  September 26, 2019

Model                                            :     59963*, 59964*, 59965*, 59966*
                                                       *Note: The model number can follow with ‘XXYY’ or ‘/XX/YY’.
                                                       ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are digital numbers or letters, which will be 0-9, A-Z.
                                                       ‘XX’ denotes the different color versions of article; ‘YY’ denotes
                                                       the different marketing.

Product Type                                     :     LED RETROFIT LUMINAIRE

Applicant                                        :     Signify (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

Address                                          :     Building no.9, Lane 888, Tianlin Road, Minhang District,

                                                       Shanghai, 200233 China

Production Facility                              :     Dongguan Zoyo Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.

Address                                          :     No.11, Nange west road, Nanya Village, Daojiao Town, Dongguan,

                                                       Guangdong, China

Test Result                                      :     n Positive                      o Negative

Total pages including
Appendices                                       :     31

TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch is a subcontractor to TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH according to the principles outlined in
ISO 17025.

TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch reports apply only to the specific samples tested under stated test conditions. Construction of
the actual test samples has been documented. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that additional production units of this model are manufactured with
identical electrical and mechanical components. The manufacturer/importer is responsible to the Competent Authorities in Europe for any modifications made to the
production units which result in non-compliance to the relevant regulations. TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch shall have no
liability for any deductions, inferences or generalizations drawn by the client or others from TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
issued reports.

This report is the confidential property of the client. As a mutual protection to our clients, the public and ourselves, extracts from the test report shall not be
reproduced except in full without our written approval.

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                                    TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                                 Page 1 of 31
                                          Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                               Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

1 Table of Contents
1     Table of Contents......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2     Details about the Test Laboratory .............................................................................................................................. 3
3     Description of the Equipment under Test ................................................................................................................... 4
4     Summary of Test Standards ....................................................................................................................................... 5
5     Summary of Test Results ............................................................................................................................................ 6
6     General Remarks ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
7     Test Setups .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
8     Systems test configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 9
9     Technical Requirement.............................................................................................................................................. 10
    9.1      Conducted Emission ......................................................................................................................................... 10
    9.2      Conducted Peak output power ......................................................................................................................... 13
    9.3      6dB bandwidth ................................................................................................................................................... 15
    9.4      Power spectral density ...................................................................................................................................... 17
    9.5      Spurious RF conducted emissions ................................................................................................................... 19
    9.6      Band edge .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
    9.7      Spurious radiated emissions for transmitter .................................................................................................... 25
10        Test Equipment List ............................................................................................................................................... 29
11        System Measurement Uncertainty ....................................................................................................................... 31

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                                     TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                                      Page 2 of 31
                                           Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                                Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

2 Details about the Test Laboratory
Details about the Test Laboratory

Test Site 1

Company name:         TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
                      Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park,
                      Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
                      Shenzhen City, 518052,
                      P. R. China

FCC Registration      514049

ISED#:                10320A

CAB identifier:       CN0077

Telephone:            86 755 8828 6998
Fax:                  86 755 8828 5299

Test Site 2

Company name:         Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd.
                      No.17,Zong bu Road 2, Songshan Lake Sci&Tech, Industry Park,
                      Dongguan City,Guangdong Province, China, 523808

Telephone:            +86-0769-38826678
Fax:                  +86-0769-38826678

IC Registration       10288A

CAB identifier:       CN0048

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 3 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

3 Description of the Equipment under Test

Product:                          LED RETROFIT LUMINAIRE

Model no.:                        5996611U5

FCC ID:                           2AGBW19USDL456XY

Ratings:                          AC 120V/60Hz, 82mA

RF Transmission                   2405MHz-2480MHz
No. of Operated Channel:          16

Modulation:                       OQPSK

Antenna Type:                     Integral PCB antenna

Antenna Gain:                     2.18dBi

Description of the EUT:           The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a LED RETROFIT
                                  LUMINAIRE supports 2.4GHz Zigbee function.

Remark:                           Ratings for other models:
                                  AC 120V/60Hz,
                                  77mA, Max 8.5W for 59963*, 59965*;
                                  82mA, Max 9W for 59964*;

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                    TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 4 of 31
                          Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20               Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

4 Summary of Test Standards

                                         Test Standards
10-1-2018 Edition           Subpart C - Intentional Radiators

All the test methods were according to KDB558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05r02
and ANSI C63.10 (2013).

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 5 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

5 Summary of Test Results

                                             Technical Requirements
 FCC Part 15 Subpart C
                                                                                              Test            Test Result
 Test Condition                                                                 Pages
                                                                                              Site        Pass   Fail     N/A
                                      Conducted emission AC
 §15.207                                                                          10         Site 1
                                      power port
                                      Conducted peak output
 §15.247 (b) (1)                                                                  13         Site 2

 §15.247(a)(1)                        20dB bandwidth                               ---          ---

                                      Carrier frequency
 §15.247(a)(1)                                                                     ---          ---
                                      Number of hopping
 §15.247(a)(1)(iii)                                                                ---          ---

 §15.247(a)(1)(iii)                   Dwell Time                                   ---          ---

 §15.247(a)(2)                        6dB bandwidth                               15         Site 2

 §15.247(e)                           Power spectral density                      17         Site 2

                                      Spurious RF conducted
 §15.247(d)                                                                       19         Site 2

 §15.247(d)                           Band edge                                   23         Site 2

                                      Spurious radiated
 §15.247(d) & §15.209                                                             25         Site 2
                                      emissions for transmitter

 §15.203                              Antenna requirement                          See note 1

Note 1: N/A=Not Applicable.
Note 2: The EUT uses an Integral PCB antenna, which gain is 2.18dBi. In accordance to §15.203, It is
considered sufficiently to comply with the provisions of this section.

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 6 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

6 General Remarks


This submittal(s) (test report) is intended for FCC ID: 2AGBW19USDL456XY complies with
Section 15.207, 15.209, 15.247 of the FCC Part 15, Subpart C rules.

All models are the same except model no., size and LED. So EMC Full tests were applied on
5996611U5, other models are deemed to fulfill relevant EMC requirement without further testing.


All tests according to the regulations cited on page 5 were

n - Performed

o - Not Performed

The Equipment under Test

n - Fulfills the general approval requirements.

o - Does not fulfill the general approval requirements.

Sample Received Date:                     August 30, 2019

Testing Start Date:                       August 30, 2019

Testing End Date:                      September 24, 2019

- TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch -
Reviewed by:              Prepared by:                     Tested by:                                Tested by:

___________________                                        _______________________                   _______________________
   Laurent Yuan              Henry Chen                          Louise Liu                               Sunny Zhang
   EMC Project               EMC Project                      EMC Test Engineer                         EMC Test Engineer
     Manager                  Engineer                           Test Site 1                               Test Site 2

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                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

7 Test Setups

7.1 Radiated test setups

Below 1GHz

Above 1GHz

7.2 Conducted RF test setups

                   Measuring receiver                           EUT

7.3 AC Power Line Conducted Emission test setups

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 8 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

8 Systems test configuration

Auxiliary Equipment Used during Test:

            DESCRIPTION            MANUFACTURER                        MODEL NO.                                S/N
                  ---                         ---                             ---                               ---

Test software information:

           Test Software Version
                Modulation                          Setting TX Power                               Packet Type
                 OQPSK                                     9dBm                                           ---

The system was configured to channel 11, 18, and 26 for the test.

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                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

9 Technical Requirement

9.1 Conducted Emission

Test Method
   1. The EUT was placed on a table, which is 0.8m above ground plane
   2. The power line of the EUT is connected to the AC mains through an Artificial Mains
      Network (A.M.N.).
   3. Maximum procedure was performed to ensure EUT compliance
   4. A EMI test receiver is used to test the emissions from both sides of AC line


                             Frequency                        QP Limit                        AV Limit
                                MHz                            dBμV                            dBμV
                             0.150-0.500                       66-56*                          56-46*
                               0.500-5                           56                              46
                                5-30                             60                              50

Note: “*” means Decreasing line;

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                       TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 10 of 31
                             Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                  Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Conducted Emission

Product Type                             :    LED RETROFIT LUMINAIRE
M/N                                      :    5996611U5
Operating Condition                      :    Normal working with transmitting
Test Specification                       :    Power Line, Live
Comment                                  :    AC 120V/60Hz



        Level in dBµV






                        150k             300 400 500        800 1M            2M       3M 4M 5M 6          8 10M            20M     30M
                                                                         Frequency in Hz

 Frequency                   MaxPeak         Average      Limit     Margin     Line     Corr.
    (MHz)                     (dBµV)          (dBµV)     (dBµV)      (dB)               (dB)
     0.154000                    51.94             ---     65.78      13.84    L1        10.2
     0.214000                    46.64             ---     63.05      16.41    L1        10.2
     0.842000                    41.06             ---     56.00      14.94    L1        10.3
     2.142000                    39.58             ---     56.00      16.42    L1        10.3
     5.202000                    38.89             ---     60.00      21.11    L1        10.5
   20.974000                     40.86             ---     60.00      19.14    L1        11.0

Level=Reading Level + Correction Factor
Correction Factor=Cable Loss + LISN Factor
(The Reading Level is recorded by software which is not shown in the sheet)

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                                          TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 11 of 31
                                                Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                                     Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Conducted Emission

Product Type                             :    LED RETROFIT LUMINAIRE
M/N                                      :    5996611U5
Operating Condition                      :    Normal working with transmitting
Test Specification                       :    Power Line, Neutral
Comment                                  :    AC 120V/60Hz



        Level in dBµV






                        150k             300 400 500        800 1M              2M         3M 4M 5M 6      8 10M            20M     30M
                                                                         Frequency in Hz

 Frequency                   MaxPeak         Average       Limit     Margin     Line       Corr.
   (MHz)                      (dBµV)          (dBµV)      (dBµV)      (dB)                 (dB)
    0.414000                     45.00             ---      57.57      12.56    N           10.3
    0.645500                     49.08             ---      56.00       6.92    N           10.3
    0.733500                     47.95             ---      56.00       8.05    N           10.3
    0.825500                     47.54             ---      56.00       8.46    N           10.3
    1.870000                     44.06             ---      56.00      11.94    N           10.3
    7.498000                     44.06             ---      60.00      15.94    N           10.6

 Frequency                   QuasiPeak        Average       Limit     Margin        Line    Corr.
   (MHz)                      (dBµV)          (dBµV)       (dBµV)      (dB)                 (dB)
    0.645500                         ---         31.01       46.00      14.99       N        10.3
    0.645500                      44.83             ---      56.00      11.17       N        10.3
    0.733500                         ---         29.52       46.00      16.48       N        10.3
    0.733500                      42.66             ---      56.00      13.34       N        10.3
    0.825500                         ---         30.30       46.00      15.70       N        10.3
    0.825500                      43.70             ---      56.00      12.30       N        10.3

Level=Reading Level + Correction Factor
Correction Factor=Cable Loss + LISN Factor
(The Reading Level is recorded by software which is not shown in the sheet)

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                                          TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 12 of 31
                                                Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                                     Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

9.2 Conducted Peak output power

Test Method
   1. The EUT was placed on 0.8m height table, the RF output of EUT was connected to
      the test receiver by RF cable. The path loss was compensated to the results for
      each measurement.
   2. Setting the highest output power level of the EUT
   3. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
       RBW≥DTS bandwidth, VBW≥3RBW, Sweep = auto, Detector function = peak,
      Trace = max hold, allow trace to fully stabilize.
   4. Record the peak power value.

Test Setup

                               EUT                                                 Spectrum Analyzer

According to §15.247 (b) (3), conducted peak output power limit as below:

                      Frequency Range                        Limit                          Limit
                            MHz                               W                             dBm
                         2400-2483.5                          ≤1                             ≤30

Test result as below table

                                                      Conducted peak
                        Frequency                      Output Power                           Result
                            MHz                                 dBm
                   Top channel 2405MHz                          8.82                            Pass
                  Middle channel 2440MHz                        8.90                            Pass
                  Bottom channel 2480MHz                        8.53                            Pass

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 13 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Test Graphs
                                                                                    * RBW 3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                    * VBW 10 MHz               8.82 dBm
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         2.404983974 GHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB

                                                                                1                                          A

                            1 PK









                                   Center   2.405 GHz                         1 MHz/                       Span   10 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       14:57:20

                                                                                    * RBW 3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                    * VBW 10 MHz               8.90 dBm
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         2.439503205 GHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB

                                                                          1                                                A

                            1 PK









                                   Center   2.44 GHz                          1 MHz/                       Span   10 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       15:04:38

                                                                                    * RBW 3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                    * VBW 10 MHz               8.53 dBm
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         2.479391026 GHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB

                                                                          1                                                A

                            1 PK









                                   Center   2.48 GHz                          1 MHz/                       Span   10 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       15:07:33

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                        Page 14 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

9.3 6dB bandwidth
Test Method
   1. Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer.
   2. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
      Set RBW ≥ 1% of the 99% bandwidth, VBW ≥ RBW.
      Sweep = auto, Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
   3. Use the automatic bandwidth measurement capability of an instrument, may be
      employed using the X dB bandwidth mode with X set to 6 dB, care shall be taken so that
      the bandwidth measurement is not influenced by any intermediate power nulls in the
      fundamental emission that might be ≥ 6 dB.
   4. Allow the trace to stabilize, record the X dB Bandwidth value.

                                                         Limit [kHz]


Test result
                                   Channel                   6dB bandwidth
              Test Mode                                                                    Limit (KHz)            Verdict
                                    (MHz)                        (MHz)
               Zigbee                2405                        1.828                         ≥500               PASS
               Zigbee                2440                        1.816                         ≥500               PASS
               Zigbee                2480                        1.820                         ≥500               PASS

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                    TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                  Page 15 of 31
                          Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20               Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Test Graphs
                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz     Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz                 0.08 dB
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att       20 dB         SWT 5 ms              1.828000000 MHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB                                                  OBW 2.324000000     MHz
                                                                                                         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                    -1.58    dBm   A
                                                                                              2               2.404052000    GHz
                            1 PK                                                                         Marker 2 [T1 ]
                            VIEW                        1                                              3
                                   0                                                                                 4.65    dBm
                                            D1 -1.346 dBm                                                                        LVL
                                                                                                              2.405464000    GHz
                                                     T1                                                     T21 [T1 OBW]
                                   -10                                                                              -8.96    dBm
                                                                                                              2.403804000    GHz
                                                                                                         Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                                    -9.14    dBm
                                                                                                              2.406128000    GHz







                                   Center   2.405 GHz                             400 kHz/                         Span   4 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       14:56:45

                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz     Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz                 0.04 dB
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att       20 dB         SWT 5 ms              1.816000000 MHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB                                                  OBW 2.328000000     MHz
                                                                                                         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                    -1.29    dBm   A
                                                                                              2               2.439052000    GHz
                            1 PK                                                                         Marker 2 [T1 ]
                            VIEW                        1                                              3
                                   0                                                                                 4.75    dBm
                                            D1 -1.246 dBm                                                                        LVL
                                                                                                              2.440460000    GHz
                                                     T1                                                     T21 [T1 OBW]
                                   -10                                                                              -8.96    dBm
                                                                                                              2.438800000    GHz
                                                                                                         Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                                    -9.07    dBm
                                                                                                              2.441128000    GHz







                                   Center   2.44 GHz                              400 kHz/                         Span   4 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       15:04:10

                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz     Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz                 0.28 dB
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att       20 dB         SWT 5 ms              1.820000000 MHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB                                                  OBW 2.320000000     MHz
                                                                                                         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                     -1.91   dBm   A
                                                                      2                                        2.479052000   GHz
                            1 PK                                                                         Marker 2 [T1 ]
                            VIEW                        1                                              3
                                   0                                                                                  4.39   dBm
                                            D1 -1.608 dBm                                                                        LVL
                                                                                                               2.479464000   GHz
                                                     T1                                                     T2 1 [T1 OBW]
                                   -10                                                                               -9.15   dBm
                                                                                                               2.478804000   GHz
                                                                                                         Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                                     -9.46   dBm
                                                                                                               2.481124000   GHz







                                   Center   2.48 GHz                              400 kHz/                         Span   4 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       15:06:59

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                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

9.4 Power spectral density
Test Method
   1. Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer.
   2. Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency. RBW=3kHz,
      VBW≥3RBW, Span=1.5 times DTS bandwidth, Detector=Peak, Sweep=auto,
      Trace= max hold.
   3. Allow trace to fully stabilize, use the peak marker function to determine the maximum
      amplitude level within the RBW .
   4. Repeat above procedures until other frequencies measured were completed.

                                                   Limit [dBm/3KHz]


Test result
          Test Mode      Channel (MHz)                 Result (dBm/3KHz)                  Limit(dBm/3KHz)            Verdict
              Zigbee           2405                             -6.91                              8                     PASS
              Zigbee           2440                             -7.06                              8                     PASS
              Zigbee           2480                             -7.37                              8                     PASS

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                  Page 17 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Test Graphs
                                                                                   * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                   * VBW 10 kHz              -6.91 dBm
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att   20 dB         SWT 450 ms         2.405400000 GHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB


                            1 PK









                                   Center   2.405 GHz                         400 kHz/                     Span   4 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       14:59:29

                                                                                   * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                   * VBW 10 kHz              -7.06 dBm
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att   20 dB         SWT 450 ms         2.440400000 GHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB


                            1 PK









                                   Center   2.44 GHz                          400 kHz/                     Span   4 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       15:04:55

                                                                                   * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                   * VBW 10 kHz              -7.37 dBm
                                   Ref    20 dBm              * Att   20 dB         SWT 450 ms         2.480396000 GHz

                                   20    Offset    2 dB


                            1 PK









                                   Center   2.48 GHz                          400 kHz/                     Span   4 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019       15:07:50

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                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

9.5 Spurious RF conducted emissions
Test Method
   1. Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer.
   2. Establish a reference level by using the following procedure:
      a. Set RBW=100 kHz. VBW≥3RBW. Detector =peak, Sweep time = auto couple, Trace
         mode = max hold.
      b. Allow trace to fully stabilize, use the peak marker function to determine the maximum
         PSD level.
   3. Use the maximum PSD level to establish the reference level.
      a. Set the center frequency and span to encompass frequency range to be measured.
      b. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level. Ensure that
         the amplitude of all unwanted emissions outside of the authorized frequency band
         (excluding restricted frequency bands) are attenuated by at least the minimum
         requirements, report the three highest emissions relative to the limit.
   4. Repeat above procedures until other frequencies measured were completed.


                                    Frequency Range                          Limit (dBc)
                                        30-25000                                   -20

Test Result:
                        Channel            Freq Range              Ref Level                  Result                      Limit
Test Mode    Antenna                                                                                                              Verdict
                         (MHz)                (MHz)                 (dBm)                     (dBm)                      (dBm)
 ZIGBEE        ANT1       2405              30~1000                  4.61                     -43.94                     -15.39   PASS
 ZIGBEE        ANT1       2405             1000~26500                4.61                     -38.94                     -15.39   PASS
 ZIGBEE        ANT1       2440              30~1000                  4.61                     -43.56                     -15.39   PASS
 ZIGBEE        ANT1       2440             1000~26500                4.61                     -39.75                     -15.39   PASS
 ZIGBEE        ANT1       2480              30~1000                  4.44                     -43.21                     -15.56   PASS
 ZIGBEE        ANT1       2480             1000~26500                4.44                     -39.96                     -15.56   PASS

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                   Page 19 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Test Graphs
                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz               4.62 dBm
                                   Ref     30 dBm                 * Att   30 dB         SWT 2.5 ms          2.404471154 GHz

                                   30    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK
                                                                    1                                                          LVL




                                         SWP      100 of    100





                                   Center      2.405 GHz                          300 kHz/                      Span   3 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:00:35

                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz             -43.94 dBm
                                   Ref     30 dBm                 * Att   40 dB         SWT 100 ms        159.010000000 MHz

                                   30    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK



                                               D1 -15.39 dBm



                                   -40           1




                                   Start    30 MHz                                97 MHz/                       Stop   1 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:00:43

                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz             -38.94 dBm
                                   Ref     20 dBm                 * Att   30 dB         SWT 2.6 s           7.196500000 GHz

                                   20    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK


                                               D1 -15.39 dBm


                                                            1                                                                  3DB





                                   Start    1 GHz                             2.55 GHz/                      Stop 26.5 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:01:14

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                            Page 20 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

                                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz               4.61 dBm
                                   Ref     30 dBm                    * Att   30 dB         SWT 2.5 ms          2.440456731 GHz

                                   30    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK
                                                                                                    1                             LVL




                                         SWP      100 of       100





                                   Center      2.44 GHz                              300 kHz/                      Span   3 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:05:07

                                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz             -43.56 dBm
                                   Ref     30 dBm                    * Att   40 dB         SWT 100 ms        239.520000000 MHz

                                   30    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK



                                               D1 -15.39 dBm



                                   -40                     1




                                   Start    30 MHz                                   97 MHz/                       Stop   1 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:05:15

                                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz             -39.75 dBm
                                   Ref     20 dBm                    * Att   30 dB         SWT 2.6 s           7.324000000 GHz

                                   20    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK


                                               D1 -15.39 dBm


                                                               1                                                                  3DB





                                   Start    1 GHz                                2.55 GHz/                      Stop 26.5 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:05:47

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                               Page 21 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz               4.44 dBm
                                   Ref     30 dBm                 * Att   30 dB         SWT 2.5 ms          2.480461538 GHz

                                   30    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK
                                                                                                 1                             LVL




                                         SWP      100 of    100





                                   Center      2.48 GHz                           300 kHz/                      Span   3 MHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:08:09

                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz             -43.21 dBm
                                   Ref     30 dBm                 * Att   40 dB         SWT 100 ms        774.960000000 MHz

                                   30    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK



                                               D1 -15.56 dBm


                                   -40                                                                  1




                                   Start    30 MHz                                97 MHz/                       Stop   1 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:08:18

                                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz             -39.96 dBm
                                   Ref     20 dBm                 * Att   30 dB         SWT 2.6 s           7.426000000 GHz

                                   20    Offset      2 dB


                            1 PK


                                               D1 -15.56 dBm


                                                            1                                                                  3DB





                                   Start    1 GHz                             2.55 GHz/                      Stop 26.5 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:08:49

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                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

9.6 Band edge
Test Method
   1. Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer.
   2. Set spectrum analyzer setting as below:
      Set RBW ≥ 1% of the span, VBW ≥ RBW.
      Set Sweep = auto. Set Detector function = peak. Allow the trace to stabilize.
      Set Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the emission operating on the
      channel closest to the band edge, as well as any modulation products which fall outside
      of the authorized band of operation.
   3. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.

                                     Frequency Range                          Limit (dBc)
                                         30-25000                                    -20

Test result
                          Channel           Reference                       Result                   Limit
              Test Mode                                                                                           Verdict
                           (MHz)            Level(dBm)                      (dBm)                   (dBm)
               Zigbee       2405               4.58                         -48.06                  -15.42        PASS
               Zigbee       2480               4.58                         -45.28                  -15.42        PASS

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                          Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20               Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Test Graphs

                                                                                    * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                    * VBW 300 kHz             -48.06 dBm
                                   Ref     20 dBm               * Att   20 dB         SWT 10 ms          2.399900000 GHz

                                   20    Offset      2 dB                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                4.58 dBm
                                                                                                         2.404700000 GHz     A
                                                                                                    Marker 2 [T1 ] 1
                            1 PK                                                                              -47.86   dBm
                                   0                                                                     2.400000000   GHz
                                                                                                    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              -58.50   dBm
                                   -10                                                                   2.390000000   GHz

                                             D1 -15.42 dBm








                                   Start    2.31 GHz                            10 MHz/                     Stop 2.41 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:00:28

                                                                                    * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                    * VBW 300 kHz             -45.28 dBm
                                   Ref     20 dBm               * Att   20 dB         SWT 10 ms          2.483600000 GHz

                                   20    Offset      2 dB                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                4.58   dBm
                                                                                                         2.480400000   GHz   A
                                             1                                                      Marker 2 [T1 ]
                            1 PK                                                                              -44.71   dBm
                                   0                                                                     2.483500000   GHz
                                                                                                    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              -58.56   dBm
                                   -10                                                                   2.500000000   GHz

                                             D1 -15.42 dBm







                                   Start    2.47 GHz                            10 MHz/                     Stop 2.57 GHz

                           Date: 24.SEP.2019         15:08:02

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                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

9.7 Spurious radiated emissions for transmitter

Test Method

   1: The EUT was place on a turn table which is 1.5m above ground plane for above 1GHz
   and 0.8m above ground for below 1GHz at 3 meter chamber room for test. The table was
   rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
   2: The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference – receiving antenna, which was
   mounted on the top of a variable – height antenna tower.
   3: The height of antenna is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to
   determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations
   of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
   4: For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the
   antenna was tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was turned
   from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
   5: Use the following spectrum analyzer settings According to C63.10:
   For Below 1GHz
   Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
       Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the in-band emission and all spurious
       RBW = 100 KHz to 120KHz, VBW≥RBW for peak measurement, Sweep = auto, Detector
       function = peak, Trace = max hold.

   For Peak unwanted emissions Above 1GHz:
      Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the in-band emission and all spurious
      RBW = 1MHz, VBW≥RBW for peak measurement ,Sweep = auto, Detector function =
      peak, Trace = max hold.
  Procedures for average unwanted emissions measurements above 1000 MHz
      a) RBW = 1 MHz.
      b) VBW \ [3 × RBW].
      c) Detector = RMS (power averaging), if [span / (# of points in sweep)] \ RBW / 2.
      Satisfying this condition can require increasing the number of points in the sweep or
      reducing the span. If the condition is not satisfied, then the detector mode shall be set to
      d) Averaging type = power (i.e., rms) (As an alternative, the detector and averaging type
      may be set for linear voltage averaging. Some instruments require linear display mode to
      use linear voltage averaging. Log or dB averaging shall not be used.)
      e) Sweep time = auto.
      f) Perform a trace average of at least 100 traces if the transmission is continuous. If the
      transmission is not continuous, then the number of traces shall be increased by a factor
      of 1 / D,where D is the duty cycle. For example, with 50% duty cycle, at least 200 traces
      shall be averaged. (If a specific emission is demonstrated to be continuous—i.e., 100%
      duty cycle—then rather than turning ON and OFF with the transmit cycle, at least 100
      traces shall be averaged.)
      g) If tests are performed with the EUT transmitting at a duty cycle less than 98%, then a
      correction factor shall be added to the measurement results prior to comparing with the
      emission limit, to compute the emission level that would have been measured had the
      test been performed at 100% duty cycle. The correction factor is computed as follows:
      1) If power averaging (rms) mode was used in the preceding step e), then the correction
      factor is [10 log (1 / D)], where D is the duty cycle. For example, if the transmit duty

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 25 of 31
                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

        cycle was 50%, then 3 dB shall be added to the measured emission levels.
        2) If linear voltage averaging mode was used in the preceding step e), then the correction
        factor is [20 log (1 / D)], where D is the duty cycle. For example, if the transmit duty
        cycle was 50%, then 6 dB shall be added to the measured emission levels.
        3) If a specific emission is demonstrated to be continuous (100% duty cycle) rather than
        turning ON and OFF with the transmit cycle, then no duty cycle correction is required
        for that emission.


The radio emission outside the operating frequency band shall be at least 20 dB below that in
the 100kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power.
Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in section15.205, must comply
with the radiated emission limits specified in section 15.209.

              Frequency                 Field Strength                 Field Strength                       Detector
                 MHz                         uV/m                         dBμV/m
                 30-88                        100                            40                                 QP
                88-216                        150                           43.5                                QP
                216-960                       200                            46                                 QP
               960-1000                       500                            54                                 QP
              Above 1000                      500                            54                                 AV
              Above 1000                     5000                            74                                 PK

According to C63.10, if the peak (or quasi-peak) measured value complies with the average limit,
it is unnecessary to perform an average measurement, so AV emission value did not show in
below table if the peak value complies with average limit.

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                           Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Spurious radiated emissions for transmitter

Transmitting spurious emission test result as below:

2405MHz (30MHz – 1GHz)
             Emission                                                                       Antenna         PRM          Cable
Frequency                Polarization           Limit         Margin        Detector                                             Result
              Level                                                                          Factor        Factor        Loss
   MHz       dBuV/m                           dBμV/m             dB                           dB             dB           dB
  925.76        31.33      Horizontal           46.00           14.67           QP            21.99            --        7.04     Pass
  112.13*       30.61       Vertical            43.50           11.14           QP            11.34            --        4.27     Pass

2405MHz (Above 1GHz)
              Emission                                                                      Antenna          PRM         Cable
Frequency                    Polarization          Limit        Margin       Detector                                            Result
                Level                                                                        Factor         Factor       Loss
   MHz         dBuV/m                            dBμV/m            dB                         dB              dB          dB
17864.00*       60.90          Horizontal          74.00         13.10           PK            44.36         39.11       11.74    Pass
17864.00*       47.93          Horizontal          54.00          6.07           AV            44.36         39.11       11.74    Pass
17796.00*       60.83           Vertical           74.00         13.17           PK            44.24         39.12       11.66    Pass
17796.00*       47.85           Vertical           54.00          6.15           AV            44.24         39.12       11.66    Pass

2440MHz (30MHz – 1GHz)
             Emission                                                                       Antenna         PRM          Cable
Frequency                Polarization           Limit         Margin        Detector                                             Result
              Level                                                                          Factor        Factor        Loss
   MHz       dBuV/m                           dBμV/m             dB                           dB             dB           dB
  839.18        30.61      Horizontal           46.00           15.39           QP             6.70            --        4.96     Pass
  175.04        32.54       Vertical            46.00           17.08           QP            21.43            --        6.80     Pass

2440MHz (Above 1GHz)
              Emission                                                                      Antenna          PRM         Cable
Frequency                    Polarization          Limit        Margin       Detector                                            Result
                Level                                                                        Factor         Factor       Loss
   MHz         dBuV/m                            dBμV/m            dB                         dB              dB          dB
17575.00        60.62          Horizontal          74.00         13.38           PK            43.84         39.16       11.42    Pass
17575.00        47.76          Horizontal          54.00          6.24           AV            43.84         39.16       11.42    Pass
17711.00*       60.81           Vertical           74.00         13.19           PK            44.08         39.13       11.57    Pass
17711.00*       47.85           Vertical           54.00          6.15           AV            44.08         39.13       11.57    Pass

2480MHz (30MHz – 1GHz)
             Emission                                                                       Antenna         PRM          Cable
Frequency                Polarization           Limit         Margin        Detector                                             Result
              Level                                                                          Factor        Factor        Loss
   MHz       dBuV/m                           dBμV/m             dB                           dB             dB           dB
  647.39        29.10      Horizontal           46.00           16.90           QP            19.29            --        6.23     Pass
  109.03        32.04       Vertical            43.50           11.46           QP            11.79            --        4.25     Pass

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                         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20              Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

Spurious radiated emissions for transmitter

2480MHz (Above 1GHz)
                   Emission                                                                         Antenna          PRM         Cable
Frequency                            Polarization          Limit        Margin       Detector                                            Result
                     Level                                                                           Factor         Factor       Loss
   MHz              dBuV/m                               dBμV/m            dB                         dB              dB          dB
 17524.00             61.26            Horizontal          74.00         12.74           PK            43.74         39.17       11.36    Pass
 17524.00             47.81            Horizontal          54.00          6.19           AV            43.74         39.17       11.36    Pass
 17541.00             60.28             Vertical           74.00         13.72           PK            43.77         39.17       11.38    Pass
 17541.00             47.73             Vertical           54.00          6.27           AV            43.77         39.17       11.38    Pass

         (1) “*” means the emission(s) appear within the restrict bands shall follow the requirement of section 15.205.
         (2) Duty Cycle=100%
         (3) Data of measurem ent within this frequency range shown “--” in the table above means the reading of emissions are the noise
             floor or attenuated more than 10dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
         (4) Level=Reading Level + Correction Factor
             Above 1GHz: Corrector factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss- Amplifier Gain
             Below 1GHz: Corrector factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss
             (The Reading Level is recorded by software which is not shown in the sheet)

Duty Cycle:

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                           TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                 Page 28 of 31
                                 Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                      Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

10 Test Equipment List

Site 1:
Conducted Emission Test
   DESCRIPTION            MANUFACTURER                MODEL NO.             EQUIPMENT ID                SERIAL NO.            CAL. DUE
 EMI Test Receiver        Rohde & Schwarz                ESR 3               68-4-74-14-001                101782             2020-6-28
       LISN               Rohde & Schwarz               ENV4200              8-4-87-14-001                 100249             2020-6-28
       LISN               Rohde & Schwarz               ENV432               68-4-87-16-001                101318             2020-7-19
        LISN              Rohde & Schwarz               ENV216               68-4-87-14-002                100326             2020-6-28
         ISN              Rohde & Schwarz               ENY81                68-4-87-14-003                100177             2020-6-28
         ISN              Rohde & Schwarz             ENY81-CA6              68-4-87-14-004                101664             2020-6-28
 High Voltage Probe       Rohde & Schwarz                                    68-4-27-14-001               9420-584            2020-6-24
  RF Current Probe         Rohde & Schwarz               EZ-17              68-4-27-14-002                 100816              2020-7-2
     Attenuator           Shanghai Huaxiang            TS2-26-3             68-4-81-16-003               080928189            2020-6-28
    Test software         Rohde & Schwarz                  EMC32                                      Version9.15.00               N/A

Test Site 2:
Radiated Emission Test
      Equipment                 Manufacturer          Model No.          Serial No.            Last Cal.           Cal. Interval
      EMI Test Receiver         R&S                   ESU8               100316                Oct. 12, 2018       1 Year
      Spectrum analyzer         Agilent               E4447A             MY50180031            Jun. 25, 2019       1 Year
      Trilog Broadband
                                Schwarzbeck           VULB9163           9163-462              Nov. 09, 2018       1 Year
      Active Loop antenna       Schwarzbeck           FMZB-1519          1519-038              Oct. 20, 2018       1 Year
      Double Ridged Horn
                                R&S                   HF907              100276                Nov. 16, 2018       1 Year
      Broad Band Horn
                                Schwarzbeck           BBHA 9170          790                   Oct. 25, 2018       1 Year
      Pre-amplifier             A.H.                  PAM-0118           360                   Oct. 12, 2018       1 Year
      Pre-amplifier             TERA-MW                                  101303                Oct. 12, 2018       1 Year
                                                      CP-X2+ CP-         W11.03+
      RF Cable                  HUBSER                                                 Oct. 21, 2018               1 Year
                                                      X1                 W12.02
                                                      SMAJ-SMAJ-         17070133+1707
      RF Cable                  N/A                                                    Nov. 08, 2018               1 Year
                                                      1M+ 11M            0131
      MI Cable                  HUBSER                C10-01-01-1M       1091629       Oct. 21, 2018               1 Year
      Test software             Audix                 E3                 V 6.11111b            N/A                 N/A

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                             Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                  Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

RF Conducted Test
      Equipment                 Manufacturer          Model No.          Serial No.            Last Cal.           Cal. Interval
      Spectrum analyzer         R&S                   FSU26              200071                Oct. 12, 2018       1 Year
      Wideband Radio
                                R&S                   CMW500             117491                Jun. 25, 2019       1 Year
      Communication tester
      Vector Signal Generator Agilent                 E8267D             US49060192            Oct. 12, 2018       1 Year
      Vector Signal Generator Agilent                 N5182A             MY48180737            Jun. 25, 2019       1 Year
      Power Sensor              Agilent               U2021XA            MY55150010            Jun. 28, 2019       1 Year
      Power Sensor              Agilent               U2021XA            MY55150011            Jun. 28, 2019       1 Year
      DC Power Source           MATRIS                MPS-3005L-3 D813058W                     Aug. 18, 2019       1 Year
      Attenuator                Mini-Circuits         BW-S10W2           101109                Aug. 18, 2019       1 Year
      RF Cable                  Micable               C10-01-01-1        100309                Oct. 21, 2018       1 Year
                                ZHIXIANG              ZXGDJS-150L ZX170110-A                   Oct. 21, 2018       1 Year
      Test Software             JS Tonscend           JS1120-3           Ver.2.7               N/A                 N/A

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                       TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 30 of 31
                             Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                  Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Report Number: 68.940.19.0036.01

11 System Measurement Uncertainty
For a 95% confidence level, the measurement expanded uncertainties for defined systems, in accordance with
the recommendations of ISO 17025 were:

Site 1:
                                            System Measurement Uncertainty
                                      Test Items                                                          Extended Uncertainty
    Uncertainty for Conducted Emission 150kHz-30MHz (for test using AMN ENV432                                  3.21dB
    or ENV4200)

Site 2:
                              Test Item                                                      Uncertainty
                              Bandwidth                                                         1.1%
              Peak Output Power(Conducted)( Spectrum                              0.86dB (10 MHz ≤ f < 3.6GHz);
                             analyzer)                                              1.38dB (3.6GHz ≤ f < 8GHz)
           Peak Output Power(Conducted)(Power Sensor)                                          0.74dB
                                                                                  0.74dB (10 MHz ≤ f < 3.6GHz);
                       Power Spectral Density
                                                                                    1.38dB (3.6GHz ≤ f < 8GHz)
                                                                                6.7 x 10-8 (Antenna couple method)
                         Frequencies Stability
                                                                                  5.5 x 10-8 (Conducted method)
                                                                                  0.86dB (10 MHz ≤ f < 3.6GHz);
                    Conducted spurious emissions                                    1.40dB (3.6GHz ≤ f < 8GHz)
                                                                                    1.66dB (8GHz≤ f < 22GHz)
            Uncertainty for radio frequency (RBW<20kHz)                                        3×10-8
                Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test                            4.70 dB (Antenna Polarize: V)
                            (30MHz-1GHz)                                           4.84 dB (Antenna Polarize: H)
                                                                                          4.10dB (1-6GHz)
                Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test                                4.40dB (6GHz-18GHz)
                            (1GHz-40GHz)                                              3.54dB (18GHz-26GHz)
                                                                                      4.30dB (26GHz-40GHz)
          Uncertainty for Power line conduction emission test                         3.32dB (150kHz-30MHz)

EMC_SZ_FR_23.02 FCC                       TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch                Page 31 of 31
                             Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District,
Release 2017-06-20                  Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China Tel. +86 755 8828 6998, Fax: +86 755 8828 5299

Document Created: 2019-11-06 15:36:34
Document Modified: 2019-11-06 15:36:34

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